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  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭Kevok

    Originally posted by kaids
    I heard that you can get a fair bit of packetloss on IBB, any idea if this is true/false ?

    Nope, not one....ever.

    The connection may get interupted once in a blue moon. But no post packets that i've ever recorded.

    See attaced image for more details.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    Looks like IBB have updated their site. Got a call from them yesterday - they're coming to install it tomorrow. Yippie:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,157 ✭✭✭Serbian

    Originally posted by Mr. Flibble
    Looks like IBB have updated their site. Got a call from them yesterday - they're coming to install it tomorrow. Yippie:)

    Good for you. Most people have been put off until 14th January. And that's just when they get called back, never mind when they come out to actually install the thing! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭NeoSlicerZ

    Are you guys going to expand out of Dublin ? If so , when will you make it to Galway?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    Originally posted by Serbian
    Good for you. Most people have been put off until 14th January. And that's just when they get called back, never mind when they come out to actually install the thing! :p

    They nicely put me down to be installed today, as they've been messing me around for 12 weeks (sept 25th :) ) They eventually showed up 3 1/2 hours late (or only 2 1/2 hours if you consider the last minute reschedule). But they didnt bring a roof ladder.

    The cowboy aerial installer I got from the golden pages even thought to bring a roof ladder when I was getting my omni put up. And they had performed a LOS test, seen the house, and I had pointed out that it's tall on a number of occassions (including when I first requrested the service back in september).

    So I got to waste my day, waiting on them to show up. I wasn't expecting it to be installed today, I dunno why, past experience with them? But when they showed up with a ladder and a three man team I actually believed them. Now I'm just pissed off. It's not like I can simply give up on IBB and get a different provider, there arent any with comparable latency.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88 ✭✭BogoBot

    Same here but with the LOS test. They showed up with no equipment, looked out the window (its an apartment) and said no broadband for me.

    Irritatingly, from the next floor you can see the RTE mast and the ariel would have been another 20 feet above that.

    Ho Hum.


  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭Kevok

    IBB use contractors now to do both the LOS and the install. If you believe you got a raw deal in either, you should ring IBB and complain. I know for a FACT that looking out a window to look for LOS doesn't mean anything because you can't see the transmitter from my roof. You need to do a signal test, and theres little or no way around that.

    Both of you should ring the Sales team and explain what happened. It doesn't sound right to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    I have to say that the whole operation seemed quite un-streamlined, for want of a better word. Two people came for the LOS test - thats four eyes to glance at one mast.
    And three people came to do the install. One to put up the dish and cut holes for the coax - he seemed pretty efficient. One guy to attach the wires to the modem and a whole other person to strip the ends off the coax.
    Each one of them had to wait around, redundant, until the other had finished his bit. Wouldn't it save them (and therefore me!) a bit of cash to train one of them to do it all?

    Gotta wait till tomorrow for them to turn on the connection at there end - its like someone putting a cage around the christmas tree & all its presents on christmas day :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    It works!!!!!!!:D :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭Kevok

    Congrats, it's great to see more residential people able to enjoy IBB.

    Where do you live? What option did you go for? Did you get the USB bridge or the Ethernet one?

    Wait till you try onling gaming with it. Recently it been like playing on a LAN :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    Originally posted by Kevok
    you should ring IBB and complain. I know for a FACT that looking out a window to look for LOS doesn't mean anything because you can't see the transmitter from my roof. You need to do a signal test, and theres little or no way around that.

    Both of you should ring the Sales team and explain what happened. It doesn't sound right to me.

    LOL. You should read the rest of my posts. Here's a brief sumamry of IBB's dealings with me

    September 25th ring IBB and request connect. Told it'll be a couple of weeks, will arrange LOS test with you in a few days.

    Nothing heard from IBB for 2 weeks. I ring back. They apologise and Paul Murray promises to ring me back that day.
    He never does.

    1 Week later I ring up again. IBB say, oops. We're moving the antennas up, so no more LOS tests for the moment. IBB have to wait on RTE to move antennas.

    Wait a month. IBB keep swearing it'll be ready next week.

    Antenna's moved. Ring IBB to arrange LOS test. Paul Murray say's he'll call me back.
    He never does.

    1 week later. Ring IBB to arrange LOS test. Test arranged, and performed a few days later (about 2 months after original enquiry).
    As a matter of interest, I already have a 802.11b omni on my roof and was getting a 24db SNR with just that.

    IBB's Paul Richmond and I believe CTO? (Guy from MegaWAN) tell me in person that they'll install next week and will call me.

    They never do.

    1 1/2 weeks later. I call IBB. They inform me it'll be mid january. Oop's we shouldn't have told you we'd install last week and maybe we should have let you know that we were changing the date by almost a month :)

    Time passes.

    IBB ring and tell me they'll install on wednesday at 11. Much rejoicing, all is forgiven.

    Wednesday 10am. IBB ring and change time to 12pm. Fair nuff.
    Wednesday 12pm. No IBB.
    Wednesday 14.30. IBB show up. But don't bring a roof ladder. Can't install on my house today because it's tall. Despite me pointing this out to them on numerous occasions, including the initial inquiry, the LOS test (where 2 of their senior staff visited me!) and others. I even told them the cable length I was using to reach my omni.

    I ring IBB and tell Paul Richmond this is absurd.

    He rings back and says possibility of an install monday, I'll ring you back today.

    He never calls. if you're reading this Paul, give me a call.
    And that brings us uptodate :)

    The single most annoying part of this is the fact that no matter what they told me (and for most of the three months I've been waiting, it's been "we'll do it next week!") they haven't come through on their promises. Nor have they bothered to let me know that they would be letting me down. This costs me time, patience and not least the day I had to spend waiting for them to eventually show up last wednesday and then not be able to install due to sheer incompetance.

    The only way I have had any idea what has been going on has been by ringing them every week or two and asking them what's the story. This sort of behaviour is ridiculous, does the ComReg cover it?

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 15,001 ✭✭✭✭Pepe LeFrits

    Jaysus, thats poor Greg. I've had similar experiences, although not as bad as that.

    It took about a month (interspersed by a couple of phonecalls/emails and a cancelled LOS test) before I finally got a LOS test (the engineer just had to look at the donnybrook antenna and i had passed). The LOS test happened on a thursday and they said they would ring back on the monday to organise an installation, and that they would try and get it done before xmas. They never called, but i hear that they aren't doing the installs until mid january so i'm saving my breath.

    They are very friendly and their service seems (on paper, at least) to be a lot better than the alternatives, so i'm gonna give them another chance. Or 2, 3, 4 or 5 :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    aye, I'll say that for them, they are very friendly :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    I live in Ballsbridge - near the xtravision. Went for the 1Mb option. Might go down to 512k after I've got all the mass downloading out of my system:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭STaN

    that is something comreg would cover quozl as they are entitled to their anything they included in their liscence and any terms in that liscence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,571 ✭✭✭Mailman

    Phoned Irish Broadband just now.
    They're hoping to roll out service in Blanchardstown in Late January/February.

    Asked how firm those dates were and they said they couldn't commit.
    I'm tempted to wait for this service as I really don't want to install a land line in my apartment.
    I asked where their site would be and he wouldn't tell me so I told him I'm right beside the shopping center and he said I should have no problems receiving a signal so I'm guessing the site will be on top of the un-occupied sky scraper.
    He said timeframe was dependent on contracts being signed so they haven't definitely got a site yet but he didn't seem overly pessimistic either.
    He said the range was a good 3 to 4km from wherever their site was so that should reach Tyrellstown to the North and the end of Clonsilla to the south.

    So no firm details but no denials either so their rollout is still going ahead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭zynaps

    I phoned 'em just now, too, and was told they'd just been granted funding from the National Toll Roads yoke, which seems to own them, or something...
    Also, they're in negotiation for 4 or 5 sites around the city centre.
    I think they also have gotten hold of another high bandwidth line to manage their bandwidth, so...
    Nice to see some progress somewhere :)
    Very nice on the phone too!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 The'real'Guvnor

    WE [JAK and I] are getting IBB in 2nd week in January.
    Guys who called out were more than pleasant and seemed to know their stuff.

    One question - I assume the traffic is not just one way? Apparently in the UK some CO's do offer this kind of BB but if you want to send an e-mail it's gotta go via the phoneline.

    Can anyone clear this up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    Its two way - you dont have to use a phone line to send data like you have to with satalite BB. I dont think IBB offer email services tohugh - have to use hotmail or the likes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 The'real'Guvnor

    If you can send data then surely you can use any e-mail address?

    Could you use a non web based package like outlook express with an eircom e-mail addy?

    Businesses would not appreciate web based packages and as IBB do offer biz packages...?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    you shouldn't have any problems using something like outlook with it. It's just a normal 2 way internet connect. The one way stuff you're thinking of is just satellite, and the cheap satellite services at that,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭zynaps

    Yeah, eircom pop mail allows for relaying and doesn't reject non eircom ip addresses.
    Esat on the other hand, do, so you won't be able to use their pop servers for outgoing mail.
    You can get incoming mail on both though :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,308 ✭✭✭quozl

    Paul never rang me back, but much to my surprise Irishbroadband showed up at my house at 8.45 this morning. Nice surprise to wake up to.

    Things went rapidly downhill from there though:

    They once again hadn't brought a roof ladder. Despite this being the reason they couldn't do the install last week.

    The antenna installer rung around and managed to find one within about an hour.

    I sat around, made tea and thought optomistic thoughts.

    The antenna installer mounted the antenna, and ran the cable down.

    A couple of hours later, the pc was connected up. Brilliant.

    97% packet loss. Not so brilliant.

    15 foot cut off the cable (it was just left there slack on the roof by the installer). 87% packet loss. What an improvement.

    Decision that maybe its the length of the cable thats causing trouble. (I have a longer 2.4gig cable beside it that works perfectly, it is higher grade cable, but its the grade they told me they'd bring this time)

    They go away for a while.

    They show up with a wall mountable access point, and mount this on my wall nearer the roof. This costs me more money, but like I care, I'm getting broadband.

    87% packet loss.

    People stand around looking puzzled

    It's now 18:54 and they're packing up to go home, and I still have no connection. They spent over 10 ****ing hours at it today, and they couldn't connect me up. I'm only 500 metres from RTE (less maybe) with perfect LOS.

    It's mind boggoling how incompetant they seem. I know people who have 8+ km 2.4gig links that have been up permenantly for months. It's not exactly rocket science. It's a good thing they have a captive market.

    The only good thing about the whole day, was the continued friendliness of the staff. I think I'd take assholes who'd manage to install my connect in one week, rather than nice guys who can't get it working within 3 months.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭zynaps

    They once again hadn't brought a roof ladder. Despite this being the reason they couldn't do the install last week.

    Good stuff ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,402 ✭✭✭nxbyveromdwjpg

    Paul (i think it was) never rang me back after saying he would the next day after cancelling my LOS last Tuesday. I emailed them then but assumed they'd probably stopped working for xmas, if they were out to you today though maybe not, i might try and ring for the millionth time tommorow.
    I'm pushing about nearly 8 weeks waiting now... :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    My IBB connection has gone down. I'm not sure if the problem's at my end or their's. Has anyone else been cut off, or just me.
    - they're closed till Jan 2nd:-/

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 772 ✭✭✭Chaos-Engine

    Seen as its ALWAYS ON connection why not set up a mail server?? :)
    I sure will be...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    I shold mention I'm usig the RTE tower. Anyone else been cut off?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 The'real'Guvnor

    Me + JAK are getting hooked up in middle of January but from reading these kind of posts it does not look great!

    You would expect them to always have someone or something monitoring their transmitter in case of problems?

    Best of luck getting back on soon! Was the speed and service acceptable whilst working?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,364 ✭✭✭Mr. Flibble

    Yeah, while it was working it kicked ass. Admittadly I can only really compare it with a 56k modem:) but it was brillant.
    Was on 1Mbit connection and you actually get that - not just a theoratical max like 56k dial up. Was getting 120-125KBps download.

    But now its gone:(
