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is it just me?

  • 18-11-2001 2:21pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 26

    is it just me or does nobody reply to posts here?!

    what i mean is, some posts have like 300 views and only like 5 people reply!

    do the posts actually get this amount of views or is it a glitch? cuz it seems like a lot of views


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,659 ✭✭✭✭dahamsta

    The IO forum has a lot of lurkers, people who are interested in the conversations and debates but not interested in taking part. (Quite a few from our friends in the telco's, ISP's and governmental orgs I might add.) This has been a little more pronounced over the last couple of weeks, for obvious reasons. Which is fine by me, at least people are seeing that we're not fly-by-nights; we've been here for quite some time and will be here for a while yet; and for the most part, we discuss the problems fairly logically.


  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    me being the self-proclaimed king of useless responses(I was looking back over my first posts, and its true), I think it's because this forum is more for informational and organizational purposes rather than debating. So people (except me) tend to post only when they have something to contribute rather than attemping to defend their views, because normally everyone here has the same view about IOffl. It's rare to see posts like:

    "ROFL" and "Yup, me too :)",

    which is why richindub2 never posts here :D.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 takeesattocourt

    I for one am in the situation that,because the assh**ls in the telecom industry do scan the boards,under legal advice I just scan the boards rather than post in order to keep up with whats going on.I talk as regular as possible with the Ireland offline commitee.I am still involved in quite a fight in the background as I said I would be.There has been a lot of dirt being thrown and I have even been the victim of some dirty tricks on the part of the telecoms people.I can't get specific about what I may or may not be doing because a lot of these c**ts read the boards.
    I personally am not going to post and give them information on just what angles we are going to get them on in court.
    As a matter of fact they can always get you or I into court faster,so come on you D**kheads(you know who you are) do you want money? You will get nothing until I get you into court,and all the lies,dirty tricks etc are exposed in the media,so come on why don't you save me the wait and take me to court instead you pack of muppets!!
    Sorry about that folks!!I needed that rant.
    Anyway I do miss being able to post as much as I'd like to but when I can get the time to get near a computer I check in with whats going on with the boards and I keep in touch with commitee members when I can.
    I applaud all that Ireland offline is doing but I advise caution with all these people that we are dealing with(you know who I mean) thay have proven in the past that they can not be trusted,they have proved that they are willing to lie,they also have proved that money is more important to them than customers(the muppets don't seem to grasp that both go hand in hand) they have also proved that trust is not a word that can be readily associated with them and after some of the things that have been done to me,I urge caution,don't relent in the fight.
    When these boards were started ,everyone had fight in them,it was our passion that pushed things forward,I do feel that passion died a little,with all due respect to everyone involved I think that these telecoms people are now doing a public relations exercise and showing how easygoing they are and how willing they are to listen to the customers needs(urrrrggghhhh!! bulls**)
    They are trying the old divide and conquer routine,whilst sweet talking whoever will listen they are trying everythiny and anything to cause promblems for others,I'm sure I am not the only one!
    My father used to say this to me when I started in buisness as regards people promising the world and delivering nothing and just flat out lying
    "if someone scams you once : it's a shame"

    "if the same person scams you again : shame on them "

    "if the same person scams you another time : shame on you "

    I hope this has come out in writing with the same sentiment in the way it is meant,but basically it is saying that we can only ultimatly be scamed if we listen to all these peoples bulls**t etc and take it at face value even though they are Bulls****ING US.
    We are all well past the point of the second scam,SHAME ON ALL OF US IF WE LET THESE PEOPLE SCAM US AGAIN.

    I agree that there are several different ways to "skin a cat " so to speak but don't try and win against these type of people on their own territory,fight them on your own terms as well!!
    (Sorry to any cat lovers for the cat analogy)

    From here on out,I am going to change my handle to "phantom of the board" as like him I will only be able to make the odd ghostly appearance but I will be around.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,695 ✭✭✭b20uvkft6m5xwg

    I think you are overestimating the limitations of your rights.

    I suggest you go read Article 40-s6-ss1 of the Irish Constitution. I think you'll be pleasantly suprised:)

    For those of us who lazy, heres an article by a lecturer of mine on the topic. Obviously its not blanket coverage of your rights but...
    [sorry for going a bit OT:o]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 takeesattocourt

    thanks for the notes on the constitution believe me after the previous few months and other things I have been involved in the past,I have had to learn a fair bit about the law but it is not that I am being forcebly gagged it's just as I explained,I am not going to enlighten "our friends" as to what I am doing or not doing.It's as the saying goes "revenge is a dish best served cold" and despite the fact that we are all fighting for afforable broadband internet for everyone,there still is the issue of what was done and continues to be done to some of us by these so called respectable people.
    No one in this world should expect to break laws etc.. and get away with it.Some of our politicians and so called regulators in many peoples opinions are nothing but puppets of big buisness,but there are other authorities that even these people have to answer to and believe me,even when we do(hopefully) get what we want,the breaches of the law that these people were responsible for will not go unchecked also!It is no good getting something in one hand and then them taking it with the other hand and I believe that is what they will do!
    If I had no tax on my car,a court would fine me fairly rapidly,so why is it that all the false advertising etc has not been prosecuted.For all the reasons I mentioned above thats why,when will these d**kheads shaft us next?and when they do, is it all going to be swept under the carpet AGAIN!!.Manners need to be put on these people,including all the people that are supposed to be protecting our rights.
    There was a lot of inaction by government agencies which should not be forgotten because now all of a sudden they are meeting with Ireland offline.
    Law we have laws up the ******* in this country,but unlike other countrys,our representitives are like someone suffering from impotence,they talk the talk,but thats all it is talk,there certainly is no promblem with premeture ejaculation with people like that because by the time they would get round to doing anything the "promblem would be gone to sleep and given up on the idea"so who notices?
    Laws as I have said before,seem to exist for one part of society and are enforced quite harsly,but if you are a shoplifter,mugger,rapist,murderer,politician,telecom company,government department etc..It seems the law either does not exist or will be extremly lenient with yoU,OR LEAVES YOU ALONE COMPLETLY!!
    I personally will not give up taking them to task and that includes also addressing the inaction by our representatives,this country might be turning into a banana republic even more so than before but there are other ways to get these people legally.
    If they are left off the hook,when are we going to get f**ked over next,when will it stop?Never in my opinion,until the law is used against them the same way they use it against us then they WILL keep doing it.
    Also my last word on this is as regards the politicians,they are going to promise the world before election time,but no ,explain to them that we want everything sorted before election time,FULLY!!
    Then and only then will we vote for the people that helped us,no more empty promises and brown envelopes,actions speak louder than words.Don't promise to fight for us when you get into power,you DO IT NOW!!
    STOP f**king around!!

    Anyway hello to everyone involved in the boards and thanks to all the people that sent and continue to send messages of support,I will as I said as always check in on the boards but I won't post that often for the resons I explained!
    And to all the nosey ba**ards snooping on the boards,remember this when it comes your time to face punishment for the breaches in the law and just plain decency,the punishment you receive from the courts will be a direct result of your own actions and I'm sure you will pay for your arrogance and inaction in the case of some!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 takeesattocourt

    I just wanted to add something before I take my leave of the boards for the attention of all the people that abused us on the telephone "so called customer service" .The same people that snoop around our discussions the people that lied and threathned us and everything else that you did and tried to do to us the customers.Some of us are buisness people and some of our buisnesses will survive the rapid onset of recession,some will not,do not kid yourselves it is coming.
    Some of you F**kheads that thought you were so smart and safely employed will be just another unemployment statistic and in my opinion a lot of you are unemployable because you have in the past shown total disrespect for customers,customer service is not a word I think any of you understand.You people will lose jobs and will probably be out looking for jobs again,the wheel turns,see how smart you are when you are job hunting.
    I hope that anyone with a buisness that were victims of some of your abusive natures and lies and threats over the phone slams their doors so f**king fast that your heads will spin.
    So you have thought you had it all didn't you you arrogant *****.
    See how much you like your own phone bills when you won't be able to pay for your new car,rent,food and drink when you finally relize what the real world is like!
    At the moment a lot of nice people with a lot going for them are losing their jobs and finding things hard,they at least have something going for them,genuine and hardworking nice people,you people on the other hand,I wonder?
    Try looking for work when people find out who you were employed by?Do you really think you will find it?
    Don't expect sympathy then after the way you treated customers in the past!
    The end is near!!! (biblical isn't it,ha f**king ha)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,695 ✭✭✭b20uvkft6m5xwg

    Well you've got a lot of strong opinions there "T.E.T.C."
    I suppose now again its good for us all to have a bit of a vent
    Hope you feel better for it :)

    The only thing I will say is dont be hypocritcial about the system and not vote in the next election. If dont like our current public representatives then make sure not to vote for them. Dont just be an armchair critic..."Rock the Vote":)

    [thats not to say you aren't going to vote anyway but it sounded a bit like that]

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    umm, It would help if i had any idea what he was talking about. Is he Kevin Mitnick or something?:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭richindub2

    Originally posted by seamus

    which is why richindub2 never posts here :D.

    I do post here every so often (do a search :p ), its just the amount of spam even puts me off, its worse than the cs board :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 takeesattocourt

    I did enjoy it actually,but I am quite serious about what i said don't give up the fight and don't forget what was done to us by these people.
    What I meant by no broadband = no vote is,if these politicians don't help get us what we all want then don't vote for them,vote for someone else anyone else but not these guys full of false promises.As always I think the whole point of these boards is to kick around all sorts of ideas and evaluate the pros and cons of each.
    The more I think about it especially under current climates what I said in the last post is true and I don't plan to forget.
    I think that the next time some jumped up guttersnipe, trash abuses any of us on the phone let them know that they might not have their jobs forever and the more they hear it they just might start to adjust what has been up to now a (i'm trying to be nice,arrrghhh!! as regards these people,I just can't) "sh**y,abusive,threatning,arrogant,who but f**king me,I'm going to be employed forever,have a new car and daddy mummy, gin and tonic f**king attitude".Mind you nothing nesscessarily wrong with gin and tonic,just the way these people say it.
    Just keep reminding them.
    ***just an idea here but possibly it might start off a thought process that might lead goes like this a hell of a lot of people feel scammed by what was done regarding the eircom shares that is a lot of angry people,is it worth thinking about linking a few issues together in order to form one big yet seperate pressure groups,keep your own issues but by mentioning a few other relevent issues and getting other groups to do the same ,we would be letting the powers that be know they are dealing with thousands upon thousands of people not just a few.
    Obviously I reckon nothing political just consumer issues,the director of consumer affairs office certainly couldn't give a **** all the dozens of times I have been in contact with them and diddo as regards the odtr so maybe it is time for forming alliances with certain other groups in order to get what we want.
    Did you ever see how powerful a lobby group the farmers are ?and how they always seem to get whatever they want,thats because they are powerful and the politicians know it.
    Anyway maybe it's a stupid idea,maybe not but it might just have possibilities!!
    If any body wants to they can hurl abuse at me but new ideas on how to get what we want are needed,we've got to try every which way possible to put pressure on!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,811 ✭✭✭✭billy the squid

    "no boradband = no vote"

    I can go with that especially with the referrendum comming up will vote NO not because i disagree with it but because the government want it to go through
