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A few of my problems - Suicide.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 829 ✭✭✭McGinty

    I think its good to write down whats on your mind or to vent out feelings and get some feedback. Another good way of coping with anger (for me this works) is to punch something like punch bag or your bed, somewhere you won't hurt yourself. Also keeping a diary can help (its cheaper than counselling) plus it helps to clarify your thoughts. Its easy to get the wrong end of the stick sometimes with friends or relatives. I know I get hugely paranoid at times and I think people are rejecting me when it is the case that they have other issues. If you would ever like to talk you can pm me. In relation to the cutting, I can relate to that but its not something I want to discuss here in depth. Anyhow I hope your feeling better but I really recommend writing down your feelings either here or on a diary. Oh yes also writing a letter to the person who has upset you, but you just read it and then tear it up. An unsendable letter, thats another good way fo purging feelings.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Angelwhore silly your pm box is full.

    Kix is right. I think (for the most part) we have a nice little community here, a lot of nice people that can offer good advice. When you get such big groups of people together that all have different experiences it can be a good thing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,684 ✭✭✭Kraken

    Angle even though i dont know you at all only seen you once or twice, you seem to be a very mental person. i mean this in 2 ways 1 you seem like a right mad fecker and likes the laugh which is good. the other way is i think by reading alot of your posts etc that you analysis everything maybe sometimes too much and i know what thats like you get your head completely messed up and sometimes the things that run through your head may not be what you want or 100% correct. (not sure if this is even making sence)

    I have not lived through problems like either yours or ropes's but i have/had problems of my own that very few know of id say maybe 2 people ever. But as far as you go it seems that you have your head straight again and we are all glad of that. you would have been a great loss to all us here even if a lot have never seen you we all know you (to a point).

    Also i still think you have problems remember your sound files on the humor board i dl'ed them one day at work turned on speakers and played them my work mates were looking at me very funny worth the laugh though.

    Also i think that there is a good posibility that this post has helped you a lot of people may not see how but i can. Its nice to know that people care.

    As far as ur friend i think its been said already he is just using you as a scapegoat. Very unfair mind you but unless you confront him there is nothing you can do about it.

    You have gone through so much unhappyness in life yet you keep a very brave face it is admiral (think thats the word im looking for).

    As for the sad fools who were slagging you off as a goth and said the very hurtfull things well that kinda **** i do know about.
    It does hurt and espically if its not just a one time thing like the saying if you hear it enough times you think its true. But for you mate its so not true. You should know that you are respected both on here and in real life you just have to realise who your friends are and who is not your friend.

    Thats about all i can put to you seeing as that i dont know all your problems or your real personality.

    Kraken signing off

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Originally posted by koneko
    Angelwhore silly your pm box is full.

    Try again now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    A lot of things are always left unsaid between people, and maybe that’s not a good thing.
    I’ve met you angelwhore, and I’m usually a pretty good judge of character and I have to say you seemed an extremely decent bloke, I’ve meet dozens like you, people who care to much and that’s why it hurts so much when people close to you hurt themselves. At the moment you probably wish you didn’t give a damn but don’t, it’s a part of you and you should never loose it because when you do, life’s beaten you and people like you just don’t let life beat them, its why im talking to you and not your friends. Each new day, is another chance, another opportunity, don’t forget that. Sounds to me also that you have a true friends there in RopeDrink, you would be surprised how comforting it can be to know there’s someone there even without saying a word.

    As for those muppets running around with scares showing them off, they had seen what or done what we have, they would run home to mommy and hand back the make up, they belong to a society where if you don’t have problems you manufacture them, where people so around hugging each other and acting insane. Where being different for the shake of being different is the order of the day.

    You may remember a few months back a thread here by me, worried out of my skull because a close friend told me he was suicidal. Recent events have leaded me to believe this is merely a fashion accessory, I feel like breaking his face every time he talks about being depressed or his “therapy sessions”. I mean I was there for him, and I know some people think im a bite of a muppet but im loyal to my friends and id do anything for them, In the same way bustaz can be a sap about certain things but totally sound of the important issues. And its just pisses me off this society where people with real problems real troubles feel they have no where or one to turn and forced to face them alone to while Muppets yank your chain. Sorry im ranting im sure anglewhore and others will know how disturbing it is to have people doing these things

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    Originally posted by Boston

    As for those muppets running around with scares showing them off, they had seen what or done what we have, they would run home to mommy and hand back the make up, they belong to a society where if you don’t have problems you manufacture them, where people so around hugging each other and acting insane. Where being different for the shake of being different is the order of the day.

    Like I already said some of those people do have problems that go beyond whats normal.

    It's easy to generalise.

    I happen to be one of those people who goes around hugging people and acting insane, i am me, i act the way i want to act because thats what i feel like doing, not because everyone is being different, there are some people like that, but it's merely a choice they make. I don't think i'm different and I really don't care whether you, or they think i am normal or different.

    So some people act normal, some people act in a different way that is "normal" for them.

    I'm sure you've had bad experiences Boston, then again so have I and so have a lot of my friends, far beyond what you call manufactured problems.

    << Fio >>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Im not talking about you, im talking baout people who are supposed to be "depressed" and supposed to be "interverts" but as soon at they reach the central bank their whole character changes, that tells me their puting on at least one false face, most likely two.

    Some people like yourself are just instantly social with others, im not myself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    Originally posted by Boston
    Im not talking about you, im talking baout people who are supposed to be "depressed" and supposed to be "interverts" but as soon at they reach the central bank their whole character changes, that tells me their puting on at least one false face, most likely two.

    I'm afraid you are talking about me, and about a lot of the people I'm friend with.

    People call me shy, others call me stuck up cause i dont talk much as school, when i'm with my friends i tend to talk more. The majority of the people you are talking about only really hang out with their friends at central bank, wouldn't that explain why they're more talkative then?

    Do you know *any* of them personally?

    Some people like yourself are just instantly social with others, im not myself.

    I'm instantly sociable?

    Got to remember that one.

    << Fio >>

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    anyone who commits suicide is a selfish bas7ard and should really think about the people they will hurt by their death.
    if you think no one will be hurt, then you are stupid.
    if you know no one will miss, good luck and get your whole head in front of the gun.

    personally i think you should get a grip of yourself, shake yourself and cop on. theres nothing there except for a lingering sadness and a teen angsty need to feel depressed.
    most of us have crappy lives, but we get on with it.
    yous hould really find some friends in real life to talk to and not a bunch of fúcking muppets like us on a bullitan board who bleat like sheep at the drop of a hat.
    ive met you ken. youre a weird person, but ive never held that against anyone. but jesus man, take a look at your life and see the good in it for god sake. if you were in front of me id slap you like a bítch.
    look, made you smile.
    now bugger of and listen to some crappy music.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Sorry Eamo, but I think you've completely missed the point of the thread.

    And I have hundreds of friends "in real life", ok?
    And quite a few of the people on here are good friends of mine "In real life" also.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    then go and talk to them....
    but dont post up here such melodramatics as you want to kill yourself.
    god, ger a grip, you sound like an atention seeking kid

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Originally posted by smiles

    I'm afraid you are talking about me, and about a lot of the people I'm friend with. ...
    Do you know *any* of them personally?

    No im not talking about you, im talking about the ones i know personaly away from the bank, long before they became "goth" heads. I was stunt to see the change the minute they hit the place, and im not sure you can call people you bearly remember the name of and nothing else about, a friend. Because ives questioned these guys and the people they hang around with and you know what, they dont have a clue about them
    The majority of the people you are talking about only really hang out with their friends at central bank

    Im not talking about the manjoruty of people, but its logical to persume there all the same way. But your right, if you act a certain way long enough that becomes you.
    I'm instantly sociable?
    well thats the way it appeared.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    Originally posted by Boston
    No im not talking about you, im talking about the ones i know personaly away from the bank, long before they became "goth" heads. I was stunt to see the change the minute they hit the place, and im not sure you can call people you bearly remember the name of and nothing else about, a friend. Because ives questioned these guys and the people they hang around with and you know what, they dont have a clue about them

    Surprisingly, people who have similar interests tend to be able to talk about things and get on pretty well (another example would be a boards beer night)
    Im not talking about the manjoruty of people, but its logical to persume there all the same way. But your right, if you act a certain way long enough that becomes you.

    Where did I say that if you act a way long enough thats what you become?

    Right, so lets get the logic straight, it's rather similar to:

    When it rains, i get wet. (Rain implies Wet)

    Logical Conclusion: I'm Wet therefore it's raining.


    All the generalisations you make just prove that you haven't a ****ing clue about these people.

    My problem with what you were saying is that you belittled what problems some of those people have because of what you assume is an act.

    << Fio >>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    Originally posted by WhiteWashMan
    then go and talk to them....
    but dont post up here such melodramatics as you want to kill yourself.
    god, ger a grip, you sound like an atention seeking kid

    God... Did you even fecking read my thread!?
    It's nothing to do with "I want to kill myself" or some attention seeking crap.

    Please, just go back and read it, ok?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    Originally posted by smiles

    Surprisingly, people who have similar interests tend to be able to talk about things and get on pretty well (another example would be a boards beer night)

    Where did I say that if you act a way long enough thats what you become?

    Right, so lets get the logic straight, it's rather similar to:

    When it rains, i get wet. (Rain implies Wet)

    Logical Conclusion: I'm Wet therefore it's raining.


    All the generalisations you make just prove that you haven't a ****ing clue about these people.

    My problem with what you were saying is that you belittled what problems some of those people have because of what you assume is an act.

    << Fio >>

    You see im not generalising, i was talking about a specifice example, and you took its an related it to yourself, you most certainly are not a member a the community im talking about, and weather or not you hang around the bank and hung people is besides the point.

    Btw believe me i know what im talking about.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    Originally posted by Boston
    You see im not generalising, i was talking about a specifice example, and you took its an related it to yourself, you most certainly are not a member a the community im talking about, and weather or not you hang around the bank and hung people is besides the point.

    Right, so this is a generalisation:
    Originally posted by Boston
    As for those muppets running around with scares showing them off, they had seen what or done what we have, they would run home to mommy and hand back the make up, they belong to a society where if you don’t have problems you manufacture them, where people so around hugging each other and acting insane. Where being different for the shake of being different is the order of the day.

    and this?
    Originally posted by Boston
    Im not talking about you, im talking baout people who are supposed to be "depressed" and supposed to be "interverts" but as soon at they reach the central bank their whole character changes, that tells me their puting on at least one false face, most likely two.

    Well I'm afraid I am a member of the community you are talking about and I disagree strongly with your generalisations. Yes they are some specific cases where you are right, but for a lot of them you're not.

    << Fio >>

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    *group hug :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    Bubbles, jesus get off the thread.
    Trolling in PI might get you some attention but is not ****ing helpful.

    WWman, just to pick ye up on one thing
    theres nothing there except for a lingering sadness and a teen angsty need to feel depressed. most of us have crappy lives, but we get on with it.

    One of the most debilitating things about depression is the absolute inability to get on with ones life, no matter how good it may seem from the outside. The question should be whether its a teen angst thing or a clinical condition. Sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between the two.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    I really hate to sound narky about this and all, but if you read my thread properly you'll notice that I'm *Not* saying that I'm depressed. I'm saying that recently I got down, and a load of old feelings and history came back up at me and hit me in the face, so to speak.

    It annoys me when people just glance at the topic, or the first few lines, and draw their own concusions. Eg. WWMan.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 357 ✭✭Lolo

    Originally posted by WhiteWashMan
    anyone who commits suicide is a selfish bas7ard and should really think about the people they will hurt by their death.
    if you think no one will be hurt, then you are stupid.
    if you know no one will miss, good luck and get your whole head in front of the gun.
    To re-iterate what I've said before, peoplee who try to commit sucide usually genuinely belive that theire loved ones are better off without them - this doesn't mean it's true
    personally i think you should get a grip of yourself, shake yourself and cop on. theres nothing there except for a lingering sadness and a teen angsty need to feel depressed.
    most of us have crappy lives, but we get on with it.

    This is exactly the kind of sh it that makes depression so hard to deal with, people not differentiating betwen the emotion of "feeling depressed", which most people can "snap out of", and the condition of depression as an illness. Which I don't think AngelWhore has, by the way, I think he's just going through a cr ap time in his life. But even so, it's not a question of "getting a grip on himslef" - he's clearly trying to find ways of pulling himself out of the quagmire, hence his posting here. You're always going to get a wider range of advice from an online 'community' like this than you could get from your friends alone.

    It's people like WWMan who make people with depression scared to talk about it to their friends, tell their employers etc., which needless to say makes the problem even worse.

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  • Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 4,599 CMod ✭✭✭✭RopeDrink

    Originally posted by AngelWhore
    It annoys me when people just glance at the topic, or the first few lines, and draw their own conclusions

    Now you have a taster as to how I feel when it comes to Boards at times...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Dustaz

    yeh but ropes post are usually under 250,000 words rope ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    Originally posted by Lolo
    It's people like WWMan who make people with depression scared to talk about it to their friends, tell their employers etc., which needless to say makes the problem even worse.

    what would you prefere?
    that i should say, hey, its all going to be alright. i'll give you a virtual hug, look arent you better now.

    you think someone actually finds that useful?
    personally its patronising crap like that would make me want to top myself.
    its useless, unmeaningful sentimentality.

    as with ropedrinks thread, i said he should talk to his friends.
    the difference here is that angelwhore hasnt actually gone through the same sort of personal trouble as others, and therefor i think spouting about it is a waste of time.
    talk to people good.
    spouting suicide is useless, melodramatic, and un-needed

    and i will reiterate for you, people who commit suicide are selfish little people who think they are worthless.

    if someone commits suicide then its a complete and senseless waste of human life. if someone spouts about it, then they are looking for help, then they should go and seek it.
    99% of people who talk about suicide dont do it. its an attention thing

    its people like you who are afraid to tackle issues and like to cover them up with the useless tree-hugging hippy ideals that a hug will solv the worlds ills.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,522 ✭✭✭Dr. Loon

    I'm afraid I agree with WWM.

  • Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 4,599 CMod ✭✭✭✭RopeDrink

    Originally posted by Dustaz
    yeh but ropes post are usually under 250,000 words rope ;)

    250,984 words to be exact thank you so very much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 622 ✭✭✭darthmise

    Not trying to flame anyone but i'd tend to agree with White Wash Man as well.

    I fail to see you reason for posting this thread. Was it really necessary. How could it possibly help you, if you've already talked about these things with others?

    Repeat: not trying to flame you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 357 ✭✭Lolo

    Originally posted by WhiteWashMan

    what would you prefere?
    that i should say, hey, its all going to be alright. i'll give you a virtual hug, look arent you better now.

    Em, neither, I think a bit of constructive advice about how to stop himself feeling like this (like people have been giving him up until your post) is what he needs.

    and i will reiterate for you, people who commit suicide are selfish little people who think they are worthless.

    Yes, they do think they're worthless, one of the reasons they think people are better off without them. Doesn't necessarily make them selfish, they think they're doing the right thing. And nobody's disagreeing that it's a disgraceful waste of human life.

    99% of people who talk about suicide dont do it. its an attention thing .

    I don't know where you're getting that figure from, but personally I wouldn't want to take a chance that they're going to go ahead and do it. I've seen too many people have their cries for help ignored.
    its people like you who are afraid to tackle issues and like to cover them up with the useless tree-hugging hippy ideals that a hug will solv the worlds ills.

    Please point out the "useless tree-hugging hippy ideals" in my posts, or the mention of the word "hug" - I was just giving him some advice, based on what I've done myself to get out of similar situations.

    Ask anyone who's ever worked with people with depression, they'll tell you that the 'snap out of it' mentality has added to the problem considerably.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,972 ✭✭✭SheroN

    Thread locked...well done boys and girls, another prime example of how to get a thread locked....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    Originally posted by AngelWhore
    I don't really want to be told anything, I just wanted to get something that has been bothering me lately off my chest.

    .. SheroN,you beat me to the locking stick

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