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  • 09-10-2001 8:13pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭

    Ok, how many topics have been locked on this board so far?
    And how many recently?
    And why does Adam have short hair?

    Yeah, well, I gotta say that once or twice Adam has closed a topic that was going strong simply because he got bored of it and that ain't fair so...

    Cats VS. Dogs?

    (and yes this is a revenge for the deleted big text WHICH I LIKE a lot)



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 52 ✭✭nlb

    i think we should have the rihgt to have big letters and rant on about pointless stuff without the topic being locked or the text changed
    Request denied - A

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭Mahotée

    cats vs dogs?

    oh, please. that was settled a year ago. by older and wiser people than those who roam the ctyi board today.

    (it was cats.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭sisob

    well if not CATS Vs DOGS

    then, lets seee

    Lama's V's Monegse

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    The cats v dogs thread had gone way off topic. I have no problem with ridiculous threads, but ridiculous threads which go on forever, any thread which goes off topic, and any thread which is an attempt to undermine meh authoriteh ;) gets the treatment. To give the facade of a democracy, ill leave this topic open, but dont think that will stop me from editing its posts... :D


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    (cough) DICTATOR! Thats what the boards are here for, for us all to bull**** about nothing in particular.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Wow! I did it! They all said I wouldn't but I MADE SOMETHING OF MY LIFE!

    Or I least made A difference! I made Adam pretend that this is a democracy!

    (cue topic to be shut down)

    And yes, the cat vs. dog argument was old and done and dead (and rightly so) but it was the first to come to mind.

    And the llama vs. lama (monk) one was done too (which one should i buy).

    um... hows about...
    um... screw it! lets just grumble about how its not like the old days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    /me sniffs

    I remember the days when I used have faith in the mod system...

    Oh and I walked 15 miles to lecture at CTYI back then too... ah yes I can still feel the snow slowly chilling my bare feet and softening my hangover from the previous ngt....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Maybe we should bring up Adams psychotic possesiveness with Cloud.

    But no. That's cruel and unlike many others who are likely to read this I am not cruel.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 109 ✭✭Smiley

    OI Asuka...

    I like it when people rant on...

    For instance....



    ...ah no, I won't go there. :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    You fail to grasp the concept here :)
    Rant on as much as you like about whatever you want, as off topic and as prolonged as you like. I will edit it when it bores or annoys me, or i just have nothing better to do ;)

    Im considering having a second moderator appointed again, by the way.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Adam, You Have No Authority!!!

    oh wait, you do. i'm sorry.

    Sven, how bout this; session 1 vs. session 2?

    heeheehee, i love starting heated debates!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    Session 1 rules cos I only ever did session 1, but the session 2 courses looked a lot better this year. I couldnt do session 2 this year cos I was 17 at the end of june(evil Sheila age thing) but I wanted to. :( Dagnabbit. Peeps of session 1, I love you all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Yay! Session 1 person! session 1 was brilliant! (course i have nothing to compare it to, cus it was my first year, but !Yay!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 109 ✭✭Smiley

    Reasons why Session 1 rules...

    - RAs are depressed from losing the pll from S1 - for the 1st week or so of S2

    - Session 1 has got the best courses (from what I've been told)

    - RAs are tired from chasing/searching/killing/apprehending S1'ers.

    - :cool: SESSION 1 RULES!!!:cool:

    hehe....I like blue....

    Signed with love

    Mike the Insomniac...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Session 2 is better. So much better that you fool session 1ers would never understand. So I won't even bother pandering to your pathetic intellects by trying, so lets leave it suffice to say that I'm Right (tm).

    So there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    I think some of the courses are better in session 2, but it depends on what you're into. I kinda wanted to do Aviation Studies or Maths Technology, but they were both session 2.
    (cough)NOT FAIR! Like I said before, evil sheila age thing. Discrimination against june seventeenies!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    If you ring up the CTYI office and ask Sheila you might be allowed go back if your only a month or two 17. It's happened before. I was thinking bout it, but I decided to let it rest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 52 ✭✭nlb

    no more sven in ctyi???!!?!,
    how can we go on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Originally posted by nlb
    no more sven in ctyi???!!?!,
    how can we go on

    You can. Best to end it all now.

    Incidentally, isn't really annoying when people say "PSS" instead of "PPS"? It's a sign they don't know what they're saying / writing.

    Um... yeah...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    Yeah, thats annoying.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭Shoeless Ailbhe

    I once got PSP..... now something went drastically wrong with that! But i mean, we know what they're TRYING
    to say.

    I think session 2 is better ( nothing to compare it to, but hey!). There's better courses. But, i think that no matter which course u go to, you'd enjoy it, y'know?

    Tell ya what annoys me, is that all these brochures for all these other summer courses, like the Gaeltacht and other camp-y things, the brochures are all out! But if u wanna go, and u wanna go to CTYI, u can't book, coz u dunno what CTYI course u wanna do, coz the descriptions and all that aren't out yet. And u can't plan holidays either. I also no like the way sessn 1 overlaps with exams.

    OK, OK,
    I'm going!!! Mwalaaaaaaa!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alaskagirl

    i havent been to session 2 but session 1 rocks because i was there! i was there! i was there! um, but y'all probly dont know me, but it doesnt matter! I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! herhehahahaerer sdha
    moving SWIFTLY along now....... i am quite upset about the whole age thing too. means some very nice people cannot continue ctyi. but of course then we would have to keep moving the age back and before we knew it our parents would be going to ctyi! aaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!!! talk about nightmares!!!!!!! ok, well i know that nightamare of a mother at camp. i go to and orchestra camp every year (wimpy, 4 days, nothing compared to ctyi ) anyways and my mother was a counselor one year and she messed everything up! EEFFRRFR! the whole point of short camps is to do stupid things because it doesnt matter if you get sent home youre only missing 2 days or somethinga nways! in fact, this year, we threw a counselor in the lake, toilet papered and saran wrapped our own cabins, put condoms all over ( camp area is used the rest of the year for bible camp), skipped classes, ran away, and snuck out at night. it was really great to be a delinquent for 4 days, and then go back to normal life. its like a "bad teen" release once a year! ooh! they even installe da rule that no guys and girls could be within 6 inches of each other because they thought my 7 friends and i were having some mass orgy in the woods! it was great! we didnt even do any of that stuff! and we made up some very funny songs too. ok , goodnight!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 52 ✭✭nlb

    i think session 2 rocks, coz i've never been to a session 1

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Editing people's posts sucks.

    On another board I had a topic locked once, by a guy who obviously I don't really share socio-political views with, but in comparison to the most moderators on this board with the exception of Hobbes "whos cool" he was lenient and tolerant, in contrast to mods here who seem to think that because they are Irish and they feel inferior, that they have to prove they are not by editing people, I mean sure lock a topic if it is pornographic or something, but editing people is vindictive and ostensibly unevolved, as it seems to preport the the offending mod is establishing a kind of proto simian dominance over another, to prove they (the mod) is a gorilla, personally I would favor locking of topics rather than making an example of a chosen few.

    Sure lock a topic if it degenerates into name calling etc, but when you start to punish individual members you create unnecessary animosity, if a topic gets locked then it is much more diffficult for one person to feel disenfranchised by an individual who wields "power" however inconsequtential and pedantic in the great scheme of life that so-called power may be.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    because they are Irish and they feel inferior, that they have to prove they are not by editing people
    Ok - are you trying to say that i feel inferior because im irish? Or that i have to prove that im not either Irish or inferior by editing posts? Or just that editing posts is the action of an inferior and/or irish person? No matter which of these it is, youre wrong.

    If you have a problem with how i moderate, take it to admin - i understand there have been quite a number of people complaining about moderators recently ('he edited my post because it had nothing to do with anything! at all! fascists!'). The fact is that there is an edit option there for moderators for one particularly good reason - so that they can edit inappropriate material. I try to keep this board as functional as possible, and i consider using size 50 fonts and different colours for every sentence inappropriate material. When these features were added a lot of the old regulars complained about the boards becoming to cosmetic-oriented and not content-oriented enough. I think that these feature are fine, in moderation. So either you people can moderate there use, or i will. Id prefer if it was you.

    Also, i have very rarely actually edited any of the content of a post, and none at all recently. I have only edited the cosmetics. As for topic locking, it is sometimes necessary. Its not a 'display of power' or any such rubbish, its merely keeping the board functional.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Ok... bickering starting. Which is always a bad thing. Adam, why does it matter about our using big fonts and colours? We're CTYIers! We like shiny and flashy and big and stupid things! It's what makes this fun! The craziness is fantastic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 895 ✭✭✭imp

    But isn't power fun?

    Adam, can I've power please? Pleeeeeeeze?? You know I'll be ever so responsible with it.

    I'm bored.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭qwidgybo

    I have Been to Both Sessions
    (adam,i am making a point,it has to be big)

    and the verdict is.....session 2 was better.

    for the following reasons:
    (i apologise if i reiterate other peoples posts,i didn't read them all too carefully,i have a lot to catch up on)

    1)more people usually go to session 2 due to exams coinciding with session 1

    2)there are better courses from what i've seen so far

    3)activities were better in session 2 this year than session 1 last year

    and the most important point of all....
    4)Music,therefore THE OPERA is always ALWAYS on session 2
    the opera is possibly the most entertaining performance you will ever see.EVER.EVER.

    so there
    the super qwidgybo has spoken

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 109 ✭✭Smiley

    yay - Session 2 rules!!

    Oh wait - wasn't I arguing against that?!?!

    Oh well...

    Going back to that flashy writing thingy...

    We here at CTYI feel a need to express our emotions in a some what flashy way.

    So there.

    I feel I have made my point...


    *sits in chair, arms folded, chin up high...*



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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    Since we are all, quote unquoth, "talented", we need to be stimulated, and flashy things and bright colours do it for some people.
