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  • 28-08-2002 9:59pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 9

    hello, I've just found this board, I'm curious to see what other people think of books that I know and love, books in general.

    I'm not into the whole science fiction and fantasy scene but I'm reading tons of deadly stuff these days, and I'd be delighted to know what someone else thinks of some of these, which I URGE you to read if you haven't!!!

    - 'the secret history' by donna tartt - drama/thriller set in an elite american university, fabulously written, gripping story
    - 'the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay' by michael chabon - I'm almost finished it, starts brilliantly, drags a tiny bit after halfway but picks up again, hilarious and clever and swaggering and unbearably poignant. I like it very much
    - 'the discovery of heaven' by harry mulisch - a brilliant dutch novel about strange dutch people and philosophy and religion and stuff.

    enjoy these as much as I did. I got them in the corporation libraries around town, so no need to spend all yr money on overpriced new books or secondhand ones that smell of piss :)
