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2020 officially saw a record number of $1 billion weather and climate disasters.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3


    The data is so broken and inconsistent though that it is near impossible to work out a useful long term tend, and only going out as far as the end of 2018 is a bit annoying, but I'll have a fiddle around with it later.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    "Cause for concern" is one thing, "the end of civilisation" is a bit on another level, wouldn't you agree? The fact that you use a terminal cancer analogy just proves my point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Yeah, it's annoying that it's not the complete dataset, but the GHCN-D doesn't have that station data at all. It's still clear that the trend is flat, though maybe we could make up some readings the way Banana Republic did. I'd say we'd have Akrasia, Tryone and Thargor down on us like a tonne of bricks, yet it's notable how not one of them has the balls to pull him up on his fabricated nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    EDIT: Wrong thread. How do you delete a post?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    It proves my point, which is why I used it. It’s not alarmist if it’s a genuine threat.

    if I stub my toe and a doctor says it’s terminal, that’s alarmist. If I have terminal cancer and a doctor says it’s terminal….

    Climate change, at 2c is a genuine threat to civilization, but low probability. At 3c it’s a higher risk, at 4c it’s much higher.

    these are existential threats not just because of that level of warming, but because of the rapidly escalating risk of tipping points leading to runaway warming

    Allowing 2c of warming could create the conditions where 6c+ becomes inevitable

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    So for you, the outcome of 4 degrees of warming is the same as for someone who has terminal cancer? The cancer patient will die and so will humanity?

    It's ridiculous to even be discussing this but cancer prognoses can be made with a relatively high level of confidence due to the vast statistics on previous outcomes, i.e. the patient has only one of two possible outcomes, survival or death.

    It seems that you're claiming that climate change with 4 degrees of warming also has a binary outcome, either we survive or we don't. There's no middle scenario. Every person in every part of the globe will be affected negatively by it to such an extent that it will kill them. Nowhere on Earth will have benefits from climate change. No, it's all negative. THAT'S alarmism.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    This is all rather pointless given the highly fractured data from 'Camp Summit', but a chart showing the difference between the 2016-2018 daily average compared to the non-existent 92-15 daily mean.

    Ups and downs and much noise, but overall, the 3 year 2016-2018 annual mean runs almost 1.0c above that of its very broken 92-15 counterpart.

    Other points: the .25th percentile of the latter 3 year mean has risen 2.1c, indicating less severe cold spells in this period, but the .75th percentile showed a 0.4c drop, suggesting that very warm spells did not increase in number (in this period at least)

    Again, take with a huge pinch. This data set is very fractured to the point of being completely useless, which makes me ask, why did they even bother collecting such data if this was the result?

    Edit, data file that I used attached.

    Post edited by Oneiric 3 on

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    The press engage in alarmism everyday and are never called out by the alarmists on here. Disinformation is only good if it helps with one's narrative.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭Nabber

    Climate science has really done a disservice to the term science.

    Consensus is not science. Yet it’s often referred to as irrefutable fact. As seen here in this thread often. Science does not work on consensus.

    Also not sure why anyone is continuing to engage with Banana Republic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    I brought up terminal cancer to demonstrate that there can be an extremely negative prognosis that doesn’t qualify as alarmist. Climate change has the realistic potential to cause the collapse of civilization. And that potential increases the hotter we allow it to get

    You constantly calling me an alarmist for pointing this out, makes you a climate change denier. The science has been clear on this for a very long time and the latest IPCC report doubles down further. The IPCC share my view and urge governments to do everything they can to keep warming as far below 2c as they can.

    I am not the extremist here, you are

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    And here we have a genius literally denying that science is science

    ‘Consensus is not science’

    WTF are you talking about

    go back to the flat earth society where you belong

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Nobody has time for that. Do you post a rebuttal to every single daily express clickbait article warning of extreme weather?

    People should read the media with an open mind and check their sources

    that goes across the board, for everything

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    "You constantly calling me an alarmist for pointing this out, makes you a climate change denier"

    Does it? or is this just another example of false dichotomy? (as regularly practiced by vampire politicians and their lackeys in the press)

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    I’m not an alarmist for accepting the science as presented by the foremost experts in their fields and supported by the peer reviewed scientific research

    We are already seeing climate change impacts Tennessee just broke their maximum daily rainfall record by 3 whole inches. 17 inches of rain in a single day, killing at least 22 people in the resulting flash floods

    These extreme weather events are happening more often and are more severe than before. Infrastructure is not equipped for what were 1 in a thousand year events, which are now happening much more frequently. We're at 1c of warming, we'll see this increase to 3c of warming unless we get to carbon neutral asap.

    If you're tired of people attributing extreme weather to climate change, you'd better get used to it. The damage we've already caused is irreversible, and it's guaranteed to get worse. We just need to limit the damage as much as possible.

    "Governor Lee toured the area, stopping on Main Street in Waverly where some homes were washed off their foundations and people were sifting though water-logged possessions. Shirley Foster cried as the governor walked up. She said she just learned a friend from her church was dead.

    “I thought I was over the shock of all this,” she told Lee. “I’m just tore up over my friend. My house is nothing, but my friend is gone.

    The hardest-hit areas saw double the rain the area had in the previous worst-case scenario for flooding, meteorologists said. Lines of storms moved over the area for hours, wringing out a record amount of moisture – a scenario scientists have warned may be more common because of global warming."

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    So you really believe that civilisation could end due to 4 or 5 degrees of warming? Jesus, what a life of fear you must lead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    "If you're tired of people attributing extreme weather to climate change, you'd better get used to it".

    Get used to it?? We are used to nothing else these last 20 odd years!

    And if you want your science to be taken seriously by the public, then you'd better get used to the fact that they won't as long as the press and scientists themselves continue to cry wolf, and I say that with ease because unlike you, I don't throw myself down and worship at the feet of science and scientists, and I am honestly not sure why I should.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Crying wolf?

    " From 2000 to 2019, there were 7,348 major natural disasters around the world, killing 1.23 million people and resulting in $2.97 trillion in global economic losses.

    By comparison, the previous 20-year period, 1980-1999, had 4,212 natural disasters, claiming 1.19 million lives and causing $1.63 trillion in economic losses."

    Massive increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters, as predicted. and the rate of change is accelerating

    "We are twenty years into this new century, and disaster risk is taking on new shapes and sizes with every passing year. Disasters have never waited their turn, and increasingly risk is interconnected. Risk drivers and consequences are multiplying and cascading, colliding in unanticipated ways. We must have a commensurate systemic response with national and local strategies for disaster risk reduction fit for purpose. Political commitment, strategies and scenario planning have never been more important for disaster risk management. While this report focuses primarily on the staggering rise in climate-related disasters over the last twenty years, it is also a commentary on the need to strengthen disaster risk governance for the entire range of natural hazards and man-made hazards including related environmental, technological and biological hazards and risks. In the short-term, disaster management agencies have succeeded in saving many lives through improved preparedness and the dedication of staff and volunteers. But the odds continue to be stacked against them in particular by industrial nations that are failing miserably on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to levels commensurate with the desired goal of keeping global warming at 1.5˚C as set out in the Paris Agreement. At the same time, almost all nations failed to prepare appropriately to prevent the wave of death and illness unleashed across the globe by the COVID-19 pandemic despite many urgings to do so from a plethora of experts including WHO, UNDRR and others. It is baffling that we willingly and knowingly continue to sow the seeds of our own destruction, despite the science and evidence that we are turning our only home into an uninhabitable hell for millions of people"

    From the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    The atrribot is out working I see. Instant attribution of a training-showers event without any shred of evidence.

    Seeing as you're sure it was that, what was so unusual about Saturday's setup, etc., etc.? The usual questions I ask after each event that you auto-attribute to humans. One small area happened to get training showers over it. It happens. If you're going to say every event is due to climate change then I'm going to be pedantic and pull you up on it each time. It'll get very tedious...

  • Registered Users Posts: 744 ✭✭✭Heraclius

    What do you actually believe though? Do you think a relatively sudden large rise in temperature and associated rainfall and heatwaves will be benign?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Let me update your list; heatwave, coldwaves, rainfall, droughts, windstorms, calmstorms...

    Do I think a warmer world will change patterns? Yes. Previous pattern shifts have occurred during previous tempersrure cycles so no reason to believe they won't this time either.

    Do I think all changes will be negative? No. Why should they be?

    Do I think they will end civilisation? You're having a laugh.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 744 ✭✭✭Heraclius

    And the rapid pace of change doesn't trouble you? Or the impact on people? Or the fact that we could probably act to improve the potential outcomes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    There was an episode of the Simpsons in which an asteroid was coming to hit the town. Needless to say the population was in a panic but in the end the thing burned up in atmosphere. The towns folk solution to this never happening again was to go and burn down the observatory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    Weather has affected people every day since Day 0 but nobody cared about that until the CO2 bandwagon came along and it became profitable to care (just look at the keywords the Guardian put on their articles to see what their actual motive is. It's not care for people, that's for sure).

    We should definitely be getting off fossil fuels and moving to renewables. We should have done so long ago but the will was not there. Fossil is a finite resource that pollutes, regardless of what it does to temperatures. Nuclear, solar, wind, waves, tidal... There is zero actual reason why we can't be using a combination for these to satisfy our energy needs. Well, one reason, reliance on the ease of fossil.

    I will certainly be moving to an EV and installing solar panels in the near future, when it becomes financially feasible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 744 ✭✭✭Heraclius

    I can agree with your second paragraph but find the first one odd. I don't really care about apportioning the share of the blame for any given weather event to climate change since I think it just leads to pedantic squabbles. If we are fundamentally changing the climate of our planet that seems like something we should care about though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭Nabber

    Consensus is not part of scientific method. It's merely that a large number of people (this case scientists) have reached same conclusion. Consensus is not empirical evidence, nor is empirical evidence required required to reach consensus.

    Consensus is opinion. Scientific method uses objective frame work which does not use consensus.

    I'm no flat earther, anti vaxxer, anti science person that you default towards to diminish the personas contributions. But I can tell you this much, all flat earthers have reached consensus that the planet is flat. So they have consensus. Christians have concensus on Jesus... ect....

    You are on this thread acting like a blind fool. Any information, any threat to CO2 and it's invalidated impacts and you toss your toys out off the pram.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    you’re wrong. Consensus is not defined as ‘opinion’ it is defined as ‘agreement’

    the scientific consensus is not scientists believing the same things, it is research that reaches the same conclusions because that is what the data supports. This was demonstrated in multiple studies that looked at all research in the Peer reviewed literature and whether the conclusions weee skeptical or supportive of the ‘AGW’ hypothesis

    scientific findings are not the same as personal opinion.

    the consensus amongst ‘flat earthers’ is agreement that their conspiracy theories are correct, and that these mouth breathers know more than everybody else. The ‘consensus’ amongst climate change ‘skeptics’ or anti alarmists is based on an opinion that these people know better than the published scientific research because of ‘reasons’

    not much of a difference to flat earthers IMO

    On the other hand you have Gaoth Laidir expressions his opinion that everything will be grand, without backing it up with anything.

    ‘just asking questions’ is the refuge of the scoundrel when no matter what the answers to those questions are, the goalposts just keep on moving

    i referred to a deluge in Tennessee that shattered previous rainfall totals for the region. The response was essentially ‘ this is normal until you can prove otherwise’

    It would be laughable if it was not so serious

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    I’m glad you are planning on decarbonising when the figures add up for you but this is not enough

    we need the financial incentives to be so powerful that it is no longer a rational decision to burn fossil fuels, and only government and intergovernmental actions can accomplish this

    i Have posted the link to the hothouse earth study multiple times. Here’s one of the authors being interviewed about it

    in one part he says the rate of change now is unprecedented in the history of the earth apart from the event that wiped out the dinosaurs

    we do not want to activate these tipping points. It is not worth the risk

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    We're down to that word shatter again. The previous record was 13", this was 17". It's not wildely different to someone on the ground, 13" is already catastrophic.

    Tennessee state is less than half the size of Ireland so in the greater scheme of things breaking its record is not the national big deal it's being made out to be. Such falls will have occurred in other parts of the country so internal political borders are really irrelevant.

    The onus of proof is on he who claims out of the ordinary, not the other way around.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭Nabber

    Getting into semantics now.

    Consensus is agreement of opinions. Regardless of the level of effort required to determine that opinion. Consensus is not fact.

    I was originally challenging your use of consensus on the potential impact of a warming climate. To add further weight to validate your point.

    There was scientific consensus on an ice free Artic. Peer reviewed, modelled, demonstrated in multiple studies. Consensus of the majority of scientific opinion. One of many incorrect scientific climate consensus

    A scientific consensus is just a smarter way of saying ‘settled science’

    I note also that carbon reduction is more import to more in here that preventable diseases, 3rd world child mortality, and other human sufferings. Whose cause of death is fact, not peer reviewed scientific consensus. Deaths that can be ignored for the greater good I guess?

    What truly shows how narcissistic the Alarmists are, an estimated 9million die from starvation a year. This 9million isn’t mentioned, but if crop failure can be attributed to climate change, then the ‘threat’ of starvation is a major issue. But current starvation numbers are not an issue.
