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Goodbye -- I'm off to CTYI

  • 17-06-2001 9:44am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭

    Well, i guess this is goodbye for a little while, in about 3 and a half hours time i will be in DCU... strange thinking about it, time has kinda stood still up until now and i only know two other people going... hmmm... Well i'll miss you all and stuff and remember i *need* lots of letter (especially from people i dont know so they can introduce themselves -- i promise a letter back!) Send to Fionnuala Gibney c/o CTYI, you know the craic.


    PS. Time is still inching forwards... :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    well, a week in and things are starting to look down again. ok well it's DCU and it will live forever.

    To many of you: Thanks for the letter (especially you Bob and Kevin)

    Live well, dont eat canteen food! :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    y'alls is here now fi .. wheeee

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    canteen food is the spawn of evil, thats just a phrase, as it is me who is evil which is a good thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    mmm,hairy chickens and uncooked spagetti-i can hardly wait

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Do not insult the chicken, the chicken is all around us. It never leaves .... noooooooo!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Who is Robbie Burke? Do I know you? My name is Carolan and I like potatoes.


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Well, apparently I am Bob, Evil Bob. From eCommerce .. who are you and what course do you do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    how dare you take the name of the Lord Our Bob in vain,you heathen!
    and He most certainly is NOT evil,you blasphemous(is that spelled right?) swine!
    now you'll never get into Topside,you........big.......leper!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    In fact he is Evil Bob the Fat Builder :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    IT IS ***BOB*** BAH TO YOU

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,026 ✭✭✭sisob

    BOB bob bob, stop that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Yes bob do stop that, STOP IT NOW.

    So what happens when we go back in time and destroy the time machine that go us there before we left????

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I just over a days time I will be carting bags and suitcases into a car. Possibly 2 cars. I have with me 68 CDs. They're all I've packed so far. Scarily I know the order I bought them in and could , possibly, give a rough idea of the time I bought them (date and what).

    Anyway, off to have a shower. Bubye all! See you tomorrow.

    Don't write me. I hate you all. I'm joking. Address it to Sven. If there's another, we'll just judge by postal stamp.

    Choose life. Choose murder.

    [This message has been edited by lordsippa (edited 07-07-2001).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭smiles

    Well Session 1 is over. I'm home. I'm tired -- my legs hurt and my bruises are emerging.

    Now i know what it's like to be a Nevermore. I cried. Enjoy it while you can -- it'll never be the same ever again.

    Much sad hugs,

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Well, I am also off in the morning, anybody who's going to Session 2 I look forward to meeting you (I'll be the guy who plays CDs really loud through the big amplifier in his window) anybody who isn't write to me like you did Fio except that my name is Ian Mulholland, and I will also reply. OK? Enjoy the session, I'll still be checking in here and @ Bored whenever I can get online so you shouldn't miss me too much. Oh and if I knew you last year I've changed a bit, mainly I have a great deal more hair and it is now black and I am taller, but I'm still recognisable so say hi!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    i'll be off tomorrow too.
    i'm not bringing quite as many cd's as sven but i am bringing two instruments,a music stand,em,two viola music books,a notebook full of guitar chords,a manuscript book,em,and am being sent the music to "the lark in the clear air".
    guess what course i'm doing!!
    feel free to write,
    aideen mc cole

    [This message has been edited by qwidgybo (edited 07-07-2001).]

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    hi again
    study in the compooter lab is boring
    oh well
    music is kinda fun-have yet to jam in class tho

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    qwidgybo .. you mean .. you're HERE? and you were in the lab with me on tuesday and i didn't notice? i always wanted to know who you were.
    come talk to me, i'm in the computer labs at the moment

    i have ruairi's rose-coloured glasses


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Qwidgybo, who exactly are you because in the past week I haven't met you and I really should because I want to know who you are!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Aideen! I have yet to talk to you once! I am big blonde guy. I have leather jacket. Hat. I am overly energetic this session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I just wanted to say hello to all the ppl I know who r doing seesion 2. You lucky *******s! Calm blue ocean.......
    There's just a couple of things I need to say. Ian, when did you grow? Sven, cut your hair man.
    Hugs to everyone from legal studies 2000, and all those other ppl.

    Oh and you'll probably have no end of trouble getting that video off Claire because she hasn't seen it yet. Bye!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    GRACE! It's... YOU!

    Hey! It's fun here. They played the Five version of We Will Rock You. That depressed me no end. So much that the only time i got out of my seat to dance was on the last verse of American Pie (is there anything that song CAN'T do?). God. I was all depressed this morning until I decided I didn't want to be and went all happy. Which can't be right.

    Well... hows HK? I'll email you in a minute. I'm "researching" shh...

    (They stuck me in the Abnormal Behaviour group)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by strawberry:
    Ian, when did you grow?</font>



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    You said u were taller. i didnt say u were small. i just didnt happen to notice u growing. maybe we grew in tandem. i'm sorry ok? just take away the awful accusing question marks. arg.

    oh and happy bday. if u hasnt checked, i sent u egreeting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I too know the pain of being a nevermore. Oh well, we'll all have to come back as RA's in 2 years time! VIVA CTYI! Oh by the way Dubs rock and, to anyone who disagrees, im a black belt and you'll feel my wrath!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    guess who?
    minor key world

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Oh right now I get you, sorry Grace. According to everybody I've grown but I don't think so. Adam says I have. Anyway, Niamh are you RA Niamh? And Man U Babe who are you ? If you've already answered this elsewhere on the board I'll find it so you don't have to reply.


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Man U babe is ME, no less! only jokin, i'm Joanne 'true blue' Doyle! International History, session 1 2001, Biotechnology session 1 2000! Username is cos I wear Man U shirts all the time!Dont start slaggin, I'll e-kick ur ass smile.gif
