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Add-On Story

  • 07-03-2002 2:26pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭

    You know the kind of thing I post the start of the story and someone else continues it and so on …

    The story can go from the start I give it anyway you chose i.e. It could be a fantasy adventure Lord of the rings stile (Id like this, think it could be fun) A war story or anything else you might like!

    Just one thing can you keep the story from getting monty-piton'ish I'd like the story not to get silly

    P.S. Could someone could give it a good title soon too to enforce the theme?

    Gearan lay in the ditch by the side of the road barley daring to breathe. His face was cut badly just below his cheek bone and blood poured slowly down his face dripping silently into the muddy puddle in which he lay. As he lay there he could hear his pursuers on the road above approaching. A cold chill ran through his body as his mind conjured up terrible images of how he would die…


    "Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film."


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,734 ✭✭✭Xterminator

    He engaged his self diagnostic program, in a possibly futile attempt at repairing his essential system functions. This released millions of nano machines into his blood stream.
    Gearan decided to concetrate on geeting his mobilty functions back in order, before worring about such niceites as superficial cuts and broken bones.
    Besides his cyborg circuits allowed him to switch off the pain, in case it became too much of a distraction.
    Lurching to his feet, he turned to see what was coming into view, at the end of the road.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 2,688 Mod ✭✭✭✭Morpheus


    :eek: His mind reeled in a dazzling explosion of light and sound, he had the sensation of soaring through the air, and then being hurled on the ground and into a deep culvert off the main pathway.

    Moving his pain-wracked body he strained to see what had happened, he noticed a small four wheeled white object screeching to a halt on the far side of the roadway, it had black windows, was it his head thumping? No there was a deep basey throbbing emanating from the.... vehicle, yes it had to be a vehicle, he could see wheels now, shiny silvery ones, with wide black tyres, then with a screech and a high noted roar from a fat tube at the back, it was gone in a cloud of burning rubber. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was the furry dice and the sign in the back window that read "NoFear"


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    Lets start again

    T'was a dark and stormy night as 'Dillion' left the office ...

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 2,688 Mod ✭✭✭✭Morpheus

    He stepped out into the icy air and closed the offices street door behind him, it was a short walk along the street to his old comfy VW beetle parked around the corner. Looking up he could just about make out the moon as it appeared and dissappeared between the tattery storm clouds racing across the sky.

    A steady drenching rain fell all around. He pulled his hood tighter around his head and raced to his car. There it was, he reached for his keys... a sudden flash blinded him, as if a million cameras had flashed in his eyes followed a split second later by an earthshattering crash, then he blacked out.

    When he came too, the streetlamps had gone out, no wait.... he was lying on grass, the last thing he remembered was... was his car! He couldnt see, had he been blinded forever?

    He tried to get up, his body felt broken, as if he'd been hit by a train, he screamed in agony and fell to the ground. Thankfully his vision hazilly returned, first he could make out grey shapes against a dark background, he rubbed his eyes, yes that helped, he looked up from where he lay, the sky above was clear, stars and a full moon twinkled in the heavens.

    He must have been knocked out and the storm had passed. He gingerly tried his arms and legs, there was pain, extreme but bearable, more like exhaustion than injuries, he was bruised all over, but nothing was broken, or at least felt broken. raising himself up on his elbows, he looked around. "must have been hit by lightening" he thought to himself, his clothing should have been partly burnt in places, then he noticed his strange outfit, gone were his office clothes and hooded jacket, he was wearing a strange military jumpsuit, a dark olive green armoured upper part, hardened plastic panels protected vital parts of his torso, and arms, he had strange kevlar like gloves, waterproof leggings with armour strapped to his thighs and knees, light yet sturdy boots too, a side-arm was strapped to his hip.

    He removed it from its holster and examined the weapon, it was unlike any gun he'd ever seen before, a strange matt black color, with a slender short barrel, not metal, nor any plastic he knew. Indeed until now he'd never even held a gun before, yet it felt right.

    Maybe he was dreaming? Nearby a helmet lay on the ground, it had a very hi-tech look to it, it could be placed completely over his head, in a motorbike helmet fashion, yet looked much smaller and lighter than any earthly device, indeed everything looked alien to him.

    This cant be right he thought, he was lying on a small hill under a tree, around him the moonlit landscape rolled away in small valleys and hills in all directions. off to his right he thought he could make out a light through the trees that surrounded a shallow dell, or valley, he wasnt sure. It flickered and died, then sprang up again brighter this time, was it a fire?

    He grabbed the helmet and forced his body painfully onto its feet, he was recovering fast, that was strange, he reckoned it should take days to recover from the pain hed felt when he first tried to stand. As his vision adjusted to the moonlit darkness he noticed what must be smoke rising above the valley that the light seemed to emanate from. If there was fire, maybe there were people? He quickened his pace, but stumbled and fell, as he rolled over, a noise like a hundred quick whip cracks echoed around him and the ground where he had been standing was torn up by a hail of bullets, he quickly belly crawled into the trees above the valley.

    Frightened and disorientated, he almost crapped himself when he heard the female voice as if on a radio, it crackeld desperately

    "Come in Bravo one, do you copy over?", "Bravo one, we have your last coordinates from your mayday, are you ok?".

    He quickly realised it was from the helmet that they came...

    "Bravo flight, anyone, please respond"

    He carefully placed the helmet over his head, as it came down around his neck, the visor clicked shut and he could feel the base of it click onto the neck of his jumpsuit, making an airtight seal, before he could suffocate, a hiss indicated air was being filtered in for him to breath. Nevertheless he struggled to get out of it, but couldnt remove it, "get off me you bastard" he cursed under his breath, suddenly the helmet receiver crackled again, this time much louder in both ears,

    "Bravo one, is that you?"...

    "hello?" he replied, "can anyone hear me? "

    "Bravo one, this is Bear Command, are you ok?"...

    He whimpered, relieved that someone could hear him"Hello, if you can hear me, im stuck in this damn helmet and sombody tried to shoot me, please help" he sounded desperate.

    "Bravo one get out of there, orbital NAVSAT has picked up many enemy units all around your crashzone, they'll kill you on sight, gather what you can and move out"

    Crashzone? he thought, what the hell are they on about?

    "Hello this is Dillion Slater, i dont know who you are, or where i am, but someone please help, ive no idea where to go? WHERE AM I" he screamed at the end of his message.

    "Bravo one... er Dillion Slater.... calm down, you may be suffering from concussion, look can you move?" was the panicky reply.

    "yeah, i can move, now please help!!"

    "switch on your suit unit"


    "Say...Unit Powerup"

    "what?... Unit PowerUp?"


    "Captain Slater???" he thought. The visor lit up in front of his eyes, figures and percentages scrolled across its inner side in a deep red color, it was like being face up against an LCD screen that you could see through, like the airforce helmets he'd seen on the discovery channel, yet nothing there had looked so sophisticated. Also his vision was far clearer now, when he tried to look in the distance, the helmet automatically zoomed in for him. It re focused in Infrared night vision too, all heat sources were bright green.... he could even see the massive tanks rolling down the hill right before him "AGGGH", he jumped and fell backwards rolling someway down into the valley.

    "Is any of your team still alive at the crashzone?"

    "What team? there's tanks coming towards me, HELP!"

    "Look, can you see your dropship? you crashed about 20 minutes ago and we lost contact, you were over enemy terrority, you have about ten minutes to get out of there, the enemy are 3 miles from your last recorded position."

    "I can see light from a fire just below me, im on the side of a small hill overlooking a shallow valley"

    "Dillion, thats probably the crashsite, get down there, you may find ammo, weapons maybe even one of the ATV's you were carrying, have a look, but be quick"

    "Ok, il let you know what i find, er whats an ATV?"

    "Its an All Terrain Vehicle, now move... Bear command over and out"

    Dillion scrambled down through the bushes and trees, the valley flattened out, suddenly he emerged at the edge of the fire blackened valley floor. He stood gasping for breath and looked up. A massive craft of some kind loomed over him, it reminded him of the US Osprey Aircraft, only 3 or 4 times as big and it had four big jet engines rather than the Ospreys propellors, that could rotate on the tips of the wings, 2 on stub wings at the front, and 2 on larger wings at the back.

    But it was all horribly twisted now, the engines rent and broken, 2 of them on fire, the cockpit was smashed assunder too, a huge loading ramp hung open at the back, the craft lay on its belly at a forty five degree angle, over on its left side facing away from him, landing gear was twisted and broken, 2 bodies lay horribly burned at the side of the cargo hold.

    He sprinted over to the ramp, and clambered up onto the remains of the loading deck, sparks flew from electrical systems and the faint smell of ozone filled his nostrils, through the wreckage and smoke of the interior, he could make out 4 humvee like vehicles, 2 had ripped free of their straps and had been thrown around, they now burned fiercly at the cockpit end of the cargo hold, but the other 2 were still tied down, one of these had been wrecked by other vehicles rolling round inside.

    The final one was intact and facing the ramp. He ran up the length of the bay, at the cockpit end he dodged around the blazing fire and reached a small ladder, he scaled that and tried to open the cockpit door, it wouldnt budge,he heaved with all his might and it finally gave way, he saw why it had jammed.

    Inside the cockpit was carnage, the crew had been shot to pieces, the navigator lay behind the door, his face had been torn away, and one arm was missing, a pilot lay across the controls, his hand still gripping the ejector cord that had snapped when he pulled it, his body torn appart and still bleeding, gaping holes in the walls and ceiling showed where bullets must have ripped through the crafts outer skin, the other pilot was.... was gone!!! The canopy above was also gone, he must have ejected safely. Then he noticed the chair, "Capt Dillion Slater" was embroidered across the bloodsoaked arm. He sat down suddenly, in stunned silence.

    "Bravo one DO YOU COPY this is Bear Command, get out of there, ENEMY UNITS moving into the valley NOW!"

    "Bear, this is Dillion, I copy,theyre dead, all crew are dead, I must..... I......ejected, craft destroyed, one jeep is still in the hold" he sounded hysterical, he began to sob.

    "Bravo, Dillion, look im sorry, theres nothing you can do for them now, get into the ATV and get out of there, there should be survival gear and weapons stowed on the jeep already, just get out of there and head north, up the valley, enemy is entering south and east of you. MOVE IT, Bear over and out"

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 2,688 Mod ✭✭✭✭Morpheus

    Dillion climbed quickly back down the ladder, he felt sick, but if he wretched now he would drown in his own vomit, he still hadnt figured out how to remove the suits helmet, strange, he noticed now that he couldnt feel the fire through the suit, altho it burned beside him it felt mildly warm, "hmmm it must be fire-proof, i wonder what temperature it is here without a suit" if in reply the suits helmet responed "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 356 DEGREES CELCIUS"

    "cool" he thought, "this thing knows how to answer me, maybe it will tell me how to remove the helmet, but not just yet, i dont want to get roasted"

    As he thought this something grabbed him and he stumbled, looking down he saw a glove wrapped around his ankle, he followed an arm to a suited body under the wheel of the second tied down ATV, "" it was a woman! Dillion could see that the ATV had partially come loose from its cargo straps and slid over pinning the woman to the ground-ward wall, he quickly re-attached its straps and began trying to winch the vehicle back. It budged inch by inch as he hand winched it, finally it was far enough for him to pull her clear, he did so quickly.

    Kneeling by her side, he could see her leg was broken, "Thankyou" was all she said before she blacked out. Knowing that he shouldnt move her, but with no time to spare, he quickly carried her to the last ATV, secured her carefully in the passenger seat and released the cargo straps holding it down.

    Miraculously it didnt roll over on the 45 dgree tilting deck, he climbed in and pressed the starter button, the engine kicked over, strange, it didnt sound like a petrol engine, it hummed more like an electrical one, maybe this was electrical, like the suit.

    He looked in the back of his 'Humm Vee' as he called it, there were some rifles and what looked lieka rocket launcher as well as some rounds of ammo for it. Food supplies too, and thankfully some water.

    With a final look behind him he accelerated away from the crashed dropship and skidded to a halt. "Now if only i had a compass, or a map"


    "ahh, nice" it was the vehicle this time and not his helmet that had spoken, a GPS-like system in the centre of the dashboard displayed his position and showed he was facing south. "uh oh" he thought and looked up, he was just in time to see a muzzle flash from the edge of the clearing in front of him.

    A massive explosion ripped through the wreckage behind followed by the sharp report of a canon firing. as debris rained down about the ATV, he spun the wheels to get moving and careened off in the opposite direction. Shells blasted the trees to his right and left showering the vehicle with mud and shrapnel, which pinged loudly off its armour.

    There seemed to be a pathway now so he could make good speed. More shells fell, this time they bracketed him closely on both sides of the road. The heavy ATV was buffetted back and forth swerving across the pathway, then a shell right fell in front of it, he expertly skidded sideways and used a powerslide to accelerate around the crater it left even as the mud began to fall to earth again.

    Finally they turned a bend in the path and the shelling stopped. It was strangely quiet without the expected engine noise as they drove at about 50-60 miles per hour in the treelined avenue which continued north westerly away from that valley of death. He looked at his passenger, her leg didnt look so bad now, maybe it wasnt as bad as he thought? He saw her name tag, Lt Elena Wilmont, "Elena.... nice name" He couldnt see through her helmets visor and couldnt tel if she was awake or not, so he kept driving through the forest, in silence for an hour or two.

    Up ahead the path stopped climbing and levelled out, the trees started to thin too. He pulled over off the pathway and drove into a heavy thicket of thorny bushes that would hide them from enemy vehicles and patrols. It was time to get some answers.

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  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 2,688 Mod ✭✭✭✭Morpheus

    I thought this post wasnt bad, obviously no-one else appreciates amateur sci fi!! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,684 ✭✭✭Kraken

    continue it i want to know more. very good btw.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 2,688 Mod ✭✭✭✭Morpheus

    HUH??? it took me half an hour of work time to come up with that stuff!! its supposed to be add on! u think its :rolleyes: good?

    wow im flattered, ive never written any short stories before...:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,399 Mod ✭✭✭✭Thanx 4 The Fish

    Now think Dillon, what do you remember, the offices, the car, the light and excruciating pain. Was that part of some pain hallucination or is this a fever dream ?? Light patting on his shoulder brought him out of his reverie.
    "I didn't get a chance to thank you back there Cap'n"
    "Anytime".. where am I .. what am I doing here .. "Sarah" .. how did I know that ?? "What happened back there ??"

  • Registered Users Posts: 483 ✭✭banbutcher

    more Morphéus that was pretty cool!!!

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