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North Korea - reason to NOT attack Iraq?

  • 05-03-2003 3:28pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 252 ✭✭

    A facinating article I found. I see the prospect of war with North Korea as a terrifying possibility, and it seems very difficult to find a way out. While I believe the Bush administration made a huge mistake in deciding not to deal with North Korea directly, I doubt it really would have made much difference in the long run.

    But while the author says that "it is imperative that we prevent Saddam Hussein from placing us in the sort of bind that Kim Jong Il already has", I believe that this is yet another reason for NOT attacking Iraq at present. North Korea will undoubtedly recognise the opportunity and use it to accelerate their nuclear weapons program while the US is spread too thin to give NK any attention.

    March 5, 2003, 8:30 a.m.
    It’s All About North Korea
    Beyond the Iraqi sideshow.

    Increasingly, it dawns that Iraq is a sideshow. The real problem is North Korea. Of course, it is imperative that we prevent Saddam Hussein from placing us in the sort of bind that Kim Jong Il already has. That is why we must invade Iraq. Yet with all its diplomatic, military, and long-term social-cultural implications, the international battle over Iraq will ultimately be a lesser thing than the emerging political and military struggle over North Korea.

    In "The Other Imminent Danger," I reviewed our several bad options in Korea. There I argued that we are much closer to war than the media or the administration have let on. While I do believe that there is a very real possibility of war with North Korea within the next six months, the greater likelihood is war within the next six years. Sooner or later, war will probably break out — a war that could be as terrible as any the world has seen since 1945. In the meantime, the Korean question is likely to be the focus of our national and international debates — more so, perhaps, than the tumult in the Muslim world that follows our invasion of Iraq.

    At the moment, North Korea is striving to create a crisis that will force us into another round of negotiations. Their recent interception of our reconnaissance aircraft is part of that plan. The critical moment will probably come shortly after we enter Iraq. At that point, when our military is least able to handle war on the Korean peninsula, the North Koreans will begin to reprocess spent fuel rods at the Yongbyon nuclear reactor into weapons-grade plutonium. The plutonium will then be removed from Yongbyon, secured against the gaze of spy satellites or future inspectors, and used to produce nuclear bombs. More ominously, the plutonium, and/or finished bombs, will then be sold to al Qaeda, and to regimes like Iran, Syria, and Libya. This will force us into a choice between 1) losing the war on terror through inaction; 2) an attempt to impose-ineffective — sanctions; 3) negotiations with a government of proven liars; 4) a terrible war.

    Is there a way out of this dilemma? In response to "The Other Imminent Danger," a few readers questioned my central premise — that the North Koreans would sell nuclear materials to terrorists and rogue regimes. Unfortunately, the North Koreans have already used exports of scud missiles to troublesome regimes to prop up their disastrously weak economy. They have also collaborated with Pakistan in mutual development of nuclear weapons. The North Koreans would surely use their well-established trade ties to reap the massive financial benefits of nuclear sales to every government and terrorist organization that fears an American attack.

    But can China, on whom the North is totally dependent, be made to force the Koreans to give up their nuclear game? In "The Other Imminent Danger," I argued that the Chinese could live with a nuclear South Korea and Japan, if that meant seeing America tied down in a protracted struggle with al Qaeda and the North Koreans. Yet a number of readers, and many pundits, argue that the Chinese will recognize that their true long-term interests lie with the United States on this matter. Beyond fears of a nuclear Japan, the Chinese economy depends on trade with the United States. The threat of restrictions on that trade might force the Chinese to act.

    The Chinese may indeed reverse course on Korea. Perhaps they are moving behind the scenes to pressure the North Koreans right now. Yet the Chinese give no sign of a change. They fear that sanctions will destabilize Korea and lead to chaos, regime collapse, and millions of refugees. A Chinese turnaround in the next few months, before plutonium reprocessing has begun, or gone very far, might work. But once the reprocessing has played out for six months to a year, even Chinese sanctions will not be able to guarantee against secret North Korean sales. And I doubt that Chinese pressure, if simply forced by America trade sanctions, will be consistently or effectively applied.

    So then, if plutonium reprocessing begins during our invasion of Iraq, and if the Chinese do not come around, what will happen? At that point, president Bush may receive a recommendation from Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and hawkish members of the National Security Counsel, to launch a preemptive strike against North Korea. On the other hand, Secretary of State Powell, along with Deputy Secretary of State, and Korean expert, Richard Armitage, will argue for negotiations. The doves will be informally joined by Brent Scowcroft, James Baker, and other influential advisers to the first President Bush. Although the hawks have carried the day on Iraq, there is good reason to believe that, at first, the administration's doves will prevail on Korea.

    True, a reasonably successful preemptive military strike against North Korea is not entirely out of the question. Such a strike could take two forms 1) a raid on Yongbyon and other Korean nuclear facilities, followed by the threat of a massive nuclear strike if the North Koreans do not stand down; 2) raids against North Korea's nuclear facilities, and simultaneous nuclear strikes against its ground forces and artillery emplacements, to preclude the possibility that the North could destroy Seoul in retaliation for our attack.

    Recently, Jack Wheeler laid out a proposal for a secret first strike against Yongbyon, followed by a nuclear ultimatum to the North Koreans. The great danger here is that, sensing an imminent American attack on their nuclear programs, or following such an attack, the North Koreans would simply launch an artillery blizzard that would kill hundreds of thousands, or millions, in Seoul. That tells in favor of a full-blown preemptive strike with tactical nuclear weapons against North Korea's total military capability. The most interesting thing about Wheeler's proposal is his claim that, by using neutron bombs, an American first strike could effectively wipe out North Korea's army and artillery, with negligible radiation blowback onto the South. (I cannot, at present, assess the plausibility of Wheeler's nuclear scenario.)

    The first scenario here (destruction of Korea's nuclear capability, followed by a successful nuclear ultimatum) still includes a substantial risk of failure, in which case Seoul will be wiped out and perhaps millions killed. The bolder plan of an across the board nuclear first strike at both nuclear and conventional Korean forces, would at minimum break the nuclear taboo, thus bringing the wrath of the world down upon the United States. Nonetheless, total success might in the end be accepted, given the obvious threat posed by Korean nuclear sales, and the notorious character of the North Korean regime.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 252 ✭✭BattleBoar

    The true disaster for the United States would be a strike against North Korea that does anything less than successfully intimidate the regime into passivity, or rapidly and totally eliminate its military capacity. Short of rapid and total success, we face the deaths of hundreds of thousands, even millions, of South Koreans.

    It can certainly be argued that we must take that terrible risk, in order to forestall the horrific prospect of eventual terrorist nuclear strikes against American cities. But the truth is, too small a portion of the public understands the imperatives involved. For many, sacrificing Seoul in the present, on the theory that someday North Korean plutonium will enable terrorists to destroy New York and Washington, will not make sense. This would be true even for many Americans, mush less the rest of the world.

    This points to a dangerous and emerging dynamic in the war on terror. America's historically unprecedented military hegemony is working to isolate us from our allies. Advancing technology (in combination with America's economic strength) has made our disproportionate power possible. Yet advancing technology has also enabled otherwise undeveloped societies to gain control of weapons of mass destruction. As a result, terrorists and rogue regimes can threaten us on our own soil. That means that our erstwhile allies now have an interest in at least partially dissociating themselves from us, so as not to become targets of terror or war.

    During the Cold War, we put our own troops at risk to protect states that were themselves the frontline of defense against a mutual enemy. In that sense, America showed the worth of its friendship by sharing risk with its less powerful friends. But now, the conjunction of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction means that we alone can be targeted. America is now the front line, and other countries can at least hope to escape attack by disentangling themselves from association with America. Our power and wealth may ensure that other countries try not to alienate us over much. Yet simultaneously, other countries' fears of becoming targets of terrorism and war works to weaken or break our alliances. (For a perceptive discussion of this, see Noah Millman's response to "The Other Imminent Danger" on Gideon's Blog).

    Consider a war that succeeds in destroying the regime in the North, while leaving hundreds of thousands, or millions, dead in the South. After such a war, who would want to be our ally? Our problem with the South Koreans is not so much their newfound tendency to appeasement (although they have indeed been flirting with appeasement), as the fact that there is now a genuine divergence of interest between the South Koreans and ourselves. The policy that best saves Washington and New York most risks Seoul. And this is because South Korea (like Europe) is gradually being transformed from a frontline Cold War tripwire into potential collateral damage in a direct battle between the United States and terrorists and rogue regimes armed with weapons of mass destruction. After a Korean conflict in which both the North and the South are devastated, the world would shun America as a dangerous pariah — and from the perspective of the world's interests, this would not be entirely without justification.

    Understanding this dynamic (and, given the size of their Muslim population, directly fearing the price of association with America), the French have set themselves up as a leader for all nations who fear being targeted by terrorists as allies of the United States. And perhaps some sense of America's inherently more isolated position is what prevents the Chinese and Russians from casting their lot with the United States in the matter of North Korea. Indeed, the South Koreans themselves oppose a preemptive strike on the North, and it will be almost impossible to initiate a war without their cooperation.

    In light of all this, the president is likely, if with great reluctance, to choose negotiations with the North Koreans over war. But that is not the end of the matter. While I can envision the prospect of a disastrous war forcing the president to negotiate with the North Koreans, I cannot envision a scenario in which an agreement actually results. Having been dragged into negotiations with a regime he doesn't trust, the president will insist on the most stringent security guarantees and inspections regime, to insure against repetition of the fiasco with president Clinton's "agreed framework." The North Koreans will never agree to what the president will insist upon. Negotiations will break down, and the manufacture and sale of nuclear materials by the North Koreans will continue.

    Presented with intelligence confirming plutonium sales to al Qaeda and/or rogue regimes, the president may then be forced into war. At minimum, in the wake of the Iraqi invasion, the unresolved Korean issue will become a center of domestic and international debate. The pattern will resemble the debate over Iraq, but the imperatives and dilemmas will be far more acute.

    In the absence of war in Korea, the next big event will be a dirty bomb, or a full-blown terrorist nuclear strike, in an American city. After that, if there has not already been a war in Korea, there will be.

    It seems to me that the only things likely to block this scenario are the collapse of the North Korean regime or the destruction of al Qaeda. In light of the capture of Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, the end of al Qaeda now seems at least possible. Yet, given the deep problems in the Muslim world, and the interests of rogue regimes, it is difficult to believe that some sort of terrorist force will not be able to reconstitute itself indefinitely.

    Someday, the North Korean regime itself may collapse. Yet that is what President Clinton's negotiators told themselves when they signed the agreed framework. The collapse never came. And the current crisis, if "resolved" through negotiations or stalemate, will quite conceivably only strengthen Kim Jong Il's position.

    So, sooner or later, a war with North Korea looms, even if only after a horrific terrorist nuclear attack on the United States. In the meantime, it becomes increasingly evident that the Korean situation is an even more acute problem than our problem in Iraq. Most disturbingly, the two crises together point to a dangerous new dynamic, in which our newfound power and vulnerability combine to isolate us from our erstwhile allies, seriously complicating our prospects for success in the global war against terror.

    — Stanley Kurtz is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    North Korea will undoubtedly recognise the opportunity and use it to accelerate their nuclear weapons program while the US is spread too thin to give NK any attention.

    They already have accelerated their programme, knowing that the US are currently on a rampage against all their old enemies.
    The real problem is North Korea

    The real problem is that America has had so many wars that were not finished. Iraq, and Korea were both left to lick their wounds, because America failed to finish their wars. Admitedly Iraq is not much of a threat, but Korea is.

    One other thing to consider: There is a cease-fire between north and South Korea. Peace was never made. Therefore in the S.Korea, American troops are definetly going to be seen as the enemy. America's actions have just re-enforced the image that America is their enemy.
    At the moment, North Korea is striving to create a crisis that will force us into another round of negotiations. Their recent interception of our reconnaissance aircraft is part of that plan.

    Anyone think that maybe its america that trying to cause these problems, so they have a reason to attack? When has America received the right to send recon flights over another nations borders?

    I'll post more later, no time now.. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,335 ✭✭✭Éomer of Rohan

    I would post quotes, but it is just a waste of effort. Look at the first three paragraphs; it tells you all you need to know about american belligerence towards a country that has done nothing wrong with respect to international affairs other than to take measures to defend itself; America feels threatened yet NKPR has not issued any threats; remember that is was the Americans that first violated the 1994 agreement with North Korea by 'refusing to normalise economic relations between the two countries.'

    I would bet my ass that NKPR do not make a move at all against the ROK; it is a US illusion that they have such imperialist tendencies; yes they have a big army - so what? They had to fight a war against one of the two world's superpowers in order to actually come into existence!

    Furthermore, I am betting that the American belligerents, when proven wrong about the move against ROK when 'american forces are spread thin' the same belligerents will say things like 'Those North Koreans know not to step out of line' or other such bellicose bulls***.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    This points to a dangerous and emerging dynamic in the war on terror. America's historically unprecedented military hegemony is working to isolate us from our allies. Advancing technology (in combination with America's economic strength) has made our disproportionate power possible. Yet advancing technology has also enabled otherwise undeveloped societies to gain control of weapons of mass destruction. As a result, terrorists and rogue regimes can threaten us on our own soil. That means that our erstwhile allies now have an interest in at least partially dissociating themselves from us, so as not to become targets of terror or war.

    I think they're more concerned with not having nukes planted in their own nations.

    America will be targeted by these groups, because the US has gone out of its way to become an enemy of most terrorist groups in the world. They've been willing to dabble in the troubles of most nations, and are more than capable of trying to influence other nations foreign & domestic policies. It is by becoming the worlds greatest superpower, that makes them such a target, since it means the most impact on a global theatre.
    During the Cold War, we put our own troops at risk to protect states that were themselves the frontline of defense against a mutual enemy. In that sense, America showed the worth of its friendship by sharing risk with its less powerful friends. But now, the conjunction of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction means that we alone can be targeted. America is now the front line, and other countries can at least hope to escape attack by disentangling themselves from association with America. Our power and wealth may ensure that other countries try not to alienate us over much. Yet simultaneously, other countries' fears of becoming targets of terrorism and war works to weaken or break our alliances.

    I partially agree. The US's allies are distancing themselves from the US mainly because the US is getting a reputation for being a warmonger. We all acknowledge that the US have provided military support in theatres where it is of no benefit to them. However when becoming a member of the UN they accepted that duty, just as Ireland did.
    After a Korean conflict in which both the North and the South are devastated, the world would shun America as a dangerous pariah — and from the perspective of the world's interests, this would not be entirely without justification.

    Damn Right. The US already is approaching this jucture, with their constant war against terrorism. (along with the settling of old scores).
    In light of all this, the president is likely, if with great reluctance, to choose negotiations with the North Koreans over war

    Seem,s reasonable, since N.Korea have not made an aggressive move against the US since the war. But, Hey, neither has Iraq.
    It seems to me that the only things likely to block this scenario are the collapse of the North Korean regime or the destruction of al Qaeda

    Not a chance. There will always be terrorist groups. And as such the US will be targeted. The collapse of N.Korea would in fact be worse, since at the moment the regime in power while, not the nicest of groups, has given the nation some stability. Take that away, and you might get an extreme military group taking power.
    So, sooner or later, a war with North Korea looms, even if only after a horrific terrorist nuclear attack on the United States

    I disagree. war is inevitable simply because the US is geared for war, and once they start moving its going to be hard for them to stop. Whats to stop the US from launching a terrorist attack on N.Korea? But no, that wouldn't be terrorism, it would be a pre-emptive strike. Terrorism can never be accounted to the worlds most powerful superpower.
    seriously complicating our prospects for success in the global war against terror.

    Prospects of success? come on, they're launching their own attacks worldwide. What they're doing here, is creating martyrs, whereby 60 new groups will jump up to replace the one group they destroy. All they're doing is giving evidence to their moronic ideas that the US is the true evil. (the US is a threat, but definetly not evil).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26 Stanley_kubrick

    To quote myself-'Were all going to die a horrible and feiry and gaseous death'.End quote.No blood for oil.Yadda yadda yadda.End yadda quote.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    ok.. Its nice to see such a positive outlook on the future.

    I'm just hoping we see a pre-emptive invasion by china into america while, the majority of their forces are fixed on the middle east.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 56 ✭✭SloanerF1

    Originally posted by Éomer of Rohan
    America feels threatened yet NKPR has not issued any threats;
    I'm afraid this isn't quite correct, DS. The following is a quote from a BBC timeline:
    6 February: North Korea warns the United States that any decision to build up its troops in the region could lead the North to make a pre-emptive attack on American forces.
    While any attack would probably be a result of overzealous American military action, and would probably never be 100% justified, I feel that a pre-emtive strike in North Korea would be much more justiified than a similar campaign in Iraq. Kim has made definite, recent threats against the US; Saddam has not.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Oh come on. The US nearly went to war with Cuba because they tried ship Russian Nukes to their country. The US have detached a flight of nuclear carrying bombers, to S.Korea, as a apparent "deterrent" to war. However considering the US build-up in Iraq, i'd hardly call that a "deterrent". N.Korea in my opinion are not issuing threats that fall out of the norm when a country feels threatened, ones that the US have used in the past.

    feel that a pre-emtive strike in North Korea would be much more justiified than a similar campaign in Iraq. Kim has made definite, recent threats against the US

    By that line of thought, both Iraq, and N.Korea would have the right to launch pre-emptive strikes against the US troops based around their borders.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,335 ✭✭✭Éomer of Rohan

    Thus by GWB's (admittedly flawed) reasoning, NK and Iraq both DO have such justification; see the REAL belligerent in this new new world order. Thank whatever deity you choose for people with cojones, eg Claire Short.
