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Diary, Week 6 - Morning sickness

  • 20-11-2002 11:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 326 ✭✭

    Given that I got pregnant having never really had someone close to me go through it, and that there were some questions i just didnt feel i could ask, I've decided that it might be helpful for people considering having a baby, or currently going through pregnancy, to have someone else detailing all the nasty personal details of the beautiful, miraculous, painful, embarrassing, sticky experience that women can go through in order to become a mother...

    Because i am already 24 weeks pregnant, a lot of stuff has already happened, so over the next few days i'll fill you in on the highlights, and lowlights, of the ordeal to date...

    Please feel free to interject, criticise, tease, or otherwise editorialise, because lets face it, i really know nothing about pregnancy, except how it feels for me... So PLEASE NOTE, anything I write about in here is purely my opinion, feelings, and thoughts, and not that of a medical professional, or even of a well informed individual... There will be lots of information left out, so again, feel free to explain anything that i dont appear clear on...

    Above all, please feel free to mercilessly tease the ButcherofNog for getting me into this situation in the first place...


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    Foxy pats tummy.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 326 ✭✭foxinsocks

    Around the beginning of this week, i was vaguely aware of the fact that my period was late, however, my cycle wasnt regular anyway, and had been anywhere from 3 weeks, to 5 weeks, so i wasnt all that concerned...

    By Thursday however, i wanted to do a test, and i wanted to do it RIGHT NOW.... thankfully Tesco's (who'da thunk it?) who open till 10pm most nights, actually stock pregnancy testing kits... so off we went to procure said item... Im not going to go into the ins and outs of peeing on the stick, but Noel and I sat together, waiting for the longest 60 seconds of our lives. Suffice it to say, after looking at the instructions, and looking at the results on the stick, it was a quite definite positive result... the resulting conversation went something like this:

    Fox: Oh My Fupping God
    Nog: *big stupid grin*
    Fox: no, seriously, my god, im actually pregnant, look!
    Nog: *bigger stupid grin* Told you...
    Fox: *lighting up a cigarette* Oh My Fupping God
    Nog: I knew it! I told you that you were pregnant!!! *grin*
    Fox: *stubbing out cigarette* Oh god, im pregnant, actually pregnant, really pregnant, im gonna be a mom, you're gonna be a dad!
    Nog: hahaha *hug*

    I've never been as simultaneously happy and petrified in my life. And looking back, I dont think that I really believed the result at the time... I did another test a few days later, just to see, even though a false positive result is almost impossible (false negatives on the other hand are quite common, apparantly). I went to see my GP a few days after that, he confirmed it too, and even then i dont think i really believed it. Seems that when you get this news, all reason leaves you, and no matter what you are told, you'll still believe what you like...

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Wow. Cool.

    And respect to Noggy for not going "YOURE ****ING WHA?!" :)

    Some guys would freak and run.... admittedly we still get the best deal out of the whole "we're going to have a baby" thing...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭daveg

    Some guys would freak and run

    My GF feaked big time so I had to be the level headed sensible one. Sometimes that's just the way it works out. I thought I would have freaked.

    Congrats and best of luck BTW fox :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    wow 24 weeks that means your about half way,
    ok they day 42 weeks but tis more like 280 days.
    They used to say that pergancy was 10 lunar mnths ( 1 lunar mnth = 28 days) and that made a lot more sense to me over my two pregancies.

    I hope you are over any morning sickness that you had,
    your really going to need to buckle in for as you get into 5 mnths the fun really begins. Soon you have the lil butterfly feeling and then the joy of baby kicks.

    As for when the day comes the best thing you can do is be incharge and let the midwives know what you wsnt and dont want , it will be your day and your birth.

    Your best bet is to read up as much as you can. Do it now for if you leave it to later you be come worried about everything going ok every woman gets those fears in the last mnth of so and it is best not to fuel them with birthing books.

    Personally I didnt like any of the prenatal classes one bit.
    I got one for first time mothers and a lot of those attending were very young ( ok I was 22 when i had my first but these were kids having kids) and the instructor was more then snotty and had a fit when i left after 20 mins .

    Have you booked in with a hospital ? you can make an appointment usually to have a chat with one of the midwives about what the hospital policy is on painkillers/c sections/ birthing methods. Easier to ask now then when you are in labour :)

    Go materinty clothes shopping now cos you may be to grumpy and tired to do it proplerly later and you can end up stiuck int he same clothes hating them ( lol i did the 1st time )
    There are some wonderfull stuff other there now which adjust so that they will do you untill the baby comes.

    again congratulations

  • Registered Users Posts: 326 ✭✭foxinsocks

    thankfully im officially more than halfway, i have 16 weeks to go, due on the 12th of march.

    I'll cover more about the first butterfly feelings, and the MOSHING my baby is currently up to, in the diary :)

    And all the hospital bookings, the first scan, first time hearing the heartbeat, i'll cover it all... when i get a couple of hours to get you up to week 24 :)

    The Ultimate Online Experience

  • Registered Users Posts: 326 ✭✭foxinsocks

    Before you groan, im not gonna do one for every single week up till now, just the ones where things that i found interesting happened...

    Thursday of week 6 I woke up early, and felt great, I was working from home that day, and it was warm in the apartment, so I sat down and switched on my pc... then it started.... I dont know if any of you have ever fainted, but that was the closest comparable experience i've ever had to describe what happened... I had a massive headrush, combined with ringing in my ears, and I knew i had to get to the bathroom rapidly.

    So, for about 15 minutes I sat, naked, on the cold bathroom floor, with sweat pouring off me, feeling like I really wanted to vomit, but not actually managing it... then the retching started... It was at this point Noel came in, he'd actually woken up, and come in to the bathroom to see how i was doing... I spent a bit more time retching, and finally puked. He watched me, sprawled out on the floor, clutching at the bath for support, with a concerned expression on his face, "Is there anything I can do?" sez he... I turned round, and looked at him, with a HUGE grin plastered all over my face, "What are you smiling at, you LOONY?" he said.

    "I guess im pregnant" I beamed back up at him...

    Now, for the disclaimer:
    I have actually been incredibly fortunate, in that I have only actually lost stomach contents twice in my pregnancy so far, and both times, it was because I skipped dinner the night before... so if anyone is actually experiencing morning sickness, the only thing that i can suggest to alleviate it, is to eat as frequently as possible, graze if you have to, and NEVER let yourself be hungry, because the baby will know, and it will punish you... I'm sure if morning sickness had been a regular occurrence, I wouldnt have been nearly so pleased with myself...

    Something that struck me too, during this week, is the true evilness of pregnancy... that so many unpleasant, embarassing, humiliating, painful, rediculous things can happen to your body, and for a lot of em, you'll be thrilled! I guess it's one parasite that really knows how to control the host ;)

    *pats tummy*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn


    you are very luck I had morning sickness every day for 18 weeks wake up drenk some arange juice and vomit for the next 20 mins.
    The orange was agift other wise there is not enough in the stomach to vomit properly and the orange hide the vile tast of the bile i was trowing up.

    Morning sickness ended and then I got indesgetion all the time.
    I should have bought stocks in rennie.
