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Football does not go with music!

  • 26-05-2002 1:15pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 136 ✭✭

    I hate football!

    Is it not enough that football is invading our tv channels for a month without turning on MTV and havin to look at reports on footballers..............?

    This actually happened!
    Can they not leave one channel free of the god-damn sport.

    Music and football noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!:( :mad:


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭Achille

    given that Mtv goes with music about as well as hardcore porn goes with the Tweenies, i dont think thats a bad thing.

    How often do you see anything worth watching on Mtv anyway?
    The whole damn channel is just dirty, talentless idiots whoring their latest crappy products. If you were looking for music, then find a proper music channel (if you're lucky enough to have digital)
    or just go get your radio and turn that on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭horsekick

    Good point, MTV is crap, and besides, the world cup only lasts for a month, its an event that captures the imagination of the world, and evryone loves to see they're country represented on such a high level of competition. Even if we dont make it past the first round! Its nice to be there, and considered among the best in the world.
    Vivà Football!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Sultan of Ping

    its expected that 80% of the world will watch the world cup, I wonder if the same number applies to Mtv?

    as for music and football not going together, I'd have to disagree

    The Sultans of Ping 89 stunning release "Give Him a Ball and Yard of Grass"

    was inspired by football and was in fact an ode to that outstanding Corkonian Roy "the boy" Keane

    other great football related choons include

    the infectcious

    Put em under pressure


    Give it a lash Jack

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,092 ✭✭✭Pigman

    Originally posted by Sultan of Ping
    its expected that 80% of the world will watch the world cup, I wonder if the same number applies to Mtv?

    as for music and football not going together, I'd have to disagree

    The Sultans of Ping 89 stunning release "Give Him a Ball and Yard of Grass"

    was inspired by football and was in fact an ode to that outstanding Corkonian Roy "the boy" Keane

    other great football related choons include

    the infectcious

    Put em under pressure


    Give it a lash Jack

    Agreed! If you quote MTV as some viable source as to what music is then you don't really have much grounding in the subject to begin with!

    As for football and music not mixing .... what about "Strachan" by the hitchers and , erm, the anfield rap!

    "You two scousers are always yapping
    I'm gonna show you some serious rapping
    I come from Jamaica, my name is John Barn-es
    When I do my thing the crowd go bananas "

    Classic! ;)

    BTW , I always heard/believed that "Give him a ball & a yard of grass" was originally written about Nigel Clough who was a purist about the game and would never be caught playing long balls. Hense "if god wanted the game to be played up there he would have put goalposts in the air. Also "He 's a nice young man with a lovely smile" never really described Roy Keane. Even at Notts Forest he was a hotheaded nutter.

    I think over the years cos both Keane and the Pings are from Cork and because Cloughs career faded into obscurity that the focal point of the song was reinterpreted

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 332 ✭✭o sleep

    Originally posted by Sultan of Ping
    as for music and football not going together, I'd have to disagree

    The Sultans of Ping 89 stunning release "Give Him a Ball and Yard of Grass" was inspired by football and was in fact an ode to that outstanding Corkonian Roy "the boy" Keane

    i think that proved rapture queens point more than anything. i too would probably have found myself caught up in some sort of world cup hysteria (to a certain degree), but to be honest i only found out we were playing a match on saturday today, and i still can't remember who we're playing. i think the whole world cup thing has been diminished by the fact that the matches will be on at something like six in the morning, is that right? and the whole roy keane thing, yawn.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Sultan of Ping

    you got me pigman

    "give him a ball ...." was indeed written for Nigel Clough, i thought nobody would knoe

    aarrgg my attempts to skew history have yet again been foiled

    BTW i also got the dat of release wrong it was 92 on the stupid kid 12"..... i thought I was much younger when that was out

    I tip my hat good sir

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,092 ✭✭✭Pigman

    "A thank yaw!" :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 795 ✭✭✭Fandango

    So, football is completely different to music, nothing to do with it at all? So is September 11th, and so is politics, but people will happily join a conversation about them. Why? Because in the group of people who listen to Alternative music it is popular to hate football. Just the same as it is popular to hate pop music, boybands and Louis Walsh. It`s kinda pathetic. Are you telling me that if Ireland make it to the World Cup finals ( unlikely i know!) you`ll not feel the slightest bit of excitement. If you say no, your blatently lying. If you say yes, you obviously dont hate football that much. And dont try and tell me you didnt feel a bit shocked when you heard that Keane was sent home cause if you didnt, you obviously have some problems. If you did...again, you must not hate football that much. Just remember, hating football, just because its popular, doesnt make you different or put you on a higher plain, it just makes you the same as all those idiots who sit around in Templebar saying how they hate their parents and how nobody understands them. Now. . . . . . . . . Let the backlash begin!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭horsekick

    "the whole roy keane thing, yawn"
    seeing as you obviuosly dont have an interest in Football I dont think you should comment on that subject.

    Fair enough this is a music board and a disussion on football is out of place, but i'd like to see this settled once and for all.

    In particular if any phantom dj's read this.

    Do you consider this forum to be exclusively for posts in relation to music and phantom fm in general, or do you see any harm in people posting (on very rare occasions) away from that particular subject matter.

    Especially considering the enormity of an event like the World Cup in which our country is being strongly represented.

    Im gonna start a new thread about that, just to get peoples views

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    Originally posted by o sleep

    think the whole world cup thing has been diminished by the fact that the matches will be on at something like six in the morning, is that right?

    oh yes. and some of us work in pubs...*tears* and are being made come in and do table service/pint pulling really early in the morning. *more tears*

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭horsekick

    Ah you poor thing!!! Just pray that the fans get really drunk, Ireland win, and you'll probably clean up on tips! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    Originally posted by horsekick
    Ah you poor thing!!! Just pray that the fans get really drunk, Ireland win, and you'll probably clean up on tips! ;)

    the sad thing is, i ahvent actually been scheduled in at 6am yet. (oh, but i feel for my coworkers who have ;) ). Amd when i am put in at that time..customers will KNOW about it ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 Deckchair

    What about The Wedding Presents Album 'George Best', an alternative band with a football themed album name.

    In my experience football and rock n roll have always gone hand in hand.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 263 ✭✭joey D

    ruud gullit used to be in a rock band; they were about as successful as his football managing exploits, i.e. not successful.
    even though i posted something about how i felt the keano stuff should be dealt with elsewhere, i'm inclined to think that perhaps there shouldn't be any big deal with people discussing big issues, not directly related to Phantom FM and/or alternative music and the dublin band scene. after all, there was plenty of discussion about the 'riots' on dame street. furthermore, it livens up the message board a bit. hooray for ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    joey d, should'nt this post be in the thread horsekick started??? I mean HELLO? I just get SO PISSED OFF WHEN PEOPLE DONT POST RELEVANT THINGS IN A THREAD


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 263 ✭✭joey D

    thank god you put in 'joke'; for a moment there i thought you were going to come after me with a knife.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    Originally posted by Fandango
    Because in the group of people who listen to Alternative music it is popular to hate football. Just the same as it is popular to hate pop music, boybands and Louis Walsh. It`s kinda pathetic.

    If you say yes, you obviously dont hate football that much. And dont try and tell me you didnt feel a bit shocked when you heard that Keane was sent home cause if you didnt, you obviously have some problems.

    Just remember, hating football, just because its popular, doesnt make you different or put you on a higher plain,

    to your first point, i'd have to say bollox. look at the amount of people from this board, (therefore more than likely alternative music fans), who joined in the discussion on roy keane? Loads of people from this baord are really happy and excited about the world cup, you cant generalise like that.i dont hate football. I dont have a lot of interest in it, like o sleep, i couldnt tell you who the hell we were playing, i thought our first match was about 2 weeks ago. I dont want ireland to lose by any means, i just dont have an interest in it because of who i am, not because i like alternative music! There are other sports that amuse me more.

    2nd thing...the only things that shocked me when i heard keane was sent home was wondering about people's reactions. It doesnt make much difference to me, coz i probably wont be watching the game and who's playing. (unless, as i said, im in work). and i dont think because ofthis, i ahve problems.

    3rd thing...well, maybe there are people like that out there, but you cant just start accusing people of that! I have found that peope are like that with pop bands, but there are others who arent. dont paint everyone with the one brush!!!! Im sure us poeple who dont have an interest in football dont want it to go away (although, you can imagine how it feels having to put up with something that bored you for a while, it gets annoying) because the majority of people are really into it, so who are we to begrudge them that!!!! But dont get angry, or start telling us that we hate football becuaseit makes us cool just coz we dont have the same interests as you, thats just lfe, get over it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    Originally posted by joey D
    thank god you put in 'joke'; for a moment there i thought you were going to come after me with a knife.

    im too lazy to go after anyone with a knife!!!!! he he, i wasnt going to put in joke after it, coz i though it was obvious, after i gave out about people who were so strict about relevance-keeing-in-thread/forums in horsekick's thread!but its ok, i was just trying to make a joke (sorry it didnt work!!!!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,818 ✭✭✭Bateman

    There are major links between football and music. There are actually polls of people who have bought Glastonbury tickets where a pretty large proportion said they would go home on the Sunday morning if England were doing well. The sort of people who are obsessive about football also like their music. Nick Hornby's books would be an example. Oasis, Primal Scream, the Beautiful South, the Stone Roses, Blur, the Manics, almost every British band of note are known football fans, and in some (nut)cases, known football hooligans! I know the above isn't exactly a rollcall of Alternative music (and there are probaby people here who hate all of the above), but even still, any music made in working class Britain is made in a culture which is affected to a lesser or greater degree by football. The Americans...well that probably explains why they are all arseholes...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    i love music and football (championship manager hehehe greatest football game and iss pro evolution)

    but really its a discussion boards and i'd rather see a post on football than a stupid plug for a gig

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 640 ✭✭✭knobbles

    my own brief opinion...
    i'm soccer mad but i've never had an interest in posting
    opinions on any related forums.
    i drop onto this one regularly because it's primarily full
    of rants and discussions related to good music.

    The forum remains full of music talk but i think if a few
    musicheads and regular visitors to this forum see an
    unrelated topic of interest, then what's the problem
    with them adding to it???

    it's a forum for musicheads but feel free to talk about clubs, simpsons and tv, news and the world, college and waffles

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 640 ✭✭✭knobbles

    ....christ, there's even a story being written on one
    of the threads here. see, a free forum for music lovers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 136 ✭✭rapture_queen

    Right again i have been unable to get to a computer in ages.

    My point was that Why cant one channel be left alone without any football interuptions?
    And no i dont regard MTV as a channel worth watching cause it plays so much **** but when the football starts people will need a break!

    And i am quite a patriotic person but im not saying that there should be no football shown, just leave a safe haven for all that get tired of watching it.

    .......And just becuse i dont like football does not mean i am rebelling against popular culture and i most definitly not one of the templebar heads!

    Right i think thats it, sorry to bore u all!
    :D:p:o :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭horsekick

    By the way Raggamuffin. I cannot agree more, they are probably two of the greatest games known to man.
    I remember when i first discovered championship manager, Start playin at 5 in the evening and not going to bet till till 6 in the morning! Cracking stuff! Actually i think i might have a bit of a champo session right now, ah its been so long...the memories...
