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  • 30-04-2003 4:02pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,621 ✭✭✭

    It was coming up to jimmys 3rd birthday so his parents asked him what would he like for his birthday.
    Jimmy thinks about it for a minute and then eyes light up and he says "I wanna pink ping pong ball!",
    the parents both go "awww he wants a pink ping pong ball, awwww"
    so he gets his pink ping pong ball on his birthday and hes absolutely delighted!
    he plays with it day in day out for weeks and months on end.
    but then he loses his pink pong ball.

    never fear though, because it was just coming up to his 4th birthday so his parents ask him what he wants for his birthday.
    Jimmy thinks about it for a minute and then eyes light up and he says "I wanna pink ping pong ball!",
    afterwards the mum says "he wants a pink ping pong ball again?" and the dad replies "well i suppose he had so much fun with the last one why not?"
    so he gets his pink ping pong ball on his birthday and hes absolutely delighted!
    he plays with it day in day out for weeks and months on end.
    but then he loses his pink pong ball.

    just as this happened it was a week or so away from his 5th birthday so his parents ask him what he wants for his birthday.
    Jimmy thinks about it for a minute and then eyes light up and he says "I wanna pink ping pong ball!",
    afterwards the dad says "he wants a pink ping pong ball AGAIN?"and the mum replies "ah why not he really will like playing it". the dad thought to himself 'it is a really cheap gift' and lets it go.
    the year passes quickly with little Jimmy growing up quickly and having so much fun with his pink ping pong ball.
    sadly he loses the pink ping pong ball again.

    Luckily his 6th birthday was coming up. his parents ask him what he wants for his birthday.
    Jimmy thinks about it for a minute and then eyes light up and he says "I wanna pink ping pong ball!".
    The dad is getting a bit worried by now but the mum convinces him that its the best thing for little Jimmy. after all he really does LOVE playing with that pink ping pong ball.
    He gets his pink ping pong ball on his birthday and hes absolutely delighted!
    so he plays with it day in day out for weeks and months on end.
    but then he loses his pink pong ball.

    nevermind though his 7th birthday was soon so his mum approach him, this time with a frown of concern on her face and cautiously ask him what he'd like for his birthday.
    Jimmy thinks about it for a minute and then eyes light up and he says "I wanna pink ping pong ball!".
    His mum just about caught her husband before he was about to run upstairs to his room and shake some sense into his son!
    she manages to calm him down by saying its just a phase hes going through and by next year he'll have grown out of it.
    the dad concedes.
    So once again he gets his pink ping pong ball on his birthday and hes absolutely delighted!
    so he plays with it for endless hours.
    but then he loses his pink pong ball.

    just again it was soon to be his 8th birthday.
    his mum and dad walk up the stairs already knowing what the reply would be.
    They enter the room.
    Again they have frowns of concern on their faces, the father asks bluntly "What do you want for your birthday?".
    Jimmy thinks about it for a minute and then eyes light up and he says "I wanna pink ping pong ball!".
    The dad had had enough.
    "What the hell is wrong with you ya FREAK!!!!, all the other kids want bikes or computers or games and you want a ****ing PINK PING PONG BALL?!?!?!? This year im not having it, your not getting a freaking PINK PING PONG BALL!!!!"
    The mum was pretty sacred by now but thought that this might be for the best
    he takes a breath. . . . .
    "now what do you want"
    unfased by his fathers shouting and swearing he calmly says.
    "I want a Pink Ping Pong ball."
    "Oh for **** sake!!!" shouted the father.
    but he conceded
    "Fine get into the ****ing car..."
    downstairs, out the door and into the car.
    they drive to the shop the mum and dad(still fuming) in the front and little Jimmy in the back.
    The dad parks across the road from the little toy shop.
    "I'm not having any part of this" the father said stubbornly.
    The mother turned to her son and handed him enough money to buy a bike or the newest game console, knowing he'd just return with a pink ping pong ball.

    Little Jimmy got out of the car and crossed the road, a few minutes later he reappeared outside the shop with a brand new pink ping pong ball with a look of delight on his face.

    He started to walk across the road still smiling and then

    !!!!! WHAM !!!!!

    the BIGGEST truck you've ever seen smashes into little Jimmy!!!
    knocking the pink ping pong ball into the air
    and leaving an absolutley MANGLED body thirty odd metres down the street.

    the pink ping pong ball landed near where little jimmy had been walking.

    the parents looked on in absolute shock.
    they both burst into tears......

    Whats the moral of the story?
    Look both ways before you cross the road.



  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus




  • Registered Users Posts: 5,406 ✭✭✭Pompey Magnus

    it wasn't a joke tho, it was a story with a moral at the end! Aesop here just wasted my time and I aint happy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 651 ✭✭✭Okie

    Originally posted by Panda
    Whats the moral of the story?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,088 ✭✭✭BioHazRd

    methinks I will see if Regi can hack the vbb code to allow mods to request that a hit be taken out on some members.

    nuff said.....


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 958 ✭✭✭Mark

    The second I opened the link and saw several paragraphs, I knew it was that type of 'joke'.

    Heard it before anyway with a green ball instead of a ping pong ball.

    Anyway, Im still obliged to hate you for attemping to steal minutes of my life (evaded this time thankfully)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 718 ✭✭✭hells angels

    that was worse than the "dont sand up in the boat" bullshít i mean come on that's not humour.......:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 651 ✭✭✭Okie

    Lads lads, be nice.

    Come on now, aren't Pandas a protected species

    or at least should be after that "joke"


    Nice one Panda, tell us another.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,621 ✭✭✭Panda


    just the frowns on the smileys in yer replies are enough humour for me. :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    o god someone kill me, feck it, im sending the humour boards mob on ye!
