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What are your views on Multiculturalism in Ireland? - Threadbanned User List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,920 ✭✭✭Cordell

    Years ago Spain tried something similar and the Germans went ballistic

    That is because they both are in the Schengen area. Ironically, Ireland opted out as to maintain control of its borders. Different times back then I guess.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The borders aren't wide open. As attested by the thousands of refugees denied entry and waiting in camps around various borders. Or the people who are deported from various countries. Or those on various waiting lists.

    Europe is under siege though.. although thankfully public opinion is shifting away from the pro-multiculturalism of the past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,271 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    its under siege literally.

    but when does it stop and how ? Do EU countries literally have to start failing before a consensus of... ‘ right we really need the ability to control our borders, take control of our country, law etc. ‘

    nobody wants to leave the EU, but it may be the lesser of two evils.

    a lot of people thought and I was once one of them that the British leaving the EU was foolhardy.... but it looks like short term pain for longtime gain now on their behalf.

    can the EU be fixed from within ? Hardly...

    how did we ever end up with the asylum rule ? We owe these people SFA, nothing. There will always be terror, injustice, pain and suffering in this world. There always has been. It’s the very nature of some people, cultures, countries.

    we just needed to be of the ability that it doesn’t happen here, therefore we need to control who we allow here. Control our way of life and our wellbeing/safety.

    countries who have facilitated and allowed mass immigration and sought to help, have been paid back by terrorism and murder...France, UK, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Norway, Greece...

    So far ONE THIRD of all EU countries have been attacked by Islamic Extremists from within. They’ve murdered over 1000 people. Injured more... More will come.

    we need to control our borders, our finances, and the safety, wellbeing and happiness of Irish people, Irish taxpayers first and foremost. This is OUR country... our successes, hopes, dreams and wellbeing here should come before anybody...

    these attacks are not carried out because of what EU citizens have done, more who they / we are. They want an Islamic world.

    where I live in Dublin there is freedom, you can worship in any faith, eat whatever food whatever day, get drunk stay sober, dress as a man, woman, bear, cowboy, whatever. Say what you want, blaspheme, curse, argue, tell the bishop to fûck himself, work 7 days a week... whatever, freedom, democracy... it’s great..

    NONE of that is in keeping with their ‘faith’... their religion or way of life... what’s coming, I don’t know. My inclination is to believe that in the next x years we will see similar tragic events here. Love to be wrong, but when you have Gardai training at train stations, stadiums, shopping centers, simulating these terror attacks, they expect them too... when they plaster it all over the media they are saying... you should expect it too, we’ll be ready as we can.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Erdogan has made a statement, hard to disagree with him.

    “We need to remind our European friends of this fact: Europe—which has become the center of attraction for millions of people—cannot stay out of [the refugee] problem by harshly sealing its borders to protect the safety and wellbeing of its citizens,” Erdogan said.

    “Turkey has no duty, responsibility, or obligation to be Europe’s refugee warehouse,” he added.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Last year in Europe a half a million people arrived to claim asylum during a global pandemic. This doesn't even count the number who didn't present themselves for asylum, general illegals, legal migrants etc. etc. The numbers year in year out are mind boggling.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I saw somewhere that under family reunification rules the average for every one migrant is 3 more family members arrive to stay in the new country. So whatever number of migrants is, you can expect the number to quadruple once the family arrives.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I find it interesting Erdogan's words about the EU "sealing its borders to protect the safety and wellbeing of its citizens". Almost that he is admitting that opening up the borders is a threat to the safety and wellbeing of the EU's citizens. How interesting.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    “Turkey has no duty, responsibility, or obligation to be Europe’s refugee warehouse,” he added.

    Right back at you Mr. Erdogan.

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Such fearmongering, if you actually believe all that waffle, I feel sorry for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,920 ✭✭✭Cordell

    nobody wants to leave the EU, but it may be the lesser of two evils.

    No, it's not. Leaving the EU means no more EU immigration, while non-EU immigration stays the same or maybe even gets worse. On top of every other problem that leaving the EU will bring.

    What they need to do is to make EU much less desirable and much more uncomfortable for this kind of people. And educate the ones already here.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There's a lot of families of victims, from the Manchester arena, to London, Paris, Brussels, Cologne, Nice and others who would disagree with you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,920 ✭✭✭Cordell

    No, you can't do this. These are all isolated incidents in no way representative of these communities of peaceful and modern people than enrich Europe! Of course there are a lot of incidents and a lot more will follow, but still, each of them is an isolated incident by itself and we can't blame the culture and the religion that drives them, that will be wrong and it will offend people. We can save lives but the price is to high, we can't offend people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,271 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    Fear... yes... i fear over whats happened, whats happening..because i holiday in Nice generally twice a year.. the location of the attack was 3 minutes from my usual hotel.

    Fear... yes... Im a regular visitor to London and have family there. The attacks too there would have been near regular places of interest..

    Two examples... ii dont want here to end up similarly... by inviting trouble you are enabling will happen...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Bubbly, When should people be able to express their concerns over these issues? Without being accused of fear-mongering?

    Anyway, in this very cynical age of ours, I wonder just how many people on boards would be affected by another posters opinion to the point of feeling terror over immigration.. 😵

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I don't get how we are only taking in 200 here from Afghanistan in a time of real crisis but yet we seem to be taking in lots of people from countries that are safe. Makes very little sense to me anyway

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Following on from what Spain did, all the EU countries (including Ireland even though we had an opt out) agreed in the 2008 Pact ( that there would be no mass regularisations of illegal immigrants.

    These pacts however have no legal standing as far as I'm aware (because you should be able to take a country at its word I assume). I kind of hope other EU citizens in Ireland contact their home politicans about this, its a disgrace and Ireland should be shamed for going back on what was agreed to in the pact. Our politicans have a brass neck scolding other countries about things and then going back on their word

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Because spoofers from safe countries are never turfed out, so they clog up the system and when a humanitarian crisis comes up theres no space.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Because the Asylum/refugee acts, includes a range of persecution that isn't just about war. Take people from SA who came here claiming asylum for persecution over being homosexual. While SA has progressive state policies about homosexual rights, socially/culturally it's a very hostile place. Or Nigeria which is quite wealthy and stable, but parts of the country are violent/dangerous. The claims can be made for asylum due to that.

    Many countries look to be safe on paper... but the reality is often very different. This is especially true with many African nations.

    Although, I do think that many of the claims shouldn't be in Ireland, but rather somewhere closer to their own countries, but then, Ireland has traditionally been a soft touch when it comes to claims, and as such, it's a popular destination for anyone seeking "refuge". The Afghans are a good example of that, with there being a wide range of countries capable of taking them in.. but our politicians love the grand gesture of taking in refugees, and so, we'll be getting a lot more than 200 over the next few years (they'll also bypass the normal system for asylum/refugee applications, and get in quickly)

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Actually, concerns over immigration and policies are one thing, it's important to have plans and regulations in place for immigration. We do.

    that particularly post was so over the top that I would nearly fear for the mental health of the poster, who seems to believe that a huge army of Muslims are going to march all over our country, bombing us into submission!

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Bubbly, the post reflected the fears that what happened on mainland Europe could happen here, and since there has been no improvement in relations between these ideologies and western culture, it's reasonable to believe that the range/frequency of attacks will increase over time.

    You called his post fear-mongering, but you tend to downplay the problems too much. Is there some kind of massive wave of Islamic fanatics set to destroy Europe? Nope, and I doubt many believe that there is such a thing.

    Are there tens of thousands of Muslims currently in M.Eastern/African countries with strong views about Islam and the desire to punish westerners for their actions (US and coalition forces abroad)? Yes, there are. The point being that they're not here, although with immigration policies being the way they are, the chance of them coming to Europe (if they desired) are quite high.

    As for immigration policies, I believe that the system we have is pretty good, when it's implemented properly... when there is the political will to support that system, which we don't have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,052 ✭✭✭✭flazio

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Thanks for the PDF, unfortunately that's 2008 though, 13 years ago. The current crop of Irish politicians have other priorities now.

    Look what's gone on in the last year:

    1. Even more relaxation of our Visa laws

    2. Tens of thousands of illegals on road to citizenship.

    3. Thousands more asylum seekers and refugees being brought in.

    4. All this from the 3 government parties and waiting in the wings we have Sinn Fein, the labour party and the social democrats who are trying desperately to remove our Birth right laws.

    5. and on and on and on

    We have one of the highest immigrant populations in the world and it's only going to increase more and more.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,573 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    I completely agree with this. The idea that the EU forced the UK to accept mass migration is a malicious lie. The reality is the UK establishment was itself a significant factor in driving the EU to be an open border neoliberal economic zone. The hope of an end to mass migration was dangled in front of UK voters as a carrot. The reality is that British voters will find out that nothing will change on the mass migration front so long as they are ruled by London. If anything it will only get worse. Already, post Brexit the UK conservative party have offered no questions access to the entire population of Hong Kong, and now to any fighting aged Afghan male. The post-Brexit narrative is that an English person has more in common politically, culturally and economically with an Afghani tribesman than they do with other Europeans. The British peoples sense of themselves and their own interests is unfortunately all too often hopelessly muddled with that of the British Empire.

    Brexit was actually a liberation for the rest of the EU - there is now a snowballs chance in hell that the EU might refocus on protecting European people over and beyond multiculturalism and neoliberalism. National political elites have given less attention to European politics, and the EU has already been setting out its moral authority to punish member states which betray European (neoliberal) values. So whose to say the EU can not be the vehicle to punish member states which push multiculturalism against the interests of Europes indigenous people?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,573 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    If I recall correctly, the Manchester Arena bombing was carried out by a man rescued from Libya by the Royal Navy in 2014. Three years later he paid them back by killing 23 and wounding more than a thousand. Right now the UK armed forces are scrambling to rescue more fighting aged men from Afghanistan and bring them to the UK with no questions asked.

    What could go wrong?

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,560 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    I saw at some stage recenty that the % of Irish people who emigrate is pretty much in line with the % of people living in Ireland who were born elsewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,560 ✭✭✭✭Tell me how

    Small consolation to the families but thankfully an indication of the compassion most people in the country have for people who come to Ireland and contribute to it in many ways.

    For every person complaining about immigrants and wanting Ireland to go back in to the past in terms of isolation and non-integration, there are many many more who are welcoming and appreciative of others.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I know, it's deranged right?! I mean come on, where do these right wing loonies get their ideas that muslims would be capable of terrorising innocent European civilians. It's off the wall stuff. Thankfully not something you tend to see in the real world right?

    I guess you could say migration into Europe from the Middle East and Africa has been "fiery, but mostly peaceful".

  • Posts: 18,749 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]


    It has been mostly peaceful.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Apart from the truck attacks, beheading of priests, grooming gangs, bombings, threats to free speech, shootings, mass sexual assaults, female genital mutilation, failure to integrate, Sharia law councils, killings of cartoonists.

    Apart from those - it's been bliss.
