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wwe firings and injuries

  • 21-01-2003 9:01pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 607 ✭✭✭

    the wwe have fired both raven and justin credible
    - raven was a spent force but credible has still so much potential if given the chance - as he proved with ecw the fact that the wwe couldnt come up with one decent ctoryline to involve him speaks volumns as to who is the real dead wood but the firing comes as no suprise as he was recently suspended for turning up late to work 9as was jeff hardy)

    y2j injured by a shot from a kendo stick/singapore cane by dreamer - it was really swelling up during the rumble and took six stitches to close

    nowinski took a nasty knock in the face - the plan was for a double top rope drop kick from mysterio and edge but the misstimed and by the time edge jumped, mysterio had made contact - edge ended up lading feet first on nowinskis face

    also injured were kane (concussion) - taker helping him up off the mat was not a storyline alliance as it looked like - kane had troublr getting to his feet alone for real
    dreamer (cut from a foil thrash can) nothing serious and refused stitches
    demott(differing reports - broken arm to muscle tear) - got himself tangled up in the ropes
    hbk - did too good a job of blading himself and lost what was reported to be an excessive ammount of blood


  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Jimmy Joe Joe

    What a waste of Raven. That is just really wierd letting somebody go with that kind of talent. I heard that Raven was asked to move onto the booking committe, but wanted to keep working in-ring, that may be part of the reason he’s gone.

    I don’t know too much about Justin Credible though, from what I remember he only had one storyline(excluding the Invasion) and that was the X-Factor stable where he was overshadowed by the mouthpiece(X-Pac) and the muscle (Albert).

    I don’t understand some of the cuts they make, I for one was a big fan of Saturn and Stasiak too. There are a lot more people who I’d get rid of before any of those either (Mark Henry {who they can’t for contract reasons}, Crash Holly, Bradshaw, Scott Steiner etc.).

    On another note Tommy Dreamer seemed to be a busy boy with that kendo stick on Sunday night, didn’t he!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19 kenner

    Credible will never get over Aldo Montoya. End of discussion there. As for Raven, i liked him, and thought that maybe a flock type angle was in the works but i think there giving that to Matt which i think will do wonders for him.

    I doubt Tommy will get a push i think it was just a spot they put in to pop the crowd.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 607 ✭✭✭cmb.

    credible has gotten over aldo - for starters the vast majority of people who tune into the wwe have no idea who or what aldo montoya is anbd secondly, if credible could get over that gimmick with the ecw faithful and become a main eventer infront of one of the toughest audiences, the few wwe fand who didnt watch ecw and remember the montoya gimmick would have been easy to get past - hhh in 95 - pig pen matches with him rolling around in pig **** - doesnt haunt his career nowring master - pisspoor - didnt work - didnt hurt austin, the squeeky clean rocky miavia, issaac yankem , mark callus etc etc etc - maost big names had ****e gimmicks at one stage or another but so what

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭herbie747

    But Credible has a goofy face! Plain and simple; wrestlers can never be taken seriously when their teeth stick out. No matter how tough or good they are, if they look goofy people won't think they're cool.
    E.G. Justin Credible, Test, Bob Holly,

    D'lo Brown has a face like a fat 15 year old kid- a little roundy face; therefore he'll never look tough- no matter how hard he tries. And who wants to follow a wrestler who looks like a puff?

    I don't like Credible at all, just because he looks like a nerd when he tries to act cool: THATS WHY HE NEVER GOT OVER 'AT ALL' IN THE WWF! His teeth stick out and he looks goofy!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 607 ✭✭✭cmb.

    ggofy faces - all lesner is missing is a few zits and a finger up his nose - but he is drawing, like it or not, he is a big draw at the moment - credible will never be a main eventer in the wwe but to say he could never get over if given a decent gimmick and a decent chance - no , dont see it that way at all, he was put over as a looser and given piss poor gimmicks twice and no gimmick the third time round - sure a good gimmick is no guarantee that youll be made but a bad one is guaranteed to set you back to square one

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Jimmy Joe Joe

    Yeah, I pretty much agree with that. The WWE can get over anyone if they try hard enough. They just seemed not to care too much about him. Aldo Montoya is really only remembered by the smart fans, and if they can live with Issac Yankem, Hector Guerrero etc. then surely Credible has a chance.

    I heard that Raven pitched an idea to the Raw booking committee last week, which was given the green light-then all of a sudden was released! I really would have liked to see a Flock or ECW stable. Guys like Raven, Credible, Stevie Richards and to a lesser extent Dreamer are just wasted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭herbie747

    The reason they didn't try to get Credible over is because he hasn't got the look. His teeth stick out= he hasn't got a tough look. I didn't say he's not talented: but in the WWE, fans don't admire or follow goofy faces, and the bookers know this. How many pushes has Test and Bob Holly got? Quite a few, but they fizzled out pretty quick because the fans cant take them seriously as legitimate tough guys. The testicles gimmick will only last as long as Stacy Kiebler is around, and it still only has a mediocre following.

    Lesnar does look like a caveman, but he is also built like a tank, and has a genuine wrestling background which fans always like. Credible has none of this except the goofy head: and without the build and the genuine threat factor, he will never amount to anything in the WWE.
    I'm talking about WWE here people, just WWE. i.e: somewhere that actual ability will only get you to mid-card level unlesss you have 24" pythons! :(
    It also annoys me that Tajiri hasn't had any matches as good as he used to have in ECW! Remember Living Dangerously '99 vs Super Crazy? Same with RVD. We all know he can do better.....
    It's fuc*ing gay.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,154 ✭✭✭✭Neil3030

    Lance Storm. There is another fantastic ex ECW wrestler that has not been exploited to heis full potential. I would love to see a Storm RVD feud. Anyone see Guilty as Charged 99?

    Holy ****!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19 kenner

    You see this is something that really bothers me. Because ECW wasnt shown on any Channel available to most Irish people, save BRavo, the product they put out is greatly over-estimated. I have Guilty as Charged at home and to be honest while it's good it isnt anywhere near the quality of product that the WWE put out. Now i'm not some little WWE fanboy, at the moment, barAngle-Benoit etc their product sucks. In particular RAW, but to say that the likes of Justin Credible and Taijiri are being wasted or that ECW was better than WWE anytime thats not 1995 is just crazy talk. Take WM 17 for example. IMO the best PPV ever. No way ECW could hope to have put on a card like that.

    Look at the sheer size of the WWE roster! It's the biggest and deepest in Wrestling history. There isnt room to push the likes of Lance Storm into main event. He hasnt got the natural Charisma to justify it, not that thats ever stopped the WWE before, but he is getting pushed, so saying he's wasted is wrong. I mean he is a Tag Champ. If anyone is not being pushed its Booker. The guy is as over as anyone outside Angle and Brock and should be getting a shot at the main event. The Spinaroonie rules.

    And for all the ECW heads out there you'll be pleased to see RVD getting put in the Barry Windham role in the new Horsemen. Granted he'll be put below HHH but it should eventually lead to a fued between the two.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭herbie747

    I agree with you, but when someone like Spike Dudley gets a better push than Jerry Lynn, somethings wrong.

    I'm not saying ECW is better or was ever the same quality, but talent like RVD and Tajiri haven't had matches in WWF as good as they used to in ECW. And if thats a fact, there must be someone holding them back. They aren't allowed to use certain moves that will upstage the main event. Thats what my problem is with WWF.
    I'm a huge fan, don't get me wrong, but the stupid things like that could make the product better with no hassle: just let them wrestle to their full potential.

    They don't need pushes to have good matches.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Jimmy Joe Joe

    I agree with Kenner about ECW. People seem to have very selective memories about the quality of ECW’s product! Storm-RVD was a very good match, and was one of the first ECW matches I had ever seen, but it pretty much just entertained me due to the fact that it was a different style to that of the WWE. Where the WWE uses kicks, punches, restholds etc. to transition between spots-ECW were using chair-shots, table bumps etc. to flow the match along. It was a lovely change of pace to see that completely different style, but becomes tiresome eventually. Storm, I feel is at a perfect level at the minute, there is no IC / US belt, and he’s pretty much had the same gimmick since ECW (not his fault), but the only decent match the guy had since he arrived was(off the top of my head) -v-Edge @ Summerslam; which wasn’t that great to be honest.

    In relation to people movesets being hindered, I think the only main victim of that was Tazz (no pun intended!), seeing as he had to remove, like, 20 suplexes from his arsenal.

    Also the WWE current roster could put on a show any day of the week that would blow on anything any other Federation could put out in the last 10 years, they just have that much talent.

    BTW, I hope that RVD’s inevitable heel turn will help spice up his character and in-ring work-it’s worked wonders for Matt Hardy so fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 607 ✭✭✭cmb.

    i have to agree to some extent with what is being said about ecw - its made out to be a superior product to everything else from 94-2000 -
    wwe had vastly superior production values and more importantly execution of storylines - we all talk about the inovation of the ecw angles etc but the actual executions were very bad -

    lets not forget that wcw premiered lucha libre - nott ecw,

    the shallowness of the ecw lockerroom - sure in 95 an ecw card has sabu, dreamer, cactus, etc but it also had hach myerrs, don e, dirt bike kid etc etc etc -

    as for rvd - over rated - i was as guilty as anyone for my praise of the man - sure i knew he was wooden with a mike but his skill - well not any more -
    without opponents who alloew him to cause broken bones, fractured skulls, just how exciting is he - he cvant mest with other peoples styles at all - and cant carry an opponent -
    he ios only as good as his fellow worker and if their styles clash, he cant adapt and if they cant carry thier end, he is up s creek - the true talents in his ecw run were sabu and lynn who were able to bring out the best in him - he hasnt got what it takes to carry a major title in the wwe - as a transitionary champ - ok but not as a real prospect - you could never build a company around rvd - id love to see the wwe try, just to put and end to the debate - same as what happened with jericho (but to y2js credit - he become a real must see in the last couple of months - starting to rebuild himself)
