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Why did you delete that thread?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    and makes him poo aswell

    or is that cabbage

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    you'll all probably kill me for bringing this back up to the top but


    some of these people deserve to whacked around the head with a fish.

    and im going to personally do that to sir for getting personal with mick. im going to find out where u live and castrate you with a spoon (hey-im heading for censorship myself here)

    yes shorty-people are arguiing for cencorship here. it's a good idea sometimes. especially when you're dealinh with about...10,000 users who's stats in life arent known and therefore could be a little 12 yr...ah i give up. i cant be arsed. ;);) i woke up this morning and i thought it was sunday

    anyway muppet monarchy, and im probabyl starting a big war by saying this but u havent written one post yet that hasnt pissed me off, so you of all people shouldnt be giving out about moderation on this baord.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,508 ✭✭✭johnnynolegs

    u tell 'em rosemary

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭Muppet Monarchy

    "yes shorty-people are arguiing for cencorship here. it's a good idea sometimes. " {SIC}


    Censorship is never ever ever ever ever ever ever a good idea. It never will be a good idea. A democracy cannot co-exist with censorship, the two are wholly incompatible.

    "u havent written one post yet that hasnt pissed me off, so you of all people shouldnt be giving out about moderation on this baord."

    For a start, you really have to think about your spelling. What age are you? Punctuation's a bit iffy, too.

    Now, just what the hell does this mean? I don't see the connection. Are you trying to say that you do have a right to talk about censorship on this "baord"? What is it about the fact that I've pissed you off that means I don't have the right to talk about it? What the **** are you on about?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    I think our argument about censorship went from "board moderation" to "censorship in general".

    graemo made a point about censorhip in general being good, and then you backed it up (badly), so it really had nothing to do with the moderation on the board at this point.

    i hardly expect some 12 year old btw to see the word "f.uck" written for the first time on a messege board, sure haven't you seen those FCUK t-shirts disgraceful.

    anyway anyone who argues that censorship in general is a good idea, either has'nt got a clue, or is seeking to control the reichstag. Maybe both now that i think of it!

    You're talking out of your hole love. day day

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    dont make me MAAAAAAAAAD- i type way too quickly and make errors. and im loved for it. so ur slagging my spelling will have no affect on me whatsoever (oh to heck with it, im 12, and youre posts have turned me from the happiest little bundle of joy that ever lived to the most cynical bitch on earth)


    didn't you ever see the episode of sabrina the teenage witch where she meets the petulant kid? im sorry, but rules and regulations are important, depending on what theyre for. its like parenting, or sometimes having to be cruel to be kind. yes, a lot of us dont need that kind of censorship in our lives,but you've got to take into account that other people out there do, you may not agree with that but i think a lot of people out there will.

    im talking about both kinds of moderation. board moderation and censorship in general. Yes i find it annoying that on the baords we have to be moderated, but im not going to arue about it and start causing problems for moderators because i like,i understand why these rules are there, i like using it, and so im going to put up with their rules. if i didnt like it as much as u seem to ragamuffin, then why would i stay posting?

    also, muppet-when someone's posts offend people on they can report tthe posts to a moderator and the postscan be deleted and the person banned. also, you seem to be trolling, and its not even funny trolling its just annoying trolling thats getting up a lot of ppl's noses-and thats why i think its a bit rich that ur aggravating this even further.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    oh i'm not even listening to you anymore
    you're tlkaing so much crap.

    and i've never found muppet monarchy to be offensive on purpose

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    hmmmmmm....go on.....tell me whats crap.....point out exactly whats crap and we'll argue out the flaws.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin


    jesus christ i'm not even going to try and convince you the errors of censorship.

    Modderation on this board fair enough, but you actually think censorship in general is a good thing?>

    thats just weird, way too complacent just go eat some chicken ok

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,343 ✭✭✭polarbelly


    Censorship is never ever ever ever ever ever ever a good idea. It never will be a good idea. A democracy cannot co-exist with censorship, the two are wholly incompatible."

    in your opinion you twat

    "oh i'm not even listening to you anymore
    you're tlkaing so much crap.

    and i've never found muppet monarchy to be offensive on purpose"

    raggamuffin, i know that you know the only person who is talkin crap round here

    and muppet monarchy is always offensive on purpose, he finds that to be humourous

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    i may be wrong in saying this but i suspect the reaosn u cant try convince me in the errors of my ways is more to do with u cant find anything wrong. surely if im so blatantly wrong u wont have a problem picking up on this and picking somehting i've said that you know everyone is going to think im in an eejit for.

    i'll tell you why censorship is a good thing...because there are people out there who are too young and lacking in experience to make certain decisions for themselves, or who dont have the ability to make decisions for themselves, people with mental illnesses, or people who have been born with such handicap's as down's syndrome or autism. when i was younger i thought i knew it all, now i see as i get older how untrue this is, and it infuriates me when i see people thinking they know it all....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    Point out how exactly censorship benefits society.

    long term now...... not short term

    Do you think that nirvana should have had to change the lyrics to "rape me" and change the cover to "inutero" because people found it offensive?

    Its all down to education though, people are'nt aware of their rights and thus leads to stupid beliefs that censorship is a good thing. rubbish. if your that conservative why not move to america.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    KNow it all? hahhahaa

    You help those sorts of people through life.
    You explain things, give advice.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭Muppet Monarchy

    I'm not trolling. I'm a crusader for international justice. I fight crime, prejudice and ignorance using only the power of my puny keyboard. Now...

    Re: Spelling. I'm not slagging you. Couldn't be bothered, to tell the truth. However, when your spelling is so bad that it makes your posts confusing / nonsensical, then I'm gonna point that out, dig?

    "Yes i find it annoying that on the baords we have to be moderated, but im not going to arue about it and start causing problems for moderators because i like,i understand why these rules are there, i like using it, and so im going to put up with their rules. "

    Well, I don't like it either. But I'm gonna talk about it. That's my right, or it would be if threads weren't deleted so often. How am I causing problems for the moderators?
    I'm gonna put up with their rules, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna point out how ridiculous they are.

    "also, muppet-when someone's posts offend people on they can report tthe posts to a moderator and the postscan be deleted and the person banned."

    Full marks for stating the obvious. Kinda pointless though, don't ya think?

    "also, you seem to be trolling, and its not even funny trolling its just annoying trolling thats getting up a lot of ppl's noses"

    Who am I annoying, other than you? How am i trolling?

    "-and thats why i think its a bit rich that ur aggravating this even further."

    Now, see here we are back to the spelling / grammar / syntax thing. "aggravating this even further"? What the **** does that mean?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    Tra la la

    See the whole problem with censorship is that if you can ban one idea from being voiced, well then you can ban anything.

    only problem is you get called a socialist so quickly in these parts whever you mutter "free speech" or "human rights".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭Muppet Monarchy

    Pete Reed.

    Re: remarks on charity gig posting.
    In hindsight, that was churlish and caddish of me. I apologise. I'm immensely impressed that you're willing to try laying back a bit, fair play to you, sir. I would like to add that I have no problem with you removing spam and such, that's your job and you do it well ; it was only the active discussion culling I had a problem with. Mind you, I'm in a pretty good mood today, so it all seems pretty good to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,343 ✭✭✭polarbelly

    g'wan outta that ya big socialist

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    i dont have the knowledge required to put somehting like that up...but i can give you loads of short term/long time examples of people who suffered from not following certain censorships....

    ragamuffin, i accept that u dont agree with me, and even though i dont fully understand it, its your opinion. you can't start criticing people just because it clashes with your own opinion, people are just going to see this as ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    muppet monarchy-yes you can argue till your death about what you think your rights on this board are but the way you're arguing this is violating some of their rules i believe. and anyway, it just gets tiresome and boring after a while, unless u actually bring about a change that pleases the majority. and ive seen at least 3 or 4 posts by people who have been annoyed by you. if u want me to get links to them i will, but not today as im leaving soon.

    im sorry my typo's are causing some confusion, most people here are used to them and know how to decipher it ;) i'll try checking through my posts after ive written them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    I'm sorry but iif somebody comes up to me and says "all blacks should leave ireland" or as you've pointed out "censorship is a good thing" i'm not going to stand there and say "thats your opinion" because....... censorship is wrong in principle.

    its not my opinion that censorship is wrong, its been the opinion of many free spirited minds in history.

    I'm not tyring to say that i'm right, but for god's sake people died for free speech and sometimes i find it a insult to suggest that we endorse censorship.

    Oh and following up Muppet Monachy's point Pete i too would like to apologise for my comment in the section for your Phundrasier gig. I feel that it should have been deleted cause cause its was'nt really a contributing point to the charity fundrasiing your doing. Hope it goes well btw

    i accept your opinions on a numbe of things Drowner but unfortunatly there are limits to what i can honestly accept as a well thought out opinion on a subject such as censorship.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭Muppet Monarchy

    In the time it takes me to impart some of my world famous witticism, y'all go and give me MORE reason to whip your proverbial backsides. Let's do this systematically, so there's no confusion, shall we?

    "and muppet monarchy is always offensive on purpose, he finds that to be humourous"

    I've seen the light. No longer will I sit around, on my own, laughing at how hilarious being offensive is. It's especially offensive when you direct it at a computer. Don't be silly. I have better things to do than sit around being offensive to a bunch of people I'll probably never meet.

    "Censorship is never ever ever ever ever ever ever a good idea. It never will be a good idea. A democracy cannot co-exist with censorship, the two are wholly incompatible."

    in your opinion you twat"

    Yes, that is my opinion. Would you care to point out the flaws in it, as you see them? Or are we just going to trade insults. Or asterixes, as the case may be....

    Drowner, you are a singular personality, unlike any other. Your star shines high above the rest of us. You are beyond the pale, a cut above - you're fekkin magic, you are.

    "i'll tell you why censorship is a good thing...because there are people out there who are too young and lacking in experience to make certain decisions for themselves, or who dont have the ability to make decisions for themselves, people with mental illnesses, or people who have been born with such handicap's as down's syndrome or autism. when i was younger i thought i knew it all, now i see as i get older how untrue this is, and it infuriates me when i see people thinking they know it all...."

    Let me see. Yeah, it took me a good while to digest this. Ok, there's all kinds of censorship. From America's government censoring articles that suggested that the bombing of the Chinese embassy was a little less accidental than was previously believed (let's call that political censorship), to "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" being banned (let's call that moral censorship). What, specifically are you advocating?

    "but i can give you loads of short term/long time examples of people who suffered from not following certain censorships...."

    Go on, then......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    Originally posted by thedrowner
    unless u actually bring about a change that pleases the majority

    excuse me but thats does'nt make sense.
    What i take from that is that if somebody expresses an idea or opinion that is'nt accepted by the majority then therefore that person is annoying?

    what happens if there is a problem and only one person can see the problem and comes up with an idea to solve this problem and is rejected by the majority. Is that person wrong?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    Actually one point i must make on types of censorship.

    Ever been to, the advertising standards authority of ireland's website?

    They do some good work there in relation to bad business practices and misadvertising, but they have to put up with some god awful ridiculous complaints.

    Ever wondered why an Ad suddenly dissapears off the telly?
    here ya go!
    one example --->

    "A television commercial by Guinness was the subject of objections. The advertisement featured a scene set in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption. People were shown apparently in distress and featured a man walking over lava to save a cask of Guinness from a damaged building. The advertisement concluded with the words ‘Guinness’ and ‘Believe’. One complainant felt that the advertisement was an insult to any people who had suffered such an awful tragedy and was shocked to find at the end that the only thing of importance was that a keg of Guinness had survived the ordeal. Another complainant felt that such a presentation made all human suffering in the film to be valueless, ignored and alcohol to be revered. Another complainant felt the presentation to be both dangerous and in bad taste. Another complainant felt that the advertisement was offensive to many in our society especially those who had survived war time situations and took exception to the damage that this advertisement was doing to children who are being exposed to misleading and destructive messages about alcohol and lifestyle. The complainant also felt that the product was being sold as a source of power, life enhancement and a source of human fulfilment and in this sense was essentially misleading. A further complainant objected that the advertisement showed violence and mayhem, which was not suitable for airing in advertisements on television."

    To be perfectly honest i looked at the Ad and then i thought nothing of it.......
    but the complaint was upheald and the Ad censored

    also were billboards for LEvi's depicting "possible" sexual references.
    And that ad for budwieser during the world cup about them "beating the frogs this year" was deemed racist......
    thank god the simpsons was never put before a censoship board chairpersoned by thedrowner

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    yes i am a shining star high above the rest of the world im glad uve finally noticed muppet. and by the way, if u really 'have better things to do than sit around being offensive to a bunch of people I'll probably never meet.' then ur not doing whatever it is that you have that is better than this (coz ur still here, and ur still making comments that u know are going to enflame people into replying to)

    ragamuffin...there's limits to where people draw the line at what is offensive and what is not.having an opinion, as long as it doesnt harm anyone else is everyone's right. im a vegetarian. this is my opinion. i accept most people eat meat, it doesnt bother me, and i wouldnt never try convincing anyone that my opinion is right over theirs(and i think anyone who does this, whilst talking ****e and not backing themselves up, is ridiculous).

    with regards to your racist comments, in my opinion, anyone who says a comment like that is so silly that theyre not going to lsiten to reason so why bother trying to change theyre opinion (im not sure if this is what u were getting at or not). and at the same time, this is an opinion. but this is an opinion that is very offensive, and it crosses the line by offending people. This is why censorship laws are in place because you never know how this is going to affect somebody, and comments like that DO affect other people

    If censorship can help to stop this, then it cant be a bad thing. somebody verbally bullying somebody can ruin people's lives but youre idea of freedom of speech here is ludicrous. why should somebody be allowed to offend somebody verbally when its not allowed physically. yes, some censorships are silly, but you have to remember that these censorships are based on the needs of a whole group of people, and not just you. so it might seem silly to you, but when u look at the whole picture, tis not so silly, and everyone is accounted for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    Originally posted by Raggamuffin

    They do some good work there in relation to bad business practices and misadvertising, but they have to put up with some god awful ridiculous complaints.

    but who the hell are you to say that these people are ridculous for coming out against an ad that offends them. Just because you (and indeed i) might not see where the're coming from, if its affecting them, they should be listened to.

    ragamuffin....i love the simpsons. i agree with you that certain censorships are silly. i know sometimes it can be an annoyance. but i also know that sometimes it can be good. ts not something ive ever thought about in detail before, or hold high in my opinions, but when people make statements like 'censorship is never ever a good thing' i have to differ. censorship is sometimes a good thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    Originally posted by thedrowner

    Censorship can help to stop this, then it cant be a bad thing. somebody verbally bullying somebody can ruin people's lives but youre idea of freedom of speech here is ludicrous. why should somebody be allowed to offend somebody verbally when its not allowed physically. yes, some censorships are silly, but you have to remember that these censorships are based on the needs of a whole group of people, and not just you. so it might seem silly to you, but when u look at the whole picture, tis not so silly, and everyone is accounted for.

    Stop being so diplmatic and actually have an opinion.

    God can you imagine if people actually listened to the above rubbish, programs like brass eye would never be made, or monty python.

    Whatever suits oyu but to be honest most eople would'nt know what freedom is until its taken away from them alright!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 85 ✭✭dera

    .... well, if ever a thread deserved to be deleted .. this is criminally dull!

    let it die now pleeease!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 655 ✭✭✭Raggamuffin

    in your opinion......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 245 ✭✭Shorty

    Originally posted by thedrowner
    i'll tell you why censorship is a good thing...because there are people out there who are too young and lacking in experience to make certain decisions for themselves, or who dont have the ability to make decisions for themselves, people with mental illnesses, or people who have been born with such handicap's as down's syndrome or autism. when i was younger i thought i knew it all, now i see as i get older how untrue this is, and it infuriates me when i see people thinking they know it all....

    I'm sorry, I don't understand this point. Could you explain it a bit better?
    Originally posted by the drowner with regards to your racist comments, in my opinion, anyone who says a comment like that is so silly that theyre not going to lsiten to reason so why bother trying to change theyre opinion (im not sure if this is what u were getting at or not). and at the same time, this is an opinion. but this is an opinion that is very offensive, and it crosses the line by offending people.

    I don't think Raggamuffin is racist, he just gave that as an example, an extreme example so as to make it more obvious. You point out that this is an ofensive opinion, it is also at the same time an obviously ignorant and stupid opinion. So let's imagine that someone said this and it was then censored, that person will then go on continuing to think this same opinion without knowing why he was censored, and perhaps thinking that there must have been an element of truth and that's why it was censored. Whereas if it had not been censored, an open discourse could have taken place, with rational and intelligent discussion,and the error of his ways could have been pointed out.

    onto next post, cause this is long

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 245 ✭✭Shorty

    I remember seeing a documentary on the Nazi's ( yes, them again :p ) and their burning of books,and there was a quote from ( I think) a jewish scholar at the time about how a country that burns books will not last long.

    And again if you want mmore about burning of books and censorship. Watch the film Fahrenheit 451.
