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3rd Level Fees: Rich families to pay



  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    You talk as if the money for "free" fees comes from nowhere. What about the financial burden imposed on ordinary workers who didn't go to college, don't get the financial benefits of a university education and still have to pay for it through their taxes?
    Firstly, if free fees are abolished, we won't be seeing a tax cut anyway.
    Second, if you have free fees, then ordinary workers are paying for the chance for their kids to go to college. That's rather important for most people - to see their kids progress and prosper more than they could.
    "Free fees" is like some twisted version of Robin Hood -- it takes from the poor and gives to the rich (and if you're saving to buying a house, you are rich).
    Incorrect Meh. We sure as hell weren't rich, and free fees were a lifesaver - 'cos we were in that neat bracket where you earn too much to get grants and too little to be able to afford college.
    And if owning a home makes you rich, our economy is doing a lot better than most people think...

    Yes, it would be a much better idea if someone else paid for him to get his education, so that then he could start earning money much sooner.
    And who pays for defaulted student loans?
    And since an educated labour force improves the economy and thus helps everyone (especially for our economy)...
    Funny...I coulda sworn that getting a degree and deciding to become a surgeon was a freely made personal choice. Guess not.
    So you want to tell everyone thinking of becoming a doctor that they have to accept crippling financial burdens?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meh

    Originally posted by Sparks

    Firstly, if free fees are abolished, we won't be seeing a tax cut anyway.
    You're right, maybe the money spared will be spent on reforming the grants system or improving healthcare or putting more police on the streets or any of the other stuff that the government spends money on.
    And if owning a home makes you rich, our economy is doing a lot better than most people think...
    That's not what I said. Owning a house doesn't mean you're rich. Being able to save to buy one does.
    Second, if you have free fees, then ordinary workers are paying for the chance for their kids to go to college.
    But under your proposal, they're also paying for Tony O'Reilly's children to go to college.This argument is a red herring -- under the government proposal, ordinary workers would still be entitled to free third-level education. So at worst, average people are completley unaffected by the change.
    So you want to tell everyone thinking of becoming a doctor that they have to accept crippling financial burdens?
    Let's say medicine in UCD costs €4,000 a year, and the course lasts 5 years. Let's also assume that you do no summer work or part-time whatsoever, and that you get no help from your wealthy parents. You will graduate €20k in debt.

    Now let's assume that a junior doctor earns just €10k a year more than they would if they didn't have a degree. They will have the debt cleared in two years. Seems a small price to pay for a good career.
    Incorrect Meh. We sure as hell weren't rich, and free fees were a lifesaver - 'cos we were in that neat bracket where you earn too much to get grants and too little to be able to afford college.
    This isn't a reason to keep free fees. This is a reason to reform the grants system.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by Sparks
    And who pays for defaulted student loans?

    As opposed to paying for all loans. You do the math. Work out which costs the taxpayer more?

    And there are steps you can take against defaulters to regain some/all costs. The only way that they should be able to get away with it is be emigrating permanently or remaining permanently unemployed.
    So you want to tell everyone thinking of becoming a doctor that they have to accept crippling financial burdens?

    By that standard, buying a house is a "crippling financial burden". Strangely, I dont see many people claiming that the government should pay for everyone to own their house to spare them the burden.

    In both cases, you are overlooking the fact that you get something for the money you chose to spend. Thats generally called an investment, not a burden. Even if there's no guarantee of return, its still an invcestment.

    I see no difference in expecting the government to pay for one investment over another. If your mate gets to be a doctor for free, why shouldnt I get a house for free? We're talking same ballpark figures here.

    As a matter of interest, would I be correct in guessing that you have not yet attended university, and that may have some small impact on your position?


  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Originally posted by Meh
    You're right, maybe the money spared will be spent on reforming the grants system or improving healthcare or putting more police on the streets or any of the other stuff that the government spends money on.

    That's not what I said. Owning a house doesn't mean you're rich. Being able to save to buy one does.

    These two points are flawed. Fair enough, at an individual level, College education is a luxury. Not having it may be a waste of your abilities, but at the end of the day you can get along without it, whereas you'd have trouble getting alng without Gardai to protect you or healthcare to keep to alive. But on a national level, a college educated workforce is just as critical. This entire argument in fact is one big maze of catch-22's and paradoxes. Without a college-educated workforce, the economy would stagnate and die. In order to get one, you risk damaging your economy by funding students. Someone from a poor background may end up with exactly the same income after college as someone from a wealthy background, similarly finished college. But the latter will be crippled with debt simply because he came from a rich background. Where's the equality there? However, without free fees, the guy from the poor background can't even get to college in the first place. That's all OT, but we must keep a very open mind on this issue. Like abortion, I don't think there's a right or wrong answer, instead just a list of compromises that need to be made, on both sides.

    Your second point is completely strange. By saving for a house, we mean that they are saving for a deposit to fill in the gap their mortgage won't cover. By owning a house we mean that they have a mortgage. So where's the difference?
    If someone is saving €500 euro a month for a year to get a €6000 deposit, and another person is paying (a modest) €500 per month on their 25-year mortgage, how is the former any richer than the latter? :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    You're right, maybe the money spared will be spent on reforming the grants system or improving healthcare or putting more police on the streets or any of the other stuff that the government spends money on.
    Like government jets and Bertie's makeup? Pah.
    That's not what I said. Owning a house doesn't mean you're rich. Being able to save to buy one does.
    No it doesn't. It means that you're not poor - but there's a difference between "not poor" and "rich"...
    But under your proposal, they're also paying for Tony O'Reilly's children to go to college.This argument is a red herring -- under the government proposal, ordinary workers would still be entitled to free third-level education. So at worst, average people are completley unaffected by the change.
    Yup - for the first year it's in force. How long until someone "tweaks" or "adjusts" the thresholds? How long until we're back to where we were before free fees?
    Let's say medicine in UCD costs €4,000 a year, and the course lasts 5 years. Let's also assume that you do no summer work or part-time whatsoever, and that you get no help from your wealthy parents. You will graduate €20k in debt.
    Wow, so you lived on nothing for five years? No rent, no food, no clothes, no electricity, no gas, no books, no A4 pads, no pens, nothing?
    Now let's assume that a junior doctor earns just €10k a year more than they would if they didn't have a degree. They will have the debt cleared in two years. Seems a small price to pay for a good career.
    Except that those figures are all wrong. You're talking about debt in the hundreds of thousands of euro if you want to be accurate about it.
    This isn't a reason to keep free fees. This is a reason to reform the grants system.
    I wish you could trust the government to do that. But you can't :( Best we can do is fight to keep the good things we have, and not let them ask for a step back to possibly get something at some indeterminate future date.

    As opposed to paying for all loans. You do the math. Work out which costs the taxpayer more?
    You're forgetting that those paying student loans also pay taxes. And usually pay more tax than those that didn't go to college.
    And there are steps you can take against defaulters to regain some/all costs. The only way that they should be able to get away with it is be emigrating permanently or remaining permanently unemployed.
    It was the emigration problem that was causing the majority of the defaults actually. And the neat thing about Ireland is that we have a long tradition of emigration and now that the economic boom is over, that'll be making a comeback...
    By that standard, buying a house is a "crippling financial burden". Strangely, I dont see many people claiming that the government should pay for everyone to own their house to spare them the burden.
    Buying a house is a crippling financial burden - or do you have 250,000 euro hanging about in your pocket?
    And many people are most unhappy at how the prices were allowed to spiral by the government. So that analogy doesn't really hold.
    I see no difference in expecting the government to pay for one investment over another. If your mate gets to be a doctor for free, why shouldnt I get a house for free? We're talking same ballpark figures here.
    Your mate doesn't get to be a doctor for free. First, he has to study damn hard, and second he pays a lot more tax later on. Consider it as an investment by the state. You pay taxes to pay for a doctor who'll pay more taxes himself over the course of his career than you paid in in the first place.
    Of course, you still have to worry about emigration...
    As a matter of interest, would I be correct in guessing that you have not yet attended university, and that may have some small impact on your position?
    I graduated from TCD six years ago. I teach labs there now while working on my PhD (which does not have free fees).

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meh

    Originally posted by seamus
    Someone from a poor background may end up with exactly the same income after college as someone from a wealthy background, similarly finished college. But the latter will be crippled with debt simply because he came from a rich background.
    But if he's rich he'll won't have any problem with the debt!
    Your second point is completely strange. By saving for a house, we mean that they are saving for a deposit to fill in the gap their mortgage won't cover. By owning a house we mean that they have a mortgage. So where's the difference?
    If someone is saving €500 euro a month for a year to get a €6000 deposit, and another person is paying (a modest) €500 per month on their 25-year mortgage, how is the former any richer than the latter?
    :rolleyes: I did not say that homeowners were poorer than people saving for a house. I said that owning a house does not necessarily mean you're rich -- i.e. that there is such a thing as a person who both owns a house and is poor. But if someone has the income to pay €500 a month mortgage, they're definitely not poor. Not eveve homeowner has a mortgage.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meh

    Originally posted by Sparks
    Like government jets and Bertie's makeup? Pah.
    And of course, the government wastes 100% of its income on government jets and makeup for politicians. It spends nothing whatsoever on hospitals and schools.
    No it doesn't. It means that you're not poor - but there's a difference between "not poor" and "rich"...
    I'm sorry, but if you have €500 a month of surplus income on top of food, rent and transport to save towards a house, then you are rich by any definition of the term. I suppose you're using the usual middle-class definition of rich as "my income + 50%"?
    Yup - for the first year it's in force. How long until someone "tweaks" or "adjusts" the thresholds? How long until we're back to where we were before free fees?
    Slippery slope.
    The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question. In most cases, there are a series of steps or gradations between one event and the one in question and no reason is given as to why the intervening steps or gradations will simply be bypassed. This "argument" has the following form:

    1. Event X has occurred (or will or might occur).
    2. Therefore event Y will inevitably happen.

    This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because there is no reason to believe that one event must inevitably follow from another without an argument for such a claim. This is especially clear in cases in which there is a significant number of steps or gradations between one event and another.
    Wow, so you lived on nothing for five years? No rent, no food, no clothes, no electricity, no gas, no books, no A4 pads, no pens, nothing?
    You would have to pay for that stuff free fees or not, so it makes no difference to my analysis.
    Except that those figures are all wrong. You're talking about debt in the hundreds of thousands of euro if you want to be accurate about it.
    Hundreds of thousands in debt? Utter rubbish. I'd like to see you back this up.
    I wish you could trust the government to do that. But you can't :( Best we can do is fight to keep the good things we have, and not let them ask for a step back to possibly get something at some indeterminate future date.
    So you'd rather waste your time campaigning to save he wasteful, inefficient and unjust free fees system, rather than trying to reform the grants system and actually improve social justice in this country?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by Sparks
    Buying a house is a crippling financial burden - or do you have 250,000 euro hanging about in your pocket?

    It seems to be a crippling burden that people are falling over themselves to assume. Indeed, those that can't afford the crippling burden wish they had more money so that they could get this crippling burden added to their woes.

    If people are that eager to assume such a crippling burden, don't you think that its because they see an advantage in doing so? The same applies for becoming a doctor.
    and second he pays a lot more tax later on.
    Consider it as an investment by the state.

    Fine - then make him pay for it up front and give him tax breaks in return as payback.
    That way, if he skips the country, fails his course, ends up unemployed, or anything, the taxpayer is not footing the bill. The doc is not losing out "repaying" his loan, as he is being given tax-breaks to pay it back (thus it costs him nothing), the state has assumed no risk, and everyone is a winner.

    Ultimately, if you can argue that the state can consider it an investment, then it must also be true that it is an investment for whoever pays the bill.

    So why is it preferable to have the state pay? All I see are innumerable possibilities for more people to sponge off the state - not for the state to get a better return on investment.

    The state loses if they pay for someone who emigrates. If the doc pays for their own education, then they dont lose out by emigrating.

    I dont know what the figures are now, but when I finished secondary there was a shortage of university spaces. The aim was to bring our third-level education to the point where if someone wanted a place, they could have one. That is where the government's investment should be - making the facilities available - not paying for someone to use or abuse them as they see fit.

    I'd even say that we should be spending money on improving our primary and secondary education rather than funding attendance to university. Not so long ago, Ireland was generally ranked second in the world for its educational system. Not there now. But lets not fix that...lets pay the doctor cause he shouldnt have to invest in his own future...we should.

    Not for me thanks.


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,148 ✭✭✭✭Lemming

    Ok OK OK, this has gone wayyy off OT on my little anecdote.

    The point is that in order for kids in the US/Aus/UK to go through college, they have to be prepared to face SERIOUS debts for the next decade basically.

    Do we really want to see something like that rear its head in this country if we can help it?

    Do we want to tell our kids "Yes you can go to college, but you'll not be able to live your life for the next 'n' yearse whilst you face a massive debt" ?

    Do you think that is going to encourage or discourage young people from goign to college. It's already happening in the UK (as I pointed out before)

    Also, I am now an "ordinary tax payer". I am feeding back into the system that put me through college to allow someone else go through college. I have no problem with that.

    I also fail to make the distinction between my paying for some rich persons kid to go to college and some poor persons kid to go to college. At the end of the day, everybody has the chance (generally speaking). Would you begrudge that? You're paying for EVERYONE's child to be able to avail of the system.

    just as an aside thought - what would everybody's reaction be to making "rich people" pay for medical care? Same principle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    Originally posted by Meh
    But if he's rich he'll won't have any problem with the debt! :rolleyes:
    But now that he's left college he's not any richer than the other guy who earns the same amount, yet he has a huge debt. Or do you assume that all rich people live off their parents :rolleyes: As I've said above, parental income is not a good indicator of eligibility for free fees. I could have won the lotto, but if I live in Ballymun flats with my unemployment parents, I'm entitled to free fees. How is that fair?
    I did not say that homeowners were poorer than people saving for a house. I said that owning a house does not necessarily mean you're rich -- i.e. that there is such a thing as a person who both owns a house and is poor. But if someone has the income to pay €500 a month mortgage, they're definitely not poor. Not eveve homeowner has a mortgage.
    I hate to be a pedant, but
    "That's not what I said. Owning a house doesn't mean you're rich. Being able to save to buy one does."
    ergo, "People who can save to buy a house are rich". If that's not what you meant, then make a correction, but don't blatantly contradict yourself. :rolleyes: People who are saving to buy a house aren't necesarily wealthy. They may be poor, and are saving pittance. People paying a mortgage, similarly may be paying crippling amounts, to the detriment of their health and family, and they are poor. Even people who own their house outright aren't necessarily wealthy, they may have been paying a mortagage for the last 40 years, and they are still poor.
    Sweeping generalisations are dangerous.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meh

    Originally posted by seamus
    But now that he's left college he's not any richer than the other guy who earns the same amount, yet he has a huge debt. Or do you assume that all rich people live off their parents
    Certainly while they're in college the vast majority of them do.
    As I've said above, parental income is not a good indicator of eligibility for free fees. I could have won the lotto, but if I live in Ballymun flats with my unemployment parents, I'm entitled to free fees. How is that fair?
    It's neither fair nor likely.
    I hate to be a pedant, but
    "That's not what I said. Owning a house doesn't mean you're rich. Being able to save to buy one does."
    ergo, "People who can save to buy a house are rich". If that's not what you meant, then make a correction, but don't blatantly contradict yourself.
    That's precisely what I meant. If you have enough money left over after food, rent and transport to save to buy a house of your own, then you are rich.
    People who are saving to buy a house aren't necesarily wealthy. They may be poor, and are saving pittance.
    There's nobody who's saving a "pittance" with any realistic expectation of buying a house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    And of course, the government wastes 100% of its income on government jets and makeup for politicians. It spends nothing whatsoever on hospitals and schools
    No, but when it will buy a new government jet it doesn't need while letting schools be health hazards because "there's not enough money for the capital grant system", it doesn't say much for their prioritisation in funding.
    I'm sorry, but if you have €500 a month of surplus income on top of food, rent and transport to save towards a house, then you are rich by any definition of the term.
    No, you're not. When working hard and budgeting allows you to save that much a month, you're still not rich. You're not necessarily even well-off. There's a distinct difference between the O'Reilly's of this country (now that's rich) and those who have worked hard, graduated from college and been lucky enough to get a job.
    I suppose you're using the usual middle-class definition of rich as "my income + 50%"
    No. I'm using the definition that says that if your money does the work, you're rich.
    Slippery slope
    The slippery slope is only a fallacy when there's no reason to assume that y follows from x. But in this country, there's a lot of precedence to show that if y benefits a politicaly empowered minority, it tends to happen quickly.
    You would have to pay for that stuff free fees or not, so it makes no difference to my analysis
    Yes it does, because it's not certain that you'd have to pay for that stuff. You could be on a grant.
    Hundreds of thousands in debt? Utter rubbish. I'd like to see you back this up
    Fees, rent, food, normal bills, books, equipment.
    Care to do a costing for five years of college plus more years of specialist training?
    So you'd rather waste your time campaigning to save he wasteful, inefficient and unjust free fees system, rather than trying to reform the grants system and actually improve social justice in this country?
    Nope, I'd rather campaign for free fees AND a reformed grants scheme. We have free fees now, why give it up to reform the grants scheme? And where's the proposal from the government to reform the grants scheme while reforming the fees scheme?

    It seems to be a crippling burden that people are falling over themselves to assume.
    That's mainly because of the lack of desirability of living on the street or in your parent's house...
    If people are that eager to assume such a crippling burden, don't you think that its because they see an advantage in doing so?
    Not sleeping in the rain? Not living in your parents house with your wife?
    Fine - then make him pay for it up front and give him tax breaks in return as payback.
    And where's he going to get the money to pay for it up front?
    Student loan?
    Back to the problem of emigration and defaulting...
    And pragmatically, we get more money through the taxation method.
    That way, if he skips the country, fails his course, ends up unemployed, or anything, the taxpayer is not footing the bill.
    And what 17-year old is going to take that risk without a rich daddy? And if the numbers fall off, we get less doctors, and frankly I don't think that's a good idea.
    Ultimately, if you can argue that the state can consider it an investment, then it must also be true that it is an investment for whoever pays the bill.
    Well, lets see. You pay taxes now. In return, you get a trained doctor, and since he pays more taxes, the tax burden is spread more thinly and you get a reduction in taxes a few years down the road.
    Of course, that assumes a competent honest government :(
    The state loses if they pay for someone who emigrates. If the doc pays for their own education, then they dont lose out by emigrating.
    The state still loses with student loans!
    I dont know what the figures are now, but when I finished secondary there was a shortage of university spaces. The aim was to bring our third-level education to the point where if someone wanted a place, they could have one. That is where the government's investment should be - making the facilities available - not paying for someone to use or abuse them as they see fit.
    Actually, at present that's where we are. There are sufficent facilities to cover the needs for the next 20 years, according to the demographics. But to assume the government is funding this is to ignore reality - in fact the funding to 3rd level has been slashed and next year's courses are going to show that in unpleasant clarity. The internal changes in TCD alone are giving most of us that demonstrate or teach there serious cause for concern.
    I'd even say that we should be spending money on improving our primary and secondary education rather than funding attendance to university.
    That's where the budget went this year, but the fact is that not enough is being put into funding for education and the whole system is going to have a fit because of it. Introducing fees again is little more than a cop-out by the government to avoid dumping more funding into it.
    Not so long ago, Ireland was generally ranked second in the world for its educational system. Not there now. But lets not fix that...lets pay the doctor cause he shouldnt have to invest in his own future...we should.
    Not for me thanks.
    Poor analysis. Free fees didn't cause the problem in the education system. Poor examination standards did. And money won't solve that problem - but cutting the funding isn't going to help the situation either :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meh

    Originally posted by Sparks
    No, you're not. When working hard and budgeting allows you to save that much a month, you're still not rich. You're not necessarily even well-off.
    You know, all this self-pity from middle-class people who've never been hungry a day in their life is beginning to annoy me. There are people in this country who can't afford to feed their children properly and you're claiming that someone who has €500 a month to spare isn't well-off? You have no idea what real poverty is.
    No. I'm using the definition that says that if your money does the work, you're rich.
    Hmmm, that definition doesn't appear to be in my dictionary.
    Yes it does, because it's not certain that you'd have to pay for that stuff. You could be on a grant.
    And if you were on a grant, you wouldn't have to pay fees even if they were reintroduced! Are you being obtuse on purpose or what?
    Fees, rent, food, normal bills, books, equipment.
    I've already explained that non-fee-related expenses aren't relevant. We're talking about free fees here, in case you didn't read the title of the thread.
    Nope, I'd rather campaign for free fees AND a reformed grants scheme. We have free fees now, why give it up to reform the grants scheme? And where's the proposal from the government to reform the grants scheme while reforming the fees scheme?
    Here (today's Indo; registration required)
    The Minister's promised review of student support is expected to be complete within the next few weeks. It will place great emphasis on helping disadvantaged students get to college and remain there.
    Also in the Irish Times:
    The review is also set to herald major reform in the higher education grant scheme. Mr Dempsey believes that the current system favours the self-employed and farmers at the expense of PAYE workers.
    That's mainly because of the lack of desirability of living on the street or in your parent's house...

    Not sleeping in the rain? Not living in your parents house with your wife?
    There are other accommodation options besides sleeping rough and living with your parents, you know. Ever hear of renting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    You know, all this self-pity from middle-class people who've never been hungry a day in their life is beginning to annoy me. There are people in this country who can't afford to feed their children properly and you're claiming that someone who has €500 a month to spare isn't well-off? You have no idea what real poverty is.
    Yes, I do. From personal experience. It's how I grew up. I've also seen what it takes to crawl out of it. So take your santimonious attitude somewhere where people won't know it for what it is.
    Hmmm, that definition doesn't appear to be in my dictionary.
    Show me a dictionary definition of "rich" with an annual salary figure.
    I'll go by the definition I grew up with thanks.
    And if you were on a grant, you wouldn't have to pay fees even if they were reintroduced! Are you being obtuse on purpose or what?
    That's not how it used to work in the bad old days before free fees.
    I've already explained that non-fee-related expenses aren't relevant. We're talking about free fees here, in case you didn't read the title of the thread.
    And I've explained why they're relevant.
    The Minister's promised review of student support is expected to be complete within the next few weeks. It will place great emphasis on helping disadvantaged students get to college and remain there.
    You want me to take the word of a Fianna Fail politician who has ignored student protests, slashed 3rd level funding to the point where professors are being retired and lecturers made redundant? It's a promised review, not a proposed plan!
    There are other accommodation options besides sleeping rough and living with your parents, you know. Ever hear of renting?
    Gee, no, never. So tell me, what's the differential between a month's rent in dublin and a month's morgage in lucan?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meh

    Originally posted by Sparks
    Yes, I do. From personal experience. It's how I grew up. I've also seen what it takes to crawl out of it.
    So you'd think you'd have more sense than to tell us how hard the people saving €500 a month have it.
    That's not how it used to work in the bad old days before free fees.
    No, that's exactly the way it used to work. Grant recipients had their fees paid for them as well as getting the grant money.
    And I've explained why they're relevant.
    No you haven't. No matter whether fees are reintroduced or not, non-grant students will still have to pay their own rent, food, books, travel etc. These expenses will not be affected either way by the government's proposal.
    You want me to take the word of a Fianna Fail politician who has ignored student protests, slashed 3rd level funding to the point where professors are being retired and lecturers made redundant? It's a promised review, not a proposed plan!
    Perhaps you might want to wait a week or two and hear what he has to say for himself before you dismiss it?
    Gee, no, never. So tell me, what's the differential between a month's rent in dublin and a month's morgage in lucan?
    Why are you comparing apples to oranges? The appropriate comparison is between a month's rent in Lucan and a month's mortgage in Lucan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    So you'd think you'd have more sense than to tell us how hard the people saving €500 a month have it.
    Actually, you'd be incorrect. See, I saw what it took to crawl from the point where every month saw you deeper in debt and wondering how long it was before you lost the house to the point where you could afford to retire. And the difference was education. So I'll be damned if I'll agree with any step that'll put my kids back to where I was before free fees came in.
    No, that's exactly the way it used to work. Grant recipients had their fees paid for them as well as getting the grant money.
    Yup - and where did that money come from? It was a part of the grants scheme! [pauses] Ah. Right, sorry, I should have written the original post more clearly. I didn't mean that you personally paid the college, I meant that the government has X funds for the grants scheme - your grant and the fees get paid from that.
    No you haven't. No matter whether fees are reintroduced or not, non-grant students will still have to pay their own rent, food, books, travel etc. These expenses will not be affected either way by the government's proposal.
    The reason I included them is that any loan you take out will have to include those costs. And those costs are often more than the fees, depending on the course. And since the reintroduction of fees is a means to introduce student loans...
    Perhaps you might want to wait a week or two and hear what he has to say for himself before you dismiss it?
    I'm not dismissing it - I can't since we haven't seen it yet. But past history tells me that this is not going to be a ground-breaking foray into socially progressive policy...
    Why are you comparing apples to oranges? The appropriate comparison is between a month's rent in Lucan and a month's mortgage in Lucan.
    I said Lucan and Dublin 'cos most graduates I know personally live in areas like Lucan and Bray and other dormitory towns, while working in Dublin. If you're going to rent a bedsit, might as well rent it in dublin to save on travel. But if you want, look up rent costs in Lucan as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    From today's Irish Times editorial:
    Reintroducing college fees
    The statement by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, in the Dail yesterday that only the very well-off will be asked to pay college fees represents a significant intervention in the debate on third-level funding.
    He said it had never been the Government's intention to bring back fees for the middle classes or even some sectors of society who might be regarded as well-off. He signalled that the Government - in its bid to widen college access - was targeting only the very rich.

    The clarification by the Taoiseach on this matter appears to contradict the implicit message from the Minister for Education, Mr Dempsey, over much of the past year. Essentially, this was that a broad swathe of people across the middle and upper classes of society could be asked to pay fees of several thousand euros per year in order to help level the playing field at third-level. In his original Irish Times interview on the issue last September, Mr Dempsey appeared to look forward to a time when the reintroduction of fees for the middle and upper classes would generate new funds to tackle access to third-level education. His plan was to divert these new resources to raise grants and other supports for disadvantaged students.

    Taken at face value, Mr Ahern's statement in the Dail appears to rule out this radical model for the re-financing of disadvantaged schemes at third-level. Some will say that the Taoiseach is simply recognising political realities. His partners in government, the PDs, clearly have no stomach for the reintroduction of fees. There is also considerable unease on the Fianna Fáil backbenches. Already, nine deputies and some senators have voiced opposition to any such plan.

    It is still too early to draw any definitive conclusions until the long-awaited report from the Department of Education and Science on third-level funding is published shortly. Mr Dempsey hinted yesterday that he was targeting - not just the super-rich - but also middle class people who take two or three holidays per year. This would suggest that he is holding fast to his original notion of a new funding landscape where those who can afford it will be asked to pay.

    To be fair, Mr Dempsey has always stressed that the fees issue is but one element in a policy mix which could include a student loan scheme, increased student charges and a reformed grant scheme. The Minister seems determined to achieve radical change in some of these areas. The current higher education grant scheme which favours the self-employed and farmers at the expense of the ordinary PAYE worker is set to be re-fashioned. There is also much talk about an Australian-style loan scheme in which students repay fees on the basis of their annual income. Both of these initiatives would do much to create a more equitable and just third-level system. But, would they make it easier for a student from a disadvantaged area to gain access to college? The answer will be known only when the income thresholds are agreed by Cabinet.
    © The Irish Times

    (the empasis is mine)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meh

    Originally posted by Sparks
    The reason I included them is that any loan you take out will have to include those costs.
    As will any loan you take out now. (Or any money you cadge off your parents, or any wages from a part time job.) You will have to pay those expenses regardless of whether the government reintroduces fees or not. So these expenses are not relevant to a debate on whether fees should be reintroduced or not.

    Really, I'm coming to the conclusion that you're deliberately pretending to be obtuse to avoid conceding the point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    Meh, I'm really not. The point I was trying to make is that those costs make the case for reform of the grant scheme, not the introduction of a student loans system. Clear?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    for [community] college in the States...

    I've looked into going to teh States for college...too expensive.

    first up $100 or so to have your results checked out to see if they meet the standard required to get into college.

    then...[figures from Lake City Community College Florida]

    for a International Student...[yer one said they had about 5 figure may be wrong international students this year]

    Total Costs per year $13000

    half of that is on campus lodgings. They didn't apply to me, but it was still gonna cost $7000 + a year for me to go.

    that for at least 2 years till I graduated then the costs for University are outragous for another 2 years.

    Student Loan was the only *viable* option had I to go but I needed a sponsor to sign with me in case I couldn't pay in the long run.
    How many peeps are gonna back a 19 y.o Irish chap?

    I've got a brother going to college aswell this year.

    thats two bucket loads of fees for my family to provide for.

    afaik, we dont qualify for a grant cos my dad did a lot of overtime last year and it was all recorded on his income form giving an inaccurate yearly figure.

    it's all bollox.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 944 ✭✭✭Captain Trips

    A college degree doesn't guarantee you money. You can do a degree in whatever you want these days. Check out all the people who did forensic science in the UK. great, but did they think at the start "That would be cool" or "That will get me a job".

    People these days seem to think they should feel great about themselves and whatever choices they have made - good or bad. They feel they are entitled to someone else paying for health, education, anything.

    Whatever happened to people just using the system that is there already - fee paying or not - ; get a loan, pick a degree you figure will earn you good money (and quit the idealistic crap of a teenager) and do it.

    Someone made a comment about how it would be bad to have to tell their kid they can't "start living there life because they are in debt". What the **** is that all about? Jesus christ, life is about being in debt. You can't avoid it. You never will. Get used to it and learn how to manipulate the system a little.

    Debt is part of life. The more debt you are in, the better your credit rating!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,525 ✭✭✭vorbis

    anyone at all capable of reading the proposals involved. Parental income in the vast majority of cases is a perfectly acceptable indicator. You'd want to be some idiot to leave home at 18, go to college and pay for it yourself. Regarding the levels of income involved. Something like over 100,000 a year to pay fees is reasonable enough. Obviously multiple siblings would be factored into this. It won't make a profit but it does reduce the education bill by some bit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,322 ✭✭✭Repli

    Originally posted by Captain Trips
    A college degree doesn't guarantee you money. You can do a degree in whatever you want these days. Check out all the people who did forensic science in the UK. great, but did they think at the start "That would be cool" or "That will get me a job".
    Erm that's irrelevant to anything.. Nobody said a college degree guaranteed you money but it sure does better your chances at getting a decent job in an area you enjoy working in.. And I'm sure those people with forensic science degrees will end up in a job they like..

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    The thing here is that the total savings for education would be (average cost of a year's fees) x (number of people that attend college and are not eligible for free fees).
    We don't know what that second figure will be because we don't know the threshold figures. But in order to be useful, that sum will have to be large enough to be worth eridicating free fees and diverting attention from the grants system, and even then it would have to be ringfenced to ensure it didn't go to pay for bertie's rouge bill...
    Frankly I don't think that that's going to happen or that it's going to be worth it.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 9,389 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lenny

    ABout students applying for loans... I applied for a loan off Aib there about 2/3 months ago of 3,000 euro.
    I put the loan down as education. I got refused.
    I have saved thousands of euro's with Aib, there september gone, I had over 2,500 in my account after only going 18
    So I think getting a loan may be a tough thing to do..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 944 ✭✭✭Captain Trips

    Originally posted by Repli
    Erm that's irrelevant to anything.. Nobody said a college degree guaranteed you money but it sure does better your chances at getting a decent job in an area you enjoy working in.. And I'm sure those people with forensic science degrees will end up in a job they like..

    Sorry I actually forgot - the point was that most of them can't. The post was in response to an earlier one in the thread saying that people with say an Arts degree were earning 5% (can't remember exactly) less than average earned by someone without a degree.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Originally posted by Sparks
    And where's he going to get the money to pay for it up front?
    Student loan?
    Back to the problem of emigration and defaulting...
    And pragmatically, we get more money through the taxation method.

    I dont see how we get more money through the taxation method unless it somehow produces more doctors who don't emigrate. Then again, its Friday afternoon, so my brain has started its weekend wind-down.

    Would you consider a "binding contract" position, where the government act as a sponsor, and make it a requirement for anyone who uses it to spend a minimum of X time in the country working, where X is somehow related to the amount you were funded and the amount you repay. Maybe not necessarily until its all repaid, but say about 1 year of employment per year of fees funded?

    Indeed, if coming from the government, this would also possibly give them the ability to refuse people exit from the country until their debt to society had been paid off as required (contractual obligation). Implement some form of "arbitration process", so that exceptions could be made where useful/needed.

    Ultimately, I am completely opposed to the idea of thid-level education being treated as a free handout in terms of fees etc. It is my opinion (through observation) that students who have to accept burdens to get through college are far more likely to apply themselves and ensure that they minimise that burden and maximise their chances for "return on investment".

    Interestingly, I recall a somewhat similar discussion with Gandalf on Humanities when he was a mod there, shortly before Politics was created and the two of us moved in here. There, he was talking about someone using the "long-term unemployed mature student" route of getting the government to pay for their degree...again using the "its an investment on the government's part" argument. I was opposed to it for more or less the same reason - I do not see it as the government's job to be investing in what I see as "private industry". (You want to work to make money for yourself. You're your own business interest).

    Ultimately, the way I see it, is if someone is going to invest in a business with the aim of making profit, then they should have a say in how their money is used, and should get some protection on same. I can't see people (rightly or wrongly) accepting the government being able to tell them where they can and cant work, or what they can and cant do, just because the govt forked out a couple of hundred grand (your figures, or someone elses?) to cover their expenses in getting the qualifications they wanted....and for that reason, I don't think they have any right to expect the government to make that investment.

    For example...if the govt has paid your education in Subject X, and there are no jobs in that area right now....should the govt be able to tell you "stuff what you want, you will work in this civil service position, or that commuinity service position, or any available job because we paid for that education." Thats heading into a seperate topic though (people choosing to remain unemployed because they are searching for a job in a specific field, rather than a job in general), so maybe we should leave that for a seperate thread/day.

    I'm all for improving the system, and not exactly sure how to do it...I'm just thoroughly convinced that a "free ride" system is not the way to go. There are individuals it will undoubtedly benefit in the sense that its supposed to, but overall I think it is not a good system, and I get the impression that too many people simply see what has been in place for under a decade going away and somehow think that this is some inalienable human right that is being denied us and that it must be left in place.

    (I readily admit that the govt dont seem to have a clue what they're doing on this, though, which is even more worrying - never touch anything until you know what you're gonna go with it).

    As for the govt. slashing education left, right, and centre....its hardly surprising. I somehow think that so many people ignore the contribution our educational system has made to helping this country develop since its inception, and now just view it as another expense to be spared on. Back when we were a poor nation, education was a was the only way we could help ourselves out of the "mud", so to speak. Now that the mud is beneath us, there seems to be an increasingly pervasive attitude that education is over-funded, and that we cant afford such high standards any more. This worries me for the up and coming generations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,038 ✭✭✭✭Sparks

    I dont see how we get more money through the taxation method unless it somehow produces more doctors who don't emigrate.
    Would you consider a "binding contract" position, where the government act as a sponsor, and make it a requirement for anyone who uses it to spend a minimum of X time in the country working, where X is somehow related to the amount you were funded and the amount you repay. Maybe not necessarily until its all repaid, but say about 1 year of employment per year of fees funded?
    It sounds intriguing, but as you say, this not only requires the ability of the State to enforce a ban on travel, but it also creates problems with labour market gluts and so on and so forth.
    I'm going to have to think about this one for a while to get a decent take on it bonkey...
    Ultimately, I am completely opposed to the idea of thid-level education being treated as a free handout in terms of fees etc. It is my opinion (through observation) that students who have to accept burdens to get through college are far more likely to apply themselves and ensure that they minimise that burden and maximise their chances for "return on investment".
    I can understand the foundation of that stance, but the thing is that in a decade of being in college as both an undergrad and a postgrad, I've never seen any evidence of a direct link between how well a student applies herself and how well-off she is. I've seen cases where students couldn't do as well because they had to work more part-time hours than normal to make ends meet, but never the opposite. Frankly, the only thing I've ever seen that could be a determining factor in how well they apply themselves is their aptitude for, and interest in the course they're studying.
    I'm all for improving the system, and not exactly sure how to do it...I'm just thoroughly convinced that a "free ride" system is not the way to go. There are individuals it will undoubtedly benefit in the sense that its supposed to, but overall I think it is not a good system, and I get the impression that too many people simply see what has been in place for under a decade going away and somehow think that this is some inalienable human right that is being denied us and that it must be left in place.
    It's not a "right" anymore than healthcare is a right ...

    (I readily admit that the govt dont seem to have a clue what they're doing on this, though, which is even more worrying - never touch anything until you know what you're gonna go with it).
    That's the main reason I have to worry!
    As for the govt. slashing education left, right, and centre....its hardly surprising. I somehow think that so many people ignore the contribution our educational system has made to helping this country develop since its inception, and now just view it as another expense to be spared on. Back when we were a poor nation, education was a was the only way we could help ourselves out of the "mud", so to speak. Now that the mud is beneath us, there seems to be an increasingly pervasive attitude that education is over-funded, and that we cant afford such high standards any more. This worries me for the up and coming generations.
    You and me both. It's not just education that's being slashed - research is being undercut as well. The Basic Research Grants Scheme, for example, has been sublty altered so now the only research it's funding is more properly classified as Applied Research, at least in computer science and engineering. Not funding Basic research has been shown in the past to be a Bad Idea (tm).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 944 ✭✭✭Captain Trips

    What's strange is that they apparently didn't even think of *one* thing to spare in the cutbacks - be it transport/roads, education, healthcare, etc,. . I am not surprised that free fees are going - it didn't work in the UK because some courses like medicine are very very expensive comapred to others. PLus, you have to spend summers doing elective work either here or abroad to get experience and usually have little time to do part-time work.

    And while 20 years ago fees at Harvard and other world famous universities were massive, these days it not unusual that standard yearly college fees are between $30-40,000.

    Unless there is some mad conspiracy angle that the government needs to maintain a relatively uneducated underclass, it appears that education cost increases are not an entirely Irish phenomenon if we compare to the UK and US (seeing as most people go there, Australia or Canada when emigrating).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭Corben Dallas

    My problem here is that it would be the thin end of the wedge. A level that would be brought lower and lower every budget year.

    this is exactly it, reintroduction of fees is a step backwards and we fought for years to try to redress teh imbalance between Uni attendance between Northside and Southside numbers
    (which was HUGELYin favour of the S'siders, prob about 2/3 to 1 of S'sides to N'siders) and now their goin back to the old system.
    I didnt go to college because my parents couldnt afford it.

    The problem is that 'oh dont worry we'll means test so only the rich will pay' fine but this is the Revenues slippery slope. it might start out as fair but next year they'll lower the entry lvl for fee paying so that the only ppl who will get grants free will be ppl on minimum wage -and I dont call the middle class 'rich'

    they idea that they would consider adding up parents + anyone living @ home earners is a joke. and possibly a catchall to get max payment if someone goes to college in your family

    -OT dont get me started on Doctors , dont kid yourself folks doctors dont contribute to irish society half as much as they should (services not tax) Doctors work hard @ uni and then they work v hard (for 5yrs) as Junior Doctors NCHD (Non Consultant Hospital Doctors) but once they've done this its easy street all the way...... eg u wont get a doctor sitting in Surgery on Sat (Local Gp), going rate is about 30-50 €'s to see them per visit and if yur unlucky that u have to get a Doc on call out .......the skys the limit. Once they have done their 5yr NCHD work they'll work half the hours u and I do per wk and get paid 3,4 or 5x times what u or i get.

    I think that combined earning(including parents only) should be fees exempt up to 80,000 or single earner@ 45/50,000 above this is 'rich' and should pay for fees

    what lvl do ppl think(salary wise) fees should become payable
