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Got any questions ? .. . Killing Stereotypes



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    I'd Imagine allot of people. I'm very open about sex and I never pretended I wasn't having it for the comfort of others, but at the same time I never go into detail about it. In the same way my friends don't go into detail about there sex life. I really don't know why, just the way it is I guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,523 ✭✭✭ApeXaviour

    Good thread, I have a question. It may seem a little silly but it is a genuine curiosity of mine so please don't dismiss it as anything else.

    Men tend to be visually turned on more than women (as evident by men being the main market base of the lucrative pornography industry), so this question is more aimed at bi and gay men. If I see an attractive naked woman, even from the neck down, usually I will be turned. Say you have a good body, do you get turned on by looking at yourself in the mirror? Or is there some psychological block there where it would be akin to getting turned on by a member of your own family?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,579 ✭✭✭Pet

    I think I speak for most of the gay people here (don't mind if I do)..but I'm sure you'd all much rather have people asking "silly" questions than being afraid to ask them and never really finding out the if anyone has any "stupid" or "dumb" questions - ask away, and let ye be enlightened.

    Oh, and I'm another person that finds the whole "camp queen" thing SUPER annoying! I know plenty of gay people; they're all normal, regular men, they don't speak with a lisp, they don't rave about fashion, and they do know about cars 'n' stuff..

    And then there are people like me, who wear lots of leather and eyeliner and have long hair..and actually like women..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 142 ✭✭r3boot

    I'm straight, and I wouldn't discriminate on grounds of sexuality in general, but I think if I saw two guys walkin down the street holding hands, I'd be pretty disgusted....I mean I wouldnt say anything but inside, I'd be like.....ugh.

    Doesn't everyone remember being younger?

    -Gay men are gross!
    -You're only saying that cos your gay yourself! Gay!

    You wouldn't get by if you lived in the place I'm from; back home (kuwait) its customary to great men and women by shaking hands and giving them a peck on the cheek so its normal to see two men kissing :D

    I remember when I first got here and would meet friends who were also kuwaiti when we greeted each other that way people would always stare at you in awe (both men and women) ......

    Strange thing is you would never get the same reaction if a girl kissed a girl ......

    I think it depends on the cluture you grow/grew up in. I have no problems with men walking down the street holding hands but I find idiots pissing on the side walk in leeson street disgusting !

    To each his own I suppose .....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    ApeXaviour wrote:
    Good thread, I have a question. It may seem a little silly but it is a genuine curiosity of mine so please don't dismiss it as anything else.

    Men tend to be visually turned on more than women (as evident by men being the main market base of the lucrative pornography industry), so this question is more aimed at bi and gay men. If I see an attractive naked woman, even from the neck down, usually I will be turned. Say you have a good body, do you get turned on by looking at yourself in the mirror? Or is there some psychological block there where it would be akin to getting turned on by a member of your own family?

    Truth is most people in general look at their own body and only see the flaws, not how beautiful it is. Besides that I don't think it works thats way, at least it doesn't for me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,398 ✭✭✭fletch

    ApeXaviour wrote:
    Say you have a good body, do you get turned on by looking at yourself in the mirror? Or is there some psychological block there where it would be akin to getting turned on by a member of your own family?
    I think the simple answer is to this question is "no" although I can see where you are coming from.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    My reply to all the old questions. these are just my opinions and in no way the definite truth.
    kaids wrote:
    What's with the voice thing?

    The voice thing. For cases where it’s fake I feels it’s an attempt to set oneself a part from the rest of society. An attempt to be different from general society and establish a sub culture, so to speak. On the basic level, it makes it easier to identify people who are possibly gay, which has its advantages for the prospects of romance. I also think it’s a case off, if you in a group of people that all act the same way, and talk the same way, you begin to act and talk that way as well. It is human nature to fit it and try to be the same as people you consider you pears.

    As for not liking it. Like most things, a little now and again is ok, but too much really starts to annoy. Some people have annoying voices that’s it. To be honest I’m more interested in what people are saying rather then the sound of their voice. If someone is entertaining me, or provoking thought, I’ll general not care what they sound like. It is something you get used to, with enough exposure.

    Also allot of people do speak this way naturally, without being gay. It’s just how they talk and they see no reason to change.
    Gordon wrote:
    Great post idea.

    I am curious if homosexual men like women's breasts. Sorry if this seems silly but I personally love breasts and couldn't imagine not loving them.

    Do you appreciate female bodies at all?

    Breasts are nice, and hard not to notice. But I’m not exactly gay, and do find myself attracted to women, sometimes. So maybe my view point is squed.
    This post has been deleted.

    Bigger = better is an ego thing. Some guys probably get off on having a boyfriend with a big cock, in the same way some guys get off on having a girlfriend with big breasts. In situations where you have two guys, chances are one will have a bigger cock then the other, but what does it matter?
    Jak wrote:
    Do you folk not find the camp voices and behaviour insanely irritating?

    Leaving side the voice thing, I take this as a Question on campness. In general I don’t mind campness. What I do mind is how some people like to club you over the head with it and use it as a weapon, or some kind of cool elitism. Gay is not a fashion accessory.

    One thing though, when I came out I got allot of “but you’re not camp”. Then I’d ask what they thought about another friend and the response was usually that it made sense, cause he dressed well and liked cooking. Really pissed him off actually.
    azezil wrote:
    would ya ever come on to a guy that was straight?

    Sometimes it’s funny, but I wouldn’t do it unless the person was fairly easy going, and had a sense of humor.
    DapperGent wrote:
    Right stereotypical questions:

    In your opinion:
    1. Are gay men more promiscous than straight men?

    2. Is it easier to score in a gay nightclub?

    3. Do gay men have more one night stands than straight men?

    4. Does sex come into play earlier in a homosexual relationship than a heterosexual one?

    5. Are gay men generally better looking than straight men?

    6. Are gay men generally more artistically talented (music, poetry etc) than straight men?

    Don't mean to offend anyone I'm just curious.

    1. Not in my experience.
    2. As apposed to a gay guy in a straight club, absolutely. There’s would be allot of fear of approaching random guys in a club. Some straight guys don’t respond well. In terms of a straight guy in s straight club as opposed to a gay guy in a gay club, I’d imagine it’s the same, if that’s what your into.
    3. I’ve never had one, and that’s all I can say.
    4. Depends on the people, but men do seems to be more able to have sex without getting emotionally involved.
    5. Yes.
    6. Well, I don’t think so. I’ll take it from this point of view, trinity LGB is largely made up of art’s students, so that conclusion could be drawn, however there are just as many gay people doing science or Engineering or maths.
    azezil wrote:
    spawned of the gene thread...

    Are gay people less open to matters of sexuality/ sexual expression?
    i ask this because many of the replys from straight people were 'yes i'd give it a go' while gay people seemed unwilling to even try it straight for a while!?

    Shinji’s reply pretty much nailed this. Most gay guys I know have said they might try having sex with women, someday. Just that they get so much more out of guys, why would they bother. It’s more a case of, sure I’d give it a go, provided I was very bored and nothing was on the tele.
    azezil wrote:
    In ghey sexual relations is one partner always the 'receiver' (bitch) or do ye take it in turns?

    what happens if two, dominant types get together? due ye duel it out to see who's gonna be the bitch?

    I make reference to one of my previous posts in this thread.
    Sangre wrote:
    Do gay men frequent locker/changing room more then necessary??

    Oh is there such thing as 'gaydar'? and how does it work?

    Have you taken a look round most locker rooms recently? No exactly eye candy. Also not really the environment where you want to be obviously aroused. As for gaydar, I don’t believe in it. You can only know if someone is gay if they want you to know, consciously or sub consciously. Damien claims he picked me up on his gaydar a while ago, but he's the only one ever to claim so, and I think that might have something to do with drunken dancing, but I'm not sure.
    Gordon wrote:
    Oh and another one...
    Is it not a bit messy?

    Is what messy, Sex? You’ll have to be abit more specific.
    Alany wrote:

    Getting swiftly on to my question, are gay people afraid of public reaction or god forbid some closed minded fool might attack them ?

    Are Gay people just less affectionate than straight?

    It’s basically down to fear of being hassled.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭paulcr

    Oh, Oh, I have another question!

    Do gay couples (especially) socialize exclusively with other gay couples.

    The reason I'm asking is that in my neighborhood I have a number of gay couples. The two living closest to me are really the only ones I come in contact with. One couple that I've had conversations with are very outgoing and nice to talk to. The other keep to themselves and are generally rude. I've thought from time to time to invite them other (the nice ones) but I don't know if that is a good idea.

    I don't know if they would accept for one and one seems to be the jealuos type. I'm not gay but they seem like they'd be fun and good company.

    Should I be surprised if they don't accept? I know they've never invited me to any of their gatherings.

    Could be I'm generally very messy in appearance, wander my yard smoking cigars and playing fetch with the dog.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭moridin

    Do gay couples (especially) socialize exclusively with other gay couples.

    Been a while since I've been a gay couple ;), but I'd say in general, no. I'm sure that plenty of straight couples keep to themselves and are rude too. For me, I'd socialise as much with my straight friends as my gay ones, in fact, if I was dating someone then I'd feel more comfortable going out with my straight friends than I do now, purely because being one of the only single people to go out can be annoying at times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,397 ✭✭✭✭azezil

    ApeXaviour wrote:
    Good thread, I have a question. It may seem a little silly but it is a genuine curiosity of mine so please don't dismiss it as anything else.

    Men tend to be visually turned on more than women (as evident by men being the main market base of the lucrative pornography industry), so this question is more aimed at bi and gay men. If I see an attractive naked woman, even from the neck down, usually I will be turned. Say you have a good body, do you get turned on by looking at yourself in the mirror? Or is there some psychological block there where it would be akin to getting turned on by a member of your own family?
    yes absolutely
    Do gay couples (especially) socialize exclusively with other gay couples
    not at all, if i'm dating someone, i'd bring him along to any social event i was attending... not all gay guys however are that open, but i don't date them ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,163 ✭✭✭✭Boston

    paulcr wrote:
    Oh, Oh, I have another question!

    Do gay couples (especially) socialize exclusively with other gay couples.

    I don't know any other gay couple. I wouldn't see the need to be exclusive either. Also I've "set up" some of my straight friends, and their the most adorable couple to be around.
