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Al Queda's plans, Scary stuff If its true!

  • 16-01-2003 8:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 452 ✭✭

    Got this in an Email, If its in the wrong forum sorry!

    This one is worth reading, starts off slow.

    The following interview was conducted by a reporter for the Al-Jazeera
    network with the third-in-command of the Al Queda organization, Mr.
    Mohammed Al-Asuquf. Al-Asuquf's background is impressive; a doctorate
    physics and masters in international economics. In the interview, he
    of Al Queda's plans with total detachment, with deep knowledge and an
    unshakeable commitment to his cause. This interview was sent to
    Atwan, chief editor of Al Quds, an Arabic-language newspaper published
    London, but was never printed, due to its highly revealing
    A copy of the interview came to Foz-do-Iguacu, and was translated into
    Portuguese by a university professor in the city's Arab community. This
    probably the only existing version of this interview not in Arabic.

    Al-Jazeera: What is the objective of the Al Queda network?
    Al-Asuquf: To destroy the Great Satan, that is, the United States and Israel.

    Al-Jazeera: Why?
    Al-Asuquf: The USA over the past 60 years has been impregnating
    [infecting] the world with its arrogance, greed and malfeasance. It is the incarnation of all that is evil. The people of this planet don't deserve this torture.

    Al-Jazeera: Isn't this view somewhat one-sided?
    Al-Asuquf: No; one only has to observe recent events. The disrespect of the Kyoto treaty; the case of the Permanent Court of International Justice, their inaction with regards to our Palestinian brothers; the financial greed and absurd speculations in Third World countries; the complete indifference to other oppressed people and countless other situations which
    all of the world's leaders well know. And on top of all that, the Bush doctrine of "shoot first and ask questions later." This is an
    unacceptable abuse and will therefore have very grave consequences.

    Al-Jazeera: But the isn't the development and influence of America the fruit of its own competence?
    Al-Asuquf: Competence in extortion, competence in subjugation,
    competence in lying. After the Second World War, the USA was the only industrialized country with its manufacturing infrastructure intact. Loaning money like a good loan shark, it ended up becoming a very rich and powerful country;
    however, its greed remained undiminished. Today, Americans live like Maharajas [King], wasting more than any other people, spending more than 880 billion per year just on gambling. They've lost any notion of spiritualityand live in constant sin. With each passing day the USA demonstrates that it doesn't know how to live with other peoples; for this, it deserves destruction.

    Al-Jazeera: Wouldn't it be easier to simply assassinate President
    George Bush?
    Al-Asuquf: In the first place, it would do no good, other than turning him into a martyr. When you face a powerful enemy, the best strategy is not to kill him, but to make him lose his leadership due to his incompetence, and let him live to watch this unfold.

    Al-Jazeera: Does the Al Queda network have the military capacity to make war on the United States?
    Al-Asuquf: If we analyze history, we will see that all great wars,
    before they were started, were based on previously established concepts [of war]. But if we observe well, we will see that these concepts and strategies came to nothing, since a new type of war was ultimately waged. An example is theconstruction of the Maginot line by the French before the First World War, which, in reality proved to be completely useless against the invading
    forces. Aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and spy satellites will be useless in the next war.

    Al-Jazeera: American authorities hold more than 1,000 people suspected of terrorism since September 11th. Won't this compromise Al Queda's plans?

    Al-Asuquf: Of those imprisoned, perhaps 20 to 30 percent belong to Al Queda. Moreover, they are from the second echelon. We have more than 500 members of the first echelon and 800 from the second, inside the United States.

    Al-Jazeera: What do you mean by first and second echelons?
    Al-Asuquf: In the first echelon are Al Queda members who have been in the United States for more than 10 years, many married with children. They have detailed knowledge of our plans and are just waiting for a phone call. Theyare also known as "sleepers." Those of the second echelon have arrived
    in the last five years and have no idea of our plans.

    Al-Jazeera: Are even those who are married, with children, ready to die with their families?
    Al-Asuquf: Yes. All of them are ready to die. Long live September 11th..

    Al-Jazeera: What was September 11th to Al Queda's overall plans?
    Al-Asuquf: As a general step, it was just the beginning. It was a way of calling the world's attention to what is still to come.

    Al-Jazeera: How many members does Al Queda have?
    Al-Asuquf: In the first echelon, about 5,000; in the second, about
    20,000, all over the world.

    Al-Jazeera: In the detention camp at Guantanamo, are there any members of the first echelon?
    Al-Asuquf: No, in fact, many of those there are not even Al Queda members.

    Al-Jazeera: How does Al Queda intend to destroy the most powerful nation in history?
    Al-Asuquf: It's a question of logistics. Using its own poison, that is, attacking the heart of what they consider the most important thing in the world: money.

    Al-Jazeera: How so?
    Al-Asuquf: The American economy is an economy of false appearances. There is no real economic ballast to the American economy. The American GDP of is something around 810 trillion, of which just 1 percent represents agriculture, and just 24 percent represents industry. Therefore, 75 percent of the American GDP is service and most of this is financial
    For those who understand economics, and it appears that the American Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neil, doesn't or doesn't see it, it's enough to say that the USA acts like a huge "dot-com," and dollars, strictly speaking, are its shares.

    Al-Jazeera: Can you explain that?
    Al-Asuquf: The value of a company's shares is directly proportional to the profitability of the enterprise. When a business is just a service provider and doesn't produce any durable goods, the value of its shares depends on
    its credibility. Which is to say that if the credibility of the USA were shaken, its shares (the dollar) would fall with incredible rapidity and the entire American economy would begin to collapse.

    Al-Jazeera: How can you be so sure of this?
    Al-Asuquf: On a smaller scale, it's exactly what large financial groups do to the countries of the third world to reap profits in one month that Swiss banks couldn't get in four or five years.

    Al-Jazeera: So how will Al Queda shock the American economy to this point?
    Al-Asuquf: By provoking a deficit of between 850 and 870 trillion
    dollars, the equivalent of the United States' GDP for five to seven years.

    Al-Jazeera: How will this be done?
    Al-Asuquf: With the destruction of the seven largest American cities, along with other measures.

    Al-Jazeera: By what means will this be done?
    Al-Asuquf: Using atomic bombs.

    Al-Jazeera: With all of the security in the USA, how, hypothetically, will these bombs be smuggled onto American soil?
    Al-Asuquf: They won't be smuggled in, they're already there.

    Al-Jazeera: What are you saying?
    Al-Asuquf: There are already seven nuclear devices on American soil which were put in place before September 11th and are ready to be detonated.

    Al-Jazeera: How did they get in to the USA?
    Al-Asuquf: Before September 11, American security was a fiasco, and even after, were it necessary, we could manage to smuggle bombs into the United States. They entered through seaports, as normal cargo.

    Al-Jazeera: How is that possible?
    Al-Asuquf: A nuclear device is no bigger than a refrigerator;
    therefore, it can be easily camouflaged as one. Millions of cargo containers arrive in seaports each day, and no matter how efficient security is, it's impossible to check, search through and examine each container.

    Al-Jazeera: Where did these atomic bombs come from?
    Al-Asuquf: They were purchased on the black market.

    Al-Jazeera: From whom?
    Al-Asuquf: We bought five from the defunct Soviet Union and two more from Pakistan.

    Al-Jazeera: How is it possible to buy an atomic bomb? Isn't there
    Al-Asuquf: Before 1989 it was practically impossible, however after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Russian army began a process of self destruction, and some high generals began to lose their privileges, and therefore, highly susceptible to corruption. Even General Lebeb, now deceased, and Hans Blix, the head of the arms inspection commission of the
    United Nations, have stated this, notwithstanding denials by Russian Defense Minister Seguey Ivanov.

    Al-Jazeera: How much does a nuclear bomb cost?
    Al-Asuquf: Somewhere around 8200 million.



  • Registered Users Posts: 452 ✭✭xern


    Al-Jazeera: How did Al Queda get this money?
    Al-Asuquf: We have numerous sponsors.

    Al-Jazeera: Who are they?
    Al-Asuquf: There are a number of countries which support us, and also numerous wealthy individuals.

    Al-Jazeera: Are all of these countries Arab?
    Al-Asuquf: No, there are some European countries as well which have an interest in the fall of the USA.

    Al-Jazeera: Who are these wealthy individuals?
    Al-Asuquf: People who are also tired of watching the USA suck the wealth out of the rest of the world.

    Al-Jazeera: Is Saddam Hussein one of them?
    Al-Asuquf: You could say that he's just one of the collaborators,
    through Abdul Tawab Mullah Hawaish, his vice-prime minister and the person responsible for Iraq's arms program.

    Al-Jazeera: Are these atomic bombs powerful ones?
    Al-Asuquf: The five Russian devices are from the old T-3 missiles, also known as RD-107s, and their potency is something around 100 kilotons each, that is, 5 times as powerful as the Hiroshima bomb. The Pakistani bombs are less powerful, somewhere around 10 kilotons.

    Al-Jazeera: Can't the bombs be detected and disarmed by American authorities?
    Al-Asuquf: No, in spite of their age they've undergone modernization and are well hidden. Even if they were found, they have autodetonation provisions should anything get close to them. Even electromagnetic pulses would be incapable of deactivating them.

    Al-Jazeera: Don't they emit radiation? Can't they be detected?
    Al-Asuquf: No. They are wrapped in thick leaden cases.

    Al-Jazeera: A suspected Pakistani ship was recently searched and all that was found were lead bars. Does this have anything to do with the bombs?

    Al-Asuquf: Yes, however that lead was just an extra layer, and was not essentially necessary.

    Al-Jazeera: How will the bombs be detonated?
    Al-Asuquf: There are numerous methods, a cell-phone call, radio
    frequency, seismic shocks or by timer.

    Al-Jazeera: Once detonated, how many deaths will be caused by these bombs?
    Al-Asuquf: It depends, since our plans are very malleable.

    Al-Jazeera: So what is the entire plan?
    Al-Asuquf: The beginning will be the detonation of a nuclear device, which will cause the death of between 800 thousand and one million people and create chaos on a scale never seen before. During this chaos, two or three cropsprayers that are now dismantled and stored in granaries [silos?]
    close to little-used highways in the countryside will take off on suicide missions to spray two or three large American cities with smallpox. That means that once the smallpox has been identified, all airports and seaports will be closed by quarantine. Land borders will likewise be shut down..
    Not one airplane, ship or vehicle will enter or leave the United States. This will cause total chaos. White House Press secretary Ari Fleischman will be very busy.

    Al-Jazeera: But the American government has guaranteed that within five days it could produce enough smallpox vaccine to inoculate the entire population.

    Al-Asuquf: There will be simultaneous suicide attacks against the
    vaccine production plants.

    Al-Jazeera: Which will be the first city?
    Al-Asuquf: The first city will be that in which optimal conditions
    present themselves, for example, clear skies, and winds of eight miles-per- hour or less in the direction of the country's center so that radioactive dust can contaminate the maximum possible area.

    Al-Jazeera: Will this attack annihilate the USA?
    Al-Asuquf: No. But the process will have begun. Who will buy food products from the United States knowing they may have been contaminated by radiation?
    Who will travel to the United States knowing the possibility of
    contracting smallpox? Who will continue to invest in American
    institutions?Just as with the World Trade Center, it will be simply a question of time before the entire economic structure collapses and turns to dust. If our objectives are reached with one bomb and the smallpox, probably we'll save the lives of others, however that's risky [unlikely?], and it's probable
    that six more bombs will be detonated, one per week, and other attacks with chemical weapons will be carried out.

    Al-Jazeera: How many innocent people will die?
    Al-Asuquf: According to estimates made by me and Ayman Al-Zawahiro, somewhere around 15 million due to the atomic bombs and their radiation. Of those exposed to smallpox, 25 percent will die, approximately five million, and many more due to the ensuing chaos and disorder.

    Al-Jazeera: What about the American military response?
    Al-Asuquf: There will practically be none. Even if five or ten cities
    were chosen at random to be destroyed, that would still be a small price to pay. The problem is the economic despair will be so great that even economizing by not using arms unnecessarily will occur, since the liquidity of American goods will be almost zero and at that point the United States will make more selling its Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, which cost about five billion dollars, to Turkey or Italy for one billion dollars, since the country will
    so urgently need to recapitalize, though it will be too late.
    Moreover, how will the morale of American soldiers be knowing that their entire families have died and their country no longer exists. Fight for what?

    Al-Jazeera: And won't the global economy also be ruined?
    Al-Asuquf: In the beginning it will be very difficult; a serious
    economic crisis will ensue. However, without the United States, the world will soon arise in a more just and fraternal manner.

    Al-Jazeera: And Israel?
    Al-Asuquf: As they say... it will be dessert.

    Al-Jazeera: Does bin Laden's spokesman, Sulaiman Abu Gheith, know that you are giving this interview?
    Al-Asuquf: It was he and bin Laden who suggested I give it.

    Al-Jazeera: Osama bin Laden is still alive?
    Al-Asuquf: He is quite healthy, alongside his commanders Mohammed Atef and Khalid Shaik Mohammed and Mullah Omar.

    Al-Jazeera: Aren't you fearful that Al Queda's plans will be discovered?
    Al-Asuquf: The plan is already in its countdown, and nothing can stop it.

    Al-Jazeera: Not even if the United States asks forgiveness and changes its attitudes?
    Al-Asuquf: That won't happen, and even if it did, it's too late.

    Al-Jazeera: When will the attack begin?
    Al-Asuquf: I can't reveal that. Allah Akbar.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Interesting reading, though many of the quotes seem to come from an interview printed in the Sunday Times months ago. Or perhaps the ST interview was extracted from this, either way it's not that new.

    Al-Jazeera: How much does a nuclear bomb cost?
    Al-Asuquf: Somewhere around 8200 million.

    Someone's getting overcharged (assuming he's pricing them in dollars). WHere are they getting their bombs - Harrods? Shouldn't cost much more than 200-300 million for something fully finished and fully featured. Not a warhead mind you but they're only talking about a device, not something to fly it over. I'd change my retailer if I were Al-Quaeda. It'd be a lot cheaper if they went the self-build route (including sourcing the plutonium themselves - it's not that hard to find if they have enough money (which they do)), even if they had to build their own lab. 8200 million though? Nuts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭bubbles

    But why buy parts which will take time to build. If you have the money why not buy devices ready to go, so they can be moved as soon as possible, in the fastest possible time.

    If there are a few european countries that have invested in the downfall of America, and I'm sure there's a handfull - I'm sure that kind of money is not that hard to aquire.

    I remember reading a article years ago along the lines of For the US to survive, europe must be destroyed.
    Bascially you have 2 giant western superpowers(Europe to an extent: EU etc), both trying to leech the planet.. get rid of the competition.

    Personally I would love to see the downfall of America. Not through any violent means of course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,580 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    One of the primary aims of a terrorist is to terrorise - stories like these area low cost way of inspiring doubt and reduce morale - almost certainly a bluff.

    What exactly is Bin Laden waiting for if he has these nukes ready to go- hes never seemed to slow to kill civillians and create havoc before? Getting mellow in his old age?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    I smell horsesh*t propoganda .....

    Al-Jazeera: Can't the bombs be detected and disarmed by American authorities?
    Al-Asuquf: No, in spite of their age they've undergone modernization and are well hidden. Even if they were found, they have autodetonation provisions should anything get close to them. Even electromagnetic pulses would be incapable of deactivating them.

    Al-Jazeera: Don't they emit radiation? Can't they be detected?
    Al-Asuquf: No. They are wrapped in thick leaden cases.

    Uh huh ....... someone's probably been watching Bond movies again.

    Furthermore, said "source" just mentioned numbers of personnel and that they have been in the US for a long time. That gives the authorities profiling abilities.

    There is such a thing as propoganda y'know.

    Besides, if they set off nukes on US soil, the US response will probably be extreme to say the least. On top of that, any attempt at attacking Israel en-masse following such an act would possibly result in israel launching a full NBC attack on all neighbouring arab states.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,538 ✭✭✭PiE

    Some of it sounds convincing, but then theres lines like:

    "Al-Jazeera: But the American government has guaranteed that within five days it could produce enough smallpox vaccine to inoculate the entire population.

    Al-Asuquf: There will be simultaneous suicide attacks against the
    vaccine production plants."

    ...that just sound like they' tacked on and shoite.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 252 ✭✭BattleBoar

    Al-Jazeera: What about the American military response?
    Al-Asuquf: There will practically be none. Even if five or ten cities
    were chosen at random to be destroyed, that would still be a small price to pay. The problem is the economic despair will be so great that even economizing by not using arms unnecessarily will occur, since the liquidity of American goods will be almost zero and at that point the United States will make more selling its Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, which cost about five billion dollars, to Turkey or Italy for one billion dollars, since the country will
    so urgently need to recapitalize, though it will be too late.
    Moreover, how will the morale of American soldiers be knowing that their entire families have died and their country no longer exists. Fight for what?

    If he really believes this to be the case, then his faith in "Allah" goes well beyond faith to lunacy. Rest assured, if the US knows it is going down due to an attack by arab terrorists , it will take the entire population of the middle east with it...ESPECIALLY if, as is insinuated, a simultaneous attack on Israel is launched. Yes, such a mission would be suicide sure...the suicide of virtually the entire muslim population.

    The deaths of 20 million americans would surely be met with a response the ferocity and scope of which the world has never before seen. New Zealand or Australia would probably be the safest place to be in the case of such an event, with less nuclear fallout. Let us hope this is a bluff, indeed.

    Anyone ever read, "A Canticle for Leibowitz"?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 252 ✭✭BattleBoar

    Personally I would love to see the downfall of America. Not through any violent means of course.

    Of course not...mmm...

    That's a very thin line you're walking there bubbles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Firstly I believe much if not all of that interview to been propaganda and as Lemming so stated Horsesh!t.

    If however it did happen then the US would not sit on its laurels. I would expect the retaliation to be terrible. Remember the US is the nation that has the distinction to being the only country in the world to use Nuclear/Atomic Weapons in anger and on a first strike basis as well. They have also used depleted Uranium munitions in various theatres of war in recent times as well.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭dathi1

    Club travel are doing good rates to New Zealand

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,120 ✭✭✭PH01

    Well after reading that it's no wonder that people are backing Bush. Give him more money to spend on security and defence.

    What's that smell?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭daveg

    Interesting and a very scary read but I'd be inclined to say it's a hoax. If the bombs were in place before 9/11 why bother with the world trade center ? Why not just let off the bombs ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Originally posted by daveg
    Interesting and a very scary read but I'd be inclined to say it's a hoax. If the bombs were in place before 9/11 why bother with the world trade center ? Why not just let off the bombs ?

    As I said .... someone's been watching Bond movies again. It's a classic "villain telling the captured hero his plans before planning to have him killed by incompetent henchmen" read.

    Why haven't they set off the nukes already, as you rightly pointed out? Because they can't right now.

    This is what could quite easily happen in the event of those nukes went off on US soil......

    The US will launch a full NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) attack against ALL of its "enemies" since they will be unable to confirm who carried out the attack (as per Cold War protocols).

    under NATO protocol, and until the source of said nuke attack is confirmed, all nato allies launch at all "enemy" targets, including China and probably most of the ME and parts of Africa. These "enemy" states and their partners then launch retaliatory strikes against said nations, and any other nations on their hit-lists, thus ensuring "mutual destruction".

    Thus Al Queda will have done nothing but instigate genocide of the human race on a scale unthinkable. And they think the US is the "great satan"? :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,188 ✭✭✭growler

    it's certainly propaganda , probably from the US , though whether any government would do such scare-mongering through official channels is debatable (although bush never seems to tire of scaring the **** out of his own people) , but how many will read and believe this ?

    to date all we have heard of al qaida is anecdotal , i very much doubt they have 1000s anywhere ready to do their bidding, if they do we're f**ked anyway

    btw how can one say "long live september 11th" ? makes no sense ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by growler
    btw how can one say "long live september 11th" ? makes no sense ;-)
    The attacks on Sept. 11th 2001 were to mark an anniversary of a previous event.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,148 ✭✭✭✭Raskolnikov

    Originally posted by Victor
    The attacks on Sept. 11th 2001 were to mark an anniversary of a previous event.

    That's news to me, can you elaborate?

    As for the article itself? Well i think you'd want to take it with a metric ton of salt, i doubt Al-Queda would have the technical expertise to obtain and arm a nuclear device.

    Although worryingly enough i found myself agreeing with some of what was said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,188 ✭✭✭growler

    also puzzled by the historical significance on Sept 11th , of course many have invented reasons why this date was supposedly chosen but i am not aware of it being an important date in the islamic terrorists handbook , certainly never heard any bin laden interview where he says why that date was chosen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭Scottish

    Sept 11th is an anniversary of sorts, although not really related to the muslim calendar or religion. It happens to be the day that the US sponsored coup in Chile which saw the rise of Pinochet began, and also resulted in the death over many years of thousands of people. Kissingers hand all over it, and one of the principle reasons that he can't leave the US for fear of arrest. Its more ironic (if thats the right word) then symbolic.

    Of course, there may be some other reason?

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by Raskolnikov
    That's news to me, can you elaborate?
    I don't recollect exactly, it was mentioned at the time 11/9/2001. I think it was soem terrorist style attack in the 1970s.

  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭Scottish

    The anniversary with the CIA sponsored coup in Chile was mentioned in some newspapers (or maybe just the guardian), but was more a dig at how US aggression goes unnoticed and unpunished.

    Christopher Hitchens goes over it at length in his book about Kissinger outlining why he should be tried for war crimes, and other acts of terrorism.

    And Kissinger was appointed by Dubya to look at the events surrounding Sept 11th, and how the intelligence services got it so wrong. That man has more blood on his hands than bin Laden, its just the right kind of blood (in US eyes, of course).

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,483 ✭✭✭✭daveirl

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 38 spartic

    Can anyone give a source and date on this????
    "got this in an email"
    Most of my email is humour or fun you sure this isnt????

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    Originally posted by gandalf
    They have also used depleted Uranium munitions in various theatres of war in recent times as well.


    What is the relevance of using depleted uranium rounds. The US are not the only country to use them. The UK, France, Germany (I think) and several other Western countries use them. They happen to be very good at what they do. I don't think their use can be used as a pointer as to whether or not a country would exact a terrible revenge if 20million of it's population was murdered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    I'm surprised no-one has stamped on this already.

    Why would a high-ranking member of Al-Queda reveal the location or even the existence of nukes? :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,489 ✭✭✭Clintons Cat

    Its about time we had a clampdown on these kinds of threads,

    Especially the ones that go,"hey i just got this, what does every one else think/has any one else received this?"
    I notice that both times that this subject has been raised the original poster contributed absolutely no imput of his own to the discussion,just cut and pasted someone elses garbage and retreated to a safe distance to watch the fire works.

    Big funny no?

    what is it with these E-mail Chainletter loosers?
    dont they have enough people in their Adress books to spam with this kind of crap so they got to bring it on here?

    Dont get me wrong,if someone wants to disect these e-mails fair enough,let them start a topic and deconstruct them for themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by gandalf
    Remember the US is the nation that has the distinction to being the only country in the world to use Nuclear/Atomic Weapons in anger and on a first strike basis as well. They have also used depleted Uranium munitions in various theatres of war in recent times as well.
    Depleted uranium (DU) rounds are not considered Nuclear/Atomic Weapons. They do pose a lower radiation risk (a "dirty bullet/shell" if you wish). They work by using their high density to transfer the maximum kinetic energy to the target (usually a tank or aircraft). As depleted uranium is twice as dense as steel as well as being
    pyrophoric in nature - meaning that it ignites on penetration - DU was favored over its competitor, tungsten. Tungsten is being used as an alternative by several countries.

    DU is what is left over when weapons grade uranium is removed from natural uranium. Although solid depleted uranium is a low-level radiation hazard, emitting only alpha radiation that cannot even penetrate clothing or the skin, it can present a health hazard if physically ingested into the body. The fire and dust are the main means of ingestion.

    Most DU rounds are 20mm or 30mm cannon rounds for aircraft and anti-aircraft use and 25mm, 105mm(?) and 120mm rounds for tanks and other vehicles (sabot rounds where the low density outer casing is discarded, the actual DU sabot may be 20-30mm in diameter).
    Originally posted by MrPudding
    What is the relevance of using depleted uranium rounds. The US are not the only country to use them. The UK, France, Germany (I think) and several other Western countries use them. They happen to be very good at what they do. I don't think their use can be used as a pointer as to whether or not a country would exact a terrible revenge if 20million of it's population was murdered.
    I not quite sure what your point is but many countries have shied away from DU because of it's lingering effects, radioactively and as a heavy metal, even if they are “be very good at what they do”.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    Originally posted by Victor

    I not quite sure what your point is but many countries have shied away from DU because of it's lingering effects, radioactively and as a heavy metal, even if they are “be very good at what they do”.

    My point was in relation to this comment:
    Originally posted by Gandalf

    If however it did happen then the US would not sit on its laurels. I would expect the retaliation to be terrible. Remember the US is the nation that has the distinction to being the only country in the world to use Nuclear/Atomic Weapons in anger and on a first strike basis as well. They have also used depleted Uranium munitions in various theatres of war in recent times as well.

    What does using DU APFSDS & AAA rounds have to do with possible retaliation after your country has lost 20 million of it population in terrorist attacks. I don't think that a willingness to use DU is a valid indicator of whether or not a country will seek revenge after a fairly large portion of it's population has been wiped out. I think any country that suffered such an attack would want revenge, the question would be whether or not they were in a position to do it. As far as I know Ireland has never use DU rounds, do you think Bertie what want revenge if Cork and Galways populations were wiped out? I would think so.

    I don't know if that explains it any better but I have had a rough day and it is not going well in my head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,404 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by MrPudding
    possible retaliation after your country has lost 20 million of it population in terrorist attacks.
    What country are you referring to as having (hypothetically) lost 20m - the USA or Iraq?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,818 ✭✭✭Bateman

    >White House Press secretary Ari Fleischman will be very busy.

    I like it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Wow I read it on the net so it must be true!

    You have a mail that has all the hallmarks of a "Good times" virus, with no time reference and no credible source.

    It's a hoax at best, at worst a PSY-OPS experiment. It has certainly fooled some people.

    I don't know why, but for some reason (I blame Jerry Buckhemer) Americans can't get worked up about anything unless it's "Nuclear" or some "Space orbital death laser".

    What did the 911 hijackers use? Box cutters. Why? Because it was horribly easy to do. How easy do you think it is to sneak in 7 atomic bombs into the US?

    Look at what the IRA could do with a bag of fertilizer.

    Why would they need to smuggle in WMD when they could just use everyday goods?
