If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on for help. Thanks :)
Hello all! Please ensure that you are posting a new thread or question in the appropriate forum. The Feedback forum is overwhelmed with questions that are having to be moved elsewhere. If you need help to verify your account contact

Info & Rules (New-comers, READ THIS FIRST!)

  • 24-04-2002 10:03pm
    Registered Users Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭

    Welcome to the IrelandOFFLine forum. This forum and the discussions which are carried out here form the very heart of the campaign for unmetered and broadband Internet access in Ireland that IrelandOFFLine is running.

    Please note:
    Telecoms companies and ISPs are welcome to participate on the Ireland Offline Board as long as they intend to answer valid and legitimate questions that members of this community have asked. Any attempt to 'market' or 'promote' your products will not be tolerated. If you intend to do this, we recommend you purchase a Commercial Interaction board. (Find examples of this Community -> Commercial Interaction)

    Finding the information you are looking for...

    If you didn't come here from the main IrelandOffline site at you should probably go there before you post here. On that site, you'll find plenty of information on our history, aims and achievements.

    If you have a question or questions when you come back, we would very much appreciate it if you searched this forum before you asked, because it's very likely anything you have to ask has been asked before. To search the forum, just click here and choose "IrelandOffline" in the drop-down list under "Search Forum".

    Still haven't got an answer? Now it's time to post!

    Rules for posting on the forum

    These started out as guidelines, but due to consistent disruptive behaviour by a few miscreants on this forum, sadly they are now rules.

    By posting on this forum, you are agreeing to be bound to these rules, and the penalties set for breaking them. When posting here, please be polite and to the point.

    If you've read the main site and the FAQ, you'll probably be pretty annoyed, but try to remember that we're all annoyed too, if not a lot more. Also, if you need to be critical, that's fine, but please try to make it constructive.

    Although it may seem so to many, the forum is not specifically an arena for bashing the likes of eircom or other companies or authorities just for the sake of it. This is a discussion forum, not a propoganda page. Any such unconstructive message threads which go in such a direction will be removed without discussion. Complaints about these deletions will not be entertained.

    Also, we cannot condone incitement to hate, racism, rioting, violence or any other illegal activities and will swiftly act against any person who creates a post on the forum which tries to incite such feelings and/or actions.

    If you're unhappy with the way we're handling things, say so, but try NOT to do so if you don't have constructive suggestions for improvement. Otherwise you're just "flaming". This forum is not exactly a "democracy" - it's more along the lines of a "benevolent dictatorship". If you post a message on the forum that does little or nothing other than complain about these rules or the forum moderators, that message WILL be deleted without discussion.

    On that note, please, don't flame , and don't troll . Unlike a lot of forums on, where flaming and trolling can be a bit of a laugh, we're not here for fun. This is serious business. We're trying to get something done. Flaming/trolling isn't funny at the best of times, and it's simply not acceptable here. Any such posts will either be closed or deleted.

    ( Wondering what trolling is? Click here and see the definition concerning Usenet })

    If you do not agree to these rules, we would ask that you post elsewhere, as disruptive behaviour is not welcome and will not be tolerated on the IrelandOFFLine forum.

    and finally...

    We have garnered quite a lot of respect from our membership, the press and the people we are trying to deal with since our creation, and this is sometimes threatened by the behaviour of a few. If you are a member of this organisation (or if you post here), a bit of common-sense and common courtesy is requested. We are not obliged to allow people on this forum who make us look bad through their own idiotic and offensive behaviour.

    If you decide to flout these rules, the moderators of this forum reserve the right to move, or, where necessary - i.e. where posts are disrupting otherwise productive threads - delete your posts.

    If you continue to flout them, we reserve the right to ban you from this forum temporarily or permanently, and to report you to administrators, who will deal with your account as they see fit.

    We're working for the greater good. The more of you that work with us and not against us, the better


    The Forum Moderators

    (Dustaz and Sceptre

    With thanks to Bard & Dahamsta for drawing up these rules :) )

This discussion has been closed.