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#1 in Ireland???



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,396 ✭✭✭PPC

    I just watched that demo and Koopa is well better.
    Although *NemesiS*does have a good case.
    I'd love to see that match played at a lan with the same spec machines.

    Hey Koopa come to an allnight lan in CyberMart in Waterford and show yer stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 355 ✭✭*NemesiS*

    lol PPC that aint me or Koopa playing, its some idiots impersonating us for the laugh. You really think me or koopa are that bad???

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,396 ✭✭✭PPC

    Thats what i was thinking.
    He shoulda beaten ya in that case :)

    I just saw the demo and downloaded.
    Didn't bother reading any text.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    cmon now nemesis, dont deny it
    of course you were going to upload that demo

    i hacked into the server using a tortoise and 2 bits of garlic to get the following conversation between you and fh|killy
    (Nem): here m8 i cant get this demo uploaded, do i have to stick it on the ftp site then post the URL under post demos??
    (fh|killy): it should link to it automatically
    (fh|killy): ask Mindphuck about it
    (Nem): kk
    (fh|killy): btw
    (fh|killy): i think ppl were only messing about wanting to see the demo
    (fh|killy): since most ppl can beat anarki 10-0
    (fh|killy): i played him today and beat him 10-0 using machinegun only
    (Nem): on nightmare??
    (fh|killy): ya
    (Nem): lol kk

    PPC give me an incentive to go to waterford, id have to spend 4 hours and about 20 quid on the bus, to play in some cybercafe with noone i know, possibly on **** machines, pay for it, then after 8 hours id have another 4 hours on the bus to look forward to to get home, all while i could have been sleeping

    hows about playing for money, maybe have a 1v1 competition on q3tourney4 or something, everyone throw in a tenner into the pot, winner takes all?

    if you want an incentive to win, here it is: i am a cocky bastard who is so sure that he is going to totally piss on all of you (especially nemesis) at that lan in quake3 1v1, that hes willing to go through the above torture to play you (journey, paying loads for travel, pc's etc), if the winner of the 1v1 competition, 10 min games, map q3tourney4, is guaranteed to win at least 200 euro (shouldnt be too hard to put up, ill put in my tenner, you only need 19 more people)

    you people up for it, or chicken?

    (hey eamo/dan/greg wanna come with me to waterford? ill give eamo 50 euro for petrol, rest of you can come free! ill buy food!! dave (bunny) are you in dublin? eric?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    ya id consider it alrite just to see nemisis get ass raped by koopa and then ill ass rape koopa for the 200 euro :P when is it?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 293 ✭✭saik

    i'll go sam. but as we all know, you won't pay for anything u tight arsed flid, which is why i propose the following amendment: 2nd place gets 25 quid! that'll be enough to bring out the competitive little gay in all the rest of us :>

    oh yeh nemesis, ded.

    hahahhah sam you gay, i just noticed, u removed all maps but t4 from the lineup, in one foul sweep, wp (****)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,372 ✭✭✭Illkillya

    t4 is the only map

  • Registered Users Posts: 728 ✭✭✭Nexus

    When did sam ever come across "Money". He has none of it so how can he join this little competition?, a bank loan maybe?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    no but your sister is raking it in every night, i just asked her for some and she said ok

  • Registered Users Posts: 728 ✭✭✭Nexus


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 355 ✭✭*NemesiS*

    Koopa you arrange it and ill gladly get the money, the more the better. Ill put it to you like this, ive seen you play in quite a few demos. I know i can beat you, you cant dodge for ****, your rocket aim is poor to say the least and you rely on the rail-gun. Seeming how u can only play t4 ill have to play it, but just goes to prove the above point that without a rail-gun your nothing :D
    Also bring a few mates will make for a better LAN!
    Just lemme know when you want to come and ill arrange it. And let me know what you'll need etc.
    btw if your so sure your gonna piss on me how about a little pro-q3dm6 too or in your own words "are ya chicken??"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    i am chicken

    as regards money, you said "the more the better" , well, how about a thousand euro? tell me how much you have

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 880 ✭✭✭Von


    *clap clap clap*

  • Registered Users Posts: 728 ✭✭✭Nexus

    U have to be the most stupidest idiot i have ever seen in my life :)
    sam dont use the rail, use the lg :). ill give u my sister half price if u show ME DA MONEH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 384 ✭✭Ser


    mr original name , i see a wind up

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    do you want to do a full lan duel competition including everyone, or do you want to put it all on one game, me vs you (nemesis)?

    one 15 minute game sound good to you for the prize money?

    q3 latest release (1.31) and OSP latest release (1.01) is the standard everywhere so make sure you have them

    you can get the q3 1.31(latest) patch from and you can get OSP 1.01 (latest) from

    when do you want us to come down there?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 972 ✭✭✭havok*

    Originally posted by Koopa
    do you want to do a full lan duel competition including everyone, or do you want to put it all on one game, me vs you (nemesis)?

    one 15 minute game sound good to you for the prize money?

    Sam, a full tourney would be sweet. U know theres a quite a few regulars that'll head pretty much any where in Ireland for a good lan.

    But tbh seeing as i doubt this Nemesis lad has ever played any half decent players theres next to no chance of you's meeting in the tourney itself. Play the Nemesis Vs Koopa duel b4 the tourney (we're all dying to see it)

    We could run a "guess the score" comp. Say every1 puts in 2 euro and picks a score. the closest to it wins the loot.

    btw have u checked ip's and so forth, this really sound like a bubbles wind up to meh...

    my 0.02 euro.

  • Registered Users Posts: 625 ✭✭✭Vincent

    yo sam im definatly on for this, i reckon it should be best of 3 each duel 15mins long, the maps t2, t4 and pro-q3dm6, maybe flick a coin or something to see the order which the maps should be played. And if the prize money was to reach 1000 euro (i doubt it would) maybe the winner could throw in some money for a comp bewteen everyone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 972 ✭✭✭havok*

    Sam ? Give money away ?

    I want what you've been smoking :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    Nemesis is taking the piss, he has to be.

    Although, if you ARENT actually taking the piss, I'll also play you for money, and Koopa beats the shit out of me.

    (except for the T4 last weekend, eh sam? eh? eh? eh? eh sam?? eh?)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    ok cool eamo
    nemesis just has to tell us when/where to go.. and how much im going to win, when i win

    dan-**** you coming too? \/\/ /\/\

    i doubt we'll have time for a full 1v1 tourney, but ill give people in the car some (like 20 pence) of the winnings anyway, and you lot can play nemesis after im done with him

    nemesis please tell me how much youre prepared to lose, thanks (you could even put up your system, if youre short cash - i need an upgrade anyway)

    could the rest of you lads please shut up, youre scaring the poor man, he's never going to bet me a grand now, after all my work, and norm didnt get his stool sample either

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,980 ✭✭✭✭Giblet

    For a Grand even I'll beat Nemesis

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭Koopa

    ****ing vultures piss off!!
    you can have him after im done with him

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,684 ✭✭✭Kraken

    ok i have to say never played againts koopa but have played against nemesis.

    The screeny that was posted up with some character called eye with 101 kills or something ive played him b4 and he aint that good. also played a few maps of q3 down i waterford at a lan with nem while i ate my pizza and still won granted there were a few other playing as well.

    I put my money on koopa.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    Koopa, in fairness you're all talk.
    I hammered you when you came down to limerick, and you thought you were deadly. I hope he batters you like we did. Nemesis is right, you're dodging is shit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,372 ✭✭✭Illkillya

    but just goes to prove the above point that without a rail-gun your nothing

    Why don't you play on q3tourney2... theres no railgun there! I'm sure koopa wouldn't mind :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭Shad0r

    yeah Koopa isnt really that good at all anymore, I mean fair enough he used to be good, but ever since the CPL's.....just hasnt been able to keep up at all really...

  • Registered Users Posts: 728 ✭✭✭Nexus

    Its Euros now, not £ and pennies. God sum ppl are born stupid, damn saudi ****s!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 355 ✭✭*NemesiS*

    Ok lets get this sorted shall we!
    Im goin on hols for 2 weeks this saturday so it'll have to be after that. As for a full LAN ill have to try get that sorted with Cybermart and see what they say, i dunno how many of you want to come so ill let ya know how many spots will be available.

    As for Kracken or whatever your name is ive never even seen you let alone played you, and if you beat me good luck as ive never lost a game of q3 in waterford yet.

    As for Koopa you have no idea what your in for, you think im scared??? You really are sad, and the more you hype this up the worse it will be for you when you get beat, because mark my words that is what will happen! You have no idea what im like 1 v 1 and you think because i havent made a name for myself in irish quake your gonna hammer me??? You really have no idea what your in for. As for the cash amount as i said the more the better ill see what i have left over after the hols and we can discuss it before hand. You just better work on that dodging of yours because it would be a shame to get hammered by a n00b :)

    As for the maps i like the above idea of best of 3, one on t4, one on pro-q3dm6 and the decider on t2. Or whatever order you prefer. 10 mins per map, winner takes all.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 293 ✭✭saik

    sam i'll come down.
    i *seriously* think this nemesis lad is a wind up.
    i can see it now, 4 intrepid nurds set out on a big adventure , destination: waterford, the promise of a lan tourney with money making them salivate, only to find a field in the place of the netcafe.

    but then, on the other hand, he's got a fair grasp of your game from his demo watching - your rl is arse, and you cant really dodge! just sit there with your hitscan weapons. pfft. your all point and click :/ like zero sure, i've also hammered you.
    (hehe just ask piss bitch)
