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Playing for XCom

  • 23-03-1998 2:02pm
    Subscribers Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭

    : unless you have proof.

    Erm - this is a good point - what proof is there?

    This scandal should be sorted out before it turns
    into a mountain. There is enough politics in Irish
    Quake with out this turning the League into an all out
    blood feud.

    And it should be sorted out in private.

    None of this letting people stick thier oar in
    without knowing the full facts. There shouldn't
    be a repeat of the Ser controversy over the weekend.



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : None of this letting people stick thier oar in
    : without knowing the full facts. There shouldn't
    : be a repeat of the Ser controversy over the weekend.

    : Draco.

    Draco you silly twat, keep your opinions to yourself!! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭Cloud

    : I beg ure fuccking pardon John Breslin.
    : I did NOT play for XCom yesterday, neither did Dave.
    : Rasta and Jay, are named Conal and Dave, they are EQ and can be contacted at 061-337108.
    : Don't you fuccking accuse me of any of that shiite unless you have proof.
    : Zero.

    I have proof.

    What do you expect us to think from this??

    Firstly, they wore these skins:

    Rasta entered the game
    FindFile: can't find skins/xzero.pcx
    Couldn't download skins/xzero.pcx to [10]X-com[11][0f][0f]Kobra

    Jay entered the game
    FindFile: can't find skins/xover.pcx
    Couldn't download skins/xover.pcx to GI[1d][0e][0e]K[12]p[0f][0f][1f]

    Secondly, they said this...

    Rasta "tried" to pretend that Jay's name was
    Tomas when he first connected:

    > Jay: will i try again?
    > Rasta: tomas whats the problem
    > Rasta: im gonna rip ure head off cloud
    > Rasta: tomas skin xcom!!


    Well we have Alan, Damian, Dez and Rasta.
    Tomas = Jay = Dave.

    Thanks Rasta!! I ripped your head off buddy.

    Then when the going got tough, they lost the
    pretences in teamtalk and called themselves
    by their REAL names.

    > (Rasta): jay gimme ra!!!
    > (Rasta): who took ra
    > (Rasta): dave gimme ra
    > (Jay): ronan u shpuld backed me up

    AHA!! RONAN!! The plot dilutes.
    But it must be Rasta's middle name,
    and Tomas must have been Jay's middle
    name, or was that Dave! Hey, you've
    got me confused now.

    Seems obvious to me - I also have more proof
    of you talking to other people in the logs. Don't think we need that now.

    Don't you think it's a bit suspicious when
    two wonder-LPBs appear out of nowhere and
    suddenly start playing great in QuakeWorld
    and that there is something up?


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser


    I ~can~ speak for myself and get myself into
    enough by myself.

    If you don't want to put your own name to something
    make up a new one and leave mine alone.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    Jays name IS dave. Rasta's name IS Conal.
    I had intended playing for XCom purely coz of all the clans, I seriously like hurting GI, but I didnt at the last minute coz I knew some slimy git would catch me on something. Jay thought it was me playing, coz I only let Rasta fire away at the last minute. Jay's a good player but not worth a fucck in a clan match. The mysterious Tomas is Chi, who half the Irish Quakers met 2 weeks ago, and was sitting beside Jay directing him around the level which he didnt know and working skins etc for him, coz he hasnt a clue of QW, he just installed it that morning. I copied over QW to Rastas machine, and my configs etc, went with it.
    If we really have to go to court over this you can ring the hotel where I work, and where I went before the game was over.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    Oh yeah, and Overlords machine is in Chi's room, where Jay was playing, and I think you'll find that Reaper, blade, bubbles, von, beast, koloth, kaile, regi can verify that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭Cloud

    Jeez Ronan you sound so guilty -
    "unless you have proof"

    Rasta must be a real Zero clone because he
    says all the same things as you do, and it's
    not the key binds from your configs I am
    on about.

    Also, there is no way that a QW newbie would
    have gotten the hang of all that teamtalk like
    Jay and Rasta did.

    Quit making up excuses, let's ask the public
    what they think.

    I trust Dave to tell the truth, we'll see
    what he has to say.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    : Also, there is no way that a QW newbie would
    : have gotten the hang of all that teamtalk like
    : Jay and Rasta did.
    They had other ppl looking at the sheet with the binds on it and hammering the Function keys depending on what was said. Kinda funny actually.

    : Quit making up excuses, let's ask the public
    : what they think.
    : I trust Dave to tell the truth, we'll see what he has to say.

    Fine, ask the public, most of them are mates of mine and would believe me over a dodgy GI anyday.


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : Quit making up excuses, let's ask the public
    : what they think.

    It's nothing to do with most of the public (and I'm shy), but I'd be very surprised if Overlord played. Firstly as he seems sound but mainly as he would have finished higher on the scoresheets if he had (course he coulda held back)- he always kickes ass in clan matches. Zero had no right to sound so indignant ("don't ever accuse me fukker, blah blah") when he freely admitted that he had fully intended to play in it all along - even to the extent that his own teammates thought he WAS playing! I know if I was in a match and someone called me by another name (a la you shoulda backed me up ronan), the first thing that I'd say is "ronan didn't play, I'm jay (or rasta, Im confused). But maybe that's just me.

    Either way, it's easy to see how cloud came to his conclusion - there was a lot of evidence (I've heard accusations fly for a LOT less..)

    I didn't put my name on this cos it doesn't matter and I'm a chicken. Yellow ya hear!!? but if anyone really wants to know it, I'll post it here or Cloud can tell from the IP logs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭MindPhuck

    Hmmm Interesting Days...

    I know both John, Ronan and Alan personally and I belive them to be honest and thrustworthy people.

    I doubt it if the GI's would come along and make
    this all up just because they were beaten. And I certainly would doubt that John would post this accusation without thinking there is some thruth to this.

    On the other hand, knowing the guys from nD, I would be very surprized if they ever used underhand tactics for themselves, never mind for another clan.

    Also, Alan from X-Com, used to be in Incarnate and Id like to hear what he has to say. I watched the demo myself and it made me take another glance at x-com's team tactics and I thought to myself that they have practiced well.

    My points are this :
    IF nD DID play for X-Com, then it was pre-arranged and both X-Com and nD should get a serious hand slapping, possible explusion from IQCL and the loss of my personal respect.

    IF NOT, and the GI's are using this in an attempt to smear two of Irelands Top Teams, then I'd suggest that the IQCL should stop immediately and the competition be pas_sed over to someone resposible enough.

    Id like to see the server logs, the Irc logs and any demo's which were made of the game. If you like, I will act as go between and I suggest a meeting on Irc later and maybe we can all sort this one out..

    So keep this OFF the wwwboard.

    Either way. This is a Sh*te mess were in now.


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : Fine, ask the public, most of them are mates of mine and would believe me over a dodgy GI anyday.

    : Zero.

    I reckon ALL you LPB's are dodgy. I believe Zero but it's pretty shiitty of him to consider playing for another team and risk ruining his own team's chances of continuing in the league. Above all, it takes away from what a great game Braincell and Alan played.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : : Fine, ask the public, most of them are mates of mine and would believe me over a dodgy GI anyday.

    : : Zero.

    : I reckon ALL you LPB's are dodgy. I believe Zero but it's pretty shiitty of him to consider playing for another team and risk ruining his own team's chances of continuing in the league. Above all, it takes away from what a great game Braincell and Alan played.

    And the hits just keep on cummin'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭MindPhuck

    What ?

    Are we all Deaf ?

    Keep this off the WWWBoard and Let this be settled in private. You are just draggin all concerned into a pile of muck and putting the whole thing into shame.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Its like the O.J. trial - everyone
    thinks he did it. Nobody knows.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 177 ✭✭Mouserat

    : : Also, there is no way that a QW newbie would
    : : have gotten the hang of all that teamtalk like
    : : Jay and Rasta did.
    : They had other ppl looking at the sheet with the binds on it and hammering the Function keys depending on what was said. Kinda funny actually.

    : : Quit making up excuses, let's ask the public
    : : what they think.
    : : I trust Dave to tell the truth, we'll see what he has to say.

    : Fine, ask the public, most of them are mates of mine and would believe me over a dodgy GI anyday.

    : Zero.

    (sigh) Im not dodgy Ronan, and neither is John, and
    you should know that by now, so stop being so antisocial
    and give us a break will ya? I know its cheap mentioning
    that without our hard work this league wouldn't be happening
    at all, but at least I know THATS true, along with the fact
    that we are doing our damndest to be fair and impartial to
    ALL teams. And I really am sorry if you think we are sad
    enough to go to the effort of running a league solely
    so we can fix it so we come out tops.

    Even you (who was never too hot at seeing both sides
    of an arguement) must admit things look very dodgy to
    us at the moment after looking at that .log file.

    I used enjoy running this league for you lot, but lately
    whenever you have to say anything it really hasnt been
    very constructive (to say the least), and the whole
    general narky attitudes of people I have to put up
    with every weekend is beginning to annoy me. In fact,
    Ben or Eric, you admin this weekend, im going back to
    the real world,


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : What ?

    : Are we all Deaf ?

    : Keep this off the WWWBoard and Let this be settled in private. You are just draggin all concerned into a pile of muck and putting the whole thing into shame.

    .......who died and left u in charge??....
    irish Quakers have a right to know whats goin on...
    keep em coming lads

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    : (sigh) Im not dodgy Ronan, and neither is John, and
    : you should know that by now, so stop being so antisocial
    : and give us a break will ya? I know its cheap mentioning
    : that without our hard work this league wouldn't be happening
    : at all, but at least I know THATS true, along with the fact
    : that we are doing our damndest to be fair and impartial to
    : ALL teams. And I really am sorry if you think we are sad
    : enough to go to the effort of running a league solely
    : so we can fix it so we come out tops.

    : Even you (who was never too hot at seeing both sides
    : of an arguement) must admit things look very dodgy to
    : us at the moment after looking at that .log file.

    Sorry Dermot, didn't mean to smudge your hard work, you are doing a great job. I'm very thick about all this shiite, and no way I'm gonna get booted of the league because I 'might' have played for XCom. I didn't and neither did OL.
    And of course that log file looks dodgy, if I was you I'd be saying the exact same thing, but I didnt play for them, yes I was going to, but I was also 'going to' go to all my lectures this term.....


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : What ?

    : Are we all Deaf ?

    : Keep this off the WWWBoard and Let this be settled in private. You are just draggin all concerned into a pile of muck and putting the whole thing into shame.

    What are you on about? Everyone has the right to divulge any facts they have on this matter so it can be cleared up quickly and this is the best place. Other wise we'll just have a GI/nD slagging match and everyone will get in a big sulk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : : What ?

    : : Are we all Deaf ?

    : : Keep this off the WWWBoard and Let this be settled in private. You are just draggin all concerned into a pile of muck and putting the whole thing into shame.

    : .......who died and left u in charge??....
    : irish Quakers have a right to know whats goin on...
    : keep em coming lads


    Eric's right. We should all make a decision to keep this and other juicey stuff off the wwwboard.

    That way, I (and other workers like me) won't feel compelled to hit reload every 2 minutes & we won't have to come up with any more technobabble excuses for not doing any work!!!

    If things keep going on like this, it'll be a severe fluke if I'm still in a job next week.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 177 ✭✭Mouserat

    : : What ?

    : : Are we all Deaf ?

    : : Keep this off the WWWBoard and Let this be settled in private. You are just draggin all concerned into a pile of muck and putting the whole thing into shame.

    : What are you on about? Everyone has the right to divulge any facts they have on this matter so it can be cleared up quickly and this is the best place. Other wise we'll just have a GI/nD slagging match and everyone will get in a big sulk.

    Yeah but did you ever watch the peoples court? The
    cute looking girl is always found innocent, and the
    poor guy with the bald patch and the squint is invariably
    fuc%ed over by the lynch mob shouting "BUUUUURN HIIIM!!"


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : Hey!

    : I ~can~ speak for myself and get myself into
    : enough by myself.

    : If you don't want to put your own name to something
    : make up a new one and leave mine alone.

    : Ponce.

    Hey ppl,
    I'm reallllllly wasted at the moment and I just read all the new stuff on this board :) WOW!! I'm gonna be buzzing off this for another few hours... There's a lot of negative karma floating through cyberspace at the moment....trippy psychedelic karma, swirling around all the wires and stuff. Umm, yeah and stuff, just calm down everyone.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : Hey!

    : I ~can~ speak for myself and get myself into
    : enough by myself.

    : If you don't want to put your own name to something
    : make up a new one and leave mine alone.

    : Ponce.

    He he, I won up. I know both Swine and Draco pretty well and I was just having a laugh..

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    : : : What ?

    : : : Are we all Deaf ?

    : : : Keep this off the WWWBoard and Let this be settled in private. You are just draggin all concerned into a pile of muck and putting the whole thing into shame.

    : : .......who died and left u in charge??....
    : : irish Quakers have a right to know whats goin on...
    : : keep em coming lads

    : LISTEN

    : Eric's right. We should all make a decision to keep this and other juicey stuff off the wwwboard.
    Yeah Mark this is getting to be a real problem,
    I arrived in this afternoon (as usual) and found poor
    old John in an awful stressed out state, and neither
    of us have been able to get any work done all day,
    being too busy with our unhealthy reload addictions.

    At least Johns boss arrived in to his office and dragged
    him off to discuss work over coffee, my boss only rings
    me on the phone, but I CAN STILL READ THE BOARD while
    im on the phone to him, so the work is just piling up here
    big time. Could someone set up an indepentant tribunal
    to investigate these allegations please, or at least bury them
    under enough beauracratic red tape that we can get on with our lives?

    Plus side to a Quake Tribunal: members get all expenses paid trips
    to Brussels and get to siphon off portions of the huge legal fees into
    constructing spanking new extensions on their houses.


    : That way, I (and other workers like me) won't feel compelled to hit reload every 2 minutes & we won't have to come up with any more technobabble excuses for not doing any work!!!

    : If things keep going on like this, it'll be a severe fluke if I'm still in a job next week.

    : EWJ

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭Zero

    I beg ure fuccking pardon John Breslin.
    I did NOT play for XCom yesterday, neither did Dave.
    Rasta and Jay, are named Conal and Dave, they are EQ and can be contacted at 061-337108.
    Don't you fuccking accuse me of any of that shiite unless you have proof.

