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Hypocrisy of this Government reaches a new high



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by The Gopher
    How can we be second most white?With the exception of gypsies in Romaina,Ex Soviet areas,Czechslovakia and Serbia there are practically no non whites in the likes of Poland,Albania,Croatia Bosnia etc.

    Well thats the statistic I heard.
    "There's lies, damned lies and statistics --Benjamin Disraeli"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭Biffa Bacon

    Originally posted by Typedef

    Errm go join the DUP so, or better yet expell all the Catholics as Catholicism is not indigenous, yes expell anyone who does not hold old celtic beliefs, or rather make them and their culture a lesser sub-culture, a symbiot culture of second class citizens. Remember how the Nationalists in the North of Ireland were campainging for "parity of esteem"? Do I take it you don't support this cause or you just don't support "parity of esteem" for whatever your tunnel view of Irishness is?
    Well the Catholics were there first actually but even if you turned it round and suggested unionist culture should be treated as a lesser culture I would still say no because they have been here for 4 or 5 hundred years, unlike recent immigrants from Nigeria or Romania.

    By the way Typedef, what the hell is wrong with being the second-whitest country, true or not?

    As I see it, this desire for multiculturalism is born out of a national inferiority complex, leading to a pathetic desire to ape other nations. "Oh America and Britain are multicultural so we must be multicultural too to show what good boys and girls we are."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    Well the Catholics were there first actually but even if you turned it round and suggested unionist culture should be treated as a lesser culture I would still say no because they have been here for 4 or 5 hundred years, unlike recent immigrants from Nigeria or Romania.
    I think that is quite ignorant and racist to be honest Biffa Bacon. Tell me how many years must a culture be present in Ireland before it becomes acceptable? Maybe new forms of protestantism shouldn't be recognised for equal treatment by the state until it has existed for X years? Who decides when a cultural pretext has existed long enough to be endowed with equal respect? Maybe Nigerian refugees(the miniscule amount that have been allowed in proportionally) shouldn't be given a vote because black people haven't existed in Ireland long enough, maybe. What difference does it make how long someone lives here? Also what do you mean by parity of esteem? Do you mean the right to vote and work? The right to protection by the police, the right to educaiton or do you mean possibly placing a token non-white person into the angelus at the start of the 6 o'clock news everyday?
    By the way Typedef, what the hell is wrong with being the second-whitest country, true or not?
    Who wants to live in a country that is so intolerant and isolationist as to be so mono-cultural? Irish people claim to be tolerant and friendly, if so then why are there so few foreigners in Ireland really? Who is worthy of being called Irish in a country so obsessed about it's identity that it cannot allow foreign influence to perculate into it's fabric? If for example my name were perfixed by O'Somename and your name were Cusack a protestant name, but a name that also happens to belong to the man who founded the GAA, who could lay calim to the greater right of Irish ancestory and equivalence? The acient Celts were influenced by nordic invaders, look at the story of Fionn going ot Norway, then the Celtic culture came under heavy Christian influence, and then there was a heavy influence of the English, now these days Ireland is a Republic and for me that means tolerance and diversity, not xenophobia and cultural supermecy and segregation. So in a sense being Irish means, being tolerant and acceping people for what they are, thats what Republicanism or in a wider sense Nationalism was and is about in Northern Ireland, tolerance, respect, "parity of esteem". Why should the Irish only demand it from the British and not extend it to immigrants to Ireland? Why should the ethos of Irish civil rights demands not transcend the border, and why should those same rights, demands and entitlements stop being vaild ones once the people in question are no longer "Irish".
    As I see it, this desire for multiculturalism is born out of a national inferiority complex, leading to a pathetic desire to ape other nations. "Oh America and Britain are multicultural so we must be multicultural too to show what good boys and girls we are."

    So by your logic, if Ireland were to dispell it's inferiority complex and become superior it would not have any desire for a diversity of cultural pretexts, because it would realise "Irish" culture was superior, hmmm thanks for sharing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by Sand
    1992 when there was 39 applications for the entire year

    Again I state that this figure is misleading as many a Russian at Shannon was simply put back on the plane and are not included in the figures.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭Biffa Bacon

    Originally posted by Typedef

    Tell me how many years must a culture be present in Ireland before it becomes acceptable?
    Well I guess that would be a judgement call. 75 years maybe?
    What difference does it make how long someone lives here?
    Because it takes time for the "natives" to accept the immigrants' presence and thus accept their culture as much a part of the national fabric as their own. The native culture should be given presidence.
    Also what do you mean by parity of esteem? Do you mean the right to vote and work? The right to protection by the police, the right to educaiton or do you mean possibly placing a token non-white person into the angelus at the start of the 6 o'clock news everyday?
    Anyone who is given citizenship should be given the exact same rights as everyone else. What I wouldn't want to see is a situation like you have in some cities in Britain where the city council won't put up Christmas decorations because Hindus or Muslims might be offended. That kind of PC garbage.
    Irish people claim to be tolerant and friendly, if so then why are there so few foreigners in Ireland really?
    Because until recently foreigners generally didn't want to live here.
    Who is worthy of being called Irish in a country so obsessed about it's identity that it cannot allow foreign influence to perculate into it's fabric?
    Well I wasn't arguing for no foreign influence. I just don't want the sort of PC multiculturalism that the meeja say we have to have so we can show how machoor and enlightened we are to the rest of the world begob.
    Why should the Irish only demand it from the British and not extend it to immigrants to Ireland? Why should the ethos of Irish civil rights demands not transcend the border, and why should those same rights, demands and entitlements stop being vaild ones once the people in question are no longer "Irish".
    Well as I've tried to explain I wouldn't deny civil rights to anybody or cultural respect. But I don't want to start pretending we're multicultural just because we have a few Nigerian immigrants.
    So by your logic, if Ireland were to dispell it's inferiority complex and become superior it would not have any desire for a diversity of cultural pretexts, because it would realise "Irish" culture was superior, hmmm thanks for sharing.
    I don't think Irish culture is superior, I just think it should be given presidence because it is our "native" culture.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Originally posted by Typedef

    Who wants to live in a country that is so intolerant and isolationist as to be so mono-cultural?

    Go live in Zimbabwe if you think that Ireland is as bad as you portray.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Nah, if I did that it might be 75 years before I got treated like a person, but hey if you guys feel so strongly about excluding foreigners (the few "we" have let in) then I suggest you go join your local chapter of the "Ireland for Irelanders" league. I'm sure you'll find lots of like minded rednecks there.
    Have a nice day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Originally posted by Typedef
    Nah, if I did that it might be 75 years before I got treated like a person, but hey if you guys feel so strongly about excluding foreigners (the few "we" have let in) then I suggest you go join your local chapter of the "Ireland for Irelanders" league. I'm sure you'll find lots of like minded rednecks there.
    Have a nice day.

    Would yo uever pull your head out of the sand. I'm sick of these people ....

    hey TypeDef ... so we should exclude foreigners, yeah?? Well .. did you read the (I think Sunday World .. class paper that it is). There was an article about how the civil servants in the refugee apps. office need bodyguards now due to violence towards them by applicants. That however is not the point I'm making ... read below to see where this is going ->

    Anyway ... one of the applicants was refused an interview by the staff and had to be done by a principal officer (very unusual according to my sources).

    Needless to say .. what wasnt'mentioned in the paper was he was a convicted sex offender.

    So we should just let EVERY person into the country who claims asylum, yes??

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by Lemming
    hey TypeDef ... so we should exclude foreigners, yeah?? Well .. did you read the (I think Sunday World .. class paper that it is).


    Needless to say .. what wasnt'mentioned in the paper was he was a convicted sex offender.

    I presume you don't mean that the civil servant was a convicted sex offender.

    So even a tabloid wouldn't publish this, but you did? On hearsay? And this country is full of angels?
    Originally posted by Lemming There was an article about how the civil servants in the refugee apps. office need bodyguards now due to violence towards them by applicants. [/B]

    Ever notice the screens in Post Offices, Social Welfare Offices, health centres, many other government offices and, dare I say, Garda Stations?

    To be honest I'm perfectly inclined to commit violence towards the brand of civil service that we have inherited (I know I should know better).

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Originally posted by Victor
    I presume you don't mean that the civil servant was a convicted sex offender.

    So even a tabloid wouldn't publish this, but you did? On hearsay? And this country is full of angels?

    Not the civil servant, no. The asylum seeker was a convicted sex offender.

    And I'm not printing this on hearsay. As I've pointed out elsewhere in this thread victor, I hear reliable inside information sh*t that NOONE outside the government hears (or is supposed to, at any rate). The papers didn't print it cause the papers weren't told about it.

    Never said the country was full of angels. Biut the point I was trying to make is this fanciful notion of letting everyone in without question is ludicrous and quite frankly downright irresponsible. We have enough maniacs, deviants, and criminals without having to worry about more just walking in the froint door (and being supported by the tax payer)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by Lemming
    Needless to say .. what wasnt'mentioned in the paper was he was a convicted sex offender.
    Originally posted by Lemming
    The papers didn't print it cause the papers weren't told about it.
    Which is it? I think there are cracks appearing in you arguments.
    Originally posted by Lemming
    And I'm not printing this on hearsay. As I've pointed out elsewhere in this thread victor, I hear reliable inside information sh*t that NOONE outside the government hears (or is supposed to, at any rate).
    hear·say (hîrs)
    1. Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor. 
    2. Law. Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal 
    knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony.
    Do you even know what the word 'hearsay' means. either you do or don't have direct knowledge. If you don't have direct knowledge, it is hearsay. And to be honest, I'm not impressed with your acquaintance revealling personal details on anyone, the Official Secrets Act and suchlike come to mind.

    [/holier than thou mode off]
