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[poem] "Holding Me"

  • 25-09-2002 11:53am
    Registered Users Posts: 12,309 ✭✭✭✭

    This one's two years old now... it shows.


    Holding Me

    And oh I feel it
    for my first time
    in all time
    in my existence
    in all the time
    that ever was

    I feel it
    Its beauty
    Deep inside me
    It drips down
    It bottles down
    Inside the deepest recesses of me
    Permeates my soul
    Now that I have one
    Now that I feel
    Now that I know it

    Now that I know that this is what I need
    This is what I want
    What I'll hold and keep
    And cherish always
    Because it's what I love
    And this I can now have - or so I hope
    For ever more

    Let it never end
    Let it never stop
    Let it grow through me
    Let it continue on
    Let it flow

    Touching me
    Holding me
    Feeling everything
    That feels me
    That knows me
    That's in me
    That is me

    Touch me
    Hold me
    Take me
    Love me


