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Kerryman survey shows Ferris leading



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,818 ✭✭✭Bateman

    Jesus! Must say, I posted the Ferris survey last week and the thread is still going. I must say something I found interesting from the SF manifesto is that they plan a green paper on Irish unity. This is very strange indeed.

    As far as links to paramilitaries go, certain members of the FF leadership in the past 20 years aren't much further away than SF. The IRA is holding ceasefire at a time when the Nationalist community in Belfast is under daily attack from Loyalist mobs. and before anyone says "the Nationalist community is well able to defend itself", don't. Thats not the point.

    I have mixed feelings about SF, but would probably vote for the, were I at home now. Something I would like to hear is for Adams and/or McGuinness to call for people in the Republic who have information on the Omagh bombing to come forward to the Gardaì. This makes it difficult to believe that SF regards recognition of the legitimacy of the Gardaì as anything more than a matter of expediency. However, I believe that with time, problems like this can be overcome.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 cornell babe

    a lot of intersting things have been sed on this thread.
    sinn féin are getting in because john odonoghue tried to control ferris and as he was completely imcompetent as usual. ff were too confident and could not imagine they might lose their seat.

    also its obvious irish people just dont care about what their politicians do, say or think. and of course noel o flynn will get in
    and mcdaid, lowry... the list goes on which leads me to think do people care? do people listen or are my suspicions true that people just go in to their polling booths and have a good ol' game of eeny-miny-mo:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭ReefBreak

    Yes, but whatever you say about the mainstream parties (FF, FG, Lab, PD), at least they didn't murder over 1800 people between 1969 and 1994 - unlike the organisation Martin Ferris is/was a member of.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,992 ✭✭✭✭gurramok

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    Anyone who votes for Sinn Féin is committing treason. Bertie will never allow them into government for this reason.

    Then come arrest me !!
    And while you are at it, arrest those joyriders who were screeching around the streets near the polling booth last night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭Biffa Bacon

    Originally posted by gurramok

    Then come arrest me !!
    And while you are at it, arrest those joyriders who were screeching around the streets near the polling booth last night.
    So you voted in criminals to sort out criminals did you?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,992 ✭✭✭✭gurramok

    Originally posted by Biffa Bacon
    So you voted in criminals to sort out criminals did you?

    So am i a traitor and criminal to you then ? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,772 ✭✭✭Lennoxschips

    Dick Spring is gone. feck feck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 747 ✭✭✭Biffa Bacon

    How the hell can anyone vote for candidates that owe their allegiance to an illegal subversive organisation? Do you people not love your country? The IRA and Sinn Féin should be the enemy of all Irish people, and yet these scumbags get five seats! Does it not bother you that these people are cop-killers? That they are involved in the drugs trade? That they want to destroy the Garda Síochána?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    Where does Sinn Fein stand on the IRA? It is about time that the IRA were consigned to history. It has brought nothing but misery to countless Irish people. It is about time that political journalists began to question Sinn Fein. If Sinn Fein persist with their various mantras – it would not be hard to expose them.

    CJH may have done wrong. His wrongs shudder into nothiness with compared to the evil of the IRA.

    What did IRA violence achieve – They could have had an agreement over 30 years ago.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,772 ✭✭✭Lennoxschips

    If you ask me, you are being a traitor to your country if you vote Fianna Fail. But that's another story altogether...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    I am a republican. I would not give Sinn Fein the time of day. People like Brid Rodgers of the SDLP are worth more to this country. I think that FF are the Republican Party. They have always stood aganist violence.

    What did all this heart ache achieve over the last 30 years?

    It is about time we stopped Irish political parys fund raising outside the state.

    What expenses are Sinn Fein claiming from West minister?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 IrishGuykokoJin

    Sinn Fein, I think the problem whith many of you is that you've spent too much time watching Sky News.

    Some people would think the election was a victory for Sinn Fein, but it wasn't
    The FG Party provided no clear view point and no opposition to FF while the Greens and Sinn Fein did.

    Sky News had broke with headlines "Former London bomber wins seat in Dublin"
    "IRA gun runner wins in Kerry"

    The whole thing was a sham, you'd think Sinn Fein won the election, until FF and the PDs complained about the biased broadcasting.

    Now people can focus on how Sinn Fein are connected to the IRA and ... also how the DUP, Dr.Paisley, the RUC have been directly and indirectly involved in murders of journalists, teachers, layers, civil rights activists, P.Finucan, R.Nelson.....
    Or they can look at how Sinn Fein and other Unionist parties have helped bring a peace process, and may have something to offer other than the RHD IRA UVF Real.IRA LVF UFF UDA.....

    I think it's about time journalists questioned every Northen party including the "RUC" on the break in that interupted the Stephens investigation and Bloddy Sunday Inquiry and Royal-Scots inquiry......
    Do people remember 3 decades ago, a Catholic had NO Vote, while a Prodestant had 8 or 9. The Marches, the protests, the politics began because of civil rights.
    Look I could go on but I won't bother because it odvious to some that

    Margret Tatcher = A great honest Woman
    Sinn Fein = IRA killers

    Why bother posting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Originally posted by IrishGuykokoJin

    Do people remember 3 decades ago, a Catholic had NO Vote, while a Prodestant had 8 or 9.

    Erm, no.

    Gerrymandering meant that a Catholics vote wasn't worth a damn in some places, even where as a rate payer he had a vote..

    But no "Prodestant had 8 or 9"

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,148 ✭✭✭✭Raskolnikov

    Gerrymandering is a term that describes the deliberate rearrangement of the boundaries of congressional districts to influence the outcome of elections.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Samson

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Originally posted by IrishGuykokoJin
    Sinn Fein, I think the problem whith many of you is that you've spent too much time watching Sky News.

    Some people would think the election was a victory for Sinn Fein, but it wasn't
    The FG Party provided no clear view point and no opposition to FF while the Greens and Sinn Fein did.

    Sky News had broke with headlines "Former London bomber wins seat in Dublin"
    "IRA gun runner wins in Kerry"

    The British media are'nt interested in the fate of FG but naturally are in the fortunes of Sinn Fein after all, thier close friends spent nearly thirty years trying to kill quite a number of thier viewers/readers/listeners.


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Thanks Samson - first link is a perfect example of how it works/ed

    Didn't feel like poking around for a link.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    Do people remember 3 decades ago, a Catholic had NO Vote, while a Prodestant had 8 or 9. The Marches, the protests, the politics began because of civil rights.

    I think that change would have came without violence. I think that Sinn Fein claims they are not the IRA. Do people believe this?

    CJH did wrong but this falls into insignificance to what the IRA have done.

    I am a Republician & I make no apolies about it. But Sinn Fein - I would not vote for them. I would give them a vote before FG.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    The British media are'nt interested in the fate of FG but naturally are in the fortunes of Sinn Fein after all, thier close friends spent nearly thirty years trying to kill quite a number of thier viewers/readers/listeners.

    The vast majority of Irish people are'nt interested in the fate of FG. They got their answer. But what now of my Eircom shares? At least I don't have a taxi licence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 IrishGuykokoJin

    The denial of human rights, killing of innocent people, and oppression of innocents is always wrong no matter who or what side does the dirty deed.

    UVF, IRA, Real.IRA, RUC, LVF...

    Now when people voted Sinn fein which I didn't, I don't think they voted for the IRA, they may have saw them as a political party for peace just like many of the other parties in Northen Ireland politics.

    Also Sinn Fein and the Green Party have a fixed, straight forward stance on issues like Housing, Property, Equality, Hospitals.... Our main opposition party FG was acting like a confused child not knowing where they stood.

    That's why the PDs, Sinn Fein, the Green Party all gained.

    Sceptre I have to disagree

    "8 or 9"
    Votes was often the case.
    At that time it was also ownership of land and property that decided the number of votes.To be able to vote in Northern Ireland, during the old Stormont regime, you need to own property. The more property you owned, the more votes you had. A rich Protestant who owned seven properties had seven votes. Now can you guess who owned the most Property or Land in Northen Ireland?

    Russians, Egyptians, Irish, Prodestants...I wonder who owned the most property?

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by IrishGuykokoJin At that time it was also ownership of land and property that decided the number of votes.To be able to vote in Northern Ireland, during the old Stormont regime, you need to own property. The more property you owned, the more votes you had. A rich Protestant who owned seven properties had seven votes. Now can you guess who owned the most Property or Land in Northen Ireland? Russians, Egyptians, Irish, Prodestants...I wonder who owned the most property?
    Didn't this only apply to local elections? And you seem to be misssing the point, by 1974 most reforms had been carried out. What people want now is for Sinn Féin to distance itself from revolutionary (i.e. violent) politics.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 IrishGuykokoJin

    I think many reforms still need to be carried out.
    At one stage the 8 or 9 Votes applied to all elections, and yes I do look forward to the day the guns are removed from all Northen Ireland politics, that the GAA welcomes all members of the North to it's games, the reformation of the RUC, the end to all terrorist organisations "UVF IRA LVF Real.IRA UDA.....", freedom of speech, equality and education, and end to punishment beatings....

    What I would like to see is all parties distance themselves from the violent past.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 IrishGuykokoJin

    What reforms were you refering to carried out by '74 , was it the failure of "power-sharing" between Catholics and Prodestants, or when the British troops were sent in to distribute power to the UUP SDLP PUP..?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 Twomey

    The Price of Sinn Féin

    Some may find the article interesting, a look at the costs of the IRA campaign and the prospects of a United Ireland.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 IrishGuykokoJin

    It has some intresting points, but I still wouldn't vote for them. I feel that the Labour or Green Party would have more to offer in terms of housing, medical care, human rights or putting pressure on the current gov.

    I feel Sinn Fein would spend too much time answering media and political questions about an IRA connection instead of working for the neglected people like Labour and the Greens do.

    Still any level headed and strong opposition from any party be it, Green, Socialist, Sinn Fein, Labour.. is always a welcome to Irish politics.

    I'm still not sure what 1974 "reforms" Victor was refering to? A comment like this clearly shows his age and lack of understanding of Irish history, but then again maybe he was refering to changes in Dublin such as Cambridge schools or Trinity who finally allowed Irish people equal rights to education in 1974?!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by IrishGuykokoJin

    I'm still not sure what 1974 "reforms" Victor was refering to? A comment like this clearly shows his age and lack of understanding of Irish history,

    Maybe you'd like to back that slur up, and tell us what age Victor clearly is.

    It amazes me how often people come on these boards and with only a couple of weeks posting under their belt seem to miraculously know so much about "long-timers".

    IrishGuykokoJin - if you had read much of the existing material on this forum, you would see that Victor is consistently one of the most informed people here.

    Now, if you go back and read what Victor actually wrote, you will see that he said "by 1974", and not "in 1974". That would, to me, imply that he meant "prior to 1974" which is a completely different statement to the one which you have decided to take him to task on.

    So - still want to cast slurs about his age and knowledge? Maybe we should make similar inferences about your apparent inability to interpret a statement correctly.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 48 IrishGuykokoJin

    Originally posted by bonkey

    It amazes me how OFTEN people come on these boards and with only a couple of WEEKS posting under their belt seem to miraculously know so much about "long-timers".


    When I was refering to his ( Victors ) age, and lack of knowledge of Irish history.Its odvious wasn't talking about how much time he spends online, or how long he has been a moderator on Maybe we should make similar inferences about your apparent inability to interpret a statement correctly.

    Originally posted by bonkey

    "Victor is ......the most informed people here"

    I don't really care how "informed" you think a person is, if they say something that is incorrect then that person has been mislead or misinformed.

    I also asked what "most" reforms he was refering to that had been carried out by 1974. Is it possible he was refering to the Republic of Ireland?

    Now a few of you Mods and Posters ( Bonkey )clearly seem to have respect for people who stay on the same board having a debate, posting 20 or so posts for the last 2 years. You seem upset by how Often posters who don't have years posting under their belts don't show you long-timers respect.

    Well I don't. Now excuse me I have work to do, and I have a life.

    Ps: Didn't some here say, having a debate on the net is a waste of time? If so, let's just agree to disagree for now, bonkey?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor


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