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  • 29-03-2002 3:51am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭

    Wow, got this game on friday, rocks my jox. Its the first RPG ive ever played and im really enjoying it.. *kick in the teeth here comes the common sense*

    GOA.. wow wtf are you prats playing at? Ive had the game a whopping 7 days and ive already missed 2 from their server bollox/patch antics. They released a patch for the Euro servers on wednesday (NOTICE: This patch has been running on the US servers for months, IN FACT, its been outdated with a new patch). So anyway, the patch is released at around 12AM Wednesday, by 1pm they find bugs (lol?), Wizards are know hitting enemys for minus damage, so they are hurting themselves. Excuse me, how on earth do you manage to miss that in a beta test? Also peoples bank accounts (in game accounts i mean) with their gold and stuff have been wiped, silly database problem. So their solution, take the servers offline to fix it.

    Ok so its a new patch (well not really, considering its been outdated in US version) no one expects it to go perfectly, but then again we didn't expect to miss a day of usage over it either. So anyway, 2pm most people are up (the earlie burds got the patch) or have some free time. They go to download the patch, let me point out here that DAoC thought the best idea was to have a patch download program, you know the type, like in tribes 2, runs at the start of the game and checks for patches, except this one is a tad different. It auto downloads from the servers (so you don't get a selection of ftp's and no companys have the option to host the patch) and it downloads the files to the dir's one by one. So by now you can imagine the traffic of the amount of people trying to get the patch from the crummy amount of servers GOA have up. Basicly no one could get it. It would start but then just stop after about 50k (the patch is only 8meg) yet i spent about 3 hours getting it by opening the window 8 times and downloading it 50k at a time, half the windows didn't download anything they just went dead. So anyway the servers come back online (9 hours after they went down) and theres 750 people in #daoc on quakenet freaking cause they can't patch, people resorted to getting one of the lads with the patch to upload their daoc folder and let others download it (all good if your a broadband bastard). GOA make an announcment saying 'All's fixed, welcome to patch 1.45!' or something along those lines, yet only about 500 people had the patch. Of course GOA didn't open any more servers for the patch they all head home to bed leaving alot of angry paying gamers with out any patch to play with. Next day i think they open more servers for the patch cause its faster and not stopping, but what happens at around 4pm today? the game servers go down (GFG!). So now their servers are down and they can't give an ETA of when they will be back cause they don't know the problem.

    Frankly im pissed off. Everyones saying 'relax, your still on your free month you get with the game, its not as bad for you' but thats bs cause you know part of the money for the game is paying for that month (34 Euro for the game 10 Euro a month sub). They better sort their stuff quick or they won't see me paying next month.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭vac

    Gah, soz about the large rant and shortage of paragraphs but im just so addicted to playing it that the downtime id driving me insane.

    Other then all the bollocks with servers going down the game itself is really good. Lots of monsters to kill and places to roam, quests to do and tasks to preform, all in which can be done with other online players which is always more fun. I myself enjoy hunting for expierence in a group with other players, everyone plays a role in the group and its just very interactive and fun.

    Ive taken the liberty of uploading a screenshot (url below), a few of us in a group went hunting near a part thats gaurded by huge level 30 or so Fire giants. If you can just see one in that screen shot walking towards the big gate, i might look small there but thats from a distance (up close your about the height of its foot). Also note im saying sorry to everyone, see i ran at it thinking it was neutral trying to get a good screenie and it turned and chased all of us, not only that but i pressed the wrong button for the screenshot :)

    URL for scrennie (pity its not great :/) :

    Also in the new patch they've added a dragon (oh dear) and i think a few of us are going looking for it tomorrow, if we see it ill be sure to upload screenie :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,346 ✭✭✭Rev Hellfire

    Welcome to the real world :)
    Once you're in you can never leave.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭vac

    Morning everyone

    Last night was a tough one.

    Around 7.00pm GMT last night, our entire network was attacked (hacked) and this went on for about two hours. The main consequence of this attack was the downing & re-opening of our servers. We decided to shutdown our entire DAoC network to give our technical teams & Mythic’s some time to react and riposte.
    The website (forums included) was also unavailable soon after the attack for security reason and was brought back up this morning.

    What are the consequences of this attack?

    It was a tough night for our tech teams; to trace the origin of the attack, to protect the platform and check the consequences of the attack.
    For now, the attack mainly caused a “Denial of Service” (impossibility to connect to the servers and the website), the game databases were not affected.
    Our logs and analysis show that the early afternoon servers “crashes” yesterday were the early beginnings of the evening attack.

    The servers should be back online early this afternoon with the end of the afternoon backups.

    We are already working on a solution to give everyone affected a compensation free day.

    Stay tuned...

    Posted on barrysworld by Kemor (some guy from GOA i think), well at least things are starting to look up, although the servers are still down atm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭damnyanks

    Ooh didnt know people actually played this game here, my sister got it in America a few weeks back. It's not amazing but its a nice little change sometimes. Where do you all play? I'm a Lvl10 Mentalist in Hibernia :)

    You wanna start up a guild? I have like 40 gold cause I spent like 2 hours at lvl 1 begging the purples for cash :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,010 ✭✭✭Dr_Teeth

    hehe, that sounds painful Vac.. those french muppets really have no clue. I'm glad I've been playing the US version since last October! Still though, at least you're getting closer to the US version - 1.45 was a decent patch though if I recall correctly it has a fair few issues that have since been addressed in 1.46, .47 and .48.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭vac

    Damny most people play on the US servers, i bought the Euro version so ive no way of playing in US ;E, Atm im a level 21 Thane.

    Ugh Teeth, the story goes on, the servers have been up and down up and down constantly for the past 2 days, tonight for example you couldn't play for longer then a minute without getting Link Dead. They know what the problem is, its some l33tz0r french script0r kiddies hax0rzing the pants off GOA servers with dos attacks :rolleyes:, yet they can't seem to go about stopping them. Last week sometimes they rolled back the servers 1 day to reset it and everyone lost the XP they made on that day (in my case like 7 orbs :/).

    Frankly its not looking up, its not looking good, instead its looking French.

    Im sick i didn't buy the US version now :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭Funky

    thane pffft :)
    champions own j00

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Been playing this game more or less non-stop since it came out, what level charecters do you have,class realm server tradeskill plz :)

    Demoliri - lvl 29 ranger - hibernia - prydwen - 423 fletching
    Demo - lvl 8 hero - hibernia - prydwen - 221 weaponcrafting
    Cuddles - lvl 17 thane - midguard - excaliber - no crafting

    That game rocks meh l33t socks btw :)
