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  • 20-04-2002 6:10pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 99 ✭✭

    saw them in tower! anybody else go? they're great live. i was the one sitting with my friends behind the stage on the couch. with the dancing balloons. yay.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭Brautigan

    It's rare that I agree with an NME review, but they hit the nail right on the head with their review of Sony's great white hopes:

    "The Dublin croon-rocker's debut track is, essentially, a Travis B-Side done by way of Del Amitri with a nod to James. Which may well float the boats of a few people, but let us not forget three factors. Firstly, only Travis are allowed to make songs that sound like Travis. Secondly, Del Amitri are God-awful. And thirdly, James quite rightly split up. All four tracks here scream "hello! It's 1998!" But it's 2002. So... Goodbye"

    In the same issue they praise Ten Speed Racer's debut for their new UK indie label "Girls and Magazines". If ever there was a Dublin band in need of recognition and major label money it's Ten Speed Racer. They are one of the most under-rated bands in the country while Melaton? Money spent ramming Sony's vision of a Bellefire-with-guitars-and-black-clothes down our throats is an utter waste. In two years time, people will fondly recall Melawho? as better bands still plug away with no money, better tunes, and the hope of an occasional Whelans headliner.

    Meanwhile, the major label flops will make it harder for any decent Irish band to get signed. Remember, record companies are now run by accountants. If Melaton are the best we've got, the future is looking bleak.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 99 ✭✭freakofnature

    ok, all i'm saying is i thought they were good. just because they're on sony doesn't decrease their musical talents. in my eyes anyway. i think anyone who would think that is a bit of pretentious rock snob. did you know that muse are on the same label as kylie minougue used to be on? their still my favourite band. the crocketts are on stereophonics label. oh no. big deal. i still buy the cds.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭Brautigan

    Muse and Kylie have nothing to do with it. Melaton are a piss poor band now being moulded by Sony into something they're not. Best of luck to them anyway. I hope they enjoy it while it lasts...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 99 ✭✭freakofnature


    sorry got a bit carried away there.

    hey everynody has different tastes. if you think that melaton suck, and you don't listen to them, thats you're loss. i think they're great.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭Brautigan

    Each to their own I suppose. I'm sure there's bands I could list out that you think suck. And yes, I have listened to them. I've seen 'em live and was half impressed then got tremendously bored with the whole thing.. I've seen bands like them a hundred million times before to know that they'll have to try harder if old goats like me are ever going to be moved by them.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 99 ✭✭freakofnature

    i'm really started to dislike your nme-reading, melaton-hating, me-annoying traits, brautigan

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭atonal

    Originally posted by Brautigan

    If ever there was a Dublin band in need of recognition and major label money it's Ten Speed Racer. They are one of the most under-rated bands in the country

    bands still plug away with no money, better tunes, and the hope of an occasional Whelans headliner. Meanwhile, the major label flops will make it harder for any decent Irish band to get signed. Remember, record companies are now run by accountants.

    10speedracer are great

    the latter is what I am going to end up mumbling to myself as I shabbily wander the street when I finally lose it completely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 50 ✭✭pixe

    Feak of Nature I totally agree! Personally I think Meletone ****en rock!

    I saw them first about 2years ago (they were supporting subrosa) and I found myself standing captivatingly staring at these kids that had so emotion.

    They are far, far from Bellfire with guitars :eek: ....What an insult!. Their songs are intricate, powerful and passionate..... and they are so ****en talented.....the lead singer can play about 6 different intruments (perfectly) and he's only about 18!

    AS said everyone is wellcome to there opions but I you are missing something great. They got signed due to pure talent....a strange thing these days!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭clevenger

    christ they're dull

    travis/coldplay/james cocktail that manages to be even less than the sum of its parts

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 726 ✭✭✭lamda

    I agree that Melaton are a talented band..the singer has a great voice and the songs are good but I couldnt see myself getting really interested in them....I dont find them exciting...just, well, nice i suppose would be the word.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭megameaty

    I saw them live for the first time the other night. On first impressions I thought, yea that guy can sing. But now looking back on it, all of their songs sounded same. Boooooooring!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 Whisper

    har de har har, i saw you there. and yer ones brother. why were you shouting at him? was it you who let off the balloons outside tower? i tried to go over to the couch but there was ppl standing in the way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 99 ✭✭freakofnature

    hey whisper you were shouting at him too. and you were there when i let go of the balloons. did you buy the ep/get a poster?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 scotsman

    I was there and happen to think the lads were great. Brautigan is such a be-gruding lunatic. He always goes a bit heavy on the mayo if you ask me. I do admit, their songs sound the same but so do Damien Rice songs and Frames songs if you want to put it that way. Not into all that myself.

    One quick question. What was the singer from Blotooth doing there handing out melaton posters?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,710 ✭✭✭Kurdt

    for me, songs by the one artist always sound the same until you've heard them a few times...maybe its just me...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 640 ✭✭✭knobbles

    i got their free demo a few months ago and was impressed,
    simply because of the quality of the demo in comparison to
    most dublin bands. But i'd be a bit more harsh if i was to
    judge them on a wider national and UK scale.
    I've heard the EP, a good vocalist, they sound like they've
    good taste but like the review in hot press says, i remain
    to be impressed. The songs are far from amazing, and
    meoldies fairly dull.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 86 ✭✭trent_derby

    I got the free cd to. i thought it was great, but i will say the reason they have such a good quality demo than most of the dublin bans around is ££££, which most bands dont really have, i thought the lead vocals sounded a bit damien rice esque but i will say that they have some really good tunes and the fact that they are signed to a major label will bring a lot of nay sayers and people who will blame the record company, if your in anyway a decent artist you would tell them to **** off if they interfere with your music, and im sure the lads in melaton know that too.
    maybe a lot off people are jealous/bitter off their good fortunes.
    take care off yourself, and each other.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭papashiv0

    I remember Garvey the bass player when he had his long hair. That was b4 the stylists got to him......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭DerekD Goldfish

    I think youre being to harsh. There not going to change the world as we know it and they may be singed to a major record label but they have some decent songs I think that there is to much snobisness around. when does a band become to cool to be cool its very confusing. I dont care what record label there on I headrd them on the radio I thought they were good I saw them in tower I was aslo impressed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    kurdt, yeah i find that too, but what usually happens for me is i hear the album for the first time, love it, then listen to it a few more times and find the songs are a bit the same uintil i've listened to it a bit more, and they each become a little gem
    but if i dont love it that first time...then there's no point

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 52 ✭✭Uncle Neddy

    fukk nme. that poxy rag pushes **** like starsailor as the future of music.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Angle

    A lot of negativity on the Melaton issue, - I agree with the NME review & with the Hotpress article aswell - BUT I don't feel Melaton are to be written off that easy: The only problem with the EP is Track Selection, Melaton have a huge cataloge of songs & any time I have seen them they have been amazing - Whelans in December was my "Gig of 2002"

    The problem is they are signed to one of the Majors who call the shots, I feel the poor reviews could be a blessing in disguise - maybe Sony will allow the band to have more of a say in what they release as a result of the EP.

    Ironically labeled "Falling Star" Melatons first Sony offering has been a f*#k up, but dont write them off - there is a lot better to come after all they are only 19.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 454 ✭✭bandit

    sadly saw melaton twice they are boring as a dogs ass, its just travis meets starsailor / etc etc... all the songs sound the same except for a piss poor version of neil youngs southern man they were bad before they were signed and they are still bad, now they are signed. and as for the pretentious new video dont start me
    and finally
    just cause someone agree with the nme doesnt a c.u.n.t make them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 108 ✭✭immort4l

    I know the whole band personally(Ie:I was friends with various members for a long time).But they suck musically.My god,they are so dull.Yeah,I also remember when Declan(bass) was a fibbers junkie and had really long hair.He was a mad ****er.Damn that stylist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Luke

    This is Luke from Melaton. Thank you all very much for your various compliments and insults alike.
    I tend not to read reviews very often but it's interesting to see them posted on message boards - I got a good laugh out of the NME one....
    To be honest, the only copy of the NME that I have ever bought - I read the first couple of pages, and through it in the recyclying. That particular issue of the "New Musical Express" seemed to be lacking in any articles actually about music, itself!!
    As for the Hot Press quote ("I remain to be convinced").....I don't really think people have the slightest care in the world what any critic is personally "convinced" by. If I was to read a review of a band/record etc., I would want an accurate, well thought-out description of the music concerned. Frankly, I wouldn't give a **** what the person who wrote the article thinks of it - I'd just want to know what kind of music it is!!
    One thing that does irritate me......comparisons. Why must every single human being who ever lays a finger on a musical instrument be constantly showered with useless comparisons? If people want to listen to something completely different from what is usually heard in this part of the world, then they should seek out something from the far east or some place, where the entire chromatic system of music is completely different. Of course things sound similar. Everything in Western music does! The same scales and harmonic progressions have been in use for the past few centuries. Almost every piece of western music ever written is just a new combination of the same old stuff. So stop complaining and enjoy it!!
    Music isn't about taste. It's about sound - the basic fact that humans, among other animals, love sound. If only people would just admit that to themselves, it would save a hell of a lot of time wasted on argueing what is good and what is bad. It's all good! Sound is a beautiful thing, in all forms. Tonio Kroger, a charachter of Thomas Mann's, said, "Sound natural feeling, say what you like, has no taste."
    Most (not all) music critics are generally just people who think that they know what music is supposed to sound like. Of course, there is no "way" which music "should" sound, is there? One could say that ALL music is good music until it starts hurting your ears! 99% of all talk about music is pretensious rubbish. Music is supposed to be a language in itself. It can speak for itself. It doesn't need to be talked about. If something doesn't appeal to you, leave it be. Acknowledge the work that's gone into it and go find something that does appeal to you. But don't waste time complaining about it - that's depressing. ALL MUSIC IS GOOD! ALL SOUND IS GOOD! Shut up and enjoy it while you can. You won't be able to when you're dead!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 640 ✭✭✭knobbles

    surely, one of the most efficient ways to describe a
    bands music is by comparisons with several artists
    - to give an idea of their style and sound.
    better than adjectives and describing moods and images.

    anyway, you're obviously not knocked back by the unsure
    and negative in here and you're damn right. You're being thrown
    into a scene with far maturer musicians like frames/damien rice/
    mundy(these are not comparisions!) etc. who are all well into their 20's. As I said, i didn't find your EP too exciting but i am
    impressed with the musicianship and to put you in a fair light,
    you'd look very well if we were all to compare you to what hansard/rice etc. had achieved in their late teens.
    You're obviously talented and and while you haven't knocked
    me over yet, i think you've a lot of time to evolve and make
    an impact with more people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 640 ✭✭✭knobbles

    btw, i'd be a very disappointed man and my faith in life
    would be drained if it were true that i won't be filled
    with beautiful music when i die. Have some faith in death
    for god sake!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    you're RIGHT!!!! why didnt i see it before!!!!
    gosh, now that i've seen the light im going to stop having an opinion about music!!!!!!!!

    you cant enjoy somehting that doesnt appeal to you, for goodness sake!!!!

    of COURSE music is about taste!!!
    I dont like mushrooms but i wouldnt eat them because they HAVE a taste. of course that doesnt mean im going to shove my opinion down anyone else's neck and stop people listening to the msuic i dont want them to!!!, but its nice to let it be known. It's nice to see what people think, what people like or not and why. it's like hearing the other side of an argument, and if you can understand that, then all the better! It makes music that be more interesting

    i liked your band years ago when i heard them first, but the reason i'm gone off them now, is because theres a lot of bands around out now sounding quite similar. it takes from the appeal of the band, it makes it less special.

    Just because the bands are from the same country doesnt mean they have to sound the same, have the same set up, not try enough with their music, have the same style, the same feel, you don't have to go halfway around the globe to find talent.

    and sorry...most of this is just replying to your last few paragraphs.... Like knobbles said, you are talented, and people like what you're doing...not everyone, but such is life and there's no point trying to convince everyone to like you because youre making sound!!! that just doesnt cut it!!!!Individuality get's in the way of that, but you guys are (hopefully) dwelling on the group of individuals who liek you're music, and not getting affected by the people who dont like your music, which is admirable.
    There will always be people who like you and poeple who dont, and so you just gotta deal with that without pressurising the people who dont like you to change, coz that'll just give them more fuel!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Luke

    Well, as Abraham Lincoln said,
    "You can please some of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time. But you can never please all of the people all of the time."

    I'll settle for that.

    I wasn't trying to make anyone like my music. I just wanted to touch base with the hate mail - no harm in that, right?

    Cheers for the replies,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    Luke..maybe i took your post the wrong way, but the way it came accross to me is that your giving out to people who complain about your music. like i said in my previous voice, we need the negativity, it helps us understand the positivity just plain helps understanding in fact.. and i'm not talking about people who say frankly "melaton are crap" im talking about the poeple who say why they dont like them, its just voicing an opinion, you can't argue with that surely? (maybe you were'nt and if i jumped to the wrong conclusion im sorry!!!)
    we're all having a huge discussion about this in the chat room now!!!! How one person's good is another person's bad and you cant condemn someone for having a different opinion, which is true, , but you also cant condemn someone for having an opinion.
