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Covid 19 Part XXXV-956,720 ROI (5,952 deaths) 452,946 NI (3,002 deaths) (08/01) Read OP



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Paul Moynagh talking well about on virgin media about the models. He’s surprised about how pessimistic the models were and why they didn’t include seasonality, schools closing etc.

    There is definitely an element on here of do not question Philip Nolan’s models. Good to see a very balanced contributor mention the models shortcomings. Similar happened in the UK with the 100k cases prediction.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A pal runs a gym business for children and her business has been shut down for months.

    She couldn’t even run a summer camp as it’s indoors and she has no idea when she can open up again.

    Not all children are into GAA so we must spend money on other sports outlets.

    children’s indoor camps should have been allowed to take place, excessive micro control going on re these low risk activities.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,142 ✭✭✭airy fairy

    You do know a great number of obesity in adults is not from a person's lifestyle, but from a wide range of illnesses, medications, physical disabilities etc which can't be fixed by themselves.

    Maybe read up on it.

    Just a suggestion.

    The ignorance on this thread is just astounding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,240 ✭✭✭Sammy2012

    My kids attended a camp a couple of weeks ago and it was indoors. They were outside for part of the day but some of it was indoors. There was around 50kids there with them. There are lots of camps going on, just like there are lots of communions and baptisms going on. It's great to see people just getting on with life. The government are deluded if they think people are following a lot of their restrictions. People are moving on. It's crazy that summer camps are not allowed go ahead when in 4 weeks time kids will all be back to school. And that's totally safe.

    On a different note I was going to go in to Costa today for a coffee with my kids. But I had no copy of my cert on me. So I didn't bother. The government have removed all spontaneity from our lives. You have to plan everything now. Noone wants to live like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 242 ✭✭berocca2016

    To be objectively fair, whilst some people are overweight for a medical reason, most are overweight due to firstly a bad diet and secondly from lack of exercise.

    This is coming from someone who has been obese because I ate too much and could hardly run 100 metres.

    People who can should be encouraged to be more healthy and make healthier choices, thus society will benefit by utilising less resources on preventable illnesses and thus being able to help those who can't help themselves.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26 rp79

    Is it too much to ask that they present two scenarios. One that will show what happens if we keep on the path of lifting restrictions and one where we press pause.

    They were asked for models on what happens if we keep indoor dining closed and had nothing to present.

    Thar wouldn’t wash in the real world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,582 ✭✭✭✭AdamD

    Plenty of people have worn masks, got vaccinated and not agreed with NPHET. Shocking as it may seem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,482 ✭✭✭fun loving criminal

    My workplace is nothing like that. No staggering breaks, all of us mixed together. So not all workplaces has those safety measures in place and mixing of staff, both vaccinated and non-vaccinated. But it's not hospitality so it seems it's all ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,570 ✭✭✭Tyrone212

    I wonder how many people on this thread are partaking in this campaign to damage business who are on their knees putting jobs and livelihoods at stake? Was it just faux outrage at pubs being closer after all? Seemingly so.

    After all, the comment the other day comparing anyone in favour of vaccine passports to drink alcohol inside as being the same to people in the past being complicit in the worst atrocities in human history had overwhelming support. Concentration camps, genocide, beheadings, a passport to drink alcohol inside, spot the difference fruitloops.

    I hope you're all very proud of yourselves , you and your ilk are representing yourselves well.

    Restaurants dealing with 'malicious, coordinated' campaign of abuse from anti-vaccine cert protesters

    A Facebook page is coordinating an online campaign against businesses that reopened indoor dining this week.

    THE GOVERNMENT HAS been told that pubs and restaurants have been the subject of coordinated online abuse and fake reviews this week by those opposing the use of Covid-19 vaccine certs to attend indoor dining.

    The Restaurant Association of Ireland has written a letter to the Government about the issue, as well as to Facebook and Google. It is to contact the Garda Commissioner over ‘fraudulent’ posts that it said is causing its members’ businesses to suffer.

    A Facebook page with hundreds of members which opposes the use of vaccine certificates has seen users post the names of businesses that have reopened indoor dining and resulted in hundreds of comments being left on businesses’ Facebook posts announcing their reopening.

    Many of the negative comments on these businesses’ pages are from Facebook accounts which give their location as being far away from the pub or restaurant. 

    When asked about the page, Facebook said it does not violate its rules.

    One-star reviews are also being left on Google reviews for businesses that have reopened indoor dining. Many accounts posting one-star reviews that cite “discrimination” or a “two-tier” system have left similar reviews on multiple businesses across the country.

    This comes after hospitality owners said last week that they had experienced false bookings, and staff had experienced abuse over the phone and on social media by people opposed to the Digital Covid Certificate.

    CEO of the Restaurant Association of Ireland Adrian Cummins has written a letter to the Minister for Tourism Catherine Martin to state that its members have reported fake bookings and reviews on various platforms this week. The letter says:

    As per our members, those leaving reviews are directly impacting upon the competitiveness of these businesses and their ability to trade.

    “Fake bookings and reviews are a malicious, concerted and coordinated campaign of fraudulent misrepresentation towards small businesses who are simply adhering to the law of the land.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,068 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Firstly how do you know if I have lost income or not as a result of the pandemic?

    Many nurses had no childcare in the first second waves of this and had to take leave or change so that one parent would be at home while the other worked.

    Or else employ private babysitters for the duration at a major cost. Couldn't take parental leave as were needed to work, grandparents unable to help.

    I worked extra shifts without getting any extra payment to cover for some of these hard pressed colleagues, and was meant to get time in lieu.

    Guess what?. . that never happened... We haven't got our regular annual leave as its too busy never mind TOIL.

    Only taking some leave now when possible.

    But we will get sorted eventually and I don't regret it as those same colleagues have been there for me and mine in other ways through this which I will never forget.

    But yeah let's not forget everybody else who suffered through this while healthcare workers and public servants are the baddies somehow according to you.

    What about essential retail workers?

    They have all worked the frontline creaming in overtime!

    Let's go for them too, yes, the jammy beggars... minimum wage with everybody from masked to half masked in their faces every day!

    What about people in pharmacies, GP practices , dentists with all that money they have been earning, how dare they?

    Bus drivers only half filling their buses...... Lazy beggars?

    Every single person who has drawn a wage during this... Getting money for doing... nothing? Should be ashamed of themselves!

    I have Never said that it was OK for businesses to be closed, just understand why indoor dining was postponed along with many other people here. I have always supported the PUP and assistance for businesses.

    I don't disagree about effects on young people or that outdoor sports should have been prioritised both for health and social reasons.

    I have kids myself and the more people are vaccinated the harder it has been to explain why the need to keep with restrictions to them.

    But you have been incessantly going on about people who have just been doing their best in their jobs through difficult times, for everyone.

    You talk as if hcws have had it easy but it is obvious you only listen to what confirms your bias.

    Now If you don't mind can I request you not reply or quote me again as you seem to be quoting me to have a go at hcws, public servants and all manner of restrictions etc.

    While I do have a sense of responsibility I am not in any way shape or form to blame for everything that has gone on through Covid, and nor are any of the nurses I work with. Believe me when I say that we have too much to be doing but would be glad to help out if the government should fall and no one else will step in. After all that is what nurses do well, step in and sort it out when everyone else is off duty or it's not in their job description.

    Three posts in a row is a bit much when I have already asked you not to because I didn't want to get into a ' to and fro' as I said yesterday.

    I could see then we were only going to disagree and not get on, and I was so right 😊

    Post edited by Goldengirl on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,068 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,389 ✭✭✭irishguy1983

    Anyone know why cases are dropping in UK for 7 days in a row when everything is open? Yet we are generally increasing and still a lot of restrictions....Genuine question....

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,033 ✭✭✭Ficheall

    Mike Ryan called it a 'no-win' situation back in March 2020, since some people would complain either way. Do nothing and people will complain that nothing was done, take preventative measures and people will complain they overreacted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,528 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    The switch to Vanilla seems to have allowed all re-regs back with a vengance and no more moderation either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,426 ✭✭✭lee_baby_simms

    Hard to say for sure, testing rates haven’t reduced significantly, certainly not in line with the percentage drop in cases

    What we can say is that the UK are 4-6 weeks ahead of us in terms of delta spread and the Euros probably led to much higher circulation amongst younger, healthier cohort. 2 weeks after both Scotland and England were both eliminated from the tournament the cases started fall but that may just be a coincidence.

    An optimistic inference would be that the UK have reached the biting point where vaccination and previous exposure combine to push down infection rates. We may see oscillations in future but with much lower peaks in terms of cases and illness that we saw before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    If it weren't the only thing driving government decisions here that would be true. The recent request for more data on hospitals is a sign of looking past the crystal ball. We still need better epidemiological modelling as some of the numbers during this have been wildly wrong everywhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    I see Google are going to insist on vaccinations for all workers in the US and may do so here according to this.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    As of today we are tracking close to the worst case projection from the start of the month. Now the indicators are that rather than accelerating at the end of July as the projection said, it will in fact plateau and even slow down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 710 ✭✭✭TefalBrain

    Obesity is a huge factor there is no doubt about that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,768 ✭✭✭timsey tiger

    Didn’t that original projection not take into account the acceleration in vaccine roll out? So it would make sense that as the effects of the roll-out kick in the numbers should fall away from the projections.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    Yeah but nowhere near the projected hospital problems, the only measure that matters now. They did not identify nor accept that the link between cases and hospitals has largely been broken. Henry has been hinting at this for months. There is also a level of annoyance at their not acknowledging the positive effect of the level of vaccinations. Sure there was a nod to it yesterday but that's 4 weeks on from their models and it's not as if the HSE have been that far out on how many jabs they could do. July supply levels have been consistent with what they said back in May.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,873 ✭✭✭munchkin_utd

    indeed, the NPHET "modelling" was totally off the wall crazy

    How could an ever more vaccinated population, with almost 100% of over 60s vaccinated, have a situation where cases and admissions snowballed until the country faced covid armageddon? It made no sense, even as a worse case scenario.

    Its also very strange that only a couple of days after the government openly questioned NPHETs hospital figures and chiping away at doom-mongering NPHETs credibility, that suddenly, like literally, 180 degree turn, Tony starts talking about the pressure on the hospitals not being as bad as it was, admission lengths down from 14 day average to 7, and within a week a heap of restrictions to be removed.

    Even Cilian deGasgun mentioned in Ireland for the first time publicly (its been mentioned by scientists in Germany for about 6 months now) that the endgame is you get vaccinated and become immune, or after restrictions are lifted you get infected taking your chances with the disease and get immune.

    A day is a long time in a pandemic sometimes !

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,036 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    Most viruses we vaccinate against are DNA viruses - they are stable and unlikely to mutate often, so vaccination is a safe bet.

    We have never vaccinated away an RNA virus - influenza vaccines change every few years - and there are vaccines for A and B strains? Every wonder why?

    Its because influenza is an RNA virus, and like RNA viruses it mutates often.

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭OwenM

    Is the same not true of the influenza vaccine programs that have been around for decades?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,036 ✭✭✭timmyntc

    Yes - thats part of the reason why flu vaccines are administered yearly and continually updated. Sometimes that years vaccine is totally ineffective too, because they try to anticipate ahead of time what this seasons strain will be and sometimes theyre wrong.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    We need people to question things, its healthy in a democracy.

    Your posts are quite chilling.

    Absolutely nothing disgusting about saying obesity was a huge factor in the numbers badly affected by covid, I lost my sports for months to protect this cohort and their health costs are a huge burden on the health service.

  • Registered Users Posts: 859 ✭✭✭OwenM

    25% of pubs refused to open with vaccine passports, citing it as unworkable. They are enabled under emergency legislation that will have to be renewed periodically in the Dail. Gone by xmas, if we continue with the current velocity of vaccinations because there's no way in hell a pub can run anything near a normal xmas trade if they have to scan QR codes at the door.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,067 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    Your implication that SARS-CoV-2 is unstable and therefore likely to evade vaccines is incorrect. This idea has been thoroughly debunked here and elsewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,036 ✭✭✭timmyntc


    Last time I checked it was an RNA virus, and as we've seen over the course of the last year, has already mutated substantially into different "strains" with varying infectivity. Sounds pretty "unstable" to me.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The children are off school so daily testing for them is over, maybe one reason.

    Many people also, particularly the young may have decided not to go for tests, at what point do we decide to stop spending scarce resources on PCR tests.

    The UK may have herd immunity now so less people to infect.

    As Boris said better to open in the summer, all we get is vague mutterings from the CMO about our restrictions, we might, we may, who knows and our media lap this up.
