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  • 14-02-2003 1:45am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭

    As i said i dont mean to seem insensitive or anything and i apologise if this hurts anyone. I've been having some very serious personal issues lately with regards to college, home and friend/relationships in general.

    Things came to a head on one of these levels tonight and I really feel that now i have hit rock bottom. Despite my thinking that 2 or 3 months ago i was quite obviously mistaken.

    I really feel that the only way out for me now is suicide. Most of you probably think im looking for attention or trying to be insensitive but i honestly am not. I have contemplated it before but have never been able to do anything about it. The closest ive come is smoking...

    The only person i could talk to about it is now the main reason as to why im feeling like this...

    I'm going to counselling but thats not helping. I was supposed to go to an AWARE meeting also but dont want to go on my own.

    I'm so lonely, have no one i trust or can confide in any more. (this hasnt been sparked by the fact that today is valentines either)

    I've been abandoned by all of my "friends" none of them come near me or ring or text or email and i dont understand why. Ive become so despondant and i really cant see any way out.

    I need help but ive tried every angle available to me.

    The main thing stopping me from taking my life is the fact that i love my parents and brothers too much to do it. I've spoken to my parents but really all im doing is causing them undue anxiety when its really something i feel i should deal with myself.

    Sorry for being such a moan...
    But boards has helped me in other areas i dunno why i thought that this would help...

    Thanks for your time
    Sorry again



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 822 ✭✭✭Mutz

    Originally posted by Sir

    The main thing stopping me from taking my life is the fact that i love my parents and brothers too much to do it. I've spoken to my parents but really all im doing is causing them undue anxiety when its really something i feel i should deal with myself.....

    Can you tell us your age m8?

    Well I for one think talking to your parents would be the first step. If you love them, I'm guessing you can trust them. Tell them what you are feeling and I can garauntee you, you will feel a whole lot better.

    By taking your life, you will hurt everyone who cares about, and in effect probably ruin their lives. Suicide is not an Option.

    I'd suggest you maybe go on holiday for a few months and work... e.g. The U.S, and see how you get on while meeting new people in new surroundings.

    I Think you need to meet new people because you just feel betrayed by your friends, but hey, in all reallity friends come and go.

    Also, write down more of your thoughts here, Its always good to get your thoughts straight...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Sir

    I'm 19
    I'm also female the name im sure makes people think otherwise

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Sir

    Also as regards ruining their lives...
    I feel at the moment that, that is exactly what i am doing to be honest

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 3,935 Mod ✭✭✭✭Turner

    Why are you so depressed ?

    College/friends is no reason to even contemplate suicide. You are going through a rough patch obviously at the moment. College (if you mean by exams) you can also do again, and friends ( you can always make new ones) come and go.

    I think you need to find somebody you really trust, sit them down and tell them everything you are going through. Things always look different when somebody else gives their opinion on it.

    all the best and stick in there


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Doodee

    The main thing stopping me from taking my life is the fact that i love my parents and brothers too much to do it. I've spoken to my parents but really all im doing is causing them undue anxiety when its really something i feel i should deal with myself.

    seriously mate, i know how u feel, i felt the same way, i felt so bad it lead to an eating disorder, which im onmly after coming out off, and sorry if i come across funny, but i've just been on teh raz, just cause it valentines isnt the reason to go do something like that, I know plenty off ppl who have dont it, and in all honesty, if they only held on, they would have know what a wonder life is, its really not an option, as is said, every cloud has a silver linening, i mean, my eating disorder has cause me to loose about 3 stone in weight, and its actually sorta a god send, im actually being noticed, tonight especially, I've gotten with a chick who i never dreamt piossible, and theres another right beside me here in the netcafe, who although, i dont have the stones to ask out, i believe that she would say yes, just hang on,its all u have to do, ur omly 19, and if u think about it, u have atleast 50yrs ahead ogf u, think about it, seatlling down with a chick, with kids, and a dog, and a house, its worth living for. suicide is never an option, its an easy way out, that is always the wrong way out!

    believe me, I've lost enough mates to know!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I've been feeling like that for most of the last 4/5 months. No friends, no life, no point, worthless piece of **** etc. etc. I just feel like I've never done anything, I'm not good at anything and there's just nothing good about me.

    Though I'm not actually suicidal (I think) it is a thought that's constantly on my mind. And if it ever does come down to it then my last line of defence, like you, will be the fact that it would be a horrible thing to do to my parents.

    I hope that what some other people have said will help you in some way but to me it just seems far too simplified. I won't say why exactly 'cos I don't want to go pointing out flaws in something that probably is good advice. I just can't see it that way 'cos everything just seems impossible.

    I certainly don't have anything to say that would make you feel good, just to let you know that you're not alone.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,205 ✭✭✭Tazz T

    Sometimes when you hit rock bottom, suicide might sound like the only solution, but just think of all the good things you'll miss.

    Perhaps a holiday in Greece when you're 21, a fantastic romance with a boy called Mark you met when you were 25, a great party you went to when you were 27, the day you got promoted into your dream job when you were 29.

    Who knows, you could meet the love of your life tomorrow and live happily ever after, but if you're not here you won't. Life can be hard, but when it's like that, that's when we should try to realise that it's anything you want it to be.

    Sorry to sound like your mum, but you're 19 and there's a whole amazing life in front of you - if I was you I'd start living it. Try sitting down and writing down what you want to achieve, how you can achieve it, and start going about it.

    Life can be brilliant. Try it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭b3t4

    Sir and Yoke,

    I have felt as ye do in the past. I still have my very bad days. Some days the only thing I find myself thinking about is how to end it all and which way I would do it. But then I have days when things are good even great.

    I have attempted suicide on a few occassions and I can tell you that its the most horrible experience. I was once brought to a hospital. I got to see first hand what an effect my actions could of had on my family and friends. To see the tears and fear in their eyes is heartbreaking.

    Suicide isnt the answer, eventhough it may seem like the only way that you can cope with things happening in your life. It doesnt end things in the best way possible. I think about all the good things that have happened in my life since, which I wouldnt have experienced or known if i had been succesful in my attempts.

    There is so much in life. Good things and bad things. It may feel hopeless and I know how that feels but keep trying. Some day, and Im not saying today or tomorrow it will get better.

    Talk to your doctor, Talk here, Talk.

    And if you cant talk to people then write stuff down. Write anything down, how you feel, how your day was, what pissed you off, write down every feeling you have. Nobody has to read it. Burn it afterwards if you want to and are scared that other people may find it.

    I hope what I have said will help,
    Pm me is you want,
    Take care

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    As someone who actually attempted it in the past and survived, I'd strongly advise against it.

    You don't know the future, you don't know that this is just a very long phase you're going through.

    My life was terrible, I felt I had no friends, my confidence was at an all time low. And I tried to kill myself by drinking a poison. I drank it back said my prayers and thankfully threw it all up.

    But I got through it. And while my life these days isn't perfect I've had a good deal of fun since that day. My life has changed. It can for you if you want it enough. :)

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 42,362 Mod ✭✭✭✭Beruthiel

    I cannot imagine what you are going through, but I probably have a little inkling – nobodys life is perfect, I’ve had some real lows too, but I am also old enough to know that things change on a regular basis and it never lasts. You are very young yet, give yourself a chance, in a few years your life will have changed to such an extent that when you look back, you won’t even recognise the person you are now.
    Don’t do anything you will regret, life is a beautiful gift and if you can just hang in when the bad times hit the good times are just sooo much better because you will be able to recognise them as such and so will appreciate them so much more because of this hard time.
    Please believe me for this, it’s true for everybody

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭Jak

    I've known three people who committed suicide, granted only 2 of them quite well. However I have heard of far more cases through school and relatives friends and so on.

    In the case of the two I knew well they were extremely different cases. One was as popular as could be and took his life in a bizarre premeditated fashion, whereas the other was somewhat isolated and quiet and less people were shocked by it.

    The point is, the most unlikely candidates can get worn down and want to end their lives, but in every case bar none, you can't help but think if they had just held on and either talked it out or just kept living until things changed - that the thoughts of suicide would have been washed away.

    I always liked that quote by Dostoevsky
    "Where is it I've read that someone condemned to death says or think, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he'd only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain standing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once! Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!...How true it is!

    Really there is no alternative to life worth thinking about, you don't get to come back and visit.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,287 ✭✭✭thedrowner

    i agree with everyone else. i know a person who once tried to kill himself, and he failed and he also saw the pain of what it did to those who cared about him. he also admitted how glad he was that he didnt succeed, even though he was going through a really crappy time because of how good life turned out to be a few years later, it was worth all the bad stuff. and of course, like all of us, he's still gonna have bad days when everything is hopeless but try to cling on to the fact that persevering though it is worth it-you'll never find that out if you at least dont give it a try.

    you know you at least have your family who care about you. some people don't even have that and they get by. i'd agree that maybe a change for a while, going to another country and working might be a good thing. but talk about it too, with your family, or keep posting here, or with your counsellor if its helping, i hope this has made you feel better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭Wolf

    Always, remember that you have control over your life. I f you are unhappy then change it. Leave maybe go off to America, Belfast london or some where in Europe.

    Things change. Life has highs and lows some of the highs are fleeting and some of the lows can last a long time, but, in time happyness as well as sadness always passes.

    What im trying to say is iv been pretty low and believe me iv been REALY low, but, dont give in fight make things better for youeslef and if you keep trying eventually things get better, then they get worse then they get better again, etc. You have to keep trying.

    One last thing, life is a gift and no one not even yourself has the right to take it, so if you feel there realy is no point in goingon, sign up to be a missionary or something at least that way you can do something with a point rather than wasting your life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭Icehouse


    Depression can sometimes be due to a chemical imbalance in your system as much as related to what's going on in your life. the fact that people are replying to you on here should give you enoughconfidence to know that people who care are out there and that can be in your daily life too, it may just take some time. Consult a psychologist or a considerate doctor for the depression, maybe take up a hobby that will help you to meet people (meet and train running groups are a wonderful way to meet good friends and get fit at the same time, as is tennis, swimming etc...) Or as someone suggested above, after having had counselling/medical help, think about a working hoiliday. Go to somewhere like California for example, stay in hostels (Banana Bungalow in LA, I love u!) and get a little bar or restaurant job - you'll get over the depression easier, the sun helps a lot, see new things and meet new people, some of whom are bouind toi become close friends.

    And in America, they call everyone 'Sir' !!! ;o)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,065 ✭✭✭✭Tusky

    i cant put myself in your shoes and i understand it must be terrible but from my experience with other people it WILL pass....and suicide is never the only option and rarely the right one...

    take the advice givene by people here - im sure you will think back to this day in the future and thank the gods you fought on...


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    Please contact the Samaritans, Sir.

    "The Samaritans are a well trained group of volunteers available to talk to youabout any problems or life grievances you wish to talk about. or email to get trained samaritan help via email. Alternatively dial 1850-609090 to speak in privacy and confidentiality"

    I have emailed myself and been brought to a very kind and helpful team. If you dial 1850609090 it will charge as a local call (as far as I know). Please seek advice from a trained councellor, your life (no matter how shit you may think it is now), is too precious to be thinking about throwing it away.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Sir

    I just feel selfish and stupid
    have no confidence in myself
    i put myself down all the time because i feel i might as well get the punch in before somone else does... I mean why not make little of what i am or what im doing before someone else realises how sh!te i am...

    I've been to the counsllor in college and he was helpful

    The only person i could ever really talk to doesnt want to talk to me any more but having spoken to the counsellor about recent situations ive realised that im better off without this person even though it upsets me to do so...

    He made me promise not to do anything... so i agreed...

    I feel really ****e at the moment i apologise....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 822 ✭✭✭Mutz

    I feel really ****e at the moment i apologise...

    What for? You haven't done anything wrong ;) SMILE! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Sir

    I just feel nothing is ging right for me at the moment everything i start i put myself down for because i said i dont want someone else to get the criticism in before me. Then when i am doing something and im contented with how its going thats when it all falls to sh!te and that seems to happen in every aspect of my life. Everything i touch seems to fall apart...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,155 ✭✭✭ykt0di9url7bc3

    I just feel nothing is ging right for me at the moment everything i start i put myself down for because i said i dont want someone else to get the criticism in before me. Then when i am doing something and im contented with how its going thats when it all falls to sh!te and that seems to happen in every aspect of my life. Everything i touch seems to fall apart...

    First of all, yeah life can get like that sometimes and it can stay like that for many are coming to the stage where there is a lacking of hope or a loacking of goals and objectives to the future or where things are so dire now that they completely over shadow your future....

    ...its time for change, you cannot keep on the way you are going, self critisim and all although it can be helpful its time to be selfish...

    firstly, do you play games?'ve got a computer?...RPGs, and stratagy games in paticular were very benifical to take my mind off things...not escapism but self help...

    ...i happened across a book called the "art of war"..simple book explaining traits of human tactics in battle/war it improved my skillz in CandC considerably but the books help was not limited to the battlefield but to human behaivour in general, it gave me renewed strength and clarity

    ...another thing that helped me was meditiation...for sole purpose of contolling my emotions, a year of meditation practicing gave me such controll of my emotions and with the expierences gone by gave me the strenght to take anything life threw at me over the last 6 years...considering its a great form of self help it boosts self confidence aswell...

    ...once you have controlled your emotions you will be able to look around you with more objectiveness and confidence...

    Everything i touch seems to fall apart...

    I havent/never beaten that fealing yet...sorry

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Sir

    I dunno ive just lost all faith in myself and other people

    Some days i feel like ah yeah things arent too bad but then something will happen to put me back in my box.

    I used to play on loadsa sports teams but was always kiinda left on my own duriing those times the other players kinda ignored me a bit so i gave them up and took up running but i gave that up too coz of injury.

    Like i said just as i seem to be getting something done something happens to put me in my place again...

    People are telling me that im young and have my whole life ahead of me etc but i really dont see how i can look forward to another 40 - 50 years of life if my first 19 have been the way they are

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore


    I have felt exactly the way you do at times in my life. I sometimes dont want to try because I dont want to fail again. Its funny because people say "oh you've achieved so much" but it just all looks so small in comparision to the "failures".

    You are 19, you havent even gotten to begin the fun bits of life. Honestly! I know it sucks to be told that when you are 19 but the next 20 years are great. Just go with it.

    Noone succeeds all the time or even half the time. It sounds like you are depressed because suddenly theres no clear way forward for you... you're either finished or finishing the leaving cert and the big scary world is opening up to you and you arent sure you can manage it.

    You can. Give it the middle finger and do whatever you are good at and makes you happy so long as you dont hurt others.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    Hang on, is this all about a guy? It's really not worth it - trust me - I'm a guy*

    *heh, kinda silly statement really ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭Durden

    Few pieces of advice, taken from my life and my friends.
    1. Stop saying sorry.
    2. Stop saying sorry.
    3. Remember that your only 19, thats 19 out of up to about 130 years (oldest person in history), which is 14.61etc% so you have lived a tiny part of your potential life
    4. Unlike the song says, suicide is NOT painless, and the changes it brings are bad. This is always, unless you get into situations where it might be euthenasia (sp?).
    5. Stop saying sorry. (yes, this is that important. Your saying sorry for using this forum for what its meant for. Why?)

    And if all else fails, go make yourself responsible for someone elses life.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭SOL

    What do you do in college?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Sir

    I'm doing a BSc. In sports science and health

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Ok... Durden's hit the nail on the head. Stop saying sorry. It really helps.

    I go through horrible periods of depression and the one thing that's helped me get through them is stopping feeling so guilty for them. It's not your fault, you've gotta come to terms with it and somehow live around it.

    Personally, it's gotten to the stage for me that I only feel guilty for not feeling guilty for my depressions now. Which is slightly more tolerable cause at least now I can stop and look at it and just realise how silly it is.

    You can get through this shít... And just remember that every good moment makes up for every bad moment and then some! Life is life. It's not always pretty or fun, but when it is... :)

    Finally: Smile. It releases endorphines. :)

    <also, just wondering but you're not doing any heavy drugs?>

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 98 ✭✭Sir

    Nah i dont do any kind of drugs...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,590 ✭✭✭lordsippa

    Ah. Good. I was just wondering cause if it had been the case would've answered everything.

    Anyway, rather than offer more advice just wanna wish you luck cheering up. :)
