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jtable using sql

  • 13-02-2003 1:20pm
    Registered Users Posts: 618 ✭✭✭

    i want to be able to display information from my database using sql. The jtable should have 3 columns this information will be retrieved from the access database..if anybody has code that will perform the task please post a reply.. When a person has been added the database should uploaded..the table should contain a scrollbar,,and clicking on the tabe should be disabled


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,240 ✭✭✭hussey

    yeah I do.

    well sort of .. i'll post it soon and you can edit as nesseccary

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,240 ✭✭✭hussey

    What this does is creates a JFrame which allows the user to input a sql command, and it will create a JTable based on results

    Please Edit the XXXXXXXXXX etc

    not 100% what you were looking for but hey

    you could use the SQL command to input the user
    and this will update the table
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class DisplayQueryResults extends JFrame {
      // java.sql types needed for database processing
      private Connection connection;
      private Statement statement;
      private ResultSet resultSet;
      private ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData;
      //javax.swing types needed for GUI
      private JTable table;
      private JTextArea inputQuery;
      private JButton submitQuery;
      public DisplayQueryResults() {
        //call super class constructor
        super( "Enter Query. Click Submit to See Results." );
        //The url specifying the GMS database to which this program connects using
        //JDBC to connect to a Microsoft ODBC database
        String url = "jdbc: odbc:XXXX";
        String username = "user";
        String password = "password";
        //Load the driver to allow connection to the database
        try {
          Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
          connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
              url, username, password );
        catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfex ) {
              "Failed to load JDBC/ODBC driver." );
          System.exit( 1 ); //terminate the program
        catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
          System.err.println( "Unable to Connect" );
          System.exit( 1 );
        // If connected to database, set up GUI
        inputQuery = new JTextArea( "SELECT XXXXX from YYYYY where ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ", 4, 30 );
        submitQuery = new JButton( "Submit query" );
            new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                 if ( e.getSource() == submitQuery )
        JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
        topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        topPanel.add( new JScrollPane( inputQuery ), BorderLayout.CENTER );
        topPanel.add( submitQuery, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
        table = new JTable( 4, 4 );
        Container c = getContentPane();
        c.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        c.add( topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );
        c.add( table, BorderLayout.CENTER );
        setSize( 500, 500 );
      private void getTable() {
        try {
          String query = inputQuery.getText();
          statement = connection.createStatement();
          resultSet = statement.executeQuery( query );
          displayResultSet( resultSet );
        catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
      private void displayResultSet( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
        //position to first record
        boolean moreRecords =;
        // If there are no more records, display a message
        if ( ! moreRecords ) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "ResultSet contained no records" );
          setTitle( "No records to display" );
        Vector columnHeads = new Vector();
        Vector rows = new Vector();
        try {
          // get column heads
          ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
          for ( int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); ++i )
            columnHeads.addElement( rsmd.getColumnName( i ));
          //get row data
          do {
            rows.addElement( getNextRow( rs, rsmd ) );
          } while ( );
          //display table with ResultSet contents
          table = new JTable( rows, columnHeads );
          JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane( table );
          Container c = getContentPane();
          c.remove( 1 );
          c.add( scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER );
        }catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
      }// end displayResultSet
      private Vector getNextRow( ResultSet rs, ResultSetMetaData rsmd )
          throws SQLException {
        Vector  currentRow = new Vector();
        for ( int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); ++i )
          switch( rsmd.getColumnType( i ) ) {
              case Types.VARCHAR:
              case Types.LONGVARCHAR:
                currentRow.addElement( rs.getString( i ) );
              case Types.INTEGER:
                    new Long( rs.getLong( i ) ) );
              case Types.DOUBLE:
                    new Double( rs.getDouble( i ) ) );
                //System.out.println( "Type was: " + rsmd.getColumnTypeName( i ) );
        return currentRow;
      public void shutDown(){
        try {
        }catch ( SQLException sqlex ) {
          System.err.println( "Unable to disconnect" );
      public static void main( String args[] ) {
        final DisplayQueryResults app = new DisplayQueryResults();
            new WindowAdapter() {
               public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) {
                 System.exit( 0 );

  • Registered Users Posts: 618 ✭✭✭johnnyc

    The layout of the table is show the white sqaure box is my table. The following code displays the layout i have a sql statement to retrieve the info from the staff table. The information in this table is an integer, string and date. I want to place this info into the jtable which will be update when a person is added to the database.. The following is my code if you have any suggestions please reply. Please click the link to preview my layout

    JTable scheduletable= new JTable();
    //Reads the Information from the Schedule table
    //and displays the informationon in a jtable

    ResultSet rs;
    ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
    if (objDA == null)
    objDA = new DataAccessObject();
    rs = objDA.SelectDatabaseRecords("SELECT * From Staff");
    rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
    String num;
    if ( rs == null )
    System.out.println("rs is null");
    System.out.println("rs is not null");
    int max;
    if (
    max = Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1));

    for (int numEmps = 0; numEmps < max; numEmps ++)
    num = Integer.toString(numEmps + 1);

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,240 ✭✭✭hussey

    what you could do is attach an action associated with the add button

    somthing like
    JButton addButton = new JButton("add");
            new ActionListener() {
               public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                 if ( e.getSource() == addButton )
    where refresh table just refresh's the table

    ie when you click this .. do this

    let the action call a function called I dunno 'updateTable'
    and this will refresh the view on the table

  • Registered Users Posts: 618 ✭✭✭johnnyc

    theinfo on the table does'nt display anything thats the main problem

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,240 ✭✭✭hussey

    and how do you define update the table function??

    I presume staff1 is a vector??

  • Registered Users Posts: 618 ✭✭✭johnnyc

    yes the staff1 is a vector

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,240 ✭✭✭hussey

    would it be possibel to put the java files in a .zip file and have attach it

    I know you'l have a different database etc.

    but just so I can have a look see

    I'm not busy in work and it will give me something to do ;)
