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Phantasm + misc. meanderings



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭megameaty

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Phantasm but I must admit there is a certain Phantom DJ I ain't very fond of. In fact I was at Phantasm not to long ago and he very rudely said to my friend:
    "I don't really care what you request because to be honest I'm gonna play what ever I want".
    I'm sorry, but that's a purely selfish thing to say. Since when did the DJ's taste in music become priority over phantoms many listeners?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭Sinister Pete

    The Sinister One Speaks.

    If you want a DJ to play whatever it is you want to hear all the time, then hire one. I don't have any problem with taking requests, I always entertain whatever people are looking for.

    Enter Alcohol and people become totally different. If people tell me the music I'm playing is crap, change it NOW, I'm sorry I'm not going to give them the time of day. If the same people come up to me and ask me for the same song all night long, it gets to be less and less of a consideration. I remember what people want and I'll get it on when the time is right. That's the job. It's not a power trip, it's not a snobish reaction. It's work, sometimes its hard work. We've got a room full of people to please. Not just you. Be patient, relax and enjoy yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 726 ✭✭✭lamda

    Hmmmm i have to say i found it alla bit hit and miss for me on thursday....and when i was leaving at about 2 the dancefloor was completely cleared...not a good sign... I was thinking some smiths would have been nice as well. What difference does it make woulda had me dancin like a loon!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 726 ✭✭✭lamda

    Aw to sing the praises of mildly scary daniel....theres no MILDLY about it!! And rapture queen i found your ass on the floor in whelans...its in my house collect it soon its scaring the family. What else...I didnt know you were there drowner! Must have just missed you! And johnnynolegs many apologies for not saying hello to you in whelans even though i was among the group...but dee never said it was you so i am not the unfriendly cow i appear!!...well not really. Hmmm and frank weve known who you are all along.....
    thats it. over and out

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 454 ✭✭bandit

    well said mr pete well said BUT may i just ask does anyone read the other threads there has been about 4 different threads now relating to phantasm all making more or less the same points this is pointless and just taking up valuable real estate on the board...........

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 44 myles

    For me, Pete's choice in music is an education. Maybe thats just because I'm a musician and want to hear music that I'm unfamilier with or dont hear too often. Every song he turns is hoppin. Even if it's some little bands demo he sticks on, fair f u c k i n play! I've never seen the floor empty!

    I rest my faith in whatever he decides to play and admire his choice because ..lets face it.... it's pete damn it.

    Went to see a few Dj's I admire play in a few different clubs around town and enjoy hearing their influences and what gets THEM rockin.

    People who say they dont enjoy phantasm any more, are people not willing to open their ears to anything beyond their own record collection.

    relax would ya.

    (did'nt score maybe?) :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭Ed

    People don't seem to understand that dj's can't bring their entire record collection to a club, number one, it's really ****ing heavy, and nymber two, most dj's will usually bring a decent selection of stuff people will recognise along with whatever they happen to be listening to at the time. It's incredibly irritating when someone comes up and asks for something which you don't have with you and they start to moan and tell you how **** you are. Most folks don't seem to understand that while djing can be great fun and is an absurdly well paid job, it's nt the dj's job to play everything you want, if you don't like phantasm cuz you don't like the music stay at home and listen to your own record collection. Just because a dj is playing something that you don't recognise doesn't mean he's a **** dj, it means he or she is trying to figure out what's gonna get the best reaction from the crowd, most dj's don't go out with the intention of just playing what they have on a setlist, they go out and try to make folks smile and have a good time and have a bit of a dance.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    All very valid points, but at the same time,

    djing can be great fun and is an absurdly well paid job, it's nt the dj's job to play everything you want, if you don't like phantasm cuz you don't like the music stay at home and listen to your own record collection

    Fair enough. But these people are the paying punter, and if they all DID stay at home and listen to their record collection, how long do you reckon you'd have a job for?

    I mean, its fine if you think a song wouldn't suit or if you don't have it with you, but
    I don't really care what you request because to be honest I'm gonna play what ever I want
    seems to be the general attitude of quite a few dj's. (I am not saying it's yours).

    If someone's paid their (exorbitant) admission and, as a result, the dj's wages (quote:an absurdly well paid job) maybe the dj should bear in mind that without these people, he's be at home playing his stuff to the cat?

    Thats not to say he/she should honour every request for the Tweenies or whatever, and I'm sure when a stream of people come up requesting the same song you feel like cracking them upside the head.
    But I do find the music at Phantasm generally good, if a song I don't like comes on, I go to the bar, because the law of averages state that not every song will be to my liking. I don't bitch and moan at the dj about it.

    In short (bit late now) I had a damn good night at Phantasm last Thursday, and Pete played loads of great music.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭Sandi

    There ain't nothin' wrong with PHantasm...(there should always be the "h" in there). Threefour, do you know why it's called Phantasm? Basically you're gonna hear a lot of stuff you hear on Phantom. And why do we listen to Phantom? Because we like the music they play! Sinister Pete does a damn good job and if you're not prepared to hear new material or songs that we wouldn't hear that often then why do you bother going?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭megameaty

    I just wanna point out, I personally never said that I disliked the music that the phantom DJ's play, nor did I say that I wasn't open to hearing new music etc.
    I was simply trying to highlight the fact that DJ's can often have a bad attitude towards their work. As already mentioned, DJs are well paid and have an enjoyable job, the least they can do is be polite to their punters.
    Also, I believe that if someone has paid in, then requested a song that is suitable, the DJ should have the decency to play it. Or if not, don't be an assh*le about refusing to play it

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭Ed

    I understand how some folks might get upset at a dj's attitude, and some dj's are just pricks but that's just life. What most people don't realise is that some punters are complete pricks too. Ive been djing at screamadelica on a regular basis for almost 2 years and for the most part i'm always in a good mood and will play pretty much whatever people want if i have it or something resembling it. But unfortunately i spend a lot of my time in screamadelica sober surrounded by drunk punters who for the most part are lovely but every so often you get a couple of complete muppets with really ****ty attitudes brought on by an excess of drink, generally i try to humour people but from time to time they just become unbearable and can take all enjoyment out of a job i love doing and am very lucky to be able to do. So while i understand that from time to time you'll come across a grumpy dj, it's not always down to the dj themselves.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Ed, Ed, Ed........

    We know some punters (as they shall henceforth be called) are not nice. It happens in every job. My job is a complete bitch, but I don't go taking it out on innocent bystanders. (Well, someday I will.)
    But, it does go with the territory, if you choose to work in an alcohol serving environment, don't act all disguntled when you meet drunk people.

    I don't feel its entirely reasonable when I get snapped at by a dj for requesting a song, when I'm not aware that five minutes before someone with a few drinks on them asked for it. We are not one huge amalgamated crowd, we are individuals. We don't run around checking with everyone to see what they've requested.

    ED:Yes, you are very lucky to be doing the job you love doing, and WE are lucky that you're good at it.

    DJ's IN GENERAL: we'd just like it if dj's treated us as we are, the paying customer, and not as an interference into their private world.

    A point you make though:

    I understand how some folks might get upset at a dj's attitude, and some dj's are just pricks but that's just life

    Fair enough. But then:
    every so often you get a couple of complete muppets with really ****ty attitudes brought on by an excess of drink, generally i try to humour people but from time to time they just become unbearable

    Isn't that just life too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭Sinister Pete

    Take aim: One Myth

    Djs get paid big money. BANG!!

    Phantasm DJs get paid less than half of what the regular Whelans DJ's get. The other half goes straight to Phantom. Not that that makes a big difference to how anyone is treated but when people have been drinking, their sense of how to behave changes and in the morning they think "That guy was a real jerk.". The reality being, some nights half the people that request (Read: order you to play songs) are drunk and rude to you. Some start off completely abusive.

    I don't treat anyone ANYONE in the service industry as if they are a slave to my every whim.

    Why Don't I Get To Hear My Request?

    I can't speak for everyone but when I go into Whelan's I have no idea what I'm going to play but I will do my utmost to put songs on in an order that makes sense and goes together well without putting on the old familiar set list, which I'm sure we could all name by now. Having said that, it takes time to get to certain tracks. Some I never get to. SORRY. During the course of a song I might put in three or four CDs to see which might go best.

    Sometimes it goes wrong, mostly because of people who start arguing with me about what I should play or asking me what I have. I have 200 CD's and no time to tell you them all. Sheesh.

    You hire me and I'll play whatever you want in whatever order you want. But then again, your stereo does that for free.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Fair enough, Sinister, you can't please all the people all the time....

    But that's you, anyway. Pretty much everyone said you do a great job, which was obvious to me, even in my semi-comatose state on Thursday night. No complaints.

    I wasn't assuming you earned loads of money, I was quoting from Ed, a dj himself, it appears. But that's a whole other issue.

    But for the record (whether you play it or not...) ..... we don't pay for Phantom. So I have no issue whatsoever handing over my hard earned europes for Phantasm, especially since 50% goes to Phantom.

    Hell, I'd nearly do what I did for the Phundraiser....when they wouldn't let me in (too full) I paid the money anyway and went away.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭Ed

    lol, it appear i may have made it sound like i get paid a gratuitously large amount of money, to be more precise, i get very well, but not weel enough to make a living out of it unfortunately

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Sorry to have dragged you away from the pool there Ed.

    Hey, watch the butler, it looks like he's using Jif on your Beemer......

    I think thats something for you and the Phantasm dj's to slug out between yourselves. (Three rounds, in the ring, losers pay the rent for the winners)

    Ahhh, it pleases me greatly to know the petty inhouse gossip, rumours and bitterness about pay is not localized to where I work.......!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 136 ✭✭rapture_queen

    Wow such a heated debate-thats what i like to see.

    When i go to phantasm i like to dance and hence leave
    my ass on the floor by doin it(Lamda i will take my ass home soon!)

    I also like listening to good music........but sometimes it is very hard to leave your ass on the floor when their is 4-5 toned downed meloncholic songs on in a row for example...................

    .......U love these songs but ur ass is still firmly fixed on.

    i am gettin to a point.....My point is that the some commercial
    songs/requests are good for dancin and hence ppl dont feel the
    want of their regular bedroom entertainment.

    Thank u for tuning in to that load of ****!:p :eek: :D;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 213 ✭✭GerK

    ok I was away the weekend so I'm only catching up now ...

    Rapture_queen: Yea I suck I shoulda said hi but I am ULTRA shy with people I don't know (then when I get to know u, it'll be all "jesus does that guy ever SHUT up, he's such a freakin' loudmouth?!?")
    I've been going to Phantasm since it started in the Beanery all those years ago and have noticed recently how pants it's getting. I think it may have to do with the revolting music and 'Ignorant Pete' the DJ.
    Well that was the first time I saw Pete DJ, and I asked for Incubus and he didnt play it ...... for ages and I almost lost faith, I cursed him I did :D
    But I was WRONG oh SOOO wrong, forgive me oh exhalted 'left handed' one.
    So for me he has a 100% record. I have the feeling tht if I asked for Incubus a second/third/fourth time it may not have been played :p but hey I'd do the same thing. PUNISH THE PUSHY I SAY!

    Like I said at the start this is the first time in ages I've been to Whelans I could't play guess the track list and win, so
    CHEERS to Pete and
    JEERS to his detractors!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭threefour

    To reply to some of the posts…

    “I don't have any problem with taking requests, I always entertain whatever people are looking for.”
    - I don’t know whether I caught you on a bad night (I presume I did), but you seemed more interested in pissing me off than playing any song that I requested. It wasn’t that i was requesting Chesney Hawkes or something, just some good oul alternative Phantasm music.

    “Enter Alcohol and people become totally different”
    “but when people have been drinking, their sense of how to behave changes and in the morning they think "That guy was a real jerk.". The reality being, some nights half the people that request (Read: order you to play songs) are drunk and rude to you. Some start off completely abusive.”
    - I do drink, and sometimes a lot, but on this occasion I certainly wasn’t drinking, just out for a good night. I requested one song and probably will never ask again.

    “We've got a room full of people to please. Not just you. Be patient, relax and enjoy yourself”
    - I understand this, but I do remember Phantasm not so long ago where I’d want to dance to 80%+ of the music. Haven’t seen that sort of Phantasm in a while. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy myself – I do, I’m just saying how I feel that Phantasm is deteriorating.

    “well said mr pete well said BUT may i just ask does anyone read the other threads there has been about 4 different threads now relating to phantasm all making more or less the same points this is pointless and just taking up valuable real estate on the board...........”
    - No bandit, I don’t read the other threads, and even if I did surely its still reasonable that I’m allowed to express my concerns. Valuable? Real Estate? – Grow a second brain or something, it sounds like you need one.

    “For me, Pete's choice in music is an education.”
    - Yeah Pete’s music is an education, and don’t get me wrong, I like hearing it on the station, but I gotta say that its not inspiring me on the dance floor, and believe me I don’t need a lot of inspiring on the dance floor.

    “Every song he turns is hoppin”
    - So maybe rabbits might like it, but I sure am unconvinced.

    “I've never seen the floor empty!”
    - Neither did Stevie Wonder

    ”I rest my faith in whatever he decides to play and admire his choice because ..lets face it.... it's pete damn it. “
    - See my ‘grow a second brain’ idea above. No seriously think about it. Or maybe grow a longer tongue, so you lick his a*$? more easily.

    People who say they don’t enjoy phantasm any more, are people not willing to open their ears to anything beyond their own record collection.
    - Actually try a new idea I have. It’s called ‘grow a third brain’

    (didn’t score maybe?)
    - I was there with my girlfriend, so I think that speaks for itself

    “If you don't like phantasm cuz you don't like the music stay at home and listen to your own record collection.”
    - I’ve been going to Phantasm since it started, I even own one of those naff black and white phantom-fm T-Shirt’s., I dig phantom fm.

    “Just because a dj is playing something that you don't recognise doesn't mean he's a **** dj”
    - I recognise all the songs he plays, so that’s not an issue.

    “It means he or she is trying to figure out what's gonna get the best reaction from the crowd”
    - I think he’s had enough time to figure it out by now.

    “Threefour, do you know why it's called Phantasm? Basically you're gonna hear a lot of stuff you hear on Phantom”.
    - Really, did you read what I said about the beanery. Do you know what the Beanery is?

    ‘If you're not prepared to hear new material or songs that we wouldn't hear that often then why do you bother going?’
    - Oh so that’s what Phantasm is about. I’ve been going regularly for 4 years, I’m just saying its not as good as it was, even say a year ago was way better than it is now.

    “Also, I believe that if someone has paid in, then requested a song that is suitable, the DJ should have the decency to play it. Or if not, don't be an assh*le about refusing to play it”
    - Well pointed out. Exactly what I was saying.

    “I don't feel its entirely reasonable when I get snapped at by a dj for requesting a song, when I'm not aware that five minutes before someone with a few drinks on them asked for it. We are not one huge amalgamated crowd, we are individuals. We don't run around checking with everyone to see what they've requested.” – Mr Perfect couldn’t put it better

    “but when people have been drinking, their sense of how to behave changes and in the morning they think "That guy was a real jerk.". The reality being, some nights half the people that request (Read: order you to play songs) are drunk and rude to you. Some start off completely abusive.”

    “I also like listening to good music........but sometimes it is very hard to leave your ass on the floor when their is 4-5 toned downed meloncholic songs on in a row for example...................” – True, So True

    Unfortunately I missed last Thursday, (first one I missed in ten weeks), maybe I just need some time out from phantasm, grow some brains or something, but whatever comes of this, I think I’ve made a fair point. Pete, I’ve got nothing against you, I expect you were having a bad night. I’ll put it down to that. I am still though worried about the music content though. I think it’s becoming a bit ‘hit and miss’ of lately. And to be honest some people I know have said this to me aswell and to quote an email I got this week “whelans was ok, not the best time I’ve been there but still a luagh, they played white stripes and dandys but i didnt like the dj cos he wouldn't play jimi or pixies or smiths or my sharona for me”.

    Am I making a fair point here?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 213 ✭✭GerK

    Wow, I *think* you might be talkin all the posts on this thread a directed personally at you dude .. All I know is I was geting a little sick of Whelans 'cos the music was getting stagnant. Pete played a good set and most importantly it wasnt the usual list.
    And if you think Pet is tough on requests you should try the standard guys, usual responce is "I don't have it" I once had the DJ say that to me about 3 bands in a row and it wasn't overly obscure stuff, Jimmy Eat World, Incubus and Mundy actually!!! Finally I lucked out on RHCP.

    You might wanna try the Thomas Reids basement, that guy is really nice, he'll play almost anything you like, right up to bringing your own CD's if he thinks their suitable. But the vibe there is kinda a greatest hits of indy/rock (new and old) not so much for the dancing.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭threefour

    "Wow, I *think* you might be talkin all the posts on this thread a directed personally at you dude"
    - If you mean I'm taking all these posts personally, well I'm not. I just thought i'd be polite and reply to as much as i can.

    "And if you think Pet is tough"
    - hehe Sinister Pet, i got this funny mental image of a dog in a leather jacket

    "You might wanna try the Thomas Reids basement"
    - Oh you mean the Oak, go there most Fridays/Saturdays and true he plays what you ask within limits

    "not so much for the dancing"
    - You mean theres not a dedicated dancefloor, its not because of the music let me tell ya. Theres still an ample amount of people dancing their socks off.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    wow what a long post by threefour - god i have been away all weekend and this has turned into such a long interesting thread

    i thought phantasm was great on thursday night good job pete and i was saddened that i had to leave early but those fat cats do demand that i show up for work in a soberish state on a friday morning

    Lamda: Yeah thanks a lot for ignoring me i cried a lot on the way home and when people sat beside me on the bus home i just kept asking them "why? WHY?" in a pitiful sobfilled voice very embarrasing

    How does Daniel look scary aswell that is just funny methinks..........

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    threefour, like u i have also been going to phantasm since it started in the beanery. back then, to my knowledge, it was one of a few clubs going in that direction. now there are so much more (some on the same night!) and each of those clubs takes on its own direction, although there would be (obviously) songs overlapping....

    but in the course of four years music itself has (obviously) taken new direction too. i find that phantom still plays the stuff that makes phantom what it is, but also gives new music a chance. its only natural that in the course of those four years phantasm would have to change with the direction of music. So if u dont like it, get out, and go find a club that does cater to your needs!

    and i have to agree with u pete, people when they're drunk dont know how bloody annoying they are!!! I work in a niteclub, but that doesnt mean people have to use alcohol as an excuse. to give examples would be going way off topic (hey tis never stopped me before!) i understand that this comes with working in such an environment, but theres a limit to how much a worker can take, and sometimes theyre at risk from drunk ppl!!

    this is a very interesting argument, and i both sides have made very valid points, it probably just comes down to getting the balance right, and for a punter to pick the ideal place for know what its about at this stage
    “It means he or she is trying to figure out what's gonna get the best reaction from the crowd”
    - I think he’s had enough time to figure it out by now.

    why dont YOU grow a brain and figure out that if phantasm is continually not pleasing you, try somewhere else, there's no point thinking you can change it if everyone else seems happy with it...(in particular last thursday, which got so much praise)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 213 ✭✭GerK

    JEEEZ, the guy said "DON'T REPLY", whats with you people ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    good one gerk - so how was ur weekend then my mysteriously knowing friend.............

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 70 ✭✭threefour

    "it was one of a few clubs going in that direction. now there are so much more (some on the same night!) and each of those clubs takes on its own direction, although there would be (obviously) songs overlapping...." - True and a valid point

    "but in the course of four years music itself has (obviously) taken new direction too. i find that phantom still plays the stuff that makes phantom what it is, but also gives new music a chance." - I've never disagreed with this and think it's vital that new music gets its chance. As i said i know all the songs Pete or the other DJ's play at phantasism. i dont claim to be a music encyclopaedia and i dont claim that my choice of music is superior to others. Im just voicing my opinion and the opinion of some people i know through Whelans.

    "So if u dont like it, get out, and go find a club that does cater to your needs!"
    - Sure i could do that, but i thought the 'spirit of phantom' was to provide us with decent different music. I'm not saying that i hate all the songs that are playing, just concerned about the playlist of the songs and some of the choice of music.

    "and i have to agree with u pete, people when they're drunk dont know how bloody annoying they are!!! " - I agree with this too. On that occasion i wasn't drunk and i was very polite, probably too polite.

    "why dont YOU grow a brain";
    - I have a brain and don't necessarily think i require another one.

    "there's no point thinking you can change it if everyone else seems happy with it."
    - So you polled everyone that was there and they all agreed that everyone seems happy with it. Listen alot of people i know seem to be frustrated with Phantasm lately and sure we can go to a different club, but why should we? We enjoy phantom radio and Phantasm itself has a great track record with us.

    "..(in particular last thursday, which got so much praise)" - Again as i said i wasnt there last thursday, but i did paste a quote from an email i got about Thursday. I could also nearly bet money that you were drinking last Thursday.although that is irrelevant

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    u cant bitch on a message board and say dont reply, thats a cop out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    ah i have to point out that i am a witnness and thedrowner most certainly was not drinking last thursday so there...........

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    Originally posted by threefour

    "So if u dont like it, get out, and go find a club that does cater to your needs!"
    - Sure i could do that, but i thought the 'spirit of phantom' was to provide us with decent different music. I'm not saying that i hate all the songs that are playing, just concerned about the playlist of the songs and some of the choice of music.

    i didnt mean for u to take this so personally, but u seem so discontent with phantasm that the most obvious thing for u to do would be to try elsewhere. why would u keep going back to a place u werent entirely happy with, if there was somehting more suited to your needs. its just phantasm must be close to selling out every week, many people enjoy themselves at it, and dont have a problem with most of the playlist, and naturally accept that not everything will be to their liking. so why would they change it so much? I cant see it happening when its so succesful (this is just speculation on the times i ahve been there).

    "and i have to agree with u pete, people when they're drunk dont know how bloody annoying they are!!! " - I agree with this too. On that occasion i wasn't drunk and i was very polite, probably too polite.

    i wasnt talking about you here, i was adressing the point brought up by other people, i have no idea what night ur talking about and what went on so how can i discuss it?
    "why dont YOU grow a brain";
    - I have a brain and don't necessarily think i require another one.
    well im sure the other people on this board feel the same way u do about their opinions and so basically, this whole growing brains thing is a pointless piece of abuse
    "there's no point thinking you can change it if everyone else seems happy with it."
    - So you polled everyone that was there and they all agreed that everyone seems happy with it. Listen alot of people i know seem to be frustrated with Phantasm lately and sure we can go to a different club, but why should we? We enjoy phantom radio and Phantasm itself has a great track record with us.

    thats just silly, if u feel/find again and again that phantasm and phantom fm differ so much and you're not enjoying the club, then youre just being childish. but if its only something small, like not getting requests played or not agreeing 100% with the setlist when ur only getting to hear 98% of what u want, then ur over reacting, phantasm is not here just to make YOU happy, there are loads of other people at the club who are enjoying what you arent, i dont need to poll anyone about this, its the way life is.
    "..(in particular last thursday, which got so much praise)" - Again as i said i wasnt there last thursday, but i did paste a quote from an email i got about Thursday. I could also nearly bet money that you were drinking last Thursday.although that is irrelevant

    i wasnt at phantasm last thursday.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,710 ✭✭✭Kurdt

    i was very happy at phantasm on thursday...i thought pete did a great job...and i wasnt drinking...

    now, i havent been at phantasm for a while before that so i dont know what ppl are givin out about...

    getting back to thursday, i enjoyed it and the ppl i was with enjoyed it, and thats whats important to me...
