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Dirty Jokes

  • 09-11-2001 7:11pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 958 ✭✭✭

    A blind man was traveling in his private jet when he detected something was wrong. He made his way to the cockpit and got no response from his pilot.
    The blind guy then found the radio and started calling the tower. "Help! Help!"
    The tower came back and asked, "What's the problem?"
    The blind guy yelled, "Help me! I'm blind... the pilot is dead, and we're flying upside down!"
    The tower comes back and asked, "How do you know you're upside down?"
    "Because the **** is running down my back!"

    Have you heard about the new orgasm pill just approved by the FDA for women?
    It comes with a 16 inch applicator.

    A policeman was patrolling near midnight at a local parking spot overlooking a golf course. He drove by a car and saw a couple inside with the dome light on. Inside there was a young man in the driver's seat reading a computer magazine and a young lady in the back seat calmly knitting.
    He stopped to investigate.
    He walked up to the driver's window and knocked. The young man looked up, obligingly cranked the window down, and said, "Yes, Officer?"
    "What are you doing?" the policeman asked.
    "What does it look like?" answered the young man. "I'm reading this magazine."
    Pointing towards the young lady in the back seat, the officer then asked, "And what is she doing?"
    The young man looked over his shoulder and replied, "I think she's knitting a sweater."
    Confused, the officer asked, "How old are you, young man?"
    "I'm nineteen," he replied.
    "And how old is she?" asked the officer.
    The young man looked at his watch and said, "Well, in about twelve minutes she'll be eighteen."

    A young man who was also an avid golfer found himself with a few hours to spare one afternoon. He figured if he hurried and played very fast, he could get in 9 holes before he had to head home. Just as he was about to tee off an old gentleman shuffled onto the tee and asked if he could accompany the young man as he was golfing alone. Not being able to say no, he allowed the old gent to join him.
    To his surprise the old man played fairly quickly. He didn't hit the ball far, but plodded along consistently and didn't waste much time. Finally, they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself with a tough shot.
    There was a large pine tree right in front of his ball - and directly between his ball and the green. After several minutes of debating how to hit the shot the old man finally said, "You know, when I was your age I'd hit the ball right over that tree." With that challenge placed before him, the youngster swung hard, hit the ball up, right smack into the top of the tree trunk and it thudded back on the ground not a foot from where it had originally lay.
    The old man offered one more comment, "Of course, when I was your age
    that pine tree was only 3 feet tall."

    One day, this man, Tony, died. When he was sent to be judged, he was told that he had committed a sin, and that he could not go to heaven right away. He asked what he did and God told him that he cheated on his income taxes, and that the only way he could get into heaven would be to sleep with a 500 pound, stupid, butt-ugly woman for the next five years and enjoy it. Tony decided that this was a small price to pay for an eternity in heaven. So off he went with this enormous woman, pretending to be happy.
    As he was walking along, he saw his friend Carlos up ahead. Carlos was with an even bigger, uglier woman than he was with. When he approached Carlos he asked him what was going on, and Carlos replied, "I cheated on my income taxes and scammed the government out of a lot of money...even more then you did." They both shook their heads in understanding and figured that as long as they have to be with these women, they might as well hang out together to help pass the time.
    Now Tony, Carlos, and their two beastly women were walking along, minding their own business when Tony and Carlos could have sworn that they saw their friend John up ahead, only this man was with an absolutely drop dead gorgeous supermodel/centerfold. Stunned, Tony and Carlos approached the man and in fact it was their friend Jon. They asked him how is he with this unbelievable goddess, while they were stuck with these god-awful women.
    Jon replied, "I have no idea, and I'm definitely not complaining. This has been absolutely the best time of my life (and I'm dead,) and I have five years of the best sex any man could hope for to look forward to. There is only one thing that I can't seem to understand. After every time we have sex, she rolls over and murmur's to herself, "Damn income taxes!"

    During her annual checkup, the well-constructed miss was asked to disrobe and climb onto the examining table. "Doctor," she replied shyly, "I just can't undress in front of you."
    "All right," said the physician, "I'll flick off the lights. You undress and tell me when you're through."
    In a few moments, her voice rang out in the darkness: "Doctor, I've undressed. What shall I do with my clothes?"
    "Put them on the chair, on top of mine."

    Two buddies get together and decide to go to a whorehouse, one of them tired of doing it with his wife all the time, the other not having it done for a long time. Anyway, the married one goes up and comes down and says " My wife is much better". "Alright" goes the other guy, "Let me go try the same woman." Well he goes and screws the whore, comes than says to his buddy, " You are right man, Your wife is much better."

    A duck walks into a general store and asks the manager, "Got any fresh fruit?"
    "Got any fresh vegetables?"
    "No. We have only canned and dry goods."
    The next day, the duck returns. "Got any fresh fruit?"
    "Got any fresh vegetables?"
    "No. I told you yesterday, we have only canned and dry goods. If you come back tomorrow and ask me the same question, I'll nail your flippers to the floor."
    On the 3rd day, the duck walks in and asks, "Got any nails?"
    "Got any fresh fruit?"

    A blonde decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had no lessons or prior experience. She mounts the horse unassisted and then horse immediately springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slip from the saddle. In terror, she grabs for the horse's mane, but cannot seem to get a firm grip.
    She tries to throw her arms around the horse's neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, she leaps away from the horse to try and throw herself to safety.
    Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup and she is now at the mercy of the horse's pounding hooves as her head is battered against the ground again and again. She is mere moments away from unconsciousness when........
    ........the Super-Valu manager runs out to unplug the horse.
