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The Facts About The Next Gen Consoles!

  • 31-03-2001 2:26pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 8

    Okay alot of people seem to have wrong ideas about the new consoles hitting our shelves in the near future first of all Sega is working for sony now and has anounced it will be making some of it's biggest games ever.

    Nintendo's craply named Gamecube is not out until late 2002 and it can't play DVD's or go on the internet it is basically a N64 with double the graphics.The GBA will be big for one stupid reason "POKEMON!"

    X-Box is the most powerful console ever okay nothing is better than it even though I have a Playstation 2 and a huge fan it's the truth and can I say PS2 has the best games ever(SSX,NHL 2001,NFL 2001,Z.O.E,STAR WARS STARFIGHTER).

    And Twister sony have been out since the fifties and are the richest electric company in the known world.And about your beloved Gamecube it won't compare to any other console



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    Dear God, you're full of crap.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Sega is working for sony now</font>

    No they're not. They have licensed other companies - mostly Acclaim - to make PS2 ports of some of their big name titles. Sega themselves are focusing development on Xbox and GBA.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Nintendo's craply named Gamecube is not out until late 2002</font>

    Actually, it's out pre-Christmas in the US and Japan, and will be out over here at roughly the same time as Xbox.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">it can't play DVD's</font>

    The Gamecube itself can't. The Matsu****a/Panasonic manufactured DVD players which incorporate Gamecube hardware can. Besides, would you want your Playstation to play VHS? No, of course not, you buy a VCR for that. DVD playback in consoles is a bit of a gimmick, given that so many people already have standalone players.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">or go on the internet</font>

    Indeed. Nintendo have decided that the console market doesn't need Internet stuff yet - they're building a console with connectivity to GBA and so on, but no net connection; a console that isn't a home entertainment system, it's for Playing Games (shock!). I personally think they're right, given the teething troubles Sony and Sega have had with net stuff.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">The GBA will be big for one stupid reason "POKEMON!"</font>

    Yes, because obviously the GB/GBC sold 100 million units on the back of Pokemon - which didn't come out until a couple of years back. And clearly, 600,000 GBA units were sold last week on the back of Pokemon - which won't be on GBA for another 12 months. The GBA is a great handheld console which has some top games, and Nintendo have orchestrated the launch and software line up for it perfectly. Please cease talking out of your gaping butt.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">X-Box is the most powerful console ever</font>

    Can't disagree there. It's a top-notch piece of hardware.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">can I say PS2 has the best games ever</font>

    No you sodding well can't, because it's patently not true. I realise that there is obviously a large degree of subjectivity in what console you think has the best games ever, but saying that the PS2 has the best games ever is beyond ludicrous. ZoE is a top game, as is Starfighter; I know a lot of people who like SSX. However, you compare this lot to the software catalogue of the Dreamcast or the original Playstation - hell, or the SNES! - and it comes up VERY short indeed.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">are the richest electric company in the known world</font>

    I think Matsu****a, Philips and GE would take issue with you saying that. SCEE has less turnover than NCL anyway. Besides, you say the known world - you expecting us to find a richer electronics company in the deep jungles of Borneo somewhere?
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">your beloved Gamecube it won't compare to any other console</font>

    We return to the previous theme of "talking out of your gaping butt". The GC in raw power terms is significantly more powerful than the PS2, and competes quite favourably with Xbox - although there is no final Xbox hardware yet to run benchmarks on, so it's hard to tell at this stage. They're quite even on performance anyway; Gecko and Flipper are VERY impressive chips. GC also has the same ease of development being boasted by Xbox, as its based on SGI's OpenGL technology.

    Not to mention that GC will have Nintendo internal dev working on it exclusively, so we'll see Zelda, Mario, F-Zero, Starfox, Mario Kart, Metroid et al on the console - nirvana for gamers. Not to mention that Namco have thrown support behind the console, as have Rare (naturally) and many others...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 670 ✭✭✭Sliotar

    hhhmmmm.. you seem to be a bit of an expert on nintendo shinji... maybe you'd know if nintendo are going to create a new game charachter/merchandise thingy? we're all pretty sick of mario and friends at this stage (especially seeing as mario was a stupid overly japanese idea in the 1st place). ppl are always complainin bout the amount of playstation sequels, but nobody seems to notice that mario must be somewhere around his 60th game by now. im not trying to start a nintendo v sony row, and i do recognise that the mario games are classics. im just askin a question

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,617 ✭✭✭✭PHB

    mm mario lets see.
    We have KONG(Kinda)
    The Lost Worlds
    Super Mario World
    Yoshies adventures
    Mario 64
    rest werent gamnes just a franchise

    So that makes 7 not including GB ones.
    60 a bit off,
    and ne1 thats the thing sony lack a mascot

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Xithus

    Nintendo makes games for kids. Simple as that from Mario to Pokemon its a 12yr old market.
    Sony IS the biggest electroic company in the world. But I agree that the games for the ps2 so far are not amazing (I have a ps2).
    Id get a GBA if it could play mp3's... which it cant.. so I dont want it... yet.
    AND FINALLY !! The XBox is a Glorified PC !!
    Intel Chip - Nvidia Graphics - Windows CE(probably)... Sounds like a god damn Pc to me, And I already have 1...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,685 ✭✭✭✭BlitzKrieg

    Uhmmmm Mario Golf

    Mario Doctor

    (plus sequals)

    Mario party

    Mario the fighting game piece of crap

    Plus more:

    i think there was 6-7 mario games on nes

    another 5 on snes

    countless on GB

    5 more on n64

    and now MORE!!!!!!!!!!

    maybe not 60 but still its toooooo much.

    At least Crash (oh wait he is)
    At least they aint doing this toooo much to donkey kong or Sonic

    actually i'm sick of most platform games Why we taling about consoles anyway. Anything they do the PC can do better (except Uhumm fighting and platform)

    Goldeneye is crap compared to quake 2 even so wha was the fuss

    perfect dark is ****

    Strategy games on ps2 (kessen) are also repetitive

    H+D was ok on Dc Better on PC

    so sleep well people B+W will be best on PC not ps2 or DC..

    To clear up all thoughts i own(ed): psx DC PC(x4) Saturn mega drive game boy master system game gear atari amstrad and i have played most other consoles.

    My fav is PC then DC for Shenmue but i'm currnetly enjoying H+D (pc) and Final fantasy seris

    so sue me

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭bugs

    Ahh ya have to love the lovely mindless rantings. I'd love to get involved but i don't think i can be bother waffling about machines that aren't out here yet and won't be for a very very long time, i think i'll stick to playing the games that are out now.

    Must say tho , bought a DC , sold it the next day due to getting so fed up with how bad all the games are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    bugs gets more amusing by the day - until the point where he actually goes mad enough to start chopping folk up with chainsaws and so on. I mean, this is the guy who sold a Dreamcast because the games weren't as good as on his PS2, and constantly claims that we know nothing about GC or Xbox... Dear me. smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,264 ✭✭✭✭Hobbes

    PS4 will be the best machine ever. Why?

    1. Because it's not out yet.
    2. No one has a clue about the specs.

    The only thing it's got going against it is the company has actually made consoles before.

    I'm basing how cool it is on the x-box.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 670 ✭✭✭Sliotar

    hhhmmm.. im in the mood for a nice 'aul mindless rant.

    consoles probably are better at games than the pc, for the following resaons.

    you dont need to be a technical genius to get your games running to an acceptable degree. i got red alert 2 there recently, it crashes constantly, at least once for every 2 hours of play. i have a p3-500 and 128 megs of ram, most other things on the comp run ok, what am i doing wrong? i dont have clue. could i be arsed finding out? no. if red alert 2 was on the ps2 i would buy it knowing that i need'nt worry about it crashing every time, despite the fact it would be more limited than the pc version.
    consoles are far more affordable. even after you buy your £1000+ pc your still gonna need to splash out on some expensive extra gear. you will then have to update regulary if u want to keep playing the games the way they were meant to be played.
    the good console games (this is excluding trash like hugo and buzz ligtyear adventures) are developed to a higher standard. the technological limitations means developers have to work harder to get the game to run properly. a game cannot be released with any bugs as you cannot patch it later on. pc developers can get lazy in that if the game doesnt work on a p2-300, they'll just put it on a p3-800 without taking into account the new problems this creates. because they know they can patch it they dont have to bother trying to fix all the little problems.
    getting 4 mates in 1 room playing a game you all like is a lot more fun than playing online in a room on your own. it doesnt have the same the scope but has lot more fun.
    of course, playing on a lan is the best choice, but not all of us can afford or have access to a lan.

    there, ive just wasted 5 mins of my time typing all that out, and am ready to recive a flaming, as im not about to delete it all now, even though i realise how utterly stupid every word of it is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭vac

    lol Rob your posts always make me giggle...

    F00kin smarty pants knows waay to much for his own good biggrin.gif

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    Er, thanks, I think. smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,685 ✭✭✭✭BlitzKrieg

    Blitz here to flame slioter (****er)

    ok so consoles are designed for gamers??? not the next generation ones in theory

    uhumm Xbox and Dreamcast if u read their specs and..... their policies are trying and trying to be more like the pc world

    The Dreamcast can be upgraded in the US like a pc u can get a better modem for uer "DC Q3" gaming. So i dont know why i just said that ahh well.

    The thing is u play for ohh about 8-10 years of consoles from the master system to the psx2 u then get hooked on pcs for the next 5 years ok (i've been playin since 2??)

    try goin back to consoles???

    VERY FU(KEN hard yep it is very irratating you buy less games cause only the best will do and even then if u have a pc and all the console in the room i still play a 2 year old pc game over the latest psx offering.



    we'll put it like this: for exchange of a simple and goddamn easy to use machine u get simple ****ty games (a few gems)

    For a slightly more complex and involving and overall better experiance u gotta withstand a dosage of installation

    And hey my RA2 was busted aswell but cleared up after i reinstalled it smile.gif

    And the price tag??

    PSX= play games
    PC= Play games surf net get a A in history project PORNO!!! and alot more wink.gif

    only consoles overing anything close to a pc experiance is DC for the net (PORNO!!) and X-BOX cause the makers of it make pc software so they know wha they doin (we think)

    1 last detail how come the "greatest psx game" Metal gear solid got such a luke warm pc reception ahh well

    oh yeahh BLEAM!!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭bugs

    Ahhh, mutterings of the "shinji" , well mistar :P, if you can show me a running game of either the Xbox or the GC , in my front living room i will quite happily bend over and let you an4lly ream me smile.gif

    Consoles versus pc's ???? matter of preference or in most cases , both , except for the DC of course , cos its a spawn of the devil!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭Q_Ball


    /me shakes fist in the air

    Just you wait boy!!!

    You know people when you do find somebody, hold that woman, hold that
    man, love him, hold him, squeeze her, please her, hold, squeeze and
    please that person, give 'em all your love, signify your feelings with
    every gentle caress, because it's so important to have that special
    somebody to hold, kiss, miss, squeeze, and please.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,335 ✭✭✭Cake Fiend

    Jesus, this topic gave me the best laugh I've had in a long time. A hearty LOL at the irony of the title and first post.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">if you can show me a running game of either the Xbox or the GC , in my front living room</font>

    Oh, so now we're not allowed to talk about products that can't be played in your living room?

    I've played Xbox titles, albeit not on final hardware, and I think that speculation based on information about the hardware and track records of the developers involved for Xbox and GC alike is perfectly valid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭DeadBankClerk

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by HAIRY JOE:
    Nintendo's craply named Gamecube
    it is a big purple cube. hence the name. a crappy name for a console is "playstation 2" (yes i know sony are selling the PS2 on the back of the most popular console ever, psx)
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
    The GBA will be big for one stupid reason "POKEMON!"
    pokémon is arguably one of the best games ever, and invented a whole new genre. (and stop bleeting about nintendos lack of innovation, nintendo ARE innovation:

    mario bros: the first side scrolling platform game
    mario 64: the forst (and best) 3d platform game
    pokémon: pioneer of the gotta-cath-em-all genre :)
    mario cart - orgasm in a cartridge, often copied never equaled
    F-zero X - 30 cans on screen with no slowdown, and the game is soooo fast and sooo smooth and sooom much fun.
    Starfox - 3dfx chip build into a cardridge.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">can I say PS2 has the best games ever(SSX,NHL 2001,NFL 2001,Z.O.E,STAR WARS STARFIGHTER).</font>
    no u may not. no 1 console has the best games ever
    PSX: wipEout, metal gear, tekken3, gran turismo
    N64: mario64, goldeneye, f-zeroX, banjoo kazooie. ZELDA. ZELDA. ZELDA.
    DC: virtua tennis, metropolis street racer
    phantasy star (hopefully i will get worms wolrd party soon.. mmmm online wormage...)
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">And Twister sony have been out since the fifties and are the richest electric company in the known world.</font>
    true, but microsoft is the richest company on the world.
    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">And about your beloved Gamecube it won't compare to any other console</font>
    thats because u all seem to be (except shinji the master geek :P ) blissfully unaware that the gamecube is (according to the big N) aimed at younger gamers. thats what nintendo do well. branding cute characters, and twinning them with orgasmic gameplay. all your kids are belong to pokém
    on, and nintendo know it, and they will own all your money soon.

    imho metal gear solid 2 is a sell out to sequel-dom.

    - Dead Bank Clerk -
    [clergy]Altar Boy
    "Build a man a fire, and he'll
    be warm for a day. Set a man on
    fire, and he'll be warm for the
    rest of his life."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">shinji the master geek</font>

    Hey, I'm paid to know this stuff smile.gif

    (I'm also a geek, but that's beside the point dammit!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭DeadBankClerk

    cool. whats ure job?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    I'm senior reporter (basically next in line to the editor) on CTW, which is a big international games industry trade magazine. We sponsor stuff like E3 and ECTS.... So yea, it helps to know all this crap about games wink.gif

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 670 ✭✭✭Sliotar

    well it looks like we have something of a celebrity right under our noses on the boards smile.gif. and yes blitz, more or less everything you said was true but so was more or less everything i said wink.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭DeadBankClerk

    cool. can u get me a subsciption? or a job for the summer? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

    /me is in 1st year computer science in trinity to get a degree so i can make metal gear solid / goldeneye games smile.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,335 ✭✭✭Cake Fiend

    (still laughing at hairy joe)

    DBC, you should check out the Ludo games design course in Ballyfermot - gives a good all-round experience of games dev and teamwork.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭DeadBankClerk

    /me was looking into doing that after 4th year...
    but i was wondering would they only offer peon skills, to me a comp sci graduate? would it be like going for my ECDL thing? :)
    european computer driving licence? (microsoft peonery)

    - Dead Bank Clerk -
    [clergy]Altar Boy
    "Build a man a fire, and he'll
    be warm for a day. Set a man on
    fire, and he'll be warm for the
    rest of his life."

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,651 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Nintendo make by far the best games, and over the years not much has come close to their masterpieces, mariokart, metroid, zelda, marioworld, mario 64. They didn't release enough games for the N64 imo, and bulk of games(good or not) seems to sell these days, I've yet to see a game on the playstation that makes me want to buy that console, yet I bought a dreamcast and love it to bits, most impressive time was when I first slapped soul caliber in, yet to c a game match it flash graphic wise, even later games, it just oozes arcade appeal.

    Sony being the richest electrical manufacturer?

    Microsoft made 16 billion profit a couple of years ago, the profit margin was 40% of revenue, bill gates = richest man in the world, and he wants it to succeed(look what sony did with the playstation). If he throws enough money at it, he will eventually, + the hardware should do some pretty fancy stuff at the res TV's are at.

    The GC will do well, the japanese love nintendo, and now they've gone to a large storage format a few of the old faithful may come back(Square?). The N64 had more graphics power, but not the space to put it to great use, + they couldn't use FMV's to cover up aging graphics.

    GBA will be the best ever, mariokart everywhere, + 4 player, reason enough alone to buy it

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,099 ✭✭✭✭WhiteWashMan

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Shinji:
    I'm senior reporter (basically next in line to the editor) on CTW, which is a big international games industry trade magazine. We sponsor stuff like E3 and ECTS.... So yea, it helps to know all this crap about games wink.gif</font>

    and i still remember those days when he was just a secondry school gimp studying up in cavan (or monaghan, or wherver) and boring everyone in the pub with his dribbling and sleeping qualities. oh, and he used to fancy me as well, and never said no when i offered my bed to him...

    now, report that mr senior reporter. oh, and you called my mate eric a ****er smile.gif
    glory days....

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,685 ✭✭✭✭BlitzKrieg

    HEy astro did u try shenmue or phantasy star online for the DC yet????

    I have Shenmue iand i thought it was a classic but i havnt tried PSO

    have u????

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by WhiteWashMan:

    and i still remember those days when he was just a secondry school gimp studying up in cavan (or monaghan, or wherver) and boring everyone in the pub with his dribbling and sleeping qualities. oh, and he used to fancy me as well, and never said no when i offered my bed to him...</font>

    Dribbling and sleeping? Sounds more like Conor smile.gif

    And as I recall, I slept on your sofa several times but never in your bed. *sob*


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭Q_Ball

    PSO is one of my most favorite games of all time. I think it's better than shenmue (another one of my fav's) but shenmue II looks pretty schweet.

    Teeheehee, i think playstation 2 is a fitting name for a console that recieves mainly sequels to games that came out on psx. A sequel console for sequel games.

    You know people when you do find somebody, hold that woman, hold that
    man, love him, hold him, squeeze her, please her, hold, squeeze and
    please that person, give 'em all your love, signify your feelings with
    every gentle caress, because it's so important to have that special
    somebody to hold, kiss, miss, squeeze, and please.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,651 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    don't have PSO yet, i'm still trying to wade through all games already bought, currently I'm just started in shenmue, disc 2 in Resident Evil-CV, The end part of FF8(gonna do this after a year on the shelf, get 9 soon), a bit through op4, finished Deus Ex, just got Q3TA, (paly UT more tho, if only for strangelove), unlock 2 more people in marvel vs capcom, finish DOA2 in every possible way, get something going in crazy taxi, play the sims for a second time, maybe start CM2, the list is endless, when I'm done with them, perhaps I will buy more, oh yea, open all weapons in power stone 2
