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Songs that Phantom should NEVER again play!

  • 11-08-2002 4:04pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2,057 ✭✭✭

    This is my first ever new thread, so I'm all nervous! In your opinions, what songs that are frequently played should be dumped and destroyed? For the moment, I have just one suggestion: That 40 boys in 40 nights piece of crap. Let me know if you agree!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭Achille

    ooh, such a negative thread Wacker!!
    where's the love?:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭anony

    Not negative at all wacker.........that flaming lips song that goes "do you have a beautiful face"..... that is f*u*c*k*ing painful....... and alot of that generic american pop punk (not including Blink182...I like them) know that stuff thats popular with the kids...... from a distance it appears to be punk, they've got the colourered hair and the sneer....... but it all sounds so inofensive.....and instead of antisocial lyrics their sing love songs.....Relationship Rock, I call it........woops that does sound like Blink......but at least their songs are catchy

  • Registered Users Posts: 735 ✭✭✭beardedchicken

    oh open your minds kiddies! phantom play a whole load of stuff that you may not neccessarily like, but is good for you- it's like broccoli, once you have that over and done with you can get onto the good stuff!

    in any case, they don't play enough dillinger

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 passthesalt

    Aw man, i remember when they used to play that nauseating song by Relish. Twas dadgum awful, methinks it went somethin like (ive a horrible feeling im gonna blow some hefty chunks just writing this):


    Dude, now i got bile all over my keyboard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭acquiescefc

    bloody no no and thrice no

    Only song that ever makes me turn phantom off

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭Sandi

    hmm...I can generally put up with most of what Phantom plays, but I have no choice but to switch off when anything by Deptuy Fuzz gets played or that fvcking song "Back when I was 4"...I've never heard anything so brutal...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    this is such a ridiculous thread - u can please some of the people some of the time but u can't please all of the people all of the time that is the saying isn't it??????

    sure phantom play songs u don't like sometimes but i am sure there is somebody who does like them and i am fairly certain there are some songs on phantom that you love that annoys someone else so much that they switch phantom off.................

    peace out homies hehehe

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,710 ✭✭✭Kurdt

    thats the most serious-ist thing i've ever seen you post johnny...

    and to true too!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    have to kind of disagree with u there in that its just an opinionated thread, like so many others that have gone before it, and theres nothing wrong with people have a difference of opinions (if there nice about it, and i dont see and throat throttling going on here)

    but itll probably get deleted coz its a bit negative...

    i dont know if i have a most annoying song....probably wired to the moon by the revs or somehting, but it doesnt get played (not that i hear anyway) anymore

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 roisin916

    Songs Phantom should never play again.......

    The one that goes "and back when I was 5" etc
    Anything by The Revs
    The one that goes "we've got so much time"
    Anything by Sum 41

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,054 ✭✭✭SimonMaher

    Hello all,

    Yes, it is a bit of a negative thread, but hey youre never going to win on threads like this or the "which club is best type", but I'll leave it here.

    Wouldnt it be good though to have turned the subject on its head, and rather than knocking the songs that do get played, suggesting ones you would like to hear?

    Think on.


    Pete Reed
    Phantom FM

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,710 ✭✭✭Kurdt

    good one johnny...

    more at the drive in would be nice...and maybe some juniper the stuff thats apparently going on the next damo rice album....

    if ya dont have it i could get ya some copies...stuff like me my yoke and i/the professor/junipers version of i remember december and face...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    haha i thank u my feline friend...............yeah some juniper would be nice - nothing like a bit of weatherman to cheer u up..........

    at the drive in that would do aswell also some more SOAD.....

    oh and some gareth gates aswell.............

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,057 ✭✭✭Wacker

    Wow, my thread go a big response!

    Actually, it never occurred to me that this was a negative thread, but I can totally see the point! How short-sighted of me! Maybe I'll just have to put on a CD when 40 boys in 40 nights comes on! Thanks to everyone for replying, I will no longer attempt to impose my will upon thee.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭Achille

    Hmm, I was only joking about the whole negative thing. I think its a goods thread, as long as nobody starts to think that their opinion dictates what will be played on the station... other than our very own dictator Pete Reed :D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    ah and what a dictator he is *dreamy look in eyes* hahahaha

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    well think of how it looks from the point of view of phantomfm...anyone who stumbles upon this page and reads this threads gonna get negative vibes, despite the fact that it was (kind of) meant in an endearing way...(i presume)

    oh i dont know what im talking about anymore. someone take me to the hospital and we'll get the last of the alcohol removed from my body which will stop.....(ok lessen) the amount of crap im talking

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 VonBon

    If you ask me (and some people actually, that's a lie)
    half the fun of listening to music is taking the pyss out bands you hate , it makes you appreciate the music you do love all the more. And there's nothing wrong with hating a band if they're not in it for the reasons you think bands should ; y'know - 'cause they wanna rock, or whatever. And I certainly think some bands should be dropped off on a lonely country road with a bag over their heads.
    As for the songs I think Phantom should never play again....How long do you have? :D
    Tell you what, Pete Reed...just send me a list of what you(not just you, i mean the station)'ve played in the past week, and I'll write a detailed critique of why some of them suck like mother****ers.
    Only kiddin' (kinda)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 78 ✭✭Rob Taylor

    Hmmmm, interesting. Firstly, as Pete says, you're never gonna win with a thread like this, but I've read it with interest. The one thing I'd like to say is that part of what we think makes Phantom great is that we endeavour to play a lot of stuff you're not gonna hear anywhere else. The Jeffrey Lewis song "Back When I Was 4" is a case in point. Personally, I think it's a "love it or hate it"-type song, and I just happen to love it. Ask yourself this though; have you heard any other station playing it? I doubt it.

    There are certain songs which have become part of the fabric of Phantom FM, eg "Blister In The Sun", "Revelate", "Debaser", "Beretta", which some people might think get aired too often, but the reason for that is that according to our request logs, people still want to hear them. The flip-side of that is you get to hear a lot of cool new songs that FM104 and it's ilk wouldn't touch with a barge-pole cos it's not "chart-friendly" or whatever. There's a song in the International A-list at the moment called "Bullet" by an artist called Mason Jennings which is quirky, but brilliant. Also, our Irish A-list currently houses some fantastic tunes by new irish artists, such as Outrhythm's "Looking For" and Ely's "Beautiful Thief", and if we can give these bands a leg up by playing their stuff, we'll do it. I know I'm preaching to the converted here though, and we hope that the above reasons are part of what makes you the listener appreciate what we do. It's also cool to see that this message board is always so busy as well. It's better to be talked about than not!

    Personally, i'm just glad nobody suggested we stop playing Bob Dylan. That'd break me poor fragile heart.....



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 726 ✭✭✭lamda

    Hey whats wrong with a little negativity???? Anyway there are songs i hate hearing cos i dont like them..but i dont want them banned or anything ..just dont like them. For instance that awful "Girl all the bad guys want" ugh

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    well said Rob! Yeah, i never understand why people give out about some of the songs like blister in the sun among others, coz for me they're the songs that take me right back to when i started listening and had never before felt so connected with an innanimate object! (im talking about a radio station dammit!)I can never tire of them!

    As Sinister Pete said, and excellent point, if u tune into phantom you may not like the first 2 songs you hear but you'll love the third....if u get it. I mean people can complain about not hearing what they want, but ask, and im sure one of the dj's will be into that band and will play it for u! Pete Reed suggested to us yesterday to be more positive and talk about songs wed like to hear on phanotm and when i gave me suggestions, i find they are actually being played, i just haven't heard the dj who's slot they were played on. There's defiantely a little somthing for everyone on phantom. And if u dont like a song, all u ahve to do is switch over, or wait coz more than liekly somehting you'll love is gonna get played soon enough! And thats more than can be said for most stations out there, if ur into alt music.

    (sorry...on a caffeine buzz)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    lets stop playing bob dylan (hehehehe rob)

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Why don't we just all vote for one song and Phantom can just loop it and all the dj's can have all the free time in the world?!!

    I mean, the whole point of it is hearing songs you've never heard before, hearing new stuff by old bands, new stuff by new bands, old stuff from new get the picture.

    For instance, I hate the Chili Peppers. (there. It's out in the open now. Don't judge me, I was once like you.....) Really don't like them.
    But I don't mind hearing them on Phantom, it means someone else is getting their song played. I'll get my turn eventually. (OR: I'll get my Turn eventually....)

    Whether you love it or hate it, it's all alternative, its all different, and therefore it's all good.

    Music that matters.

    (Apologies, the last of the alcohol is leaving my system.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    well said silverfish

    *stands up and proudly applauds*

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    i feel like im in the film in and out, u know the one with kevin makes u wanna stand up at the end of it and yell 'i'm gay too'

    anyway, i hate the red hot chilli peppers too, silverfish, and im not just trying to agree with u. they have a couple of songs i like, but ah, kalifornication was woeful!!!!!lead singers hot though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 180 ✭✭joss

    Hmm. I only get to hear Phantom in the car during the day, but the only show that I've learned to listen out for is Cathal's Friday Heavy Traffic. Not just cos he plays bands I'm in (which obviously doesn't hurt!) but there tends to be no faceless US guitar action, some of the better Irish stuff, the odd bit o' soul and fancy reggae action. In general when I tune in during the day there isn't much to interest me. It's either US major label noisy guitar action, demo-y Irish stuff that doesn't get me at all or selections from the Whelans evening playlist. I understand that Phantom probably isn't really aimed at the likes of me (somewhat nerdy tastes, approaching 30), but I would like a little more variety sometimes. I recall driving to work one morning recently and hearing Black Sabbath, Beastie Boys, Thin Lizzy and a ream of fairly popular stuff that I liked, but it doesn't happen too often.
