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Abuse from mods



  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Why did you delete your post before I had a chance to read it?

    If you feel you are right then you should stand by it, regardless of what anyone else says.

    We've demodded mods before, I've personally discussed modding styles with many a mod before. They are human too you know, they dont know everything. God knows we dont brief them but you'll get a lot more from them by engaging in DIALOGUE then in by demanding stuff...

    Why not try PMing them in a polite and conversational manner. Most mods only snap at posters because they are used to getting abused roundly from time to time themselves.
    Its a lot harder then you think...


  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    Originally posted by amp
    See Ricardo, this is a better line of attack: If you can't beat 'em, confuse the hell out of them.
    Which is exactly the reason why people should bring a single coathanger with them whenever they enter a public place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Originally posted by Talliesin
    Remember that outside of the board(s) an individual moderates being a mod means absolutely nothing.

    Nonsense, I get better seats in cinemas and discounts off cd's at HMV. Also, if I get another board to mod then I automatically get a free holiday in Spain.

    Btw you should see the free cars the Admins got.

    P.s. I resent the implication that I'm human.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Originally posted by Devore
    Why did you delete your post before I had a chance to read it?
    I think he may have deleted it because it made no sense (I am talking about his last posting not the original Thread Starter). Also As you can see from what has been posted since this thread has started he has had nothing but riddicule and mild abuse. However he is well entilted to post anything he wants, as long as it is an acceptable post.
    Originally posted by Devore
    They are human too you know
    Yep and fallable. I don't think that anybody denies that. It is more the blatant lack of consistency is the problem. I have seen cases where people have been called 'fools' etc... by mods (and in most cases legit) however they are breaking the so called "rules".
    Originally posted by Devore
    you'll get a lot more from them by engaging in DIALOGUE then in by demanding stuff...
    Really. My experience is that you get F**K all by engaging in dialogue with them. And I am not talking about being confromtational with them I am talking about asking them to review/look at an issue that they have made a decision on!
    Originally posted by Devore
    Why not try PMing them in a polite and conversational manner.
    Yea Right. That'll work.

    I think you yourself recently posted that you wanted to encourage newbies to the Boards and grow this so-called' community. Well I see nothing here that will attract them. If fact reading this thread would have quiter the opposite effect.

    You also said that this is not a democracy. I think you used the analagy of it being your house/front room where you invite people in freely once they play by 'Your' rules. Now that's fair enuf. But as far as I can see your house is getting too matey and it's time to stop the music foor a while and re-lay down the law. And start with the 'in-crowd' because the rest of us seem 2 be ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,309 ✭✭✭✭Bard

    Hobart - not all moderators are the same. There's quite a number of them on these boards and some of them are more lenient and understanding than others. Some, like me, have easier boards to moderate and don't have to 'rule with an iron fish'.

    Interesting though that out of your (only) 86 posts so far, quite a large proportion are bitching/complaining. Try to chill out, eh?

    [edit]: "fish" above is obviously a typo, but I left it in for the laugh.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,446 ✭✭✭✭amp

    Ah Hobart, I was just starting to like you and all.

    Personally I think we attract a lot of newbies. Some are tossers, some aren't. The tossers get flamed, the non-tossers eventually get accepted into the "in-crowd".


  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    /me slaps Bard about with a large iron fish

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,309 ✭✭✭✭Bard

    Originally posted by Gordon
    /me slaps Bard about with a large iron fish

    I'd never have guessed it was a comic strip,...

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon


    and for only $49.......

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Heres the bit that kills me. I mean, it really kills me.

    On every post, I mean EVERY POST ON THIS GODDAMN SYSTEM there is a "report this post" link.

    A mail is sent to the board moderator and to the admins.
    We review ALL reported posts. We also check to make sure the mod isnt going on a power trip.

    Now apparently there is a GREAT PROBLEM with Boards and the Mods and the abuse levels and the noob bashing.

    Yet, do you know how many threads have been reported?

    None. Not one.

    We have (and have had for 2 years) between 10-20 newbies a day. Consistent as clockwork.

    Some stay, some find it not their thing.

    It always amazes me that while the different boards are moderated by radically different people (and believe me there is no "in" gang, many of our mods cant stand each other)... its always the same names popping up as trouble makers.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,126 ✭✭✭][cEMAN**

    Originally posted by DeVore
    Now apparently there is a GREAT PROBLEM with Boards and the Mods and the abuse levels and the noob bashing.

    Yet, do you know how many threads have been reported?

    None. Not one.

    Not true - i've reported mods being abusive to n00bs before. My reply was from the mod of the board (who was the absive one) in an abusive manner.

    If the admins received the report I didn't receive a reply from them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,839 ✭✭✭Hobart

    Originally by Bard Interesting though that out of your (only) 86 posts so far, quite a large proportion are bitching/complaining.

    Are you bitching about me bitching?
    Originally by Bard
    Try to chill out, eh?
    Bard I am totally chilled out. I Don't give a flying fish about you, boards, amp (Hang on I'll take that back I love amp and his humerous quips). I have only ever loast sleep once over boards and that was when Kharn banned me from Homour for saying that a joke was crap. And It was crap. In fact:

    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn

    There: That's that out of my system.

    Originally by Devore
    Now apparently there is a GREAT PROBLEM with Boards and the Mods and the abuse levels and the noob bashing.

    I have just reported this posting to the Admins/Mods for using the word noob. It should have been nob or F**khead or amp. Plesae try to be clearer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Originally posted by Hobart
    I have only ever loast sleep once over boards and that was when Kharn banned me from Homour for saying that a joke was crap.
    I have just reported this posting to the Admins/Mods for using the word noob. It should have been nob or F**khead or amp. Plesae try to be clearer.

    FS......sorry lads, this one keeps managing to undo the shackles.

    /me tries to coax Hobart out while holding a large white jacket

    Come on, come on'll be much happier when we get you back to's OK, the nasty men can't hurt you anymore.....

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Iceman, we got your reported post. We looked at the situation and the history and took no action at the time, deeming no action necessary. I did respond to you're PM at the time and I did look into it.

    That was, however sometime ago and only when you personally were kicked from CS.

    Oh and hey Hobart... dont take my reasonableness to mean anything other then that I *try* to be a civil person. Something I dont see much of from you. So, if Boards really means so little to you and you couldnt care less about us, then you could solve this "problem" very quickly.


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,309 ✭✭✭✭Bard

    Originally posted by Hobart
    Are you bitching about me bitching?

    I was just saying it was (mildly) interesting to see how much of your time you spend doing it is all.
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn
    That Joke was crap Kharn

    There: That's that out of my system.

    Y'see, part of what I meant by "chill out" was "LET IT GO ALREADY",... but if you really do feel the need to drone on and on, sure, go ahead - knock yourself out :rolleyes:

    If you're not interested in being reasonable and civil yourself, then you can't really expect to be able to demand it of others.

    If you ARE interested in doing so, then... well... please do.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,263 ✭✭✭Caesar_Bojangle

    Quit your jibe talkin turkey.

    The legend has it that the more boards to a mod's name the smaller his genitalia is, so this could possibly be the most plausible reason why mods take it out on newbies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,924 ✭✭✭✭BuffyBot

    I'm suspect this is going to sound a bit thick...

    ..but why don't these people, if they have such a big problem with specific mods, just send a PM to one of the admins? Are they scared of them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,006 ✭✭✭theciscokid

    i hope these troublemaking board users are singled out and dealt with,

    i'm not the bad guy am i?


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,676 ✭✭✭Gavin

    You are a newbie and arrive try out this sytem your mate mentioned to you. You post something and the mod gives out to you for whatever reason. rtfm, search the board, search google etc.

    Being a newbie, do you complain about the mod to the other people in charge of the board whom from your pov are probably buds of the admins, that's assuming they even know the difference between mods and admins ? Odds are you probably won't complain, you'll either write up a snotty reply, or just say **** this and not bother come back.

    3 mates that I've encouraged to use the board have had this experience from various moderators, or else actually been intimidated from posting from reading such stuff.

    It _is_ a problem. I don't really know what the solution is apart from making an attempt to keep the old boys network/sarcasm/general abuse to private boards.

    But to contradict myself, I enjoy abusing posters that have been here a good while and post something stupid. *shrug* I don't know the answer. Give newbies slack in general I suppose.

    Gav, the rambling man.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    Nice post Gav,

    And yes it is probably true. However show me any web based community board where there are no cliques. I doubt you know any or they are very few indeed.

    The problem here seems to be with new users who join and start to post alot of "useless posts" quite rapidally upon joining. When I join a new forum I will take my time to have a look around before posting. I think alot of the people who are having problems here are jumping in before they check out what is acceptable and what is not on the various boards. Personally I believe new users should be limited to a maximum number of posts they can fire up per day for the first month or they cannot post for the first week after joining,

    Moding a board is not easy especially a high volume one, I know Politics is probably one of the most challanging as Devore will testify to (we have dealt with our fair share of wackos in our time !). The Humour board is also a high volume one with high potential for damaging posts. If a co-worker sees a Pornographic picture linked or embedded on a post they can sue the company for Sextual Harrassment and the Directors of the company are liable, if I happen to be the poor smuck who clicked on that link then I'm out of a job and this could come back and haunt (yes I sneak onto boards during my working day, normally while holding on the phone trying to sort out another problem!!).

    The time has come for common sense. Hobart stop whinging you are starting to annoy people, some of whom could have been on your side.


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Originally posted by DeVore
    On every post, I mean EVERY POST ON THIS GODDAMN SYSTEM there is a "report this post" link.

    A mail is sent to the board moderator and to the admins.
    We review ALL reported posts.

    Blast it. Does that mean you got a copy of me reporting my own post the other day? I'm embarrassed now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,143 ✭✭✭spongebob

    I think you should always report your own posts in the humour board ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    I think there's far too much complaining going on here. Go with the flow and chill out. It's just a bulletin board after all, not the end of the universe.

    Plus amp is funny, so shut up. I hope he drags this off-topic more because it's the only thing in this thread worth reading.

    "Mods are people too"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    Of course, you know that this isn't really about "abuse of moderatorship", it's about "abuse by moderators" - the usual chestnut that comes up every time a moderator (on a forum other than their own) tells someone where to shove it. Apparently the word "moderator" under your name indicates that you're meant to be the saintly earthly personfication of light and truth.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by Verb

    3 mates that I've encouraged to use the board have had this experience from various moderators, or else actually been intimidated from posting from reading such stuff.

    The thing is... you have to learn to hold your own on a web board, it's not like everybody and I mean everybody hasn't been on the thick end of a mod, a swarm or just felt a little indignant at some point.

    At this point you either decide for whatever reasons to leave, post less or simply ignore people/situations you find hostile, but, in my opinion, bleating about 'unfair' treatment, will in most instances make you a target.

    In the final analysis, it's a web board, not the end of the world.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,564 ✭✭✭Typedef

    Originally posted by koneko
    I think there's far too much complaining going on here.

    I'd just like to complain about koneko right about now. (S)he never takes things seriously at all, and seems really laid back.... clearly this is no good for winding people up.

    If this is allowed to continue, noobies will end up feeling at peace, as opposed to persecuted (as it should be).


    I feel sullen... as if my right to inflict feelings of anxiety on others has somehow been undermined by such a non-chalant attitude to taking the piss out of clueless noobies...


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,126 ✭✭✭][cEMAN**

    Originally posted by DeVore
    Iceman, we got your reported post. We looked at the situation and the history and took no action at the time, deeming no action necessary. I did respond to you're PM at the time and I did look into it.

    That was, however sometime ago and only when you personally were kicked from CS.

    Soz Dev this wasn't the incident I was refering to. I was on about something a good bit before this.

    TBH there's a few times i've seen mod posts that I should have reported but didn't because I know some would take it at harmless fun though people new here would more than likely take great offence to it.

    You can't join and be part of the in crowd straight away and you can't know what people are like either. Some people could have a bit more tact when dealing with new people because as people have pointed out here - a lot of decent people can be put off while the ones who would rather just spam wouldn't care what's said and keep posting.

    Now which of those two would you prefer? The civilised newb or the abusive spammer - because as I said only one would stay once insulted repeatedly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,987 ✭✭✭✭zAbbo

    who do we report the mods to?

    I mean i`m sure dev|cloud|regi etc have enough on there hands

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    I feel abused by Typedef.

    I'm reporting this post.

This discussion has been closed.