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I fought the law and...

  • 11-08-2002 8:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭

    *regains composure*
    In CTYI we(they) have rules.
    Rules we must abide by.A code if you will.But, as many believe, rules are there to be broken.
    So, post up stories of rule breaking and other such debauchery, including the repurcussions.I could post up my story, but afaik,a lucky few from session 2 were told an extremely "developed" version of it, and it amused me so much I won't ruin the original by telling the truth.;)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭Hat Girl

    ok...what you are about to read was only told to a few ppl, and sean made me not tell anyone on the course after it happened...
    BUT the course is over, so..........
    me and boyfriend of the time (will not embarrass him) were sitting outside the cafeteria, on the sunday evening of the first weekend, (sesh 2 2002) and it was approximately 7:05pm. I noticed this, and said to boyfriend that perhaps we should head to the terence larkin, coz crocodile dundee (woop dee woop) was startin at 7:30.
    Anyways, we decided to walk through the henry grattan to get there, and whilst walking, we got a bit, one of the classrooms.
    Later, i look at my wach, see it is 7 25 and make for the door.
    door locked!
    other door locked!
    and door leading to street? locked! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH
    sweet mother of god on a bike... i wanted to break a window, (being the violent when trapped type), but boyfriend was having none of it.
    3 minutes later, i could be seen crawling out the window ten feet above the door adjoining the street in a little black miniskirt.
    eventually, after climbing down metal post thingy, we found a fire escape which we got out through, walked through the building site, crawled under the metal barrier thing only to come FACE TO FACE with Sean, Catriona, Rory and some othere dude who was a right bolo(ks as far as i remember.
    i didn't get to see crocodile dundee.
    sniff. i have lost some valuable education....
    there you have it!
    oh and by the way we're in dermots song....
    'i dreamt of a horny couple sneakin out the emergency door
    and space cadets and wannabe goths and geniuses galore'

    now, someone else take the mike....ny hand hurts from typing!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Let's see ...

    there was the run in with DCU security at CTYI this year.
    sneaking out of CG01 when I was put there last year.
    running away from Bref, a lot.
    my love note to Feargal and Willie at 11:30PM one night this year.

    And some more, I never got in any real trouble though. I'm too much of a pussy for *real* trouble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 588 ✭✭✭littlehedgehog

    The last night, getting caught out of bed by 6 (or more can't remember?!!) male and female RAs with my roommate in our friends room, it was 4.30 and they had been looking for us since 3am......not good. they were really pi$$ed off and made us run around the quad. I was in socks and my roommate was in slippers (hah) They also woke up our friends roommate who was sick and made her run too...... evil evil evil..................

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭s0l

    session 1 2001,
    a group of 5 from my ra group all slept in the same room.
    two in one bed, me on the fllor, guy on the seat and one more on the camp bed.

    Dan (your remember dan, had the cool bit of white in his hair) our ra came in at 8:00 to give the wake up call just as we where thinking to head bak to our rooms.
    He puts his head round the door, smiles, shakes his head and walks off :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 Declan L.

    Me & my 2 room-mates were busted making garlic bread and noodles at 2 in the morning.

    We didn't get in ****, we were just told that we would have to share the food with the RA's, scabby *******....

    Anyway niall (room-mate & head chef) told them to come back later when it was ready but before they got back we ate the whole lot.......mmmmm, late night feasts......

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    <thinks>... I was strangely boring. I did stay up to 12am on my mobile to someone but that wasn't breaking the rules so much as costing somebody huge sums... erm... lights on at many times at night was the major one.

    I could tell you many stories of others not on boards though. And I stayed up waiting each of the nights jonah had proposed a ghost walk. The fact that they never went ahead cause of ra intervention never stopped me waiting for the fatefull knock that never came.

  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭Green Hand Guy

    I really pissed off Colm by pretending to be dead by the Cafetorium™ door. He didn't do much, just shouted at me to stop acting like an idiot and to get up. I also started to get on the art teachers nerves by doing a half assed job of our actual work and then doodling on a page for the rest of the day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Mystic Fibrosis

    Originally posted by s0l
    session 1 2001,
    a group of 5 from my ra group all slept in the same room.
    two in one bed, me on the fllor, guy on the seat and one more on the camp bed.

    yay!! me on the camp bed, shirtless!! And I wasnt inyour RA group!!! And I buggered off at 5 because you were all asleep!! and you were entwined in matthew's arms!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭nosmo

    he did say 2001


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,738 ✭✭✭Barry Aldwell

    I mentioned this before, but I'm saying it anyway.

    A certain person in my ra group typed and printed out notices promoting the smoking of crack instead of tobacco. He hung it in many places, including the door of Rory Loughnane's room. Rory brought it into his ra meeting and accused them of doing it, while the perpetrator got away unsuspected. Ask Ailbhe (the shoeless one) about her little incidents of letting it slip.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭NeoSlicerZ

    Nothing major on my part, the odd hitting people with frisbees :rolleyes: Trying to persuade Susan to wear a bikini to the disco . 2001, uneventful but got every1 to start playing cocklefighting all way through Maths Tech class.

    Nothing much..

    BTW , every1 who doesn't have a sig may use my one providing that due credit is given to Corega (the maker)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭pretty*monster

    I didn't actually break any rules (accept being out if my room after lights out but that doesn't count because everyone breaks that) spent most of the course out of my mind on caffine or sugar. i threw food at people (a cookie at Theresa, bread at Weston and many many malteasers at Reily) I screamed at a whole lot of people. And i slapped about ten guys across the face (which i do feel sorta bad about coz only one of them deserved it)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭Hat Girl

    oh kate...can you remember how many guys i slapped on the face/physically (and sexually!) abused?
    i remeber slapping riley 5 times for looking at me with a puppy dog face and he wouldn't speak to me for 25 hours! (an extra hour was added for laughing at him and drawing on his shoe)
    what other trouble did i get into?
    oh, sean told me to put on more clothes a few times...and i was told to cool down at the dicos quite often.
    thats about it; if i think of more i'll post 'em! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭pretty*monster

    Riley stared lecturing me about violence when i slapped him.
    The difference between me and you is that the you were provoked into slapping guys where as I did it because i founf them guilty of being male.
    Were you there the time i started screaming a Zoe's friend becuase he had the nerve to "Stand there being all male with his Y chromosomes"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭Hat Girl

    yes, yes i was.
    the poor boy.
    he was an innocent, goddammit!
    i remember i had to shield him from you in the end

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Haha, I can imagine it now ... Theresa slappin' the face of some lad and then protectin' him from the same fate from pretty*monster ... haha, rock!

    Theresa, check your PMs!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 227 ✭✭Hat Girl

    i must endeavour to say that that particular boy WAS an innocent bystander who incurred the wrath of kate merely for being male....
    i had not hit him at all and felt pity for him coz kate is a dangerous, dangerous the best possible way that can be interpreted:p
    i have checked my pm's
    check yours before i kill myself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Oooh wait... I dressed as a transvestite priest for the last disco. Actually just dressing as a priest got me in trouble with my TA (better her than someone else) .

    Oh and the whole thing with getting in **** over wearing a bra on the first real night... thanks to jess for allowing me to wear it btw. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    Hmmm.... I didnt really break many rules.

    Oh apart from Sean/other-RAs yelling at me to go home and stop sitting in my boyfriends window everyday during 2000 when I was commuting.

    Hiding stuff in my room when other people were caught with it for a week or so, never caught tho.

    Opening the door of my room (2001) to get out into other's rooms 3/4 times on the last night only to have Caitriona standing outside it *every* time *freaky*. That was also the night 2 RAs burst into our room and searched it cause they claimed me and my roommates *had* to have at *least* another 3 people in there to be making so much noise, and nope, there was no one.

    Hiding guys in my friends room in 1998... they jumped into the little bins behind the kitchen doors when the rooms were searched (hehehe)

    << Fio >>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,028 ✭✭✭oq4v3ht0u76kf2

    Haha! I can just imagine Cormac and Mark jumping into those tiny bins and hiding! I know it almost definetely wasn't those two in this story, but they're the only guys I've seen you with for the most part seens as they were attached at the hip to you last year! ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 131 ✭✭Elvish

    Me and a group of friends got caught by Eoin the RA (Bandana) at four in the morning trying to sneak into the girls corridor. He didn´t mind five extra people in my room beforehand but running around at four am did sort of piss him off though, I wonder why:rolleyes:

