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An Idea...

  • 21-04-2002 11:26pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭

    If we want to debate with Eircom about DSL and Flat-Rate, why don't we email Gerry Ryan from 2FM? If we give him the facts of our situation, he can get people phoning in and giving opinions. I'm thinking that this would be an extension of Gareth O'Callaghan's time slot, meaning we could get feedback, as well as a longer time to discuss the issue...

    (ok, so I didn't explain it that well, but please tell me you understand what I'm getting at lol)

    Anyone have any comments or suggestions about this?


  • Registered Users Posts: 151 ✭✭Arboration

    Not a bad idea.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Slony

    thats ok pal...if this Ryan dude isnt on the eircommunists payroll in some way. It wouldnt surprise to find out he was. But nothing ventured buddy .....go for it.8-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 96 ✭✭Dr.Seagull

    eircom have alot of ad's on 2fm it seems to be one per ad break in the morning
    i dont think his boss would be too happy about it :(
    eircom would just end up haveing the final word again
    and another down side we would have to listen to gerry ryan nooo :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    If not Gerry Ryan, perhaps someone else who has a similar show on another station, or maybe we could email as many as possible, seeing who'll take it up? It may be considered spamming in some ways, but at least we can get the people who don't listen to 2FM, whoever they may be... It's important that we get the message across to all...

    Edit: I decided to wipe out what I said... No point in having it up now lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20


    You are absolutely correct. A phone - in / discussion show of the type you mention could be of immense benefit , especially when informing the general public of the true facts in relation to the high cost of going online in the Irish Republic.

    It is the end result that matters, not the individual presenter. The programme ratings for the show you mention are just about the highest ib Ireland.

    As for Eircoms "Advertisements" having an influence on the programme content or subjects covered?, it should be understood that RTE advertising is a completely seperate department from the "programmes department" or it is supposed too be. If the RTE journalists and presenters allow any outside business concern to influence "free speech" on air . Then RTE broadcasting could find that their in house staff "union" would consider it in breach of its public service requirements in a democracy.

    I truly believe that Ireland OFFline should give - very serious - consideration too your idea. Especially at this very appropriate time of increasing public awareness and the forthcoming election.;) ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    As for Eircoms "Advertisements" having an influence on the programme content or subjects covered?, it should be understood that RTE advertising is a completely seperate department from the "programmes department" or it is supposed too be. If the RTE journalists and presenters allow any outside business concern to influence "free speech" on air . Then RTE broadcasting could find that their in house staff "union" would consider it in breach of its public service requirements in a democracy.

    Wow... That's strong stuff...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,819 ✭✭✭K!LL!@N

    I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this before, if they have feel free to delete my post or whatever. Anyway, here's my point. How about we try and get David McWilliams to discuss the state of the telecoms industry ( or lack there of ) on his show. His show usually has level headed debate on the chosen topics, with arguments from both sides. I'm sure if enough people emailed the show, Agenda, they might stand up and take some notice, and perhaps devote a little time to the issue on the show.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    I think that it would be a a good idea to get this issue on as many forms of media we can. Perhaps we should aim for the newspapers also? (although I think that's been suggested already)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭aidan_dunne

    Listening to "Net News" on Gareth O' Callaghan's show today, he went back to the whole broadband subject and said it's something he is going to give a lot more airtime discussing. I think he also hinted at some type of debate between Eircom and some of the lobby groups (Ireland Offline?) that he has been in contact with recently.

    Has Ireland Offline been in contact with him? I know I mentioned the group when I e-mailed him last week and that Adam also e-mailed as a direct representative of Ireland Offline. I wonder has there been any more contact between Gareth and IOFFL regarding a possible head-to-head on-air debate with an Eircom representative. Now that's something I'd love to see (or should that be "listen" to!) because IOFFL would wipe the floor with Eircom. Ah, I can almost hear the desperate attempts by Eircom to deny and argue the points IOFFL would be putting to them right now!

    If not, I certainly agree that a head-to-head with Eircom will have to take place sometime. As it stands, Eircom just issue standard press releases and ludicrious sounding "facts and figures" whenever this whole thing is brought up. A head-to-head debate on Gerry Ryan's show or on "Agenda" or somewhere would expose all the massive holes in the "facts" Eircom try to pass off on the public and they would have no-where to run and hide. If Eircom truly believe their policies, statistics and what they do actually makes sense, then they should come out of hiding and square-up to IOFFL. But, then again, that's probably why Eircom would never agree to such a debate, because they know they'd be screwed!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 749 ✭✭✭Dangger

    We have been in touch with G O'C on this story. In my initial mail to him I explained who we were and what we did. In recent mails we have warned him on "potential" answers from Eircom. It certainly appears that he is doing some research. I have not had a response from him as you did, but I get the feeling his mailbox is getting swamped these days!

    On a related note we desparately need help in finishing our new site before we mention it on air! We have asked for his assistance in publicising it when it is complete.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,711 ✭✭✭Praetorian

    I may be wrong (but I think Im right :) ) ..... In my opinion, Gerry Ryans listeners are not the type that are interested in Broadband or the Internet at all. No offence to them but...his listeners are mainly house wives and grannys that dont generally know a whole lot about the Internet / broadband.

    Not that Im a big fan of Eamonn Dunphys (Im most certainly not)...I think his programme would have a more receptive and interested listnership

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    I was actually thinking the same thing... Perhaps also we could try that talk/phone-in show on FM104 too? I used to listen to it ages ago, before I had the internet and I liked listening to it a lot :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20

    RE:- Housewives?

    Never underestimate the influence of Irelands "Housewives" - Praetorian & Kennett?.

    Most household budgets are controlled by them and in my experience they dictate what , where, and when most of the household income is spent. When they are made "fully aware" of the true cost of internet access here in comparison too the savings that could be made if we had a fair online structure.

    Then watch out. Mother Ireland will be on the march & let us mere males watch out.


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    thats a good point paddy and your right (imo anyway). The only problem i would see is whether our issue is 'sexy' enough for Ryans listeners. At this stage his show is almost completly aimed at women and almost every issue reflects that - if it gives him an oppurtunity to put in dramatic pauses and say things like 'thats just disgraceful/they should be locked up/its bloody criminal', then its on the air. While our issue offers the oppurtunity for all these phrases, Id wonder if it would be of any interest to Mary in Dunloe.

    I could be wrong mind you:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    Sorry, I meant that I agreed that we should email Eamonn Dunphy at the Last Word. I wasn't agreeing with that housewives statement he said. I think that you are right Paddy, in that housewives practically run the entire household. I live with my mum for instance, as my dad lives in Carlow and she runs the house and takes care of yself and my 2 sisters. She's also sick to death of me talking about Eircom cheating us lol :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20

    Dustaz, Re:- Mary from Dungloe?...

    Believe me, Mary is raging mad about the ever increasing telephone bills - mostly due to her childrens online activities.

    She is just waiting too be fully informed of the true facts - and then asked for her opinion??..

    As I personally do not listen too RTE Radio. I can not offer an opinion of Gerry Ryan as an individual, but if the housewives like him thats good enough for me.

    If a radio programme has a high listenership and is also a phone-in / discussion type show. Then it has too be a perfect platform for a voluntary campaigning organisation, particularly one with a worthy cause such as Ireland OFFlines aims and objectives.

    As a "Bonus" to Gerry Ryan he gets too discuss something that must be knocking a big hole in every housewifes purse in the Country.

    I certainly would not relish the prospect of being the Eircom PR representative facing an onslaught from Irelands fairer sex?.;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,992 ✭✭✭✭gurramok

    Good point paddy20,the housewives are the ones more likely to see an Eircon bill come through the letterbox and get angry over it.

    As the children are more likely to use the net at home, a good argument could be made along the lines of the children putting up the eircon bill while using the net, cost is a barrier to their children's education.

    And Gerry Ryan could explain why that bill is so high in the first place(extortionate cost) and compare that bill to anywhere else in europe !
    Also i think all the phone-in talk shows should be contacted about this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20

    Could Ireland OFFline plan a media blitz?.

    1; Gareth O"Callaghan show (Day One)

    2: Gerry Ryan show (Day Two)

    3: Late Late Show "Special" -Importance of Internet -show (Day Three)

    All in one week - Pre election, for obvious reasons.

    Plus not forgetting the Press/Local & National.

    And, any other radio/TV shows local or national.

    The reason that I am suggesting a "Blitz" on Ireland OFFlines aims and objectives is that when I was trained in sales & marketing. I learned that the human brain only remembers around 10% of what it hears , 10% of what is seen and about 10% of what is read?. Therefore, I was taught that if I wanted too get my message accross effectively - in order to make a sale?
    Then make sure you repeat everything at least three times using the three senses of sight, sound, and thewritten word.

    The campaining organisations that use this technique, which is laborious too implement has a much better chance of real success.
    Than Groups without a specific "plan of action" or goal setting?.

    Thats my 2cs worth, for the moment, & Good Luck.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,633 ✭✭✭stormkeeper

    I'd definately like to see that happen... Let's see Eircom wriggle out of that :p I'd love to see us going on the offensive, metaphorically speaking of course :D

    Tactical, get ready to set the phasers to media blitzing level :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20


    Yes, Yup, for Sure and press the damn trigger, Somebody please before we disappear in to the oblivion of election fever.

    We need somebody like a Bill Gates too kick a few "Butts" in the Irish "Golden Circle" if the people are going too get a fair deal on internet access.

    The NEW - "MSN/BT" range of services now available elsewhere on this island?. Has me choked with rage. £9.99 a month unlimited - All Day internet access?.

    I would move too Derry today but for the foreigners??.:rolleyes:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 jsheehan

    3 Words - "The Last Word".

    Eamonn Dunphy and Shane Ross just love having a go at Eircom. I would imagine that they would just love to get on this bandwagon.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20


    3 Words - "Please contact them"?

