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Best Console



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,496 ✭✭✭quarryman

    Originally posted by Retr0gamer

    It may have Quantity over Quality in terms of games but there is far more quality games than either console. Games like ICO FFX and GTA make this console essential and others like Devil May Cry and MGS2 aren't too shabby either. However if you want the most get your console chipped so you don't miss out on excellent games like Xenosaga and Suikoden 3. If you love RPGs then this is the console of choice.

    what good RPGs are there for the PS2 Retro? I will probably pick the console that has the best selection of games in this area. Are there any good ones on the way?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 999 ✭✭✭Raz

    Imo the N64 didn't do as well as it should have because it was aimed at the wrong market. A market which couldn't support it.
    They tried to sell this pricy console to kids. Begging mommy for £45 to buy a game just doesn't work that well.
    It was a great console but most of the games were for the junior market. Had they gone for the big kid games it may have done better.
    That's why I think the PS came off better. They sold to people who could afford what they wanted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,492 ✭✭✭Shred

    Gamecube rawks, nuff said...

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,065 ✭✭✭✭Tusky

    Originally posted by 50Cent
    having but i jsut noticed res evil is on the cube too...dont knwo why or if its even different but i like the other games going for it...

    rez evil is exclusive to cube ( apart from gun games ) now, They remade the first one and made a new one called Resident evil 0 which is quite good :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 630 ✭✭✭50Cent

    can someone list off some good games for the cube. Just so i can read up on them and see if there m type. Are the mario games still as good as they were on the nes?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,065 ✭✭✭✭Tusky

    Originally posted by 50Cent
    can someone list off some good games for the cube. Just so i can read up on them and see if there m type. Are the mario games still as good as they were on the nes?

    Zelda : wind waker
    Metroid prime
    Eternal darkness
    Rez evil : 1/0
    Super monkey ball 1/2
    Rouge Leader
    Super mario sunshine

    Theres loads more but theres a few for you anyway...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 630 ✭✭✭50Cent

    Right thats me done. Im getting a gamecube after my exams. What a slick ****en console!!! The games look really good fun especially the mario titles. yay for me!

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 51,377 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Sorry this is late Quarryman. Well PS2 has the main Final Fantasy series and the biggest support from square. FFX is the best RPG since Grandia and FF7. Worth picking up as well is Kingdom Hearts which is a psuedo RPG/ Beat-em-up. Don't be fooled by the disney characters. It's a rock hard challenge. Grandia 2 is another decent RPG but has dodgy graphics and is not as serious as other RPG's. If you get your PS2 chipped you could get Suikoden 3 which I have heard great things about and if it's as good as Suikoden 1 and 2 then it's definitely worth getting. Won't be coming over to Europe though (damn you Konami!). Also Xenosaga is supposed to be great, but this probably won't be coming to Europe either. Then theres also the upcoming FFX-2 the sequel to FFX and FFXII. The Cube is also getting a FF game with FF crystal chronicles. I'm off to america in a months time to pick them all up!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,065 ✭✭✭✭Tusky

    retrogamer if i gave you cash would you get some for me ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Originally posted by Retr0gamer
    Grandia 2 is another decent RPG but has dodgy graphics and is not as serious as other RPG's.
    Ill second this choice, the story ling and charecter development isnt a touch on the likes of FF7, but the combat system is superb, you can dodge out of peoples attacks by runnign away, spells have an area of effect, so if the enemies are bunched up you can hit them all with a well placed spell, some spells even have an area of effect around your feet, gives nearby enemies a good blasting. Its the best combat system since Shining Force if you ask me (shining force wont be beat for combat system, period :p).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,065 ✭✭✭✭Tusky

    amazed Cube got such a good response.... gwan !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    On the PS2 RPG front, I'd also mention the dismally underrated Shadow Hearts, which is very good (and out over here). Wild Arms 3 is also good but very very traditional in terms of how it works, and there are a few painful niggles in the mechanics of the game.

    Oh, and the .hack games (four in total, starting with .hack//INFECTION which is the only one out in English so far) are superb, and very interesting indeed.

    Star Ocean 3 is also on its way to an English translation although there are mutterings about it not showing up on this side of Christmas :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,753 ✭✭✭Doodah7

    Not to forget however that Skies of Arcadia Legends has an imminent release for GC. Personally, however I am not sure if Would go for it having completed it on DC. Apparently it has new characters and new locations with less random battles than the DC version which I got a bit sacked off with at times.

    But it is a top turn-based RPG for those who have not played it. If only there were a few more turn-based titles appearing for GC or xbox... Incidentally, anyone know of any???

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,757 ✭✭✭✭MisterAnarchy

    I'll get this off my chest.
    I have both a PS1 and an N64.
    I was a regular reader of Arcade magazine and each month it published the top 20 games ever on each console .
    As a point I either bought or rented every one of the games in the top 20 for both.
    My conclusions :
    1.In raw processing and graphical power the N64 beat the daylights out of the PS1.
    2.Cut scenes on PS1 were better.
    Overall though it was very clear cut.
    The N64 games were leagues ahead
    Zelda OOT
    Zelda MM
    Mario 64
    Mario Kart
    Obviously the PS had more games for it but the quality was alot lower.
    People said that there werent enough good games on the N64.
    This was bull.
    How many good games do people buy,15/20.
    Another point I'd like to make is that the N64 was not a flop.
    It sold very well in the States .
    Nintendo's distribution system in the UK is abysmal.
    Finally which company is making more money ...Sony Computer Division or Nintendo ?
    Answer is Nintendo .
    Their profits have been considerably better for the last 3 years .
    Sony made a $122m loss last year.
    Afterall money is the bottom line.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    The N64 certainly wasn't a flop. Nintendo made a vast amount of money from it. By anyone's yardstick, that's a successful console.

    That said, SCE is playing a rather different ballgame to NCL. Sony wants to dominate the living room with consumer devices, and has a long-term plan to do so using Cell microprocessors. Nintendo just sells toys. That's not a bad thing, it's just that it does indicate a very different approach from the two companies. Nintendo is in the console business to make money, Sony is in the console business to build a brand and an installed base - making money is secondary.

    Regarding N64 games, sure there were a lot of good ones, but can't you say that without dissing the PlayStation? I loved my N64 to bits, but realistically the gaming experiences I'll probably be remembering in 10 years time came from the PlayStation. GoldenEye, Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 are the three all-time classics on N64, for my money... Whereas on PSone, I don't see me forgetting about FFVII, MGS, Silent Hill, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Ridge Racer Type 4 or any of a host of others in a hurry.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Wilbert

    Don't let DVD playback be a factor in buying a console. The X-Box and PS2 are not good enough in terms of DVD. Buy a dedicated DVD player. The Sony Picot DVD player is very good and it is about 160euros.
    Consoles for games.
    DVD players for playing DVD's.
    Simple, no?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Wilbert

    The Dreamcast was a criminally under-rated machine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,136 ✭✭✭Pugsley

    Originally posted by Wilbert
    The Dreamcast was a criminally under-rated machine.
    I agree with this one, however it lacked the publicity, and money to get many great games on it. However it did have some golden games, which ic surprising considering its short life span, I dont think many people will forget Soul Caliber quickly if they played it a good few times.

    (ps: lizardman was the best by far ;))

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 51,377 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Sorry tusky I doubt if I can. I have to geet lots of stuff for other people. If I can I'll PM you.

    The dreamcast defo didn't deserve to flop. During the first year of the PS2 the Dreamcast had far more quality games and some classics. The PS2 had nothing good on it for a whole year until GTA3 and Devil May Cry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,496 ✭✭✭quarryman

    Originally posted by Retr0gamer
    The Cube is also getting a FF game with FF crystal chronicles. I'm off to america in a months time to pick them all up!:D

    I'm actually of to America myself for a couple of months... J1 etc. Is there any point in getting a Gamecube while I'm over there? Will the American console work with any Irish games I buy when I bring it back. I'd say they're a lot cheaper to buy in the states. Then again, I could just buy it and sell it before I go.......

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,275 ✭✭✭Shinji

    The US console will work fine with PAL games if you use a Freeloader disc. However, bear in mind that you'll need to acquire a step-down transformer in order to use it with an Irish power supply. Also, it'll output NTSC signals, which your TV may not appreciate very much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,496 ✭✭✭quarryman

    Originally posted by Shinji
    The US console will work fine with PAL games if you use a Freeloader disc. However, bear in mind that you'll need to acquire a step-down transformer in order to use it with an Irish power supply. Also, it'll output NTSC signals, which your TV may not appreciate very much.

    so that's a no basically. What exactly is a Freeloader Disc? It sounds like it wouldn't be worth all the hassle of of buying it and bringing it back. I might just buy some games instead and get the console when I get back. thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭Balfa

    I'd say they're a lot cheaper to buy in the states

    Actually, They used to be, but i believe the GC has come down in price here (i've heard it's now €150, no?), whereas it's still $150 there. Add on tax over there, and it's more expensive, despite the exchange rate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭Brerrabbit

    i'd have to say teh cube; lots of top quality titles out already (starwars rogue leader, zelda, metroid) and more to come.

    That being said I'm absolutely rabid to get GTA3 and VC (but with the newsa that they may come to the cube I'm very happy).

    Don't let the dvd become too big a factor in your choice though; if you're serious about your movies then get a decent dvd player (after all the only reason to get dvds really, is for the higher quality which the console dvds dont provide (I understand that cash is a big limitation though and a dvd on the cube would have still been a nice extra).

    also (and a minor point it might be anyhow...) the cube is primarily a games machine as someone said it doesnt pertain to be anything else and not having to get a mutitap thingy to play four player is nice (that really annoyed me about the ps2).
