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Relaxation of Restrictions, Part XII *Read OP For Mod Warnings*



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭323

    No money in that. All potential preventatives and treatments must be ignored.

    “Follow the trend lines, not the headlines,”

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,024 ✭✭✭gsi300024v

    Of course, they've made mistakes. They are human, anyone would make mistakes in this situation.

    But mistakes for one might not be considered mistakes by another.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,579 ✭✭✭CalamariFritti

    But of course that 80% - 85% is just a guess. Nobody actually knows what the figure is and whether herd immunity is achieved earlier, later or even possible at all.

    There is a lot of people still going around telling stories about this novel virus that our immune systems were totally unprepared for. When at the same time the vast majority of people had either no or very mild symptoms. The two do not seem to add up and of course that must have a bearing on herd immunity also.

    Anyway. I'm fully vaccinated for a couple o months now - I did my bit as I did with lockdowns and restrictions - and I would like to get back to normal now, thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭Ashdublinc13

    Can I ask your age group? Are people (at this stage) worried about serious illness or death from covid? I'm not being flippant, but a lot of people are at more risk of dying in a car crash. Yet we still get in cars.

    I get the argument for over 70s/ vulnerable. Do you feel that argument holds true for the under 40s? Under 20s? Under 5s?

    If someone isn't afraid of getting sick/ dying from/of covid, is that an ok reason not to take the vaccine?

    We are beginning to be encouraged to vaccinate young child. Very little risk from covid for this age group. But we 'need' to vaccinate this age group to protect the elderly/ vulnerable/ greater good.

    At what stage, will the gov lift restrictions and allow people live with covid? It's got going anywhere.

    How will other countries eg Bulgaria and Romania move forward with low vaccine uptake?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I took the vaccine because I want young people to get their lives back.

    I have no intention of taking booster shots and I would like investigative reporting on who exactly is benefitting financially from these vaccines.

    I find the thought of vaccinating growing children with these vaccines quite scary and if i had children under the age of twelve I would be very hesitant.

    The side effects of these vaccines rise the younger you go down the age group and children have decades of their lives left to live and cant give informed consent themselves regarding whats injected into their bodies.

    I really cant understand why with all the elderlyand vulnerable groups vaccinated why is pressure being put on to vaccinate children, children arent for the most part going to infect vulnerable adults so why cant we concentrate on giving boosters to those at high risk, eg very elderly people living in congregated settings.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,892 ✭✭✭the kelt

    Dont know anyone who go the vaccine because they were in fear of death or getting seriously sick.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,136 ✭✭✭✭is_that_so

    May be an announcement next week on increased crowds for Croke Park semis and finals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭323

    Likewise, many very worrying policies that are not longer too dis-similarities to goings on in 1933 Germany

    “Follow the trend lines, not the headlines,”

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,625 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    A token gesture, he has said as well another 6 weeks to guage further loosening of restrictions. I am hoping a ryanair on this and giving 6 weeks so that in say 2 to 3 weeks he can say due to blah blah we can lift restrictions. Restrictions should be getting lifted now and starting with the removal of that vaccine pass.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,291 ✭✭✭facehugger99

    If there's one thing Covid has exposed, it's the amount of people who want to be mammied through every step of their lives by the Government and NPHET. It's a deeply disturbing result of the infantilisms which are becoming more prevalent in society. While Hoiohan and the Government have treated the electorate like children throughout, there's no doubt this is what many have craved.

    I hope people are as happy paying the massive taxes to support this 'big government' society that is the natural result of this. Maybe they're hoping Mammy will pick up the tab for this too?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭thegetawaycar

    I can't believe there is actually still anyone that doesn't understand "what is the purpose of the vaccine".

    It lowers the likelihood of getting Covid and massively reduces the risk of hospitilisation and death.

    I don't agree with businesses (outside of healthcare) expecting/mandating vaccines and don't believe it can be done in Ireland, certainly not for those already employed by a company.

    On the seatbelt analogy it's quite a good one, it lowers risk of serious repercussions (doesn't eliminate them) although it is illegal not to wear one unlike not getting the vaccine. Sticking to driving, It's like speed limits, a 30km speed limit isn't for the drivers benefit it's for others sharing the road with you.

    The vaccine is for your benefit but more so for society. More vaccines, less sick with covid in hospital, less likelihood of spread meaning less likelihood of variants and the more life goes back to normal.

    I also don't believe there's more than a very small number that like the restrictions, like being told what to do etc... it's more people are willing to put up with it/them for the greater good for now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭RGS

    MM is the most cautious, non decision making leader we have ever had. He appears to be dampening down expectations after NPHETS positivity yesterday.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Nasal sprays have been used and claimed to help virus reduce spread/severity for decades.

    i.e Vicks First Defence.

    Nobody is saying masks, vaccines or anything else works 100%.

    Can they all help reduce harm/transmission absolutely.

    Regulators are rightly slow to make sure all are safe and effective.

    This time last year masks were not needed in shops in ireland.

    Astrazeneca vaccine was created and used on chimps/humans in February/March 2020 yet it was a year later before many could get their hands on it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm just countering the posters claim that people can do a line of the spray and happily sit in a pub unvaccinated:-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭Ashdublinc13

    Israel to roll out boosters to over 60s starting on Sunday per Irish Times (sorry I'm not permitted to link article). What does this mean? Does the vaccine (mainly Pfizer used in Israel) wane over time? Or just some people need extra protection?

  • Registered Users Posts: 710 ✭✭✭TefalBrain

    Lol "maybe next week". Meanwhile England had full stadiums for the euros weeks ago with little effect on case numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭Liam32123

    Travel chronicle

    June 2020.

    People are starting to label some people's opinions as "conspiracies". These views do not really believe that the restrictions will end in August 2020 at the end of the 'roadmap'. The "conspiracists" are so strange that they hypothesize a mandatory vaccine in the future; i.e. they are clearly idiots

    September 2020.

    The "conspiracists" are so strange that they don't want to stay three months locked up in their house in exchange of three days of freedom at Christmas.

    January 2021.

    The "conspiracists" have become objectively indefensible: they have come to believe that - even after having the vaccine (!) - there will still be restrictions on human freedom of vaccinated people. Conspiracists really need help

    July 2021

    People label some people's views as "conspiracies"

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,284 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    Sure, it’s plenty of anecdotal experiences on this thread over the past 16 months that people were fed up with restrictions and had stopped following them and that ground swell of support would force the hand of policy makers any day now.

    My anecdotal experience is of course different - most people / most restrictions/ most of the time.

    But this is where we have to come back to the facts:

    • pubs / restaurants / gyms did not open in rogue fashion
    • travel was dramatically reduced
    • urban centres had dramatically reduced footfall
    • there was no significant protest
    • there was political and societal consensus

    And then - whatever their reasons - 9 in 10 adults volunteered to get the vaccine.

    I’m sure we’ll be told that people won’t vaccinate their kids now; that all restrictions will be lifted any day because ‘they’ll be forced to by what the U.K. are doing’; etc and so on and so on. And yet in the end the vast majority of the populace will ignore the misinformation and fake news; and they’ll collectively comply with the public health measures. And this is how we will win.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,625 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    Are you here to wind people and get a reaction or something. Saying that people complied with the rules, of course they did or they would be fined or arrested. Remember the hair salon that opened in defiance of the rules and had the gardai at their door, remember the checkpoints on the roads and the gardai asking you where you are going and a Garda checkpoint at the airport fining people, do you really think people would have followed the restrictions without the enforcement? You seem to think that none of this was there that the government said this and everyone just said ok. The government closed business, imposed travel restrictions on people and they had the gardai enforce them so that people HAD to comply. Again I will ask you do you think people would have followed the restrictions if enforcement and threats of fines from €500 had not been imposed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,512 ✭✭✭brickster69

    There is a video here which helps to explain things, there is quite a lot of data coming out now

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,243 ✭✭✭✭stephenjmcd

    Except it doesn't explain it at all because it's now come to light that the Israeli study which many of us said at the time has completely biased data. They're also basing the 3rd shot on a so far unpublished study. We've got multiple real world studies and the only one that contradicts them all is Israel.

    See below

    This is probably more for the vaccine thread however

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,064 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Then those you know who were the happiest must have had little or no symptoms. Anyone I know who had it, from what they told me, would have traded it for a little jab of a needle any day of the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭darconio

    The illusion that we lived the past 18 months restricted only because we choose to do so is ridiculous, it was sold to us as a justification to protect each other, in reality it was forced on the population with draconian measures. They indeed made a great job, reading several posts in here, we have an army of people ready to comply with whatever anti-constitutional measure they want to introduce in the name of the common wellbeing. Since we like anecdotal experiences tales I have a couple myself:

    • A colleague stopped coming to the office in march 2020 because of a heart condition. After 2 jabs he still refuse to come to the office because the doctor told him that getting even a "bit of covid" would be dangerous for him. I mean, your choice really, if the employer allows you then happy days, but where have you been living for the past 50++ years? were you not afraid of getting "a bit" of whatever viral infection?
    • I have lost several friends because I didn't get a jab yet: I respect your choice of getting jabbed, but you don't respect my hesitation, for this I should thank whoever decided to establish a 2 tier society
    • I travelled to/from the office since march 2020, public transport, masked/unmasked. I spent 9+ hours a day in the same place, mostly taking my mask off, I stopped sanitizing in june 2020, I work in IT, I enabled the whole office to work from the safety of their homes by setting them up and supporting them remotely. I have risked my life 🤐 and with me the security guys, the cleaners, a bunch of colleagues, the deliveroo guys, the shop attendants, the couriers and all the people that never really stopped working, because if it can be transmitted only by "touching" then we are all very lucky to be alive.
    • Yet here we are, coerced into injecting in our bodies an unknown substance, forced to show an ID and vax certificate to finally enjoy our lives after 18 months of sacrifices. Just to be clear I don't need or want anybody to clap their hands or give me a medal, I just did it, this without a doubt, because we looked after each others in those difficult times, however, now, the other way around doesn't work. They really did a great job indeed, when today I met a colleague in the corridor after 18 months of isolation: he was jabbed and was wearing a mask. He refused to shake my hand

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,625 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    Nope you are wrong. I have a friend die of covid and another's friend father die of it. I am sure they would change it but it still doesn't change the fact that the others I know who got it still happy they don't have to get the vaccine and are free to do what they want.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,064 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    I believe most at this stage agree that, especially with this more transmissible Delta variant, the herd immunity level is around 80%. I would very much doubt that 65% level would be sufficient. It`s not an exact science but the higher the percentage fully vaccinated, the higher likelihood of achieving it.

    Fully vaccinated myself, and likewise have done my bit in following restrictions, but with around one third of the population still not fully vaccinated I do not see it is the time yet to attempt what England is attempting at the moment, which is basically naturally acquired immunity of those not yet vaccinated. Anywhere that has been attempted (and the U.K. should know this better than most) it has just not worked.

    This virus has shown that the larger the numbers it can infect, the greater the chance of it adapting as a variant. To each their own, but for me at least, the only success against this virus has been vaccination, and if we are going to drop restrictions then doing so in accordance with vaccination levels is the way to do that

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,512 ✭✭✭brickster69

    Did you actually read the report ?

    The data was completed by March 13 2021 and those countries never had Delta at the time, in fact India just discovered it then. The Israeli data is real time that report is historical.

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,995 ✭✭✭Quags


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,995 ✭✭✭Quags
