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  • 15-11-2002 8:11pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭

    Ok... it looks like people have SERIOUS wrong view bout ctyiers here in boards. Yes. Of course we're all in college. <pats head>

    Anyway, more importantly we're all a bunch of muppets apparently. I myself would prefer to be seen as a trollish ogrish occasionally positively contributing fool who hates you all and wishes to watch you burn in hell.

    Erm... yes. So... discuss and prattle away you incompetent excuse for talented children.




  • Registered Users Posts: 13,034 ✭✭✭✭It wasn't me!

    Who's saying all those things? They couldn't be more wrong!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Mystic Fibrosis

    That's bullsh!t.

    Come on, we dont get negative labels for no reason *points at self*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭joe the coat

    How about inviteing those people into this so we can yell directly at them? also, at least we meet up in the real world...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Provost

    An icy corridor of steel and concrete, the chill flows and sheer cliff face of the buildings accentuating the glacial weather. A lone outcropping of shadow and shade near the edge of view, partially obscured by a grey haze of crystallized smog and biting snow. The distance is difficult to estimate in the unchanging corridor. As I walk faster, closing on the figure, the form becomes increasingly distinct.

    The figure is now obviously of human form, but not the hunched and foetal forms that are usual in these climes, instead it is a tall and proud form, uncowed by the winds and falls that engulf it. The wall of grey becomes momentarily thicker and the shade disappears from my view.

    As the veil cleared I saw that the form had vanished, leaving a shimmering absence in the white wash before me. A tap on my shoulder founds my fears.

    “You understand.” the CTYI whispers across the raging particles that separate us.

    I drop to the cold floor of the corridor, my knees crackling with the sudden drop in temperature. I support my upper body on my elbows, hoping to spare my hands the frostbite that would be inevitable were I to touch the tiles. As my joints rapidly begin to seize I feel the hand of the CTYI reaching for me. The heat evaporates the fearful sweat from my back, for it to refreeze moments later in the torrent. The hand does not stop at my skin but pushes in, until it has grasped my spine. I can feel myself being drained – the sensation creating images of a dip into a frozen lake, followed by a swim in an onsen. I can feel my body yielding, surrendering its self entirely. I can feel the CTYI in my brain, hacking at my subconscious, tunnelling up into my cerebrum like an invading worm. And then it has broken in, scorching and pillaging my mind like an invading army.

    A greyness, darker than the blizzard around, envelops me. I can feel the CTYI withdrawing, taking my value with it. Power, energy and knowledge seeping away. It has fed and is satiated.
    “Elite and angsty masses. You’re all a bunch of muppets…” I gasp, the final hiss puncturing my final stores of energy. For me, the circle of death has begun anew.

    But it was but jest - no more and no less.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    I'm amazed that no-one responded to the far more interesting <and certainly fun to write> mass insulting of EVERYONE! Or perhaps i'm just... affected... <tis a saturday night>.

    Yeah. Nice one provost... :p but seriously... do people think that we deserve the muppet label and where do people on this go on

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by lordsippa
    mass insulting of EVERYONE!

    "A ratio of ten females to each male"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭joe the coat

    two questions... how does a Dr Strangelove quote apply to this, apart from just being generally cool (Kubrick ROCKS!) and why does Provost come look through the CTYI section if he thinks we're "Elite and angsty masses" and "a bunch of muppets"....:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Pretensious prattle

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 406 ✭✭shep the malevolent pixie

    maybe we don't think we're elitest but maybe we are. it's kinda hard to see from the inside. i mean, ctyi itself is, but that's the point. it's an organisation for smart people :rolleyes:, some of whom are a bunch of pretentious w@nkers i agree, but isn't that the same in everything?
    i dunno though, i actually didn't read provost's post, it was too bloody long. :p heheh.
    i don't really care anymore, who's with me?!
    sweet f*ck i'm tired.
    sHep :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    erm... troll?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 337 ✭✭Green Hand Guy

    Who cares what people think? If I want to shout out that I have a green hand or make pointless jokes about something or talk about things that only I understand who has the right to stop me. Just ignore what other people say about us. Only then can we be FREE! FREE! FREE!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Provost

    Their visages drew closer and closer, their eyes red with a cruel mixture of hate and fear. The stench from their breath was unspeakable – my comrades withdrew in disgust, faces a mask of concerted agony.
    As my friends withdrew, I moved forward. For each step they took back, I closed in closer.
    “Back, foul troll!’ one of them cried.
    Through bloodlust clouded eyes I made out the speaker – lordsippa. If only I could tell him of my love for Pokey’s inane antics, but alas, my undeveloped larynx and toothy mouth could do little beyond the howls and grunts inherent of my new form.
    My fellow trolls moved in, sensing the fear and elitism oozing from the band of CTYIers. Without warning I found myself joining their charge, my feral instincts overwhelming me – my humanity downed in a sea of red.
    Their cries echo off the granite walls around, “Who cares what people think…? Only then can we be FREE! FREE! FREE!”

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef


    See in the real world it doesn't matter a damn I went to CTYI. Really, it looks good on a CV, it is always good for shock tactics in an argument with your boss.

    quote: "Typedef, we aren't giving you any more money, so there"
    quote: "That's because you're all idots, if you had gone to college like me at the age of fourteen, you'd be smart enough to understand me, and then you'd give me a raise you goddam swine, etc, etc,etc".

    Thus being twenty two and being superior about my intellegence admitadely gets me nowhere, so if you lot really want to know why it is there is an inference shall we say of less then perfect 'reputation', think about how a load of IT professionals and Computer Programmers react and the logical theories said people make in their minds when 14-16 year olds start getting superior about being smart?

    To compond this is the fact that tests like the SAT and I.Q. tests in general are very seriously culturally biased and centre more on testing what you know and comparing that knowledge to your age, then to actual intellect.

    Before you deride the above proposition, consider the billions of people in India, who would score lower on IQ tests then most Westerners proportionate to the population sizes. Does this fact make the IQ test objective? No, if one accepts that there are some people born 'smart' and some born not so smart then the proportion of people in less developed countries who score (x) on an impartial IQ test should be the mirror image with small variance of every country.

    Logic tests I think are more objective, but not the sort of logic tests the require knowledge to excel in. Knowledge like propositional calculus for example. This is the difference between actual intellegence and acquired knowledge in lieu of intellegence.

    So there. Being pious about scoring (x) on some totally culturally biased and relatively unobjective test is umm, perhaps why people shout "J'Accuse" whenst pointing to errm muppetry here.

    That and (with respect) most members here are probably younger then the body politic of the rest of the website, thus who wants to be made feel stupid by a bunch of kids?

    "We will control the horizontal.
    We will control the vertical."

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Right, this is beginning to get to me. Typedef, you seem to make the instant assumption that everyone here seems to think they are better than anyone who hasnt been to CTYI, which is ****ing bull****. OK, i know some of the people are elitist bastards who are so full of themselves that they should be taught that silence is a virtue and one they should learn and thus "shut the **** up with your bull" but not everyone. nearly every time i've seen a post from you on this board it is generally a bitch about people on this board and ok, sometimes it is a justified bitch, but come on. we're not all that bad.

    If you really believe that we all have our heads so far up our asses that we find it incomprehensible to judge anyone on anything less than a test, than (a) i doubt there's any point in me posting this as you're probably gonna put it down to "Damn young CTYI'ers thinking they're better than me" and (b) you've got your head further up your ass than you think we have.

    Provost is blatantly some other boards user trying to be a smart ass......i'm guessing its Typedef, kinda like he has Stockboundary as his little friend to reply with "Wow typey, you're so right and brilliant" to things :)


    Oh, and typedef, there is no good way to measure intelligence without testing what has been learned. a lot IQ tests unfortunately don't test intelligence, more they test what is learnt.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by foobar
    Right, this is beginning to get to me. Typedef, you seem to make the instant assumption that everyone here seems to think they are better than anyone who hasnt been to CTYI, which is ****ing bull****. OK, i know some of the people are elitist bastards who are so full of themselves that they should be taught that silence is a virtue and one they should learn and thus "shut the **** up with your bull" but not everyone. nearly every time i've seen a post from you on this board it is generally a bitch about people on this board and ok, sometimes it is a justified bitch, but come on. we're not all that bad.
    Foobar just relax the title and general gist of the thread is why do people have a bad impression of some of the people on the CTYI board. Try not to get upset when I voice my opinion as to why, it's not a personal attack against you, it's an opinon, it's not a call to arms, so just take a stress pill.
    If you really believe that we all have our heads so far up our asses that we find it incomprehensible to judge anyone on anything less than a test, than (a) i doubt there's any point in me posting this as you're probably gonna put it down to "Damn young CTYI'ers thinking they're better than me" and (b) you've got your head further up your ass than you think we have.

    This would be me not taking your flame bait. Flame away.
    Provost is blatantly some other boards user trying to be a smart ass......i'm guessing its Typedef, kinda like he has Stockboundary as his little friend to reply with "Wow typey, you're so right and brilliant" to things :)
    Are you finished yet? You should really do something for that paranoia, I'd recomend a tin foil hat.
    Still if you want we can have smilies compare the ip address of provost and me. I freely admit Stackboundary is an alternate account of mine. Provost is someone else altogether. Shock horror, it's not just me that thinks there is some validity in this argument. Still if it makes it easier for you to accuse me of things, (rather then rebuffing my points), go right ahead I assure you I am well used to personal attacks rather then rebuff of points in debate.

    Oh, and typedef, there is no good way to measure intelligence without testing what has been learned. a lot IQ tests unfortunately don't test intelligence, more they test what is learnt.

    See now that's just immature. Oh and yes one of the things we studied in CTYI back in 1994 when I did psychology, was how tests like the SAT and IQ tests in general are a thing we call 'culturally biased'. I'll admit I haven't done any actual research into this field, however I can probably provide you with links to substanciate my stance if you like. Then again why bother, for all you know the people who wrote the web pages and gathered the evidence in question could all just be me, pretending to be other people, so I could win a discussion (that you have made into an argument) with you.

    Note: "The moon landings were faked!"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    "Damn young CTYI'ers thinking they're better than me" and (b) you've got your head further up your ass than you think we have.

    Oh and I hate to burst your bubble, but I went to CTYI in 1994 & 1995, so no I know full well that is a spurios assumption, what I have found though is that people who have been to CTY* do tend sometimes to have a superiority complex about it, when in reality the tests that say person (x) is hyper intelligent and person (y) is not are culturally biased.

    Now you may feel like that is a personal attack, but if you do, you must really have some issues.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,507 ✭✭✭Asuka



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭qwidgybo

    Originally posted by shep the malevolent pixie
    i don't really care anymore, who's with me?!

    *raises hand*

  • Registered Users Posts: 644 ✭✭✭strawberry

    This is a community board, there will always be muppetry, however generally it's of a more fun type than it has been lately.

    Typedef-people should take their 'J'accuse's and go point in the direction of something worthwhile condemning instead of whinging about what a bunch of teens like to talk about on the internet.
    It really bugs me when people lower Zola's activism like that.
    And no I'm not a socialist.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Hey I didn't start the thread baby.

    I just postulated as to what the reason may be.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Oh and I hate to burst your bubble, but I went to CTYI in 1994 & 1995, so no I know full well that is a spurios assumption, what I have found though is that people who have been to CTY* do tend sometimes to have a superiority complex about it, when in reality the tests that say person (x) is hyper intelligent and person (y) is not are culturally biased.

    I knew you went to CTYI, part of the reason i added in the "Young" in the line. personally i have rarely come across that elitist "I'm so much better than you cus i got <insert number here> stuff, or rather, i avoided most people who came out with that.

    Btw, the reason i thought provost was you was due to (a)seeing previously that you had more than one account could have meant you had others, and (b) last night i think it was, i saw you under "Users reading this forum", went to a different page and a few seconds later you had disappeared from the "Users reading this forum" piece and Provost had logged on. seeing as my icon is shaggy and not fred, you can understand how i couldnt solve that mystery :)

    Re: the culturally biased thing, i understand that sort of, how it is mainly mental association pieces and pieces referring to grasp of education that fall under that, right? most test i have seen have a problem with cultural bias, which was the point i was trying to make but was much too lazy/tired and didnt have enough knowledge about it to really give a proper opinion.

    Tyepdef, also, i have not taken any of these as a personal attack. its a web board ffs, not like i'm gonna end up crying due to stuff posted as an attack on me. and also, that wasn't so much a flame as me venting some anger into typing. Soz.

    And for the record, i always knew the moon landing was faked. it was Major League Baseballs fault. Duh.

    Everyone knows that. and the tin-foil hats have lost their effectiveness. now i use lead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Ok I have no problem in asking the Admins to settle whether or not I am in fact provost. Perhaps you are provost and are trolling, no wait a minute, you doing a good enough job of that as foobar.

    *somewhere a dog barks[1]
    [1]Note I arranged for that dog to bark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    Typedef, foobar, relax.

    Seriously, typedef, you seem to keep jumping in with assumptions, you must remember that this is in fact a community, a community you are more than welcome top join but you must understand that most of the people here already know each other, and you jumping in with criticisms will only annoy people.

    People here dont think they're better than others, well not that i've encountered, i leave that to ctyidebate.

    << Fio >>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Seriously, typedef, you seem to keep jumping in with assumptions
    you jumping in with criticisms will only annoy people.

    With respect to you smilies, the topic of this thread is to quote loadsippa.
    Anyway, more importantly we're all a bunch of muppets apparently. I myself would prefer to be seen as a trollish ogrish occasionally positively contributing fool who hates you all and wishes to watch you burn in hell.

    Erm... yes. So... discuss and prattle away you incompetent excuse for talented children.

    And I have ventured an opinon as to why. Perhaps you think it is presumptious to be honest as I have been in giving my opinon and that I am criticising, when I am not. I have attempted to make a rational and reasonably well argued response only to be shot down and accused of making alternate accounts to support my position, when in actuality, I don't care enough about this one thread in thousands to waste my time doing that.

    So far I have heard a lot of criticism of me personally, but not a lot of conjecture or discussion conducive to the thread.

    Some guidance of what you should be discussing as opposed to berating me, is quoted in this very posting my lordsippa

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    The only reason I post this opinon is that being a good deal older then most of you and not frequenting the CTYI board as much as everyone else (not knowing anyone here really), but having acutally been to CTYI I have a vested interest to see that people don't think the board is full of muppets and being a good bit older then most here, I thought it might be an idea (conducive with the thread subject) to share my opinions as to why this idea about this community is prevailent on boards, with non CTYIers.

    If you think that is me wading in and criticising, then that is your opinion. I can assure you that is not the intent, as I have demonstrated above.

    If you have a problem with my position or me personally, then take it to PM. Otherwise a personal argument takes a thread completely off topic.


  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    Hmmm....Typedef, in my previous post i was actually explaining my reasons for originally thinking that you were provost and basically apologising for thinking that. Glad to see what a nice person you are :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 406 ✭✭shep the malevolent pixie

    Originally posted by qwidgybo
    *raises hand*
    join us! trust me, you'll be better off......
    sHep :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,652 ✭✭✭Chimaera


    I've been on this board for a little while now, and at this stage, I'm beginning to get a feel for the personalities here, and one thing that strikes me is how insular a lot of you seem to be.

    I was in CTYI in '93 and '94, and don't know any of the people who post regularly, and any time I've posted here myself, there seems to have been no desire for the younger people to engage with any of the older people who stick their head in the door from time to time. Perhpas I'm being a little paranoid here, but I get the impression that the only people who are welcome here are those that have been in ctyi in the last few years.

    Now I don't know any of you personally, and I'm not going to make any kind of personal attacks here, but allow me to state that in my own experience, people dislike those who have an excessively high opinion of themselves or their abilities.

    Being confident in your abilities is important, but shoving it into people's faces all the time will just make them alienate you and your friends.

    So chill out and welcome the world to your door. If they decide they don't like you, then it is they who are to blame, not you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Firstly I'd like to shift all blame from myself and call you all crazy.

    Secondly, the point on us being insular is one that I have encountered and was quite upset with. On Personal Issues Noelrock posted a thread and through its course Bob, Macdara and myself got chatting to him a little and I pointed out that he should drop over here and join in, but he viewed this forum as being very insular and unnaccepting of newbies. This couldn't be further from the truth. Look at how recently all the people here joined. Then look at how long this forum has been going... ok... not all that long, but still...

    Personally, I welcome any oldies or even non-ctyiers <and we've had our fair few through the ages>. Unless we end up with a Terenure invasion, in which case I'm hoping fio will step in with those bans.

    On a completely unrelated note: Hi John. Nice posts. You witty lil devil. Ignore all the negative responses, satire is always in season. :p As regards Pokey... What's your favourite prayer wheel configuration?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,196 ✭✭✭✭Crash

    The insular thing is not something you notice until someone points it out to you. a couple of people have said it to me on IRC and it was only then i copped....."Hey....wait..they're right!"

    The thing is, it also happens between sessions. a friend of mine went up and saw some people who she kidna recognised from the other session, said hi, and they just walked off. this proves my point, people are ****heads.

This discussion has been closed.