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SARS and the Government....

  • 25-04-2003 11:52pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭

    Is this government fit to hold office? In the last week
    its true shortcommings are plain to see, forget graft and corruption forget public sector cost overruns, can they protect the public? The answer at this point must be no.

    So far various depts (particularly health) have shown themselves to be somewhere between complacent and incompetent. The example of the Chinese woman and the taxi driver who took her to Hospital is incredible.
    The woman is checked for symptoms, considered a possible and case sent home with no supervision. The taxi driver is told not to worry then she is reclassified as proberble and the taxi driver is told to put himself in isolation (at home) for as long as it takes. The airports have no screening of any sort for incomers, the information they are giving out is minimal and in one language only.

    The thing is, if ppl arrived here with foot and mouth
    the whole country would have been mobilised by now...




  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Not to poke too much mirth at you, but how come it took you till now to spot this?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Sparks I do know they're a bunch of *&^%! but when public health is involved you kinda hope they'll rise to the occasion...I also find it interesting only you replied and only to poke fun at me ! ;) Anyone would think a deadly virus and government incompetance were not important.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,924 ✭✭✭Cork

    So far various depts (particularly health) have shown themselves to be somewhere between complacent and incompetent.

    While at the same time the media are getting wall to wall coverage out of this topic.

    Some media outlets are doing vox pops that allow people to compare the SARS crisis to that of foot & month.

    This is cheaply whiping up sentiment. Are we to stop anybody entering the country? Are we to confire people to their houses?

    There has been so much scare mongering by a lot of of media. It is the type of story the media loves. It is cheap fodder for newspapers, radio & TV.

    There was a good report on yesterday's Morning Ireland that traced repiciants of SARS other than this the media gone over board.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by mike65
    The example of the Chinese woman and the taxi driver who took her to Hospital is incredible.
    The woman is checked for symptoms, considered a possible and case sent home with no supervision.

    Interestingly, in interviews I've seen with some Asian doctors commenting on the disease, they say that this is the only realistic way of treating the disease. While its uncomfortable and painful, the vast majority of people do not require hospitalisation and recover on their own. Isolation and basic care (as with a flu) are all that are really needed for most people.

    Thus, the more considered approach is to send every case home, with instructions for isolation, and keep what hospital space you have for those who do not appear to be coping, and who actually do need the medical attention.

    So maybe this is ok. Maybe not. Either way, this has SFA to do with the government. At best, it could be used to condemn the health service, and ultimately the health minister, but it is not for some politician to tell the Health Service how to deal with a Health issue.
    The airports have no screening of any sort for incomers, the information they are giving out is minimal and in one language only.

    No offence, but exactly what type of screening are you talking here? The "temp sensors" which detect fever? They're about the only screening I've heard of which anyone has been able to implement for this.

    How would we work them though?

    Should we deny entry to anyone who has gotten off a plane and who has a body temp over 96.8? And what do we do with them then?

    Do we hold them indefinitely until we determine what they are sick of, reimbursing them for any loss incurred from the interrment if and when it turns out they dont have SARS? What do we do if they do have SARS? Quarantine them? What if they're a diplomat?

    Or maybe we should find another jet to fly them home on. But surely we can't do that either...we'd only increase the risk of contagion by putting these people on another plane? Or is it only contagion in Ireland we care about? It would be okay to put them on anything outbound, because that would be someone elses problem.

    As for the "one language" thing. If you're coming in to Ireland from a non-EU nation, you will need to fill out a form which is available in English. You will need to talk to passport control - who typically speak English. You then get to travel around a country where there guessed it...pretty much only English spoken.

    So I dont see any significant problem in handing out information on an issue that is known about worldwide in the one language thats actually used widely in Ireland...although it would have been nice to see it in Irish too. What would you rather they do? Print up the information in every language in the world just to be sure they dont miss anyone?

    The thing is, if ppl arrived here with foot and mouth
    the whole country would have been mobilised by now...

    Because thats a well-known virus, with identified vectors, where we can easily implement a set of relatively low-tech cheap safeguards which offer a realistic and significant reduction in risk with minimal discomfort and effort on the part of the individual (i.e. each member of the public).

    With SARS, we could spend an absolute fortune on implementing some really high-tech stuff which realistically offers very little.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is something simple and easy to do...but if so shouldnt you be pointing out what it is, rather then just berating our govt for doing "nothing"?


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Well, I did say not too much fun :)

    It's precisely because of the relative lack of knowlege about SARS that the health service and the government need to be taking more direct action. So far as we know so far, SARS has a 10% mortality rate (latest from the WHO, it's up from 6%) and is spread through close contact, most likely bodily fluids including saliva and sweat along with what most people thought of when I said "bodily fluids". It can survive for an unknown amount of time on an exposed surface (most coronaviruses can, for up to 3 hours in some cases) including coins and notes. It has a ten-day incubation time and has recently mutated so that it affects intestines as well as lungs. It's not airborne (we think), but sneezing can spread it.
    Given all that, I'd be damn concerned to learn what it can do and how much we need to worry - and until we know, I'd be isolating any and all cases that show up. Not examining them and then sending them back to a public hostel. Some asian doctors may be following this course of action, but they have far more cases than we've seen so far.

    However, the criticisms leveled at the government that I have being paying attention to are not so much "Mr Martin, why haven't you discovered a cure yet" as "Mr Martin, why do we still have a top-heavy mess of a civil-service beaurocracy in the health system, with 11 health boards and far too little inter-departmental communication, resulting in such incidents as the waterford SARS suspect case going unreported to the national centre for disease surveillance for nearly a week, and the earlier case of an elderly man receiving a notice of an available bed for surgery four days after his death?"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by Sparks

    Given all that, I'd be damn concerned to learn what it can do and how much we need to worry - and until we know, I'd be isolating any and all cases that show up.

    OK - fair stance to take. I wouldnt take it, because if things do get worse, it will involve changing policy and that - in the middle of the crisis the policy is designed to effect - is likely to lead to more hassle than it causes.
    Not examining them and then sending them back to a public hostel.

    Has it been verified that they weren't examined?

    What could they have been examined for? I was of the belief that SARS symptoms are indistinguishable from things such as the common flu, and it is only that they continue to get worse that you can identiy SARS. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Some asian doctors may be following this course of action, but they have far more cases than we've seen so far.
    But this is the approach that they'be been taking from the start. Again - its to avoid a policy shift. If it is possible that the hospitals will get overloaded, then you put a system in place as early as possible to only admit the really necessary cases, so that hospitals can offer the most effect. Swamping them early with "possibles" is considered counter-productive.
    However, the criticisms leveled at the government that I have being paying attention to are not so much "Mr Martin, why haven't you discovered a cure yet" as "Mr Martin, why do we still have a top-heavy mess of a civil-service beaurocracy in the health system, with 11 health boards and far too little inter-departmental communication, resulting in such incidents as the waterford SARS suspect case going unreported to the national centre for disease surveillance for nearly a week, and the earlier case of an elderly man receiving a notice of an available bed for surgery four days after his death?"

    Fair enough....but again we're talking about the Health Board and the Minister for Health. This is not something the govt in general should be questioned/criticised/condemned for, but rather the Health Service, and - as a consequence - the Minister specifically.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Nothing to do with the government, but did anyone else see tonights Channel 4 documentary on SARS? Absolutely facinating and in a small way terrrifying. That footage from the open air market in southern China
    explains much. It makes you wonder how there are so many Chinese still alive.


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Yup, and I'm listening to Q&A right now and they're talking about SARS. Rather scarily dismissive, to my mind.

    I wouldnt take it, because if things do get worse, it will involve changing policy and that - in the middle of the crisis the policy is designed to effect - is likely to lead to more hassle than it causes.
    I don't know about that - if things get worse, having the suspected cases isolated for the most part doesn't seem to have a major downside to me.
    Has it been verified that they weren't examined?
    She actually was examined, but was sent home. She did not receive any sars-related tests however.
    What could they have been examined for? I was of the belief that SARS symptoms are indistinguishable from things such as the common flu, and it is only that they continue to get worse that you can identiy SARS. Maybe I'm wrong.
    As I understand it, blood tests can rule out SARS, but not diagnose it specifically. I had heard an announcement of a genetic test for SARS, but that seems to have been a sky news announcement :rolleyes: But that's why I think they should be isolated - isolation is inconvienent. Death is a lot more annoying.
    But this is the approach that they'be been taking from the start.
    Yes, but they've had far more patients from the start - not just SARS, but all their patients. Irish doctors have 3 million people to worry about. Asian doctors have rather a lot more. We have the luxury of being able to take more measures than they have the facilities to sustain. (Or at least we should...)
    Swamping them early with "possibles" is considered counter-productive.
    But sending "possibles" out as a policy risks creating that influx of patients that causes overloading! You would be correct if the disease had a serious toehold in Ireland right now, but it doesn't - we're still at the "stitch in time" phase.
    Fair enough....but again we're talking about the Health Board and the Minister for Health. This is not something the govt in general should be questioned/criticised/condemned for, but rather the Health Service, and - as a consequence - the Minister specifically.
    While I think that the Minister for Finance has a few questions to answer on this, and the Taoiseach by definition is where the buck stops, I'll agree with you. Mainly because there are more than enough questions to go around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,080 ✭✭✭hallelujajordan

    This is nonsense . . . . there is NO SARS in Ireland . . . . there is unlikely to be SARS in Ireland. . . . we are now being told that the disease has peaked in all Asian countries bar China and in Toronto and there are less than 500 people dead. More people die every day from simple diarrohea. . . . or malaria . . . . or TB and we don't really care.

    There is an incredible amount of bs in the media about SARS. . . . The reality is that there is no clinically validated diagnostic test for the condition and the coronavirus that many refer to has been identified in less than 60% of cases.

    Apart from a single case where a woman was sent home from hospital with a suspected case I think the health service have handled this pretty well. The reality is that that woman wasn't all that sick . .. Had she a proper home to go to she should have been sent home with instructions on how to look after herself and keep the disease contained.

    IMO Micheal Martin is taking a lot of stick because of media nonsense and a public gone mad with panic. We now have a national disease surveillance centre, pretty good surveillance of communicable disease and a public health system that will be much better geared up for managing a SARS crisis than either Hong Kong or China were.

    If people want to get concerned about communicable disease then get concerned about the increasing number of measles cases resulting from a lack of uptake on measles vaccine or get concerned about the woman in Waterford who we have just infected and killed with legionella . . . . Forget SARS . . . .it will not become an Irish issue.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Originally posted by hallelujajordan
    This is nonsense . . . . there is NO SARS in Ireland . . . . there is unlikely to be SARS in Ireland. . . .. Forget SARS . . . .it will not become an Irish issue.

    Glad your so sure, would you have been 3 or 4 weeks ago? The Channel 4 programme showed how in less than 48 hours SARS had gone from southern China to Hong Kong, Vietnam and Toronto. It could have come here just as there is now a certain level of
    awarness and vigilance SARS entering the country is much reduced but I would'nt assume anything yet...


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  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    People do die every day from malaria and cholera and TB and AIDS and dysentry and from falling over while putting on their trousers. (I'm not making that last one up). Thing is, this is a new and poorly understood virus, and with new virii comes the possiblity of a serious "superbug". Think of it this way - what if it wasn't SARS but a new, previously unseen and drug-resistant form of TB? (We've seen resistant strains of TB before but I mean a major outbreak). The system for dealing with SARS is the same one we'd have to use for TB, or Legionaires, or any other airborne contagion - and it's being shown to be woefully ill-prepared. The Chinese woman in dublin wasn't reported to doctors for several days, the Waterford case wasn't reported to the NDSC for several days, and the Legionaires case in Waterford apparently wasn't reported either even though that's illegal.
    So if the system is this far from perfect, we have a seriously good reason to be worried!
    And SARS currently is an irish issue - that's a fair accompli. And Martin is getting lots of stick because for 9 million euro a year, this system just isn't good enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Originally posted by Sparks
    And Martin is getting lots of stick because for 9 million euro a year, this system just isn't good enough.

    er Billion I hope!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Oh god, how many more SARS threads are we going to see....

    Ok, I'd like to point out that
    A) I work in Public Health
    B) I have no respect or esteem for teh current government.

    This SARS things is being blown waaaay out of proportion.
    There was a Legionnaires' case in Waterford the other night and I was contacted 8 times by non medical people thinking it was SARS after hearing news reports.

    Things to know about SARS:

    1. It is fatal in a very low amount of people who are infected.
    2. the high majority of these people are very old, very young or have a compromised immune system.
    3. The reason the mortality rate is so high to begin with is because these people catch it while in hospital.

    It was a doctor who sent the Suspected SARS cases home and they made the bang on right call!

    Why? because if you have a disease that has a high mortality rate in sick people do you a) Keep them in a hospital surrounded by sick people thus elevating the chance of the infection spreading and mortality rate rising b) Send them home to be isolated in bed?

    The other option is to put them in camps or something... is that what you suggest?

    Guys calm down! Theres a greater chance of me going mental from all the SARS crap I keep hearing and killing you as I fire into a crowd with an AK47 than there is of you cathcing SARS in Ireland and dying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Originally posted by sykeirl

    I'd like to point out that
    A) I work in Public Health
    B) I have no respect or esteem for teh current government.

    Theres a greater chance of me going mental from all the SARS crap I keep hearing and killing you as I fire into a crowd with an AK47 than there is of you cathcing SARS in Ireland and dying.

    ...its worse than I feared! :eek:


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Originally posted by Sparks
    Legionaires, or any other airborne contagion -

    The Legionnaires case here is a water borne strain. I don't believe there is an airbounre strain. In any case, like SARS, its only a risk to the old or ill.

    Originally posted by Sparks
    the Waterford case wasn't reported to the NDSC for several days, and the Legionaires case in Waterford apparently wasn't reported either even though that's illegal.
    So if the system is this far from perfect,
    Jesus, what rag have you been reading?

    Legionaires was reported to NDSC after the bacterium was isolated, grown and identified, which wasn't 5 minutes after they walked in the door but it was as soon as it could be confirmed.
    Its not contagious, it infects from a primary source, usually water bourne so there was no risk.
    Originally posted by Sparks
    we have a seriously good reason to be worried!
    And SARS currently is an irish issue - that's a fair accompli. And Martin is getting lots of stick because for 9 million euro a year, this system just isn't good enough. [/B]

    SARS is an irish issue?
    Is that your medical and scientific opinion?
    Can you give me the epidemiological data to support this?
    An index case and a pathway of infection to other cases?

    Funny, because noone I work with is worried just yet. Aware, yes! But they aren't in the state of panic you seem to be in.

    Oh and your right. Martin is a fool, who should not just be fired, but possible contaminated with about 15 diseases and put into an emergency room in a public hospital.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Ya know whats gonna happen?

    This is going to turn into a media circus with people panicing on and on and the government will come under pressure, put together some task force which will end up doing nothing because there won't be a problem and then in a few months themoney that went to that will be cut from other sources and then people will actually die.

    This is the problem with people who haven't a clue hyping medical issues like this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Yes, Billion - fingerpokentrubbles :)

    Erm, no, as I understand it, the original Legionaires case was airborne. Of course, I may have read a seriously inaccurate set of reports, but as I understand it, it spread around the hotel through the air conditioning system.

    I got the report that the second case wasn't reported from RTE news on radio one.

    SARS is an irish issue because the irish population is worried about it. It's similar to what engineers get taught about bridges - a bridge may be well within safety tolerances and still be swaying all over the place - but noone will use it if it sways too much. It's a case of giving both real safety and the appearance of safety for those without specialist knowlege.

    I don't think that they should be isolated at home when we don't know enough about SARS - or did you already know it's full history? It's already been reported to have mutated once remember. And all the reports I've been hearing for the last few weeks say that it has a 10% mortality rate and kills those with healthy immune systems just as effectively as the young/old/comprimised.

    And I'm not panicing about SARS - I'm concerned that we can't seem to handle a poorly-understood contagion on a small scale. This time, we seem to have gotten off lightly - what if, as I said, next time it's a resistant strain of TB?

    You're right, we'll probably get a kneejerk reaction - but that's not the fault of those of us who are being worried by the media and not well-informed by our own health service. It's the direct fault of the politicians in government.

    ps. AK47s are damn hard to get through "normal" channels here. You're more likely to go nuts with a semi-automatic 12-gauge shotgun (they're perfectly legal). Never let it be said I don't try to help the guys'n'gals in the medical system ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by Sparks
    People do die every day from malaria and cholera and TB and AIDS and dysentry and from falling over while putting on their trousers. (I'm not making that last one up).

    People get highly worked up about things like SARS. Just like they get worried about things like shark attacks. Sharks are dangerous you know. They are so dangerous that you statistically stand a better chance of being killed by a coconut falling on your head than by a shark.

    Somehow, its not the coconut trees people worry about.

    When you figure that out (and it aint tough), you should be able to figure out why there is so much hype and panic about SARS, and not about these other diseases.


  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by Sparks
    ps. AK47s are damn hard to get through "normal" channels here.

    Completely off topic, but I was amazed to see one on the shelf of the local knife/gun store in town....

    then again, I live in Switzerland, and they're massive gun freaks. THey keep quiet about it mostly.


  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    AK47s used to be totally legal in the UK too up until some nut got given permission to buy a self-loading rifle even though no local clubs were asked, and he went on a shooting spree. All SLRs were then banned. Then we had some nut go on a spree in dunblane even though local clubs had all refused to have the nut as a member due to mental instability. All handguns were banned. The next month, some nut went on a spree through a london school with kitchen knives...
    Seems that kneejerk reactions are the preferred method of dealing with things people don't understand. :( And they're deceptive in that they don't actually solve the problem, which then lets the next dunblane happen.
    You have to love swiss gun control, it's the jesse ventura model :) ("Putting two rounds in the same hole from 30 paces is what I call gun control").
    That's the difference I think, between the US system and other systems - in most other places, it's hard to get a gun without getting trained in how not to kill yourself with it accidentally.
    Okay, offtopic time over ;)

    Yes, people get worked up about SARS, but as I've said, I'm not panicing about SARS - I'm worrying about the lack of a coordinated response to it. Had SARS been nastier, or been a resistant form of something like TB, we might now be in serious trouble.

    (And people don't worry about coconut trees because they can see them coming - I recall seeing an OU program explaining how the perceived level of risk has to do with the visibility of the threat, how well it's understood, who it affects, what the reward is for taking the risk, how much control people have over whether or not they take that risk, and eventually, waaay down at the end of the list, what the actual severity of the risk was.)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Originally posted by Sparks

    Erm, no, as I understand it, the original Legionaires case was airborne. Of course, I may have read a seriously inaccurate set of reports, but as I understand it, it spread around the hotel through the air conditioning system.

    I got the report that the second case wasn't reported from RTE news on radio one.

    No, its not a case of you mis-reading it, its just you understand it wrong :p

    The "airbourne" case ocured in an air conditioning unit in leisure pool in a hotel. Water, containing Legionella got into the system
    and was dispersed in water mist spray.

    In epidemipological terms this is NOT and airbourne disease. Legionella is water bourne. Without the water vapour there is no transmission. Thus it cannot be spread by airbourne infection unless the victims come into contact with the primary source.

    As for the RTE 1 report, this is a station run by the people you are slagging off in the post to begin with. I don't believe the report to be accurate.

    Originally posted by Sparks

    SARS is an irish issue because the irish population is worried about it. It's similar to what engineers get taught about bridges - a bridge may be well within safety tolerances and still be swaying all over the place - but noone will use it if it sways too much. It's a case of giving both real safety and the appearance of safety for those without specialist knowlege.

    The only reason the worry exists is because of media scaremongering. If it was reported by the media in a sensible, accurate and responsible manner then people wouldn't be as worried.
    Originally posted by Sparks
    I don't think that they should be isolated at home when we don't know enough about SARS - or did you already know it's full history? It's already been reported to have mutated once remember. And all the reports I've been hearing for the last few weeks say that it has a 10% mortality rate and kills those with healthy immune systems just as effectively as the young/old/comprimised.

    Where do you want to put them? In hospitals where the chance is they will infect people who are at risk or doctors and nurses?
    The fact is, there is little you can do to treat SARS unless it risks mortality. The international protocol for an emergency high contagion disease epidemic is to advice people to stay away from hospitals for this reason.

    As for the mortality rate and healthy victims. Until I see it in a memo at work I don't believe it. Where are your reports from? CNN? Sky News?
    Gimme a break!
    Originally posted by Sparks
    And I'm not panicing about SARS - I'm concerned that we can't seem to handle a poorly-understood contagion on a small scale. This time, we seem to have gotten off lightly - what if, as I said, next time it's a resistant strain of TB?

    You don't really understand the nature of disease do you?
    See what SARS is doing, is what it has evolved to do. It is designed to infect and spread. It is a masterpiece.

    Now, on a world scale, I'm not surprised given teh way the Honk Kong authorities initially treated the matter, that they have the outbreak they have. However, we are not China and don't have the same population congestion issues they have so it should not be a problem here, if it ever even reaches here.

    Originally posted by Sparks
    You're right, we'll probably get a kneejerk reaction - but that's not the fault of those of us who are being worried by the media and not well-informed by our own health service. It's the direct fault of the politicians in government.

    No its the direct fault of the media for trying to sell news by inducing fear.

    Originally posted by Sparks
    ps. AK47s are damn hard to get through "normal" channels here. You're more likely to go nuts with a semi-automatic 12-gauge shotgun (they're perfectly legal). Never let it be said I don't try to help the guys'n'gals in the medical system ;)

    As I was saying... extremely unlikely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    No, its not a case of you mis-reading it, its just you understand it wrong :p
    Ah. Nope, I reread the original reports - they had it wrong and didn't mention the whole water mist part :(
    As for the RTE 1 report, this is a station run by the people you are slagging off in the post to begin with. I don't believe the report to be accurate.
    Erm, RTE is run by the Health department? :) Well, to be honest, knowing people that have worked there, I can understand thinking that they're a lazy bunch of sods, but that level of inaccuracy amounts to libel.
    The only reason the worry exists is because of media scaremongering. If it was reported by the media in a sensible, accurate and responsible manner then people wouldn't be as worried.
    Or if the Health department had spread out as much information as possible - hell, the guys in Toronto could do it, why couldn't we?
    As for the mortality rate and healthy victims. Until I see it in a memo at work I don't believe it. Where are your reports from? CNN? Sky News?
    The 10% figure is from the latest press release from the WHO.
    You don't really understand the nature of disease do you?
    'scuse me? So I'm a panicing idiot in one post and then instead of telling me the facts (some of which you don't yet know yourself) you just patonise me? This might be why some people are concerned at being ill-informed by the Health system.
    See what SARS is doing, is what it has evolved to do. It is designed to infect and spread. It is a masterpiece.
    It's not a masterpiece. It's a simple coronavirus from the few reports that we are getting. About as complex as influenza or a common cold. Infective rates are lower than for some of the nastier bugs, and it can't survive more than a few hours at most outside the host.
    No its the direct fault of the media for trying to sell news by inducing fear.
    While they certainly deserve some serious penalties for doing so, it's the job of the Health system to keep the public informed as to the level of risk; the spread of the disease; whether or not we should be seriously concerned; and what steps to take to protect ourselves. I've seen none of that so far in the press. Maybe I missed it? There is at least info on the websites, but for something that's gotten everyone so wound up, I would have thought that something more proactive on the part of the Health boards than putting info on a website (not that the website isn't necessary). Hell, there's supposed to be a leaflet being handed out at airports - why wasn't that posted when the level of panic was first seen?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,080 ✭✭✭hallelujajordan

    Originally posted by Sparks
    Had SARS been nastier, or been a resistant form of something like TB, we might now be in serious trouble.

    Actually, we have already seen mdr-TB (multi-drug-resistant) in Ireland and guess what, it didn't cause an epidemic, it didn't wipe out half the population, we weren't in serious trouble and the public health system dealt with it quite effectively. . . . and, it didn't make SKY news. (Take a look at and read about diseases that REALLY affect the people of Ireland)

    This whole SARS business is blown way way out of proportion. It will dissapear from the planet having killed less people than die of diarrohea in a single day. We should not be concerned / panicked / frightened and we should not pressure the health system into spending money that it can't afford just to placate an ill-informed electorate.

    If you want to beat the government / MM about the health system, beat them about issues that affect Ireland. My Dad was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate last October and it took 6 months before he saw a consultant, had the tests, confirmed cancer and removed the prostate. He's fine now TG, but there is every possibility that his disease could have spread in this time and that the operation could have come too late. While he was in hospital I was talking to the guy in the next bed . . .. he was a private patient on VHI, enlarged prostate 2 weeks ago. Diagnosis and surgery straight away. This is where there is a crisis in the health care system and this is where real Irish people are being affected. . . . . we are not affected by some bloody virus thousands of miles away which now being controlled quite effectively by WHO.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭dathi1

    Our laughable immigration system makes new 21st century super viruses like SARS open house..consider in the not too distant future the tax payer will have to foot the lawsuit bill for people who contracted AIDS and sub tropical forms of syphilis from their immigrant partners because the Government "didn't inform the public about the risks" at the time i.e.: 1996-2008

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,695 ✭✭✭dathi1

    also on the Health issue: After 10 years in the service industry I have seen for myself the immoral and corrupt wastage that's in our Hospitals....besides non attending consultants...the Unions are primarily the main cause of our bad health care..they run the hospitals. You can plough as much money as you want into the Irish Health system but it will never make a differences so long as the over staffed personnel pyramid systems exist. From my experience the amount of waste on overstaffing in the top heavy management sector is incredible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    My two cents on this virus.

    I'm appalled at the media from both the hysteria camp and the "why are we worrying" camp. The hysteria camp for obvious reasons, but the "why are we worrying" camp for even more worrying reasons as follows:

    SARS isn't a problem right now. What if a figure of, say, a third of the population of Dublin (300,000 or so) were infected. Is it still nothign to worry about? Why not? Never mind that the health-care system in this country would most likely collapse with even a third of this hypothetical number infected. The Potential of this virus is dangerous indeed. If it's not stamped on in the early stages it WILL be prudent to start listening to the hysteria camp.

    Already, the CDC (or WHO - can't recall) have found 12 variants of SARS. That shows that the virus is mutating already. Now that I find worrying.

    I'm not saying start running around screaming, but I'm saying that this is far more serious (if not dealt with effectively now) than some people think.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin


    It's not a masterpiece. It's a simple coronavirus from the few reports that we are getting. About as complex as influenza or a common cold. Infective rates are lower than for some of the nastier bugs, and it can't survive more than a few hours at most outside the host.

    Just to clarify this, I wasn't speaking specifically of SARS. ALL viruses are masterpieces in evolutionary terms. Anyone who thinks a virus is simple or basic has a very skewed and arrogant vision of life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,080 ✭✭✭hallelujajordan

    Originally posted by Lemming

    SARS isn't a problem right now. What if a figure of, say, a third of the population of Dublin (300,000 or so) were infected. Is it still nothign to worry about? Why not? Never mind that the health-care system in this country would most likely collapse with even a third of this hypothetical number infected. The Potential of this virus is dangerous indeed. If it's not stamped on in the early stages it WILL be prudent to start listening to the hysteria camp.

    There is no rational for believing this might ever occur ! The NDSC is in place and will be able to deal with an early stage outbreak quite effectively. We have seen countries with a much less sophisticated health-care system than us gain very early control of this condition (eg Vietnam) . . .
    Already, the CDC (or WHO - can't recall) have found 12 variants of SARS. That shows that the virus is mutating already. Now that I find worrying

    Why ? ? There are no medical countermeasures for SARS. . . no vaccine / no treatment ...... so why do you believe that 12 mutations is worrying ? Its already pretty virulent and is unlikely to mutate and become more so . . . . the frequency of the mutations seen to date are more to do with its instability than anything else . . .

    We do not need to spend money getting ready to cope with something that will not happen. We have plentiful need for that money elsewhere !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Originally posted by Sparks

    Or if the Health department had spread out as much information as possible - hell, the guys in Toronto could do it, why couldn't we?

    I believe Toronto had an epidemic on their hands.
    What exactly is the health system supposed to be reporting. We don't have a SARS problem here. We probably won't have one.
    There could possibly be an ebola zaire epidemic here too if an infected person from congo gets here (which is far worse than the SARS epidemic). Should the Dept. of Health release media on that too? There could be a variola major strain taken from Vector out there somewhere, should we educate on that too? Where does it end?

    If and when there is a problem on these shores or in neighbouring countries I'd say ring the bells. Until then I think you are over reacting.
    Originally posted by Sparks

    The 10% figure is from the latest press release from the WHO.

    The current official figure is actually 6.4% mortality. But thats not the whole story. 85% of those are in China or Chinese Regions.
    5% in Canada which was mainly due to site epidemiology and all other deaths in asian countries where the health care and standard of living doesn't approach ours.

    Now, saying that there is a 10% mortality rate from those figures when worrying about an Irish infection, is to bias the statistics slightly.
    Originally posted by Sparks

    'scuse me? So I'm a panicing idiot in one post and then instead of telling me the facts (some of which you don't yet know yourself) you just patonise me?

    Apologies if I am patronising. But I am explaining to you why you don't need to panic and I am trying to explain the facts. But you seem determined not to accept what I am saying and are convinced that we are at risk of people dying, depite the fact that there has yet to be one SARS death on this continent.
    Originally posted by Sparks

    it's the job of the Health system to keep the public informed as to the level of risk; the spread of the disease; whether or not we should be seriously concerned; and what steps to take to protect ourselves. I've seen none of that so far in the press.

    I do believe if you turn on Q&A or Primetime this week, you'd have seen senior health officials saying we are not at major risk and there is not largue cause for concern. It was even mentioned previously in this thread. Someone said they were worried that the health dept wasn't concerned. Do you not see humour in that? The press are the ones blowing this sky high. Of course you won't see the Star, the Sun, the Mirror, the herald or even the Indo saying "all is well here".

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,552 ✭✭✭✭GuanYin

    Originally posted by hallelujajordan
    There is no rational for believing this might ever occur !
    We do not need to spend money getting ready to cope with something that will not happen. We have plentiful need for that money elsewhere !

    Thank you! Someone who sees sense.
