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A picture says so much !

  • 21-12-2001 11:24am
    Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭




  • Registered Users Posts: 11,397 ✭✭✭✭azezil

    indeed it does, seen another good one a couple of weeks back on the Independent (I think?) picture of 'Uncle Sam' startled pointing at a small mouse hole with "antrax" over the door, and behind him was a thug croc etc. with stuff writen on them like, "social problems", "murder", "crime" that sort of thing, thought it quite excellent! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 190 ✭✭Gargoyle

    What the picture says is the way muslim arabs feel about Sharon, which we already knew.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Loomer

    Originally posted by Gargoyle
    What the picture says is the way muslim arabs feel about Sharon, which we already knew.

    Incisive as usual, Gargoyle.
    I think its pretty pointed, I mean how ridiculous is it that the mass media night after friggin night waxes triumphiantly of the stupid coup the west supported then lost control of in afladenstan while this fascist in Israel decides that the militant rule his state has enjoyed for 40 years over the previous inhabitants isn't enough, while the rest of the world sleeps.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,525 ✭✭✭JustHalf

    Mind telling me what that says?

    I mean, it's just "humourous" political "observation", with the laughable suggestion that the "state" of Palestine is some defenseless and innocent maiden.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Yes you're right it's all the fascists in the media poisoning our minds with clap trap like stone throwing Palestinian youth is not a match for a nuclear power, when clearly the guy throwing the stones is alot more dangerous, it's a fascist plot, thanks for pointing that out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,525 ✭✭✭JustHalf

    Right Typedef, show me how Palestine is a defenseless maiden that has done no wrong -- for that is what the picture is portraying Palestine as.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Without getting into a metaphysical argument about the underlying motif's and allegories in said Sharon caricature, show me where the cartoon professes Palestine is defenceless?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭Thorbar

    Hmmm a sleeping little girl doesn't strike you as defenceless?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Yes you're right, maybe we should tell all those stone-throwing Palestinian "terrorists" to "duck and cover" and then go back to dismanteling the Jewish state with their ballistic missiles huh?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Originally posted by JustHalf
    Right Typedef, show me how Palestine is a defenseless maiden that has done no wrong -- for that is what the picture is portraying Palestine as.

    you dont have to be pure to be deserve human rights.
    we piss ourselfs in this country if murders and scum bags arent treated well in prison, but dont give to ****s once its not us doing the mistreatment, something aint right with that logic

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by Thorbar
    Hmmm a sleeping little girl doesn't strike you as defenceless?

    Sharon died of blood poisoning caused by the sleeping girl not getting proper food and drink. So palistine isn't that defenseless!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    You dont have to be pure to be given human rights, but if you try to portray yourself as a defenceless maiden when that portrayal is laughable....well, no-one is going to take it seriously, unless theyre members of the Judean Peoples Front of course.

    As for getting upset over prisnors rights- You might get upset over it but I certainly dont.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    you see you dont get upset about people getting upset over people in prison.
    and yes they are relatively helpless, they cant stop isreal from doing anything against them in any way

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 311 ✭✭Zaphod Beeblebrox

    Wait a minute. Take a look at the news.
    Palestinian suicide bomb!
    Israeli ground assault!
    Palestinian suicide bomb!
    Israeli helicopter assault!
    Palestinian suicide bomb!
    Israeli missile assault!
    Palestinian suicide bomb!

    Seeing a pattern here? Obviously there are Palestinian murderers and terrorists but that doesn't change the fact that Palestinians are blowing themselves to pieces to take out Israelis for political and/or religious reasons which is something the Israelis don't seem to do too often - they just bring out the big guns. To suggest that Palestine has any kind of military equality with Israel is a joke, albeit not a very funny one. We are expected to believe that Palestine is oppressing the Israelis. Now that's funny.
    When was the last time Arafat gave Sharon ultimatums while knowing Sharon could never comply with them, or send helicopters to fire missiles near Sharon's house? Now switch the names around in that sentence and the answer is: all the time. Sharon knows only too well that Arafat can't control suicide bombers. He knows Arafat can't start mass arrests of Palestinian terrorists. The USA knows it too.

    Now this isn't the best comparison but bear with me on this. Imagine this scenario. A car drives into London and explodes killing 20 people. The 'Real IRA' claim responsibility. Tony Blair gives Sinn Fein an ultimatum to arrest or kill every single man that fits his definition of a republican terrorist. Sinn Fein points out that it's impossible. They don't control every political activist or terrorist. They don't know who or where they all are. If they tried to arrest them they would be killed and/or lose power. Tony Blair gives the order. Helicopters and tanks move in and start blowing up Sinn Fein members' houses. Almost every human rights group on the planet tries to intervene. Guess what happens next? George Bush appears on TV to congratulate his good friend Mr Blair and says it's about time. Get the idea?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    you see you dont get upset about people getting upset over people in prison.

    No what I said was
    You might get upset over it but I certainly dont.
    To suggest that Palestine has any kind of military equality with Israel is a joke,

    No what I said was
    but if you try to portray yourself as a defenceless maiden when that portrayal is laughable....well, no-one is going to take it seriously, unless theyre members of the Judean Peoples Front of course.
    Sharon knows only too well that Arafat can't control suicide bombers. He knows Arafat can't start mass arrests of Palestinian terrorists.

    Which is probably why Israel considers Arafat to be irrelevant. Just dont illuminate Typedef on this matter. You cant argue with logic like that.
    Now this isn't the best comparison

    Youre right, It isnt.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 311 ✭✭Zaphod Beeblebrox

    Originally posted by Sand

    Youre right, It isnt.

    Hmm now wait a sec. A blatant abuse of human rights not only ignored but actively encouraged by the world's greatest superpower. A situation so unbelievable that when I recreate the situation closer to home, then you see the stupidity in it and refuse to accept it. So I'd say it was a pretty damn good comparison. O but wait, they're only arabs right? Not normal people like you and me. So its ok if it happens over there...

    Originally posted by Sand

    Which is probably why Israel considers Arafat to be irrelevant.

    ROFL. Israel considers Arafat to be irrelevant... that hardly puts them in the clear now does it? Since they are giving HIM ultimatums and restricting HIS movements while realising he's irrelevant. ARAFAT is told to arrest terrorists. Which he can't do. So that pretty much proves my point that they know he can't comply with their threats, allowing them to follow through on those threats.

    It's true the Palestinians are not entirely defenceless. They have guns. But the Israelis have bigger guns. How many tanks do the Palestinians have compared to the Israelis? How many attack helicopters? How many weapons of mass destruction?
    Wait, I forgot... the suicide bombers! Now wait a second. Does anyone see a flaw in this? You see a suicide bomber by definition commits suicide in the act of killing. You don't do that if you have better ways of doing it.

    Ah I see. I don't like what the Israelis are doing, hence obviously I'm a member of the Judean Peoples' Front or the Peoples' Front of Judea or the Peoples' Popular Front of Judea etc... sure. It's the same mentality adopted by rednecks who stick a big label reading "COMMIE" on anyone who doesn't agree with their views, as the US government is now doing to support their legislation, with "COMMIE" replaced by "TERRORIST SYMPATHISER". Feel free to air your views, just let other people air theirs too without this ridiculous branding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    A situation so unbelievable that when I recreate the situation closer to home

    You didnt recreate it. You went into complete fancy. I just didnt bother going into detail- but to give you a hint, for starter Arafat is the head of the administration in the Palestinian areas, nominally the law and order- Adams isnt in NI, Trimble is. An intelligent chap shouldnt have too much trouble recognising what your example is in that light.

    Please stop making remarks about arabs being "only arabs"- Its a pathetic attempt to "racialise" the issue.
    ARAFAT is told to arrest terrorists. Which he can't do.

    And hence he is irrelevant. You negotiate ceasefires with the commanders, not with the privates.

    Wait, I forgot... the suicide bombers! Now wait a second. Does anyone see a flaw in this? You see a suicide bomber by definition commits suicide in the act of killing. You don't do that if you have better ways of doing it.

    *Some* might call that asymmetric warfare, indeed Id call it that- If they targeted milatary targets- but they target pizza parlours and pubs so theyre no better than the IRA- i.e terrorists.
    BTW given the japanese used kamikazie pilots when they did not have the conventional means to defeat US air and naval power (much as the palestinians can not match the Israelis conventionally), was the US infringing on their human rights? Was the US being unfair?
    Ah I see. I don't like what the Israelis are doing, hence obviously I'm a member of the Judean Peoples' Front or the Peoples' Front of Judea or the Peoples' Popular Front of Judea etc... sure.

    I didnt say you were in the JPF did I? If you take offence from my use of that term (which is a joke revolving around the nature of certain individuals "struggle against reality" and their preference for emotive rhetoric rather than realism) then please accept my apologies.

    As for not liking what the Israelis are doing- Your perfectly entitled not to- Im not their cheerleader by any stretch of the imagination- but to blame them (and the US, which can only view the whole thing as a headache-How can they have such a hard on for Oil producers yet at the same time enjoy pissing off the Arabs who produce most of the oil?) for everything whilst exscusing and convieniently ignoring the atrocities carried out by the palestinians is a bit---unsound. Thats my grounding for believing that the portrayal of Palestine as a defencless maiden is laughable. In that sorry conflict theres more than enough bloodshed to go around.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by Sand
    As for not liking what the Israelis are doing- Your perfectly entitled not to- Im not their cheerleader by any stretch of the imagination- but to blame them (and the US, which can only view the whole thing as a headache-How can they have such a hard on for Oil producers yet at the same time enjoy pissing off the Arabs who produce most of the oil?)

    I have only this question. Your American Sand? Prehaps you can answer it for me.

    How can the US justify giving a military budget to Israel and also veto the UN when they plan to put in independant observers into Palistine to watch for senseless killing and then claim they are on the side of peace?

    You have a country supplying guns to one side of the conflict while hampering observers to see if the human rights violations are happening and then we are supposed to believe that they are on the side of peace?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox
    Wait a minute. Take a look at the news.
    Palestinian suicide bomb!
    Israeli ground assault!
    Palestinian suicide bomb!
    Israeli helicopter assault!
    Palestinian suicide bomb!
    Israeli missile assault!
    Palestinian suicide bomb!

    Actually it's not like that at all. After looking up on another story (Fox news censoring a story that claims Israel knew something about 9/11) I came across IsraelInsider news site. Pretty Pro-Israel news site (but reading proproganda is Ok as long as you know it's proproganda).

    One of their pages had a score board system of attacks. Before christmas it went something like this...

    Israeli hurt by stone throwers
    Palestinian killed after being run over by tank.
    Israeli injured in shoot out.
    Palestinian killed in shoot out.

    and so on. It's gotten a bit more active since Dec 25th, but prior to that it was more along the lines of 2-3 palistinians killed for every 1-2 israelis hurt. (I'm sure some will think this is a good thing).

    One thing that got me is the sheer lack of World press on settler actions. For example while everyone was getting excited about Afarfat having to walk to church, no one noticed (outside of Israel) about a settler running down and killing a number of Palistinians. Or prehaps more recently the settlers blockading a highway and shooting taxi drivers from palistine?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Your American Sand?

    How can the US justify giving a military budget to Israel and also veto the UN when they plan to put in independant observers into Palistine to watch for senseless killing and then claim they are on the side of peace?

    One, because I imagine its a political "requirement" to protect Israel, or at least be seen to do so if you want to get elected.

    Two, because if the US had not supported the Israelis theyd have been driven into the sea by their peaceloving arab neighbours.
    Given that neither side can win given the USs support of Israel, the obvious option would be serious negotiation- However the palestinians believe blowing up Israeli women and children will be more productive in the long run.

    Of course one has to ask what the US *gains* from supporting Israel if not a peaceful outcome to the conflict. It is a major source of friction with the arab, oil producing world- what does the US gain from promoting the conflict? And before you say arms sales or something remeber that oil underpins the *entire* economy, and arms sales dont.

    Why they would prevent UN observers going in? Well Id imagine because the Israelis dont want them there, if they did come back with a report along the lines of Israel being a "cruel and demonic power" what would happen then that Israel wouldnt simply ignore?
    but prior to that it was more along the lines of 2-3 palistinians killed for every 1-2 israelis hurt. (I'm sure some will think this is a good thing).

    The conflict isnt a scoreboard- Its not fair or unfair based on how evenly distributed the casualties are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Originally posted by Sand

    Two, because if the US had not supported the Israelis theyd have been driven into the sea by their peaceloving arab neighbours.
    Given that neither side can win given the USs support of Israel, the obvious option would be serious negotiation- However the palestinians believe blowing up Israeli women and children will be more productive in the long run.
    you know, you really pissed me off with this comment, you seem to ignor anything that doesnt support your tunnel view of the world.

    you seem to think palestinians, are the one group like the borg or something, that take collective actions.

    but this comment
    However the palestinians believe blowing up Israeli women and children will be more productive in the long run.

    i didnt realize you spook for the palestinians people, i was un aware you had an indept knowleadge of the palestinians firedoms fighters phyci.
    im begining to think you havent a clue what your talking about.
    you comment on peace talks, you branded the ENTIRE palestinian people as rather wanting to bomb isrealis, ever ask why, o yea, they are evil stantic ****s, i allmost forgot that. get real!

    back to peace takes, how many times to you think sharon and arafat have meet to talk peace, answer never, the palestinian leader is fogged off contantly will a low ranging goverement offical with zero power to negosiate peace agreements. but o no you ignor this fact completely, because that might mean the palestinians ain't the blood crazed murdering scum you make them out to be.

    The isreali leader(sharon) has said he will not speak, talk, reconize as being alife, the only palestinian man in the world that can make peace on the palestinian side. does that sound like the actions of a man that craves peace. grow up

    Btw, you dont like my reply, read the rules, dont make sweping statements, someone might trip you up.
    i await you inevitable back tracking and counter alligations

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    i was going to post this else were, but its relatent here as well


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    you know, you really pissed me off with this comment, you seem to ignor anything that doesnt support your tunnel view of the world.

    Please dont let emotions overwhelm logic. However the tunnel vision statement is ironic:)
    i didnt realize you spook for the palestinians people, i was un aware you had an indept knowleadge of the palestinians firedoms fighters phyci.

    I dont, but Im sure your right- They dont believe bombing civillians is productive, they just do it for kicks.
    you comment on peace talks, you branded the ENTIRE palestinian people as rather wanting to bomb isrealis, ever ask why, o yea, they are evil stantic ****s, i allmost forgot that. get real!

    Yeah I cant get over the amount of Palestinians marching in the streets every day demanding the suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks stop. The fact is the terrorists have a lot of support from the people- Otherwise where would they hide, arm and train? The palestinian police efforts to stop them are feeble at best.

    And i never said the palestinians were evil satanic whatevers (it was edited sorry) - so please stop lying- Weve already had this discussion about you lying about what i said. And coming from someone who described Israel as a "Cruel and demonic power"- well lets just say youve not got a leg to stand on:)
    back to peace takes, how many times to you think sharon and arafat have meet to talk peace, answer never, the palestinian leader is fogged off contantly will a low ranging goverement offical with zero power to negosiate peace agreements.

    As many in the JPF have already stated poor ol Arafat cant stop the terrorists. So any agreement signed with him is worthless, if he cant uphold his side of it. And its the terrorists who are the blood crazed murdering scum, the ordinary palestinian is just into supporting them.
    the only palestinian man in the world that can make peace on the palestinian side.

    For all the control Arafat has evidenced over the terrorists Sharon might as well sign a peace deal with me.
    Btw, you dont like my reply, read the rules, dont make sweping statements, someone might trip you up. i await you inevitable back tracking and counter alligations

    Your reply is pretty predictable to be honest. Lie about what I said, rant on about Arafat and the evil Israelis and slap yourself on the back when your done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,300 ✭✭✭CiaranC

    Id like to hear your ideas for a resolution to the confict in Israel/Palestine Sand, given that you say there is no viable leadership among the Palestinian people.

    On a more Off-Topic note, is there anything about the status quo in todays world that you dont support and endorse? Reading through the posts on this board, I see you basically support every aspect of the economic and political systems which Washington has in place. In the case of the middle east, I have yet to see you concede that Israel might have even the smallest amount of responsibilty for the dreadful things that have happened (and continue to happen daily) there. How do you explain this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    One, because I imagine its a political "requirement" to protect Israel, or at least be seen to do so if you want to get elected.
    Political requirement, therefore, the threat is not real, but preceived yes? So if the threat to Israel does not exist or is more a matter of being "seen" to be helping Israel, why must the USA support the occupation, annexation and colonizing of Palestinian land at the expence of the Palestinian people and contrary to inumerate UN resolutions regarding the enitre conflict? Better not answer that, in the same way the US seems to think that people hate the US because of the Big Mac, I imagine that support of such a wholistically indefensable stance as support of Israeli imperialism, would entail "fuzzy logic" or better yet an entire contrived obliviousness to the issues presented, so why bother tackeling the issue?
    Two, because if the US had not supported the Israelis theyd have been driven into the sea by their peaceloving arab neighbours.

    Are you trying to sound like a biggot here or is it accidental? Jews and Arabs alike are humans, "they" are people just like us, "if you prick us do we not bleed" and so on. Bottom line Israel is a nuclear power, it does not need the US to act as big brother. Also US support of Israeli human rights abuses, Jewish religious elitism and repression on the grounds that "Israel would not exist otherwise" is a mockery of the intellect and the supposed precis of civilisation. There is no tabernacle of illucidation and moral fortitude vis-a-vis colonialism, Colonialism is simply wrong, colonialism is an affront to sentient thought, to support Colonialism at the expence of the colonised a person must delibrately set aside notions of humanity and declassify one section of humanity as sub-human, as you Sand seem to be suggesting, that the Arabs are not in fact interested in peace, that the Palestinians are intrinsically war like and therefore may be treated as non-human savages, who can not self-vet but must be vetted by an external power, the "White man's burdon". Ironically this is exactly the kind of "logic" that the Nazi used to vindicate the holocaust, and is the same logic that the Israelis use to qualify the Israeli occupation,annexation and colonization of Palestine,. Again the motif of the "White man's burdon", a rationalisation and permutation of colonial thought throughout the ages, Arabs are warlike so Israel is justified in transgressing the line of acceptable action.
    Given that neither side can win given the USs support of Israel, the obvious option would be serious negotiation- However the palestinians believe blowing up Israeli women and children will be more productive in the long run.
    Again this is truly wrong, Palestinians are people who are driven to desperate acts and it is fecicous in the extreme to ascribe such abasement of thought to Palestinians as a group, it is racist and repugnant and an affront. You have no evidence of the statement you make, you simply ascribe action, intent and impetus on the grounds of race and religious disposition and that is racism. You are so wrong it is unbelieveable, you might as well say that "If you are born black you can't govern yourselves, no, only white people can do that", it's the same thing, racial segretation and arbitrary ascription of thought and ability based on race. I refuse to call you a racist Sand, but I must say this kind of two-tier thought does seem to suggest it, why must you make such an abasement of people based on race? It just seems so wrong.
    Of course one has to ask what the US *gains* from supporting Israel if not a peaceful outcome to the conflict. It is a major source of friction with the arab, oil producing world- what does the US gain from promoting the conflict? And before you say arms sales or something remeber that oil underpins the *entire* economy, and arms sales dont.
    Presumably this particular foreign policy is in place because of the desire of some Religous groups in the US to see a Jewish state come to fruition. Aside from the Jewish interest groups, many Christian groups would also find relgious vindication in America's espousal of a Jewish homeland. What I am trying to say is that it is not simply a matter of American Zionist interest group's money versus Arab oil magnate interest group's money, the policy is also intrinsically one of religion.
    Why they would prevent UN observers going in? Well Id imagine because the Israelis dont want them there
    Hey pal, the Palestinians don't want Israel occupying their territory and pushing them off of Palestinian land and treating Palestinians with contempt and disrespect. Palestinians don't want to be made refugees from their homes by a power supported by the supposed supreme exponent of democracy.
    , if they did come back with a report along the lines of Israel being a "cruel and demonic power" what would happen then that Israel wouldnt simply ignore?
    If the US did not filibuster the process of the UN in this regard and allowed the UN to arbitrate and impose sanctions if necessary then prehaps the UN could require Israel with threat of sanctions to comply with the 1948 UN resolution for Israel to provide a land for peace deal with the Palestinians. Notice how UN sanctions are not the same as protecting Israel from the "Demonic Arabs". UN sanctions would not destroy Israel so why must the US filibuster the UN to such an extent? This obstruction must end and the UN must be allowed to place observers into the Middle East conflict so that the world may hold Israel to account. If the Israelis are in such a position of correctness then there is nothing to hide is there, so why go to such lengths to hide away from international scrutiny if the actions of Israel are so justafied and vindicated?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    were have i lied, were have i said you said anything you did.

    i said this is what you make them out to be, as in the impression or image you build of palestinians on the board.
    comments like this
    Two, because if the US had not supported the Israelis theyd have been driven into the sea by their peaceloving arab neighbours.

    You cant makes comments like that, and then when someones says you accused them of being "blood crazed murders" you cant called them a lier because thats basically what your saying

    but why did i expect more, when you cant argue a point you call a person a lier.

    Why wouldnt eh palestinians be calling for the bombing of isreal, are you say that because of that they them selfs deserve to be bombed? in that case they are plenty of isreali weman and children callign for attacks on palestinians do they deserve to die to?

    As for arafat, he is not a puppet leader, he can cal la stop to the bombing, if he can show its in his peoples best interest, and that theres hope it will lead to and end to the isreali assults, but as proven time and time again, these cease fires wont stop isreali attacks, he has called 5, yes 5 cease fires in the last afaik 2 years. were there had been none(or very few) before. each time isreal messed them up, because sharon doesnt want peace,
    all this means he will need allot to work with from the isrealis before he can may a solid cease fire, you people keep expecting him to do it with noting. hell the isreali wont even talk about a cease fire untill one has all ready happened, and held for 7 days.

    if that went on in the north, the war would still be going on, and just as intensely as it was in the 70s.

    Buts what the point in talking to you, you still wont waver your opinion one bite, not even if isreali tanks were driving over unarmed palestinians... o hold on that have, they are, and they will again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand


    Negotiation. That cannot occur until both sides want it. Sadly at this time the palestinians are bombing women and children and the Israelis simply do not trust the palestinians even slightly. Its a sad state of affairs.

    About the status quo- hmm thats a pretty broad question- I might ask you is there anything you dont have a problem with in the current status quo? Lets just say any problem I might have with aspects of the status quo are not going to be solved by me strapping some exsplosives to my chest and murdering civillians. Id hope youd agree there- thats my whole point in this, I dont support terrorism regardless of the exscuses. *Others* have murkier view on it.

    the threat is not real, but preceived yes?


    Thats counting actual wars with states- not the ongoing guerilla conflicts and terrorism. So its pretty accurate to say one can perceive a threat.
    Are you trying to sound like a biggot here or is it accidental?

    No its you trying to misinterpret my words- and I havent called them "muslim mud people"- have I?
    that the Palestinians are intrinsically war like and therefore may be treated as non-human savages

    Another Typedefesque interpretation- As long as the palestinians continue to bomb civillians they are acting in a terrorist manner. Israel is entitled to defend itself.
    you might as well say that "If you are born black you can't govern yourselves, no, only white people can do that",

    More classic Typedef lunacy.
    I refuse to call you a racist Sand

    Cos youd only look even more stupid- mind you its the classic Judean Peoples Front debating tactic so knock yourself out.
    why must you make such an abasement of people based on race? It just seems so wrong.

    Alas poor Typedef you simply cannot read. If i condemn the supporters of Republican terrorists in the North am i being a bigot too? Ironically though you exscuse the actions of Palestinian terrorists on the basis that "Palestinians are people who are driven to desperate acts"- So you exscuse terrorism on the basis of race-Very close to racism there Type:)
    the policy is also intrinsically one of religion.

    Ohhh-kay. And the religious right wing is such a dominant force in the US they cant even dictate domestic policy (abortion) let alone foreign. Ohhh-kay.

    About the sanctions Type- Israel doesnt give a fiddlers about the UN. It only cares about its security. So sanctions arent going to bother them.

    Boston: Do I have to remind you about you saying I called you an IRA member and your refusal to recognise you were wrong or apologise?

    And I did not call them "blood crazed" anything - so stop lying. The reference to the peaceloving arabs was sarcastic, making fun of people who like to make exscuses for the arabs and find it convienient to blame the Israelis/US for everything. Wonder why you and Type got so hot under the collar about it?:)
    they are plenty of isreali weman and children callign for attacks on palestinians

    Calling for attacks on Palestinian women and children or palestinian terrorists? Ands theres a bit of a difference.
    he can cal la stop to the bombing, if he can show its in his peoples best interest,

    He should then shouldnt he?- Its not in their best interests to blow themselves up and put themslves at risk of Israeli retaliation. Unless of course he cant.
    hell the isreali wont even talk about a cease fire untill one has all ready happened, and held for 7 days.

    That seems pretty fair- given the 5 failed ceasefires you mentioned before? If they cant hold a ceasefire for 7 days then how can they hold one for years to come once an agreement is signed?
    Buts what the point in talking to you, you still wont waver your opinion one bite

    Im open minded- but it takes a better argument than ranting and raving to convince me that youre correct and that Im wrong to oppose palestinian terrorism.

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