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Neocron players from saturn wanted

  • 29-01-2003 10:04pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭

    ok, gonna be startin a PvP Crimnal clan on the Saturn server
    interested in seeing how many players we can get for it.
    it is going to be roleplay only. so no one thats only around to p1ss around please. lookin for dedicated players only.

    so far we have 2 players, pistol tanks (yes, that means liberators :D)

    to contact us in game, direct or mail the following
    Ezikeel - Lurch - Seamus McDalley (thats me)
    Fluffy - Talis - Ruger (that the other guy)

    lookin forward to hearing from everyone :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Most irish peeps play on uranus that I know(2 people from dnc, sprial, me and jaggeh)

    I'm a /54 tank with a LE and a 5 slot tangent gatling cannon :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    at uranus , me myself and i :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,997 ✭✭✭jaggeh

    celt is a noobar

    im a /61 tank with a 1 slot cursed soul, a 1 slot doombeamer, a 2 slot blade of ceres and a 2 slot thunderbolt.

    /49 PE with 3 slot ryker plasma, 3 slot pocket blizzard, 2 slot atomfist

    /36 spy with 144 construction

    /38 monk noob char

    not to mention im smurfy :)

    O_o ......why the LE celt? you afraid :)

    wook whats your character name?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Jag I got a 2 slot doombeamer and a 3 slot paw of bear :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    character name 'wookie' tank 11/18 or something :)
    still trying to get the grips with all these implants and stats and the likes..comlicated game

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    If any of you are starting a character on Pluto I recommend doing up a Barter/Poker type character as since the introduction of LOM's they are the most sought after characters in the game.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    you Technocratic guys are going to merge with my clan ! :)
    cool stuff we probably going to rule neocron Uranus then !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    What clan be you in Wookie?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    Ronins !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Thought so :)

    The merger is canceled as ronins wont change either

    a) clan name
    b) clan faction

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Fluffy

    well on Saturn my characters are:

    Fluffy: PE 58/61 ** Perfect 1 slot liberator
    (poker, low gunner)

    Talis: Spy 47/47 * Artifact 2 slotted Pain Easer
    (poker, Driver)

    Ruger: Tank 51/61 * Artifact 2 slotted Liberator, Perfect 2 slotted Judge, Atifact Special Forces
    (Power Armoured death) :)

    It took me the space of 2 months to get 3 rare using chars and now thanks to the new patch i have lost all interest in the game and it has become no fun wat so ever other than juggle medipacs in plaza1

    sadly reaKKtor have now made it 'CarebearCron' :rolleyes:
    (for all u who arn't familar with 'carebear' it is a term given to som1 who is against PvP and fighting eg. people with LE chips in)

    the post above by lurch will no longer be happening, we're both leaving neocron in a rather pissed off and betrayed mood. :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,980 ✭✭✭meglome

    There are a few lads in dnc playing, I'll mention this to them

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by Fluffy
    sadly reaKKtor have now made it 'CarebearCron' :rolleyes:
    (for all u who arn't familar with 'carebear' it is a term given to som1 who is against PvP and fighting eg. people with LE chips in)

    Hardly. They just removed the senseless ganking of newbies. It is still as dangerous as it was. Switch to Faction fighting instead (TG) and you can gank to your hearts content.
    the post above by lurch will no longer be happening, we're both leaving neocron in a rather pissed off and betrayed mood. :mad:

    *Shrug* I actually like the new changes. Some of the up coming epic quests (the NPC's are in) will give better special items.

    There is still plenty to do. Getting to maxed isn't the point of the game.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Fluffy

    The lowbie ganking was part of the game, when i was leveling my chars i always had to watch out for the so called 'assh0les' who ran around constantly killing lowbies, this gave added excitement to the constant grind of XPing, if u didnt like it u had the LE chip option, which in all fairness is a bugger if u want to be in a clan but hey "Thats life" :/

    don't misunderstand me here but i never acctually done any of these lowbies ganks but i never looked less on people that did, because thats wat criminals do... it is a role playing game after all...

    the patches did remove this small annoyance to players but most do not see the large opening they have made for lameness even larger than lowbie ganking:

    Warbots... alot tougher than they used to be... need a high hacker... everyone says "ok we'll need a group of tanks, a spy or a psi monk"
    all sounds good until half way during the fight when the warbot starts winning and killing off the tanks, the spy runs away and relogs... the monster is no longer agro on him but he is still in the team, the spy can then happily walk about and thanks to the new Quickbelt idea because he is in the team he can open all the dead peoples quickbelts and make off...

    Making high monster hunts a group only thing is a good idea... but there is 1 hard fact that u cant forget about neocron, it does not have near enuf players online at any 1 time for this to be a feasible solution.

    Liberator problem:
    the liberator was said to be overpowered, a so called 'Piercing bug' it aint a feckin bug thats wat piercing does... it pierces... :rolleyes:
    the liberator + freezer pistol + high athletics, made a PE very powerful, so they fixed it... they reduced the lib damage by 20% but not only that they reduced freezers and run speed also, leaving Pistol PE's practically useless, where as... Rifle PE's with Pain Easer's are now immensly powerful (ive recently fought 1 in NeoFrog) its quite rediculous that they nerfed the lib and not the Pain easer, and with the LoM changes people are now stuck with their useless pistol PE's

    anyway ill stop b4 i burst a vein :)
    i don't like to bitch and whine about neocron because theres already enuf people doing it

    [Please dont even dare posting spelling or gammer corrections. cause i really cba typing in proper queens english :P]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    how do you get outside the city ? I have been to the outzone but cant goto the other area's.
    I just keep ending up at plaza 1
    i am getting tired of killing aggro's

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Fluffy

    if u get off subway at outzone then go down the ramps near the subway cars and keep running that way, u'll eventually see a large door guarded by 2 ugly monstrosities (STORM Bots)

    open the door and walk out and theres the wastelands.

    if ur around /10 /15 there are good mobs just outside the door for xping eg. 25/25 wolfs/contaminated bats

    if ur around /25 /30 u may like to make a run to the 'bunker' at military base... a prime XPing spot for mid levelers

    u can find the bunker directly north of the military base gates, u cant miss it, loads of people and loads of 50/50 launcher cyclops'

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by Fluffy
    The lowbie ganking was part of the game,

    No it wasn't. It may of been in the game but it wasn't intended for level 40+ characters to walk in and kill level 1 players while they were trying to level.

    The options they put in doesn't stop any of that. What it does do is make the people who do it a nicer target for the high level characters. In other words, you want to kill newbies then you will need the balls to live with your actions.
    if u didnt like it u had the LE chip option, which in all fairness is a bugger if u want to be in a clan but hey "Thats life" :/

    Yes that was the PK creedo. "You don't like me killing you, put in your LE". Well now they do and a lot of the PK'ers are crying like spoilt children.
    Warbots... alot tougher than they used to be... need a high hacker... everyone says "ok we'll need a group of tanks, a spy or a psi monk"
    all sounds good until half way during the fight when the warbot starts winning and killing off the tanks, the spy runs away and relogs... the monster is no longer agro on him but he is still in the team, the spy can then happily walk about and thanks to the new Quickbelt idea because he is in the team he can open all the dead peoples quickbelts and make off...

    Err, for one anyone in a team can open other team members quick belts. You don't have to be a hacker to do it. If you have a person in your team stealing your loot, then wtf did you let them in for?
    Liberator problem:
    the liberator was said to be overpowered, a so called 'Piercing bug' it aint a feckin bug thats wat piercing does... it pierces... :rolleyes:

    It was grossly overpowered. a lib could kill people before they even knew wtf was happening. Fully buffed and armed a Liberator dropped me almost instantly. I never came across any other weapon that was able to do this.
    but not only that they reduced freezers and run speed also,

    Freezers should of been reduced. There is only one character in the game that would need freezers and that's PSI monks as they are pretty much useless if the target keeps moving. Every other class can use a weapon that trains it's target.
    leaving Pistol PE's practically useless,

    Speak to Jaggah. He has tactics on how to make the PE not so useless.
    with the LoM changes people are now stuck with their useless pistol PE's

    Heh, they said some time ago the LOM changes were going in. The majority that got caught out where the ones that were exploiting LOMS to move their stats around when they felt like it. They aren't stuck with Pistol skill, they can LOM and gain back the levels, but some people aren't willing to put in the time.

    At the moment even with the skill reset on my PSI stuff I plan to lom a number of things. No biggie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Fluffy

    hehe i read your first post... im guessing ur main char is a psi monk ?

    if the answer to the above is yes then there is no point arguing any further :rolleyes:

    my fully kitted out tank with armour giving 100+ energy resist was nearly downed in 1 cursed soul burst... libby overpowered ? i think not

    im guessing u aint got a pistol user either

    even before the patch it was tough to stop a PA2 CS tank using a pistol freezer with a lib PE... now even more so
    If you have a person in your team stealing your loot, then wtf did you let them in for?

    [sarcasm]the same way u know everything about every1 on the server and know if their trust worthy or not?[/sarcasm]

    did u read my post well or just scan over bits u didnt agree with and could argue about?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Originally posted by Fluffy

    my fully kitted out tank with armour giving 100+ energy resist was nearly downed in 1 cursed soul burst... libby overpowered ? i think not
    My white pa tank with 0 energy res takes about 60-70 damage from a CS burst.

    I regularly hunt with a /70 libby PE.

    After the patch, he survives longer then me in any fight, does the same or barely less damage then me & has all the other benefits PE's have.
    Hate to think how much better he would have been before patch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Celt

    Originally posted by Fluffy
    The lowbie ganking was part of the game, when i was leveling my chars i always had to watch out for the so called 'assh0les' who ran around constantly killing lowbies, this gave added excitement to the constant grind of XPing, if u didnt like it u had the LE chip option, which in all fairness is a bugger if u want to be in a clan but hey "Thats life" :/
    How was lowbie ganking part of the game?
    Sure bored people and idiots did it, but bored people and idiot do lots of things.
    don't misunderstand me here but i never acctually done any of these lowbies ganks but i never looked less on people that did, because thats wat criminals do... it is a role playing game after all...
    If they were roleplaying, they wouldnt lowbie gank.

    "We are the Twilight Guardian freedom fighters, fighting for your freedom by killing random people just because we can" ?
    Warbots... alot tougher than they used to be... need a high hacker... everyone says "ok we'll need a group of tanks, a spy or a psi monk"
    all sounds good until half way during the fight when the warbot starts winning and killing off the tanks, the spy runs away and relogs... the monster is no longer agro on him but he is still in the team, the spy can then happily walk about and thanks to the new Quickbelt idea because he is in the team he can open all the dead peoples quickbelts and make off...
    You need a hack skill of around 60. Not all that high, 12 levels of int will do. Also, if you have a decent team the warbot may kill one or two, but never more.

    Whenever I log out and log right back in, I have always always not been in the team I was in before I logged out. The only time I am still in the team(and only sometimes) is when I crash.
    Anyway, what are clans and friends for, if not to go hunt with?
    Making high monster hunts a group only thing is a good idea... but there is 1 hard fact that u cant forget about neocron, it does not have near enuf players online at any 1 time for this to be a feasible solution.
    I play on the least populated server, Uranus. From midday to midnight I never have a problem finding or making a team.
    and with the LoM changes people are now stuck with their useless pistol PE's
    A stupid mistake by KK, they should have reset dex skill points.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by Fluffy
    hehe i read your first post... im guessing ur main char is a psi monk ?

    I play on Pluto so I only have one character.
    if the answer to the above is yes then there is no point arguing any further :rolleyes:

    Why? I have been on the recieving end of a Lib and it was the only weapon that killed me before I could even do anything. Sure a CS will kill me, but unarmed and unbuffed a CS still gives me enough time to do something, instead of just realising I'm dead.
    my fully kitted out tank with armour giving 100+ energy resist was nearly downed in 1 cursed soul burst... libby overpowered ? i think not

    nearly? My fully kitted out PSI monk buffed to the gills was dropped in a split second by a liberator.
    even before the patch it was tough to stop a PA2 CS tank using a pistol freezer with a lib PE... now even more so

    As I said go meet Jaggeh on Uranus (:)) He killed a maxed out tank with his PE no bother. It's a matter of how you attack. Tank tactics don't work with PE or PSI monk.
    [sarcasm]the same way u know everything about every1 on the server and know if their trust worthy or not?[/sarcasm]

    If you don't know the person, then don't join them to your team. It's that simple. Get to know the people.
    did u read my post well or just scan over bits u didnt agree with and could argue about? [/B]

    I read it all, but why would I argue with you with stuff I agree with? (was there anything I agreed with? :))

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Fluffy

    jesus i don't even know why im arguing about a game i dont even care about anymore, the truth is none of us are right because we've all had different experiences on different servers against different people with different skills.

    the problem is KK can't find a medium in all these complaints and their trying their best but so far they've only managed to annoy more people than they've made happy.

    anyway must stop this arguement its a senstive topic for me and i feel i will annoy people more than i may already have in trying to explain my problems

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    well you scored a point there.. this game well i am getting into the swing of things but if you would buy this game now , you are going to download what 15 patches ? just to start playing ?
    let's hope there be better games as Neocron coming up which are more stable and have a decent game structure.
    But once again , my clan kinda rocks and it's fun and adventure to travel the land and see those huge monsters for the first time ! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,983 ✭✭✭✭tuxy

    i didnt know there was any boads ppl on saturn
    im a /61 tank there called tuxy
    sorry to hear some of ye are leaving
    kk did screw alot of ppl with the latest patch :(
    it didnt affect me and i still find the game fun so im going to stay
    glad u put an end to the arguement fluffy it was starting to look like the official nc fourm in here :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 Fluffy

    damn right, nc forums piss me off.. flames, flames, flames :/

    hmm think ive seen u about tuxy, in plaza1 or summit
    let's hope there be better games as Neocron coming up which are more stable and have a decent game structure
    yes wook, me + lurch are moving on to the starwars: galaxies open beta ( it looks to have a rather strong game structure, personnally i can't w8 fer it :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,997 ✭✭✭jaggeh

    well for any of you that play on uranus, i killed Skojax last night with my pistol PE

    not even using rares, i hacked his belt and got all his armor, his doombeamer, his tang gatlin cannon, two heal spells.

    sold all of it in plaza 1 raised about 400k.


    so telling me the game is broken and unbalanced is a bit short sighted. you just dont have the tactics to survive.

    oh and the damage with a cs is based on H-C, my character is mixed with melee my cursed soul does on average 51 per hit to a titan, whereas Pariah a guy in my clan does 84, hes pure H-C.

    Agent Lyso is currently on -12 soul light due to some bounty hunt kills :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    Originally posted by Fluffy
    yes wook, me + lurch are moving on to the starwars: galaxies open beta ( it looks to have a rather strong game structure, personnally i can't w8 fer it :/

    1 character for twice the price of NC, and has a combat system based on pokemon card game (or card games).

    Not to mention a slight uproar about stuff being hacked out of the game recently, like cars/crafts for example (to name but one).
    you are going to download what 15 patches ? just to start playing ?

    I hate to break it to you but every MMORPG that has been out even a short time has the exact same issue.

    .. I am now pure PPU on Pluto and it rocks. I am able to sustain a ungodly amount of damage compared to others. Shame I can't hurt anyone. But the PPU character is now a serious money maker. I'm going to start charging per warbot kill as people have been paying me in rare parts and I have so many it's a pain to get rid of them.
