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NWN 07-05-2003 (wednesday)

  • 07-05-2003 11:31am
    Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭

    Throne of bloodstone part 2:

    What has happened so far:

    Well, the party arrived in the town of Bloodstone Pass and heard about the witch king Zengyi (or something like that) who was all evil and stuff and had an army of demons and undead. Well, we went and had a look and guess what, he did! As well as a white dragon that kept legging it when he got repeatedly kicked.

    Witch king was killed and his castle thoroughly looted. In the cellar we found a portal with several quite large and nasty demons patrolling around it. After disposing of these a Deva (as in a good thing from the outer plane) called St. Sollars apepared and charged us with a nice side trek.

    We have to kill the Demon Lord of Undead Orcus, steal his wand (yes, he calls it a wand, what a fairy!) , then we have to head off and Kill the Goddess Queen of the dragons (Tiamat).

    And all of this must be done by randomly finding our way through the demon planes :)

    Doesnt that sound like fun!

    No HAK required. Plenty of vendors in town with fantastic equipment. Good fights. Tough traps.

    Go on, you know you want to!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,555 ✭✭✭Wook

    btw , me warrior half-elf wook , lost the frost-longsword on loan.. during a fight with invisibile 'green' creatures.. together with my shield and some other party member lost his axe, compensation in full if i find something back that is of similar worth.

    2.btw dwarfs suck at scaling walls ! , dwarfs are ugly mofo's have silly beards !


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    they also have axes and short tempers (coincidence?).

    hehe, it was funny seeing the brave warrior defeated by a step up on the side of a wall :p

    I lost my lovely boots on top of that wall :( ah well, back to the old pair then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭Saruman

    Dont think i can make tonight... if i do i will likely be late...
    What characters are you on? Valen, Cerano etc? Or the HCR characters?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    they are the normal campaign characters (Valen, Cerano etc).

    God, I'd hate to try this one HCR :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    Well it was an interesting session to say the least... and the way we left it, the next one should be great fun :)

    The party started in Bloodstone Pass , with the exception of Jess who started where she logged out from, the grounds around Zenghyi castle, alone. After a good fight she made it back to the pass and managed to get some gear together and join the rest of us on the Astral plane (great place except for the hippies).

    The Astral plane is a place of darkness and really slow movement. It is dotted about with portals of all different colours. The White portal leads to bloodstone Pass. We headed into the Red Portal, Red being the colour of safety you know...

    Into Hell:

    We arrived in the Nine Hells to a cold welcome from a white dragon and a few half fiends. The area was a large cavern populated with another dragon (adult blue - the pr0nstar dragon) and half fiends, which are ok by themselves but around one corner we ran into a pack of about 20! Some excellent spell use by Cerano stunned nearly all of them and let the blenders get to work without fear of interruption. There was one exit from the cavern, but it was blocked by a magical barrier that will maybe be open later. Our only option was to return to the Astral plane and try a different portal.

    Into Pazuzu:

    Through the Blue portal and into the realm of Pazuzu (no, not an 80's pop band) more like a big demon overlord and ruler of an area swarming with uber slaadi. Some BIG fights to be had here with gangs of Death Slaad summoning Red Slaad. I know everyone nearly died at least once during these fights.
    It was about here that we realised the effect of the outer planes on our characters, our AC, attack rolls and damage rolls were all reduced, by quite a fair chunk too.
    Nela (our bard) met with the Demon prince Pazuzu who offered her a whistle to summon him and opened a portal to Orcus' lair - on a side note, this dealing with Demons moves you 1 step toward evil and in PnP, if you go chaotic evil in the outerplanes you get turned into a dmeon and become a hostile creature... just something to keep in mind, maybet he author scripted this as well - we decided against taking the portal as, if it did lead directly to Orcus we were very unlikely to be a match for him as we were. A bit more Abyssal depopulation was required first :)
    Back in to the Astral Plane we go, and off to find another portal.
    Jess left us here, so this is where she will be re-appearing on Monday. (eeeeek!)

    Through the Cyan Window:
    Well we did it we found the 666 layers of the Abyss. great. After a few good fights with Chasme demons (look like imps but have a really nasty cloud attack and are pretty tough to kill), Nafaressu (Big grey Renderers that have 50% concealment) , Glabrezu (minotaurs with invisibility and good HP), random swarms of rust monsters (lucky Ragnar had those boots!) and several undead - ALL OF WHICH RESPAWN, so followers on, be warned - we found the conduit to the next layer of the Abyss... of so we thought.

    Vezrack: layer of the Drow.
    Nela, Ragnar, hebril and myself (Valen) arrived here. Cerano arrived in the realm of Demogorgon. I dont know what exactly happened there so I will only write about the drow realm I explored.

    A few drow, a few spiders, nothing too tough (though the poison from the spiders seem pretty hard to save against.. poor ragnar got infected a few times). hebril left while we explored here. We moved onto find a conduit and see if we could find Cerano.

    We ended up back in the caverns we arrived in first (witht he chasme Kaga Tun I think is the realms name) and after A LOT of running around looking for the portal.. which we had now determined had random destinations.. we eventually transported to

    Pandemonium, the realm of Yeenoghu, lord of the Gnolls. Sounds liek a crap job, but he was pretty tough. Ragnar did a great job and beat him almost single handedly! But a lot of run and rest was involved. Myself and Nela had been killed by this lord (he was hitting for 30points of damage - and remember I am AC38! and doing up to 90 on a crit, which he got a lot). It was time to find the portal and leg it.

    Back to Vezrack and Cerano appeared! Yaaaay! A bit more running about and smacking of spider and drow and we eventually found our way into the central room.. which just happened to be the lair of my Namesake.. LoLth Queen of the Demonweb Pits. After a very tough fight, we dispatched her and looted to our hearts content.. well, not really, for a goddess, she had some pretty crap items :( but the xp was good.

    This is when we found out that not only do the portals seem to have a random destination but they also move about the map!

    We left the session here. Myself, Nela, ragnar, cerano and Hebril will reappear in Vezrak on Monday.

    Wook and Laeus will start in Bloodstone Pass.

    Jess will start in Pazuzu.

    just make your way to the portal to the Astral plane and go into the CYAN portal. I would suggest that the three outside the abyss try to meet up onthe astral Before entering the Abysss. Also, when in the Abyss, try to enter the conduits at teh same time to avoid being split up between different realms.

    A good game all in all and an enjoyable romp. Looking forward to Monday.

    (Saru, you want to fill us in on what happened in demogorgons realm? and if I missed anything, feel free to add in or correct me.. the ol' memory isnt what it used to be!)

    ps. if anyone is using a ring of protection, or needs one, I have a ring of prot +5 that you might find handy to use or upgrade to

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭Saruman

    Ok Myself (Cerano) somehow ended up in a different realm than anyone else. It was Demogorgon. It looks nice.. a huge big forest area. There was not a whole lot of creatures to kill a few groups of Chasme demons. I was immune to the cloud apart from its slowing effects.. i know heb got severely eaten and almost died in one of the clouds. Anyway i moved on and eventually came across a band of baddies.. one of which was a Balor Lord Prince with a name beginning with A. He was friendly though.. so i started breathing again.. the others were summoned succubos, demon bug and Chasme demons and one of them Bird like things.. Vashrack or something.. anyway i attacked (as you do) and started with the small fries.... I could not harm the Vashrack thing with my sword (greatsword - dagger of chaos!!) However.. the balor lord came to my rescue.. i was in no fear of being killed, they were not strong enough to hurt me much... But i was having trouble harming them.. The reason will be explained below. Anyway myself and the balor finished them off.. i discovered my fire arrows did the trick on those my sword did not work on... I talked to the balor.. he gave me 3 options... to kill his fiendish hellspawn self, to ask how to get out of here or to lead me to Demogorgon himself (take me to your leader). First i picked to show me exit... he told me where it was. Then i picked fight.. i figured i could take him myself now the others were dead... it was a good fight but i killed him... he was not immune to my sword and every time i hit him i regenerated as well as the normal regen i get with my am of health. I then ran around for a bit!

    I found Demogorgon's place.. he was friendly... however there was a lot of side rooms so i figured i would check there first as i was sure badies must be hiding there and as soon as i talked to Demogorgon they would all attack me... (needs party!). So first room was a succubus.. unfortunatly i cant harm her with my sword BUT as soon as i attack everyone including Demogorgon comes after me and smites me... So i end up respawning.. loose 600xp and about 4.5k gold.. the gold was fine.. i have loads... xp i missed.. Anyway i then had to run for ages all the way back to Vezrack where i ran around looking for portal.. found it then it dissapeared before i got in.. then a few mins later everyone else arrived and we spent the next 20 mins looking for portal.

    OK so the reason i could not harm some of the creatures? They cast a spell on themselves... Now i can just dispell it.. i have a lesser and greater dispell.. BOTH of which i had used up ages ago with the party... That was fine as Nela and jess had some too i think... But on my own i could not dispell.. I did not get to rest at all.. every time i tried i failed... i was always fine healthwise so i just missed my spells.. It was not till i was killed in Demogorgan's place and i respawned that i got to rest again!!

    It was a good mod... still more fun to go... I got to make great use of my raise dead and even better resurrect (with full health). And the spell i used to stun everyone... i have 2.. one is hammer of the gods.. its good.. but the big one i used in the 9 hells was word of faith.. it stuns everyone.. enemy that is.. and there is no save as far as i know.. it also kills anyone with hp of 4 or less. I could be wrong and there may be more properties but i think thats about the jist of it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    On a side note,

    I spoke to the author and he sent me a cut down version of the FAQ:

    Amulet of planar navigation = tells you the co-ords of your location on a particular plane

    Amulet of Planar Travel: opens a conduit if you are in the abyss, to the next layer, or opens a portal to the Astral plane if you are on the "top level" of a plane.

    Clerics, paladins, rangers, druids have their sleep disrupted so they cannot learn more than 3rd level spells. This does not happen on the Astral plane

    The river Styx flows though a lot of the Abyss and can be crossed by casting a summon spell on it's banks to summon a charonodaemon. Summoning 9 at the main river (on one of the level) summons Charon himself.

    The amulet of Sanctuary acts as a word of recall spell and returns you to the Prime Material plane (Home in bloodstone pass).

    The portals are not exactly random. They are randomly determined at the start of the scenario and will always lead to the same place... doesnt explain how cerano got sent off on his mission.

    All abyssal layers are approx 49X49 for coords purposes (-49 to +49 on each axis) with the portal to the Astral plane located at co-ord 0,0

    Sounds like a bit of exploringto be had, and next person to pop their clogs, is being sent to the shops to buy some amulets of sanctuary. That way our divine spellcasters can rest up when they need to.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 265 ✭✭FlashBang

    sorry I always have to leave so soon, but I'm in mid-finals (which obviously come before gaming). I always try to take one or two hours free to play with you ppl, but physics (on friday = tomorrow) will be by far the hardest test. Then maths on tuesday... which basically means I'll only show up for a very short time again on monday... if at all...

    well, I can play full-time after next monday again. Shouldn't really be a problem as your characters are so high-leveled that you kill off the enemies in CQB before I even finished casting my first spell. So basically I'm only good for huge groups of enemies or melee-resistant/spell-sensitive boss-enemies and (of course) party-boosting (which I don't really do alot because I learned combat-spells... maybe I should consider learning boost-spells and play a support-role... hmmm... well, would be an ingame-decission).

    Anyways, just wanted to let you ppl know what I'm doing and wish you a good and fun game if I can't show up on monday.

    - Flash

    p.s.: of course I also wish you a good and fun game if I do show up on monday :p it'd just be harder for you to have one :D

    j/k ;) (or am I?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Wook and Laeus will start in Bloodstone Pass

    Ragnar = Laeus = Squall :)

    Was a good session alright. Very nice mod. Lot of Xp and some pretty nice loot, plus some challenging enemies.

    I resent that boot comment btw. Others were runnig just as fast and i dont plan on losing my sweet axe :)

    looking forward too monday. Might be me last week. Got study to do for me LC :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,339 ✭✭✭✭LoLth

    oops, sorry for the name mix up (the boot comment stands :p, or rather crouches so you can look it in the eye....)

    I meant Doli, the other half person.

    Flash: I would say the best thing you can do on monday is concentrate on getting back to bloodstone pass. Otherwise you risk having to pop in at an even more dangerous location the next time you play. Good luck with the finals btw!

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