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The Origin

  • 25-07-2002 10:18pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭

    Hey, here's a question I always wanted to ask.

    Where did your handle(or nickname, for the non-geeks) originate?

    Duckman is a character in the Terry Pratchett novels. He's a wandering bum who has a duck on his head, and he is oblivious to it. When I wanted to register my name for email, it was taken, so I took out the C and the rest is history.

    I have loadsa other handles as well, (Guano, Mystic Fibrosis,etc...)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 250 ✭✭Plasticman

    well, last year i told hugh (G@ndalf) and neil (Foobar) to go to an emulation site (which has been closed down). they went to plastic manufacturers company. it's obvious why the name stuck

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 760 ✭✭✭TheAlmightyArse

    Originally posted by dukman

    Duckman is a character in the Terry Pratchett novels. He's a wandering bum who has a duck on his head, and he is oblivious to it. When I wanted to register my name for email, it was taken, so I took out the C and the rest is history.

    It's THE Duck Man, thankyou. Fool of a Took! Nice Bob-omb, though.

    Mine's Discworldian too (that's Galder Weatherwax's Hat, which is the one I use far more often), and is perhaps THE greatest hat-inhabitted-by-the-discly-remnants-of-previous-wearers EVER. Much better than the hunk of felt wrappings in that abysmal Harry Potter nonsense, anyway...

    TheAlmightyArse just came about in one of those sacred moments of silliness. Y'know, where I find my heaven. A successor to a Yahoo group by the name of the Vegetable Revolution reared it's head in message board form, tentivly titled "Veg Rev 1.5", and since I was known to all and sundry as Galderhat there, I thought I'd shock them with TheAlmightyArse. Managed to slightly confuse some of the slower members, which is always nice.

    Other than those two, there's not much else I've ever been known by... Gimpy's Bedpan, Mr Pants' Y-Fronts, Rik Mayall's Tie et al went out the window as soon as they came careering in through it...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭s0l

    lets see,
    2 and a half years ago I was in belfast for the first time staying with my bro in his flat and his wierd ass geeky friends
    so they all had their handles
    I had just finished metal gear: solid, the ending with the bit at the end where ocelot makes a reference to "solidus" so at first I was solidus, for about a day, then I became s0l, and its stuck, I've had my handle longer than most people i know have it but I intend to keep it till the day I die! bwha!
    oh but in Anarchy Online 4 letters in the minimum for a name so I went be the name "Rockgroin" which, if you know where I got that (not the obvious crotch of stone thing) I'll give you some sweet loving :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 402 ✭✭Man U babe

    My username? That was a particularly unimaginative moment. I was watching football at the same time as registering, and I've supported Man U since I was in nappies. Should have used something a bit more imaginative, dammit.
    I dont have any real nicknames other than people calling me jo, which i HATE, btw.

    Theres a challenge for this board. Can the combined talent of the talented youth of Ireland come up with a nickname for me?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    About... ooh! Many years ago i was playing Civilisation <the first one> and I was the aztecs... needed an azteccy name and chose sippa. Since then Sippa has had a large story invented as to why he is EMPEROR SIPPA OF THE SIPPIAN EMPIRE <ALL HAIL> and his name is more commonly Lord Sippa <because it sounds nicer>...

    So there.

    Alternatively I have called myself FAT Mouth <Frothing At The...>, Virus, Loser, and Mr. Genocide.

    Erm... be it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Lil' Jesus

    Well, im Jesus, its who i am, Aidan is my secret identity which i should not need, considering im omnipitent....

    Actually, i saw that Father Ted episode in which Jack goes "I'm Elvis", i was messing around with my friend sayin it, and somehow it moved to I'm Jesus, which i say every day to myself or others at least once. But, in the end, Lil' Jesus sounded funnier, and less "blasphemous".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    It was 2AM in the morning, I believe I was talking to Dermo, I was slightly stoned. There was a nature documentary on some channel and it had these weird rhinos that got discoloured due to some change in their environment. They were orange. Hence, I am now OrangeRhino.

  • Registered Users Posts: 895 ✭✭✭imp

    Well iMP originated about four/five years ago now when I badly needed a handle and neither I nor Sven could think of one. I thought of iMP due to the fact that I was quite vertically challenged at the time and Sven told me to keep it. Yes its HIS fault.

    Um, for games I often use Rhadamanthus, which originated from me picking a random page in the dictionary and going "OOH!! Judge of the Underworld!!!!"

    I occasionally use various other names which originate from RPGs including Paldor Slate, Falcon, El'Dranath, em... there's others I just can't remember them.

    But iMP's the favourite and most common.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    iMP also relates to ians initials. so there!

    Erm... Ian, your other nicknames are too long, boring, obscure, or just silly. Just like my other self - Haraknor Rho Dhing (Tamal) [Brasketh]! BRINGER OF COUNTER MONKEYS AND FLAMEY DEATH! BWAHAHAHAHA! I mean... i'm a good guy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 895 ✭✭✭imp

    It does kinda bear relation to my initials but only if you re-arrange my middle names a bit... unless it stands for (i)an (M)ulholland (P)rick


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 760 ✭✭✭TheAlmightyArse

    Oh, I've got so many stories attached to my other nicknames and alter-egos... all equally dull, so I'll kill this ramble now, for the sake of us all.

    And the children, obviously.

    Gotta love the children.


    In a strictly plutonic way.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 760 ✭✭✭TheAlmightyArse

    While we're on the subject of handles, nicknames, et al...

    While you're there check out the Mittens and Snowdrop animations. They'll change your life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 Spidergal

    Orangerhino, does everything happen at 2am in the morning! (reference to word association thread). Neways....spidergal, in s1 we went to see spiderman, as usual I started babbling after the film, I was talking about the scene where he is on the Carlsburg truck (indiscrete advertising!) and came up with this scenario about jumpinng from one side of res. to the other while my RA. drove a Carlburg truck through thr quad. No, it is not weird to discuss such scenarios! Couldn't call myself spiderman, as that was already taken so spidergal was invented.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Lessee, Foobar is a derivation of Fubar, which, as everyone knows stands for


    Then there are so many other nicks, such as [lapsed]pacifist, which i use for online games, which is a ship name from "Excession" By Iain M. Banks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    And there I was thinking foobar was you being all l33t. Foo! etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Lol, no, just thought it described me inside.

    Anyway, when i started using this, i had f all clue bout linux or unix anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Originally posted by Spidergal
    Orangerhino, does everything happen at 2am in the morning! (reference to word association thread).

    No, probably not. You have my most sincere apologies, from now on I shall be precise and exact under pain of circumcision via blowtorch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 131 ✭✭Elvish

    Elvish is the Simpon's Family Photo ALbum or a name to that extent. Elvish is a foreign Elvis impersonator. I laughed, so I kept that name. Its not from LOTR as many people have thought. Its abstract Simpsons.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka

    Asuka, an animé character. Pronounced 'Aska' (everyone gets it wrong). Started as a joke, but typically became the only name that ever stuck. Tried to change it a few years back (it was really getting on my t!ts), but nobody recognised me. a8a is also me, and distinctive enough for it not to be anyone else. I have a couple of others, some for special purposes (particular games etc.) and others just so people wont know who I am :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭NeoSlicerZ

    Well first there was Slicers which i used for CS, then i felt it sounded lame , then added Neo to the front , became NeoSlicers, still a bit lame , used it for a while changed the s to a Z . Looked great as [VAR]-NeoSlicerZ**
    but currently using [VAR]-Starlight Starbright**

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 406 ✭✭shep the malevolent pixie

    it was the first thing that came into my head. which says a lot about me actually...:D *runs around the room flailing random body parts, singing the shoop shoop song* (completely unrelated)
    other nicknames include chloe the happy munchkin (eater), sputnik, ratface and garbagebaby but the last three are just used by my sister as terms of endearment.:p
    sHep :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭qwidgybo

    mine's from the simpsons(although i spell it wrong).got nicknamed qwidgybo on a school trip in austria

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 178 ✭✭Dalamar

    think Dragonlance.
