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Good Irish bands



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭clevenger

    I'm sure Bryan Adams picked up a guitar to put his soul to paper but he's still ****t.

    Simply picking up a guitar, while still preferable to trying out for 6, is not a get-out-of-jail-free card as regards criticism.

    Yes support new irish music, thats great, but don't be afraid to call new ****t irish music; new ****t irish music!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭clevenger

    o sleep i missed you comment while typing.

    Your are absolutley right.

    Most bands listed so far play in very similar genres. Most of it is quite unoriginal but shh it must be said quietly or rocks will be thrown in our direction for daring to state that while there is a lot of new irish music,there is unfortunatley not a lot of original good new irish music. No disrespect to BellX1/Revs/Turn fans but not really doing something you can't hear a better version of somewhere else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭Mr Crowe

    ........moan all the **** you want, all your bitching and whining wont make a lick of difference, the less you support up and coming irish bands the more the charts will be over run with absolute ****, worse than it is already.......but thats not important now

    what is important is you self important idiots who cant see past your ****ing stupidty to realise that the irish music scene is great, there are places to play, hundreds of bands starting off, and a kick ass radio staion in Phantom...."oh but they play Nirvana and they are mainstream" **** YOU...."and the other day instead of playing the 17 minute hidden track on radioheads new album they played a P.O.D song" **** make me sick, and half of you wont even be listening to music in ten years, you'll be accountants worrying because they dont have the wallpaper you want in Mountain View Red.....STOP YOUR ****ING MOANING.......if you're that pissed about the state of the music scene START A BAND YOUR ****ING for me and my open minded buddies(love to gar) we're gonna go drink some beers and listen to Guns'n'Roses.... goodnight;)

    mr crowe

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 TheVoice

    I agree with Mr. Crowe.
    and yes everybodys entitled to their opinion and lifes more interesting with conflict blah de blah
    some people like oranges
    other people like pears
    deal with it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭atonal

    all this complaing about the lack of originality in Irish Music is taking a rather narrow view. Agreed many of the mentioned bands are a tad derivative. At least most are derivative of quality, most Irish bands seem to work in the tradition of great rock
    This problem of a lack of inspiring bands is not local to Ireland. It is a general problem.

    As far as the Above referrerd to Scottish/Welsh/British bands they are not particularly original either. It seems to be a case of Radiohead blight. Many bands sound like Radiohead today this is true. From The UK you have Starsailor (bad radiohead) Travis (pop-radiohead) Muse (unduly pretentious radiohead)Coldplay (dull-radiohead) incedentally I lmore or less ike the aformentioned bands except the first So a bunch of Irish bands are somewhat derivative of Radiohead so are many of the better as well as worse british and american bands.

    There is a general quality I find in much Irish music though that is hard to exactly identify. It is not stylistic per se, maybe an approach to music as craft, a partiular way of mixing vocals and guitar that I think is unique and in general a high level of quality, especially quality vocals. No great Irish band has made an impact globally recently but this is probably due mostly to marketing failure than quality as quality has little to do with which bands are widely popular.

    Many of the irish bands mentioned are quality bands if not groudbreakingly original. the fact that Ireland has so many quality bands on the local or semi local level is I suppose a double edged sword. The fact that the two best bands in NYC are Dublin bands, and as someone mentioned many Irish bands share qualities with far better known Scottish/welsh bands has the same implication. That although Ireland produces a remarkable amount of talent but is not the best place to get recognized for it.

    OK after all that rambling a simple question. If you are complaining about the Irish music scene exactly who's music scene do you want?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭Töpher

    Or better yet, why don't we all do YOU a ****ing favour, and stop our playing, writing and all else, to keep an ignorant moany ****head content in his/her dark corner! Yes, thats it, no Irish bands at all! That what you want?! That what you really want you ignorant ****?!
    If it's all sooooo ****ing bad (Which it is NOT) get off your couch-indenting ass and change it! Make the difference YOU feel we need, I ****in' dare ya! The instruments're there, the 'space in the indusrty' is there, but do you have 'the' talent? It'd be incredibly interesting to know seeing as you are quick off the mark to bash any Irish bands you care to think of.
    And yes, call **** music ****, because its **** if you think its ****, but don't generalise! You can't just say all Irish bands suck because you hate a few, a comment like that can't be made till you've listened to every single last ****ing one of them!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,638 ✭✭✭bombidol

    But dear god if we go to a Gigsmart gig we might have to listen to Seprico!!! Dear God NO!!!! With the watered down pop rock and the niceness Nooo.......!!!!!! Why didnt they just chage their name completely when when they found out there was a million other bands called serpico, swopping a letter or two around aint going to change a thing.

    BOMb (bOOm)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 Seprico

    Yeah, Seprico are a pile of........

    bombidol, ya know its funny how at the top of the page you ask has anyone ever heard of a band called Plan Nine, and I was thinking, wow I know of that band, oh yeah our drummer USED to be in that band......I wonder could someone be pissed off Plan Nine are no longer????

    but thanks for making me smile ;-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Gar_ptc

    gouty;you ignoramus.
    your about as likleable as your namesake in "porridge"
    proper comeback Mr.reed.

    seprico;well put!

    and it's trying to become superior that causes people to bad mouth music.

    it gives you a sense of being "better" if you put other bands down.

    i should know,i did it regarding most bass players.
    is till do to a certain extent...

    ignorance away!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43 gouty

    First off, Gar? I was only taking the mick! you're one of the few people on the board without a trigger-happy asterisk key (Einstürzende- you need to meet some chicks man!)
    Originally posted by Pete Reed
    Please stop making false assertions. Latest one regards Redneck Manifesto. Untrue. Add this to the catalogue of false assertions along with the David Kitt, 60s 70s and 80s show, djs not playing stuff they don't know etc. Its so easy to come up with that truthless rubbish, a lot more difficult to research facts, and be willing to debate them rather than just posting "I hate you all". Lazy at best.

    Fair enough Pete. I understand it's easy for me to sit here in apparent anonymity and spout off, and difficult for you to prove me wrong on each individual point. Especially when It comes to the output of a 24 hour radio station. As for "false assertions" my comments, i'll admit, are generalisations. Massive generalisations.

    When it comes to the output of a station that plays whatever it is 300-400 songs a day, it's very difficult to do anything BUT generalise. So, when I say it took 2 years for the station to cop onto David Kitt, I'm sure some DJ played his 'hope street' track off the 1999 frames EP at some stage or other, but probably not more than a few times. That is until it was released on his top 5 album last year.

    My point remains IN GENERAL phantom didn't cop onto David Kitt. Phantom In GENERAL don't play the Redneck Manifesto, and phantom DJs IN GENERAL won't play requests they don't know. This is exactly what I was trying to say in the first place and if it wasn't clear then, well I hope it is now.

    I listen to pirate radio stations because I want to hear about up and coming interesting bands. I want to listen to DJs that are passionate about their music and are actively interested in finding out about new music. I don't consider my self to have particularly alternative taste in music, I just want to listen to songs I haven't heard before. *How about a "Brand New" slot?* I don't listen to pirate radio station to hear DJs that are hoping to jump into Larry Gogan, Gareth O Callaghan or Bob Conway's seat while it's still warm.

    To be perfectly honest this drivetime garbage makes me sick, but THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, and obviously not the opinions of others. I completely think it's great what a success you've made of the station Pete, against all the odds. And I'm sure you couldn't give a monkeys if one less student listens to your station- you're doing it for free, I just thought i'd vent my opinions on the discussion board to find out if anyone agreed with me.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 122 ✭✭mixer007

    Writhe. These guys demo seriously impressed me. Can't wait to play alongside them in a few weeks. Writhe are the best heavy rock band I've heard from Ireland in years. Better the Wilt in my opinion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 Seprico

    bombidol, you are a bitter boy....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,638 ✭✭✭bombidol

    Im not bitter im just testing the waters and messing i knew some of the seprico boys were here when i saw the gigsmart link.
    i actually heard the demo.ep and thought it was decent enough

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,638 ✭✭✭bombidol

    Also what are you going to do now that Keith is F**ked?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 332 ✭✭o sleep

    atonal, i see your point. but the bands you chose really are the worst of the british music scene (although muse are a lot of fun). for originality see: mogwai, arab strap, super furry animals, snow patrol, tindersticks, etc etc. even when the acts are retro (belle and sebastian etc) there's a hell of a lot of originality there. the irish music scene does have a lot of brilliant bands, but they just go unnoticed by the vast majority, bcos they're seen as being too 'indier-than-thou', which they're not.

    as for the irish bands doing so well in NYC, well i can't comment on mr north, bcos i haven't heard them, but stand are perhaps the prime example of turgid nothingness in the irish music scene. they're up there with exit4 (or whatever they're called).

    Einstürzende: just because i don't play in a band (and haven't done so for a while) doesn't mean i can't criticise the music scene. and just as we can't say the whole irish music scene is **** bcos we haven't listened to all the bands , you can't say the opposite. two incredibly facile points, if the second was true then you could never say anything like 'the best album of all time is ...' bcos god knows we haven't listened to every album ever.
    Originally posted by atonal
    If you are complaining about the Irish music scene exactly who's music scene do you want?
    i don't want anybody elses scene, just an original irish one, with quality original acts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,638 ✭✭✭bombidol

    I was asking about P9 cause i like to get response about the stuff we done cause we done a lot when we were playing all the time, We never really broke up just took a break, and its poxy hard to find time to jam when we all work different hours and now theres the problem with keiths wankin hand. By the way a (bOOm) after my name when im posting means ( not to be taken seriously) as you will see in any other posts ive ever made, So dont take the Digs personally, And dont post up personal **** about me again, please.And i heard the Arkla' Gig went well, what was the turn out like? theres no point in asking keith about anyting musical, he doesnt even know who Phil Lynott was or who was in the Beatles, Ask him its feckin funny.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,638 ✭✭✭bombidol

    I just realised that that page you posted was from the p9 site from about 2 years ago, how the F**k did you get it? Bitchface was telling me bout one of you FTPing into my space, dont do it again, thats my own space not just p9s. Im moving the sites to a secure server in the mater hospital soon, so you wont be able to do that again!, You work for Digifone or something dont you?

    Please exuse all the posts, i had lot of free time today.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭atonal

    Originally posted by o sleep
    the bands you chose really are the worst of the british music scene (although muse are a lot of fun

    .the irish music scene does have a lot of brilliant bands, but they just go unnoticed by the vast majority, bcos they're seen as being too 'indier-than-thou', which they're not.

    stand are perhaps the prime example of turgid nothingness in the irish music scene.

    I know I know, I was slanting my argument a bit, my pont was just that those bands are wdely popular despite being thoroughly mediocre.

    this is sort of what I was trying to say - there is an image/marketing divide there.

    I agree Stand are not a "Great" band. They are however one of the better "local" bands in NY what this implies about the state of NY's music scene is obvious. It is a very big scene so it is hard to generalize, i cannot claim to have seen every band, but much of what I see is complete shyte. STAND are derivative of almost everything but they are a good band to see live they put on a good show. They do some nice things with the two vocalists sometimes. I enjoy them despite that they are not a great band. My main point in mentioning them was just that apparently they dont see Ireland as the place to get recognized.
    MrNorth are a damm fine band, although they're Irish they have never really played much in Ireland. Taste aside (not everybody is going to like the same stuff) as far as musicianship I have never seen a tighter band.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,638 ✭✭✭bombidol

    What about Stand? They R pretty Good

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 Seprico

    Fair nuff bombidol......:p

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭DerekD Goldfish

    O sleep named snow patrol as brittish i thought they were irish just living in scotland

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 332 ✭✭o sleep

    they're from the north, and as far as i know (although i could be wrong) the lead singer/songwriter considers himself british. either way, it's just technical. i should've stated that i was leaving out bands from the north, because there's been quite a lot of good ones, not because it serves my argument better, but because they're living in a different country.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 81 ✭✭jonny

    babelfish are great.
    i love babelfish

    and by the way, i'm not in babelfish, i just think they're great, if i were to be really biased and self promoting, i would say that my music is great, and it is, its fantastic, but that would ruin my anomnity, maybe i'll reregiter and promote me, until then.....SUCKERS!!! HA HA HAH HAHASAHAHSFZSTG

    yeah, wallmark are class too, good website i might add;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 103 ✭✭poobags

    Cuple people mentioned the keds. They seem to have broken up. I know for definite that the bass player left.

    They did alright at Witnness

    Thank you and good nite

    Don't eat the yellow snow1

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭Gar_ptc

    i dont like much of the indie stuff at the moment.snow patrol is the only indie-type thing that i can stand.the rest..."aren't to my taste"...and even still snow patrol aren't magnificient -in my eyes.

    where has all the technical skill gone?

    i'm told the bass player in blotooth is groovy...coupla great drummers out there;the crows old drummer;jesssica insanes drummer;otranomes...

    actually there are alot of great drummers out there;but where have the skillful bassists gone?

    at the moment "skillful bassists"is an oxymoron.

    i will change that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,706 ✭✭✭120_Minutes

    you've never seen me jivin' in skyjack then gar?? what skill! (exactly, what skill??), meself and dara from blotooth are coming from the same place bass wise 'cept were in radically different bands. We're in whelans in march come check us out.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,706 ✭✭✭120_Minutes

    .....oh and forgive me for boasting, but our drummer kicks EVERYONES ass! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 257 ✭✭irokie

    has anyone ever heard of the messiah operation? i'm desperate to know what someone outside fo the school thinks of them... everyone in the school (i won't mention which) is influenced by the people in the band, so it's personalities, not talent which counts. i haven't seen the band live in quite a while, last time was in november, and i was stage manager and there were many problems (mostly my fault).

    also i'm curious as to whether anyon'es heard of them...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Manufractured Individual

    Originally posted by irokie
    has anyone ever heard of the messiah operation? i'm desperate to know what someone outside fo the school thinks of them... everyone in the school (i won't mention which) is influenced by the people in the band, so it's personalities, not talent which counts. i haven't seen the band live in quite a while, last time was in november, and i was stage manager and there were many problems (mostly my fault).

    also i'm curious as to whether anyon'es heard of them...

    I don't know them, as far as I to talk to or anything so can I reply?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,840 ✭✭✭Trev M

    The Messiah Operation will be playing Gigsmart in the international this Staurday night at 9pm check them out then!
