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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,463 ✭✭✭Caquas

    Thanks, I had forgotten that case and it is good to recall that some Gardai do a great job and that DNA is a tremendous forensic tool. I would love to have seen David Lawler's face when he realised that he had supplied the evidence that would send him away for life! (I think and hope he is still in prison. I wonder if he is guilty of other unsolved murders, like his cousin Larry Murphy who was in the same class with him in school?)

    But the Gardai had put David Lawler on the spot by asking for a sample, as they did with many others in that investigation, and he took the risk, probably because poor Marilyn Rynn's body wasn't found for two weeks. IB was persistently volunteering his samples during questioning in Bandon Garda station when everyone assumed that forensic evidence would be recovered from the murder scene.

    Let's see if those sunglasses help get a conviction for that horrible gang attack in Blanchardstown. The defence will try everything to exclude that evidence.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There is a big difference between MF and Jules. Jules mostly stuck to her story all the years. MF is a self confessed liar. Did Jules retract the part that Bailey got out of bed? Didn't she retract some statements she made when arrested?

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    The amount of drink Bailey & JT were consuming at the time of the murder, I'm surprised they could remember their own names waking up in the morning....

    Was JT not taking sleeping pills as well?

    I can't remember what time I went to bed at last night? And I was sober watching bands from the nineties on Youtube. I left the property to check the out houses were locked before turning in. Thankfully, nobody was murdered in the vicinity last night, otherwise I might have some explaining to do...

    Sorry Gard, I can't remember what time I left the house last night, I don't recall seeing any cars passing, but there might have been.. Don't recall how long I was outside for?

    Imagine being questioned after being on a bender... Although Bailey gave conflicting statements about his movements on the night before the murder, I can only imagine how foggy his brain would be whilst in the process of sobering up.

    I would also question Maria Farrell's eye witness account of the man near the bridge...

    It would appear that she didn't want to be identified in the beginning (hence the fake name 'Fiona'). She rang from phone booths originally to mask her identity. This leads to two possible things:

    1) She did see somebody by the bridge that night, and wanted to share this information with the Gards. Maybe she was with somebody she shouldn't have been with, hence the false name etc....

    2) She's a total fruit cake that wanted to manipulate the enquiry with made up stories?

    It really makes no difference now going forward.. Her reputation is shot to pieces, and she has been discredited numerous times.

    I hope the case is opened up again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭TheW1zard

    The murderer had to have known the area and been local. It was 96 without google maps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,889 ✭✭✭Spudmonkey

    One thing here is a fair point and something that struck me when watching the documentary where they show the Christmas swim.

    Firstly Bailey references something about talking to his lawyer which comes across a bit strange but knowing his apparent penchant for dark/mistimed humour, I just assume it was probably another bad joke.

    What struck me most about the clip however was that to me he seemed to act completely normally, he recites a poem, says thank you/happy Christmas and just seems boringly normal (for him). Bearing in mind this is a couple of days after a violent frenzied attack. I'd say something if the man was Peter Suthcliffe and had a string of murders behind him but he definitely didn't act the way I'd have expected someone to act two days after having committed their first murder.

    JT mentions multiple times that she doesn't think he'd have been able to keep something like this from her. From my take on watching that he'd want to have been incredibly good at hiding it.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Not having a go at you, but some people seem to think that before the Internet was invented no one knew anything.

    Vikings, Magellan, Copurnicus, the Apollo voyages to the moon and back, my dad driving around Ireland in 1961.

    People could navigate then. They didn't need Google maps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,725 ✭✭✭ShamNNspace

    Really like I was travelling all around Europe in the eighties, we used maps to get around, believe me once you can read a map you can find anywhere on the planet within reason without much bother, one would think we were driving around in circles like eegits asking locals where we were before the advent of google maps and sat navs the way some people are talkin

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    Agree this is a remote townland not down town New York. Its easy to spot a cross roads or right/left turn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,467 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    The entire country is covered in minute detail by Ordnance Survey maps. The half inch to a mile (1:126,720) scale map at the time would have had far more detail than Google maps shows today. It would also have had the advantage that a paper map doesn't have location tracking built in.

    Anyone with even very basic mapreading skills could plan and follow a route on a map to her house.

    One cannot assume without evidence that the murderer had to have known the area and been local.

  • Registered Users Posts: 931 ✭✭✭flanna01

    Not if he a visited the place previously..... A former lover would know the place alright...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,706 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    That's all well and good, if you had the location of the house on your map.

    It's not like it's a house a stranger to the area would happen across.

    Therefore it's reasonable to assume the murderer knew the house either as a local or visitor

    or had directions from someone who was familiar with the location.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,867 ✭✭✭donspeekinglesh

    It doesn't help that anything JT said when arrested would probably be inadmissible in court since the DPP felt she'd be arrested unlawfully. She'd been arrested for murder, but there was no evidence she committed it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,007 ✭✭✭Deeec

    If you had the name of the townland the house is in it would be no problem to find. Also as another person has mentioned the person could have been a guest at the house before or could have researched the location of the house prior to that night. People are reliant on google maps and sat nav ( these are not always that helpful either )now but back then people used actual maps, took directions down etc., looked for landmarks to get to their location. It wasnt that difficult.

    I lived rurally at that time - never had a problem with people not being able to find us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    That part of the country is hard to navigate, even with an OS map. I don’t think people remember those days. You are talking about a night time drive by map. Each gate and boreen could be the correct turn or it might lead to a cattle station. The road had grass growing down the middle of it, if you weren’t from there it would have looked like any other private lane. I don’t think a person sent there would find it with a map in the dark.

    Whatever you think about how easy it was to find, it was clearly someone who had been there before. You wouldn’t just stumble across this house while wandering. IB said he knew there was a French lady there from having her pointed to him two once over a year, maybe two years previously. He had been to Alfie’s house several times, but how did he know that she was there for those few nights in the run up to Christmas? A very lucky guess based on remembering that someone said a French woman owned a house next door, from two years previously? It’s interesting that both IB and JT say they stopped at the lookout point, and JT said IB remarked there was a light on at Alfie’s.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    GSOC examined this and said JT’s arrest was lawful and reasonable. She had also given incorrect information about their movements that night, she said they were at the Courtyard Bar and went straight home. Then she later said they were in the Galley and stopped on the way home so IB could have a wander outside the car. It’s another element the DPP got wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,817 ✭✭✭Darc19

    Directions 2021 style - enter address into google maps. God knows which road it will suggest.

    Directions 1996 style - go 8 miles out the coast road, it's about a mile past the Church in Toormore. Turn right just as you go through the flat part where the inlet is on both sides of the road. Take the lane on the left about 500 yards up. Its the first house you will come to near the end of the lane.

    The 1996 Directions are far more dependable - I was a sales rep covering most of the western seaboard back 1989-1993 and would meet some shopkeepers in their houses and some of these were very very remote. Yet would never have an issue finding them after a quick glance at the AA Atlas of Ireland combined with their directions. The AA atlas was one of the best selling books each year. I still prefer it if going on a "let the car take us" trip

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,007 ✭✭✭Deeec

    With respect to you I think you sound like a townie who has no idea of country areas. People found exactly where they needed to go in those days even in very very remote areas. From the maps Sophies house wasnt even that hard to find. Your use of the term 'cattle station' shows you have no idea of irish country areas -LOL what the hell is a cattle station. Im from a farming background - no Irish person ever calls a farm a cattle station. Im guessing you were not even in Ireland in 1996 to know what it was like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Sorry but you are wrong, I’ve lived here my whole life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Four months previously (Aug '96) it was mentioned that the house just visible from Alfie's yard belonged to a French film producer. At that point IB asked if that was Sophie. When asked if he knew Sophie he replied 'just to see'. He gave no indication he knew she lived there prior to that. He could have been lying but why? Alfie heard IB and didn't contradict him.

    In terms of how easy it was to find the place - our guide was a very close friend of Alfie and Shirley's and had been there many times. He got lost. Kept missing the turn into the Boreen. And no, he wasn't using a map as he believed he knew where he was going. Except he didn't. And no, no locals were asked for directs as they weren't any locals hanging around the back of beyond on that early Sunday afternoon in August '96.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    We’re not taking about someone who reacts to circumstances in the normal way. At the libel trial they read out excruciatingly embarrassing details of his private diaries, details and drawings of his sexual fantasies, that his partner, sitting right there, was sexually adequate but was no match intellectually and that he had beaten her so badly he made her feel that ‘death was near’. His response was that he had forgotten writing that but if he read it somewhere he thought it could have been written by the famous poet Dylan Thomas.

    He gave Jim Sheridan, knowing he was making a high profile documentary about him, a video clip of himself taking out one of his teeth with what looked like a pliers.

    There’s plenty of video footage of murderers talking calmly to the press, Ian Huntley on tape after killing the two small girls. Diane Downs grinned at the camera while telling the reporters about a hijacker shooting her three children when she had actually shot them herself and drove extra slowly to the hospital to be sure they were dead by the time they got there. Wayne O’Donoghue calling over to the parents of the boy he had killed earlier that same day to offer help looking for him.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 288 ✭✭EdHoven

    Until last week the 3 cottages were incorrectly marked on Google Maps as Kealfadda.

    And "Kealfadda Bridge" is actually Ballyrisode Bridge

    So navigating by Google Maps is not a great idea in this case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,817 ✭✭✭Darc19

    I know someone who has lived in Lowertown all her life. She says Sophie's house is relatively easy to find once you knew where it was and the AA road atlas of 2000 shows the boreen too. (so I assume a 1995/96 atlas would show the same). People need to stop putting modern day context into something 25 years ago.

    The house was also frequently let out as a holiday let, and I would guess that the holiday makers did not find it difficult to locate

    So here's a rundown of some facts

    1 - The house was easily located even though it was at the end of a boreen as it was 1st boreen on left off the road from the main coast road at Kealfadda.

    2 - It was almost 5km road distance from bailey's house to Sophie's house

    3 - It was a mostly clear night and good moon, but still mid winter, dark & cold. (very cold with a bitter easterly wind)

    4 - Bailey was drinking heavily that day, so even if he could "hold his drink" he'd have still been quite drunk

    5 - due to the terrain, it would be a momentous task for a fit sober person to walk in a direct line (hilly 3km) between the 2 houses in under 2 hours.

    6 - she had effectively left Daniel du Plantier and was meant to have reignited her relationship with her 1st husband

    Here's the Irish Times report from 27th

    I also see that the west cork gardai were having a very public spat with the GRA at the time - and particularly that week and morale was low according to Irish Times reports.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭MoonUnit75

    Local in ‘local house isn’t hard to find’ shocker.

    Holiday makers presumably aren’t arriving in the middle of the night. Everyone involved in any documentary and article says it’s hard to find even if you have an idea where you are going.

    Jules and Ian both agree he drove them home from the pub that night, he wasn’t blind drunk and would be even more sober a couple of hours later. There’s no reason to think if he wanted to go to Alfie’s house next door that night, as Jules said in her statement, that he wouldn’t have driven there too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Lookit. All I know is that in August 1996 I was going to Alfie and Shirley's house with a group of people, two of whom were very close friends of theirs and had been there many many times from the day Alfie bought it. They also had a house down a boreen in West Cork so were well used to finding their way around. One of those people was driving. He missed the turn off a few times. In broad daylight.

    So wave maps and tell me how easy it is all you like but nonetheless a person familiar with the actual location had trouble finding it in 1996. Perhaps if he read a map he would have found it easily. Perhaps your friend who lived there all her life could find it easily. But as he was sure he knew the way the driver didn't consult a map and got lost, and your friend may be familiar with the area but has she ever been to either Alfie's or Sophie's? I note you say your friend describes it as "relatively" easy, not "very".

    I'm just putting it on record that I witnessed someone who was 100% certain they could find Alfie's house without a bother become confused in August 1996 to such an extent they missed the turn off a couple of times.

    Make of that what you will.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,007 ✭✭✭Deeec

    Anyone that had a reason to find Sophies house would have had no problem finding that house - even in 1996. The logic that the murderer must be local because nobody else could have found the house is complete nonsense.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    So because your friend missed the turn off it means the house was hard to find?

  • Registered Users Posts: 839 ✭✭✭Gussie Scrotch

    I think the debate about the ease or otherwise of locating Sophie's home is a bit of a red herring.

    Whoever did it almost definitely knew her.

    Even in the previously discussed and very unlikely event of it being a contract killing, the killer would certainly have ascertained his route in and out beforehand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    Because a person who was a very frequent visitor to Alfie's house, had been going there for a number of years, at all times of the day and in all seasons, managed to miss the turn off several times during broad daylight it means it wasn't as easey peasey as some people here claim. People who were never there I may add.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,218 ✭✭✭✭Bannasidhe

    I agree.

    I am, however, amused at the number of people who are certain it was a breeze to find what with OS maps and everything yet none of them ever set foot in the place. I am saying I was there in August 1996, and a person familiar with the house had difficulty finding it. That's it. I make no comment on locals vs visitors etc etc.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,007 ✭✭✭Deeec

    We dont know your friend so its hard to make a judgement on this. Some people are bad at navigation. Today some people get lost even using google maps!! We are just making the point that its a ridiculous claim to make that the killer must be local because an outsider couldnt possibly have found it.

    My cousins had to visit Sophies house ( for work purposes ) - said it was very easy to find and not as remote as people preceive.

    🤔 On a side note I dont know how Shirley is going to sell her and Alfies house if nobody can find it.

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