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Childrens story.

  • 18-01-2002 2:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭

    This was written last night and im quite proud of it. :)

    There was a young boy called Jack who loved to bite his nails.
    When he ran out of fingers he would streach his legs right up to his head and bite his toe nails.

    What Jack hated most in life, was waiting. Waiting for his nails to grow long enough to bite them again.

    He would wake up in the morning and rush over and pull wide the curtins so he could check his fingers.
    In the evening after school, Jack would sit in front of the TV with his shoes and socks off, staring at his toes, wishing they would grow quicker.

    One night after a particularly delightfull day of chewing and gnawing, and pulling and biting, Jack went to bed exausted.
    That night Jack drempt the most wonderfull of dreams. He dreampt he was biting his fingernails, and as soon as he had finished one, another would grow back.
    No matter how hard he bit, no matter how quickly he chewed, they were long again. Ready to start biting all over.

    The next morning Jack was woken by a sob. He opened his eyes, smiling after the happy dream so see his mother sad and crying over his bed.

    "I had the most wonderfull dream mommy, the best ever!" said Jack.

    " My dear Jack", his mother said, "You've chewed away your fingers, right down to the knuckle".

