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  • 19-05-2002 12:35pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭

    Well, by stereotype, the sort of people who go to ctyi are the sort of people who hate/get in trouble in school, so how are things in YOUR school?
    (or were, in the case of the older members of the boards)

    $ drink <bottle; opener
    bottle: cannot open
    opener: not found



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Actually... most old school CTYIers got on quite well in school. It's all you young un's these days with your hip-hoppin and bip-boppin... y'see, kids these days just don't understand the jazz...


    I don't mind school (certain teachers are idiots, but that's a taken). What i dislike is the fact that the majority of people in my school are narrowminded idiots. Hence I'm leaving! YAY!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    I get on well in school. i just am lazy and can't stand 60 - 75% of my class. So i'm gonig to ashfield

    hUgh, for someonme who hates stereotypes so much when applied to you, you are really willing to hand them out and talk about other people in terms of stereotypes.

    </very pissed off rant due to very pissed off mood>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 38 Moni

    Talking about stereotypes is definitely not the same as believing in stereotypes.

    Oh, and I really enjoy school, actually.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 131 ✭✭Elvish

    I do really enjoy school, i have my favourite teacher ten times a week and i'm doing the subjects i enjoy. My principal may be retiring. What more could i ask for?! :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 304 ✭✭alaskagirl

    school is good. i enjoy it alot of times, however i have a couple of teachers who i reeeeeaallly cant stand. geez i hate it when you get a crappy teacher in a subject ya love, and then its ruined for an entire year!!! i also have the aforementioned laziness problem. sometimes i just cant for the life of me motivate myself to do work!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭phaxx

    Originally posted by alaskagirl
    i also have the aforementioned laziness problem. sometimes i just cant for the life of me motivate myself to do work!

    Oh man do I get that badly. I usually just sleep in my english and irish classes. :)

    (I'm not a CTYIer, er, am I allowed to post here? :))

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    Lalalalala, I'm graduating on Wednesday! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭qwidgybo

    school could be better,but it could be worse too.
    since i made an effort in first year,teachers refuse to believe that i'd do anything wrong(see the hitting someone over the head with a hardback story)so i don't get in trouble.lots of people in my year are w'ankers but there are nice people i get along with and a lot of the **** are entertaining(see "mmm poo" story)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 406 ✭✭shep the malevolent pixie

    i hate school. it irritates the crap out of me. grr arg.:mad:
    of course you can post here phaxx, i don't mind at all. :p
    sHep :cool:

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭halenger

    Well i may glote and be all chuffed n stuff cause im on me summer holidays!!!


    Life is good, life is great. I surrender my will as of this date!

    I know you all hate me now but sorry!!!!
    Ah well i gotta do some work again in, oh um, October isn't it?!?!?! That is unless i've got repeats(please god no!!!!).

    Hope study's going well for everyone...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Ferror

    Originally posted by halenger

    I know you all hate me now but sorry!!!!

    Don't Worry I’m sure you shall think of a better "excuse"-<Months of freedom should help> ;-)

    Surrendering your will sounds like a laugh thou.............

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 duckgirl

    C'mon Hugh. Our school isn't that bad.
    At least not for you.
    I mean, you're not in Jeff's class.
    Oh, and nobody in school thinks YOU'RE a lesbian.

    Okay, so the t-shirt(NOBODY KNOWS I'M A LESBIAN) didn't help. And the clay handprints over my breasts probably didn't help either.

    And the teachers are rather grotesque.
    *Ms Garvey recently asked some of the 1st year girls "Girls, do you touch yourselves." She then said "I touch myself and it's okay."*
    That was for anyone who dosnt know how awful it can be.

    At the start of this post I was pro-school. But now I've re-covinced myself how bad it can be.
    Well, that was helpful.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭sisob

    Originally posted by duckgirl
    *Ms Garvey recently asked some of the 1st year girls "Girls, do you touch yourselves." She then said "I touch myself and it's okay."*

    but but <scarry teacher voice> It is ok to touch youself

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    <AHEM>... IT IS EVIL TO TOUCH ONESELF! <reverts to scary teacher voice> to touch me however....

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash


    Due to the sensitive nature of this post, it should not have been read by old people, women, men, young children, old children, Yuppies, pets of canine descent, Asian people, Irish people, parrots, sheep, Marketing directors, CEO's or pretty much anyone.


    All the stereotypes mentioned in the aforementioned disclaimer and not based on real people and are simply the product of my imagination.


    All comments dependent on the discovery of oil in Leitrim

  • Registered Users Posts: 459 ✭✭Focalbhach

    Nope,sorry,I win - I don't think you can get worse than when our teacher started telling us all about her periods in class ("it hurt so much that I thought I was going to faint") ...this,remember,in an all boys school...

    Or when the whole year got a talk on "male health" (again,for some reason,from a woman) and got one of the best quotes I've ever heard - "Now boys,it's important to examine your private parts regularly to make sure that everything's ok - but remember,there's a fine line between examining and playing with..."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa




    which yes, i know is pretty much the same, only with richer and snobbier people, but there are more people i like there and there is a certain standard of competance upheld by the staff there. So I win!


    also... on my last day at my current school I WON a Lifestyle Sports voucher (for 20 euro)... which is BETTER than it sounds as I'm BUYING a pair of runners this SATURDAY!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    Originally posted by shep the malevolent pixie
    i hate school. it irritates the crap out of me. grr arg.:mad:
    of course you can post here phaxx, i don't mind at all. :p
    sHep :cool:

    Finally! someone who isn't happy-go-lucky about school
    sHep, i salute you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    i used to hate school.

    then i got over teen angst and the bullies.

    << Fio >>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    School rocks, seriously! Even though I go to a school that is 90% "skangers". (I hate the term myself, I hate most stereotypes whether applied to me or some other person or group.) Anyway, I have a laugh with my friends, I learn, I don't have to work ... school rocks.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Hang on... I basically stated that I don't hate learning, I don't like my current school (though I have some hope for my next). The education system is a sham whereby it rewards the mindless herding of our nations youth into nice little office pens, sorry cubicles, with shiny payslips. Pah!

    I'm getting so annoyed at being constantly told that to "go somewhere" in your life you have to become a nobody and disappear from the world amid absolutely nothing. It's terrifying to see how I know the names of at most 200 people (celebrity and otherwise) and how that compares to the worlds population. I mean, how many people would be recognisable to more than 1 billion people? Bono, maybe. A few others as well, but that's it. It's a horrible thought, to fade away into obscurity and it's something that i don't intend to do. Hence - "F**K THE (education) SYSTEM!"

    <a deep sven is a loud sven>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Yes, that's it. Fight the "man" and his "system", Jesus Christ. Stop your fscking whining and get on with it. If you truly have something to offer the world, be it art, music, intelligence or sexual appeal then you will probably become famous. Of course, the very fact that you are measuring the education system's success by how many famous people it produces is a blatant example of your idiocy. The education system is there to give you the start you need in life to do anything, whether it be go to college and get a Comp. Sci. degree and become a helpdesk worker, or the CEO fo a Fortune 10 company.

    Your life is what you make it, the education system doesn't turn you into a loser -- you do. If you decide to endlessly fight the "man" you will probably become a burger flipper, whereas if you take every advantage you can of the education being offered to you on a plate and use that knowledge to make something of your life then you will have made the "man" proud. Sure, people leave school after third year and still go on to found companies and become billionaires and such -- but for every one of those passionate, determined souls there are 1,000 people who left school with grand ideas and ended up being a 35 year old lounge boy who lives in a bedsit and has no partner or kids.

    The moral of this post: stop whining, start working, make something of life.

    P.S. You may bitch about the education system, but there are millions of children in this world who don't get any education. They go to work in sweatshops or are sold as slaves, they don't have any "man" to fight -- they have a man who treats them like ****, forces them to do work they are barely able to do, feeds them nothing and uses them for sexual pleasure. So the next time you complain about a teacher, ask yourself would you rather be getting reamed up the ass by your fat master.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    <sigh> yet another incompetent to be smiled politely at and then pushed aside for the idiot he is (no offense). Obviously you have no idea of humour. That was not a 100% serious rant (ok, it had serious undertones, such as my fear at how the world we live in strips people of their individuality and makes them into cogs of a bigger machine and not just that but makes them happy to be as such, although i'm sure many are quite happy to be such regardless). The fact that I had a lowercase "education" in brackets during a, let's face it, ridiculous "FÚCK THE SYSTEM" thing (which was actually an attempt to rip the píss out of SOAD yesterday) should have pointed out that I had lost whatever sterness of views I started out with.

    But I do forgive you, as you do not know me, nor are you aware of the levels at which i go to to not take things seriously unless vitally neccessary (and even then I'm not a sure thing). But, and this is a bit of advise that should be taken on board for anyone you meet, don't judge me until you know me, or you will not grow to like me, for I will make that certain. But it's a happy board here, so I'll let you away with past grievances.

    And on the stereotyping issue (which you raised), words like skanger are used because it's easier than giving an example list of people that everyone might know (and let's face it, no-one will). You even couldn't avoid using it, simply because it gives the idea of who you mean. The only problem with stereotypes is when they're applied freely to real life, in which case such prejudices as racism evolve and, well, people are again proven to be idiots.

    Oh, and i don't intend to flip burgers - oh no! I personally intend to be the greatest sodomiser this world has seen since de Sade!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    I kinda skimmed last paragraph ("people less well off blah blah") first time i posted a reply, then noticed the reamed by fat master thing. My sodomy thing wasn't in relation to that so please, don't take offense. Beyond being hideously morally offended by sodomy and so forth.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    (I forgot the obligatory </rant> at the end of my last post, but nevertheless.)

    Anyway, sorry I went off on a big of a tangent in that last post but when individuals say "fsck the system" or "fight the man" it just pisses me off goodstyle. I absolutely despise people who feel they have an obligation to go on some self-righteous crusade against the structure of our society. We can all be individuals, all get along and accomplish a common goal -- all at the same time -- if we try hard enough. Alas, society does not seem to be bothered enough to do this instead the majority of people decide to just persecute minorities and do their very best to blend into the majority.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 69 ✭✭Mahotée

    Originally posted by lordsippa
    <sigh> yet another incompetent to be smiled politely at and then pushed aside for the idiot he is

    this is just how i feel about you, and ive known you a while. but i shouldnt say such things because... ive forgotten. i think because we have mutual friends. and whatever doesnt kill us makes us stronger. ok, you said i was good at stopping nasty arguments. there you go.
    don't judge me until you know me, or you will not grow to like me, for I will make that certain.

    that is quite true. i wasnt aware it was intentional though.
    But it's a happy board here, so I'll let you away with past grievances.

    how magnanimous. im glad we have a benevolent ruler like you, sven.

    i think the irish education system is actually pretty good. yes, the poinrts system does put a lot of pressure on students, but wherever there are exams you'll find exam pressure. and i think we're offered a good range of subjects, even if we dont go very in depth into them, but you get an idea of what theyd be like.

    and part of the reason youre going to the institute is to get a better irish education. so you cant really be turning up your nose at it.

    i like school well enough. i dont get in trouble. i have some good friends and many amiable acquaintances there. im bored of it by this stage, it might be nice if it was broken into three stages before university, like in the states, instead of two, but being in a familiar enviroment makes it easier to focus on learning. so it doesnt matter much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭sisob

    Originally posted by OrangeRhino
    Yes, that's it. Fight the "man" and his "system", Jesus Christ. Stop your fscking whining and get on with it.

    don't be such a bloody tosser.

    sven was making a valid point which was obviously above you, but you thought you would sound intelligent by sprouting out the "stop fighting against the system" speach that you seem to think is origional but that we have all heard b4.

    The irish education system is too focused into putting people into office jobs and "proffessions", and whatever sven said .....

    he wasnt whyning about school <sign>

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    The irish education system is quite good, however in every school the teachers are forced to teach to the lowest common denominator, which kinda fscks it for the others, as they lose out due to one person who is usually too lazy to give a ****e about school.

    I agree on the topic that the education system is designed to get you into a desk job, however, there are not all that many alternatives to that aproach. Can anyone name me a country that doesnt have an education system like that?

    Warning: actually doing so may crush my fragile ego :)

    Basically, there arent all that many other options, other than setting up your own business (whereby it is handy to have experience in a 9 - 5 before doing so so as to understand better the kind of business involved) or freelance, which, while great and is what i really want to do, can have very little job security.

    The Eejit has spoken.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭sisob

    Originally posted by foobar
    The irish education system is quite good, however in every school the teachers are forced to teach to the lowest common denominator, which kinda fscks it for the others, as they lose out due to one person who is usually too lazy to give a ****e about school.

    I agree on the topic that the education system is designed to get you into a desk job, however, there are not all that many alternatives to that aproach. Can anyone name me a country that doesnt have an education system like that?

    Warning: actually doing so may crush my fragile ego :)

    well that hasnt stopped me b4 :)

    american culture is much more enterprise friendly and I'm not saying that that's cus of their education system, but our education system could help foster it in ireland. The fact is if all the international companies pulled out of ireland, we would just be left with thousands of clueless pampered college kids waving their degrees and looking for a desk to sit behind and somone to give them orders.

    On a sepporate note: it's soooo much fun to be cynical, let it flllooooowwww

    Basically, there arent all that many other options, other than setting up your own business (whereby it is handy to have experience in a 9 - 5 before doing so so as to understand better the kind of business involved) or freelance, which, while great and is what i really want to do, can have very little job security.

    of corse there are other options. my god man, don't accept societies limitations. Personally I'm gonna go into IT because i wont be just a peon sitting behind a desk, i'll be the evil programmer guy with alllll the POWER

    "take a deep breath mark"
    "shut up you, you take a deep breath"
    "your asking for it sunny jim"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Ferror

    "let it flllooooowwww"
