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All Covid-19 measures are permanent, don't be a boiling frog!



  • Registered Users Posts: 15,120 ✭✭✭✭Ha Long Bay

    You can do all them things. Vaccines are not mandatory.

    Travel - Get a PCS test

    Food and grub - sit outside they will be happy to serve you.

    Just a quick question are you in Ireland yourself just asking based on you mentioning "Republic Of Ireland" in your previous post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    Why can't you debate without sneering? Why the "let me hold your hand" diatribe?

    Leaving that aside..what job requires that one have a vaccination? Why would one be refused entry to a place of commerce bereft of proof that they had had a medical procedure administered?

    Do you think it would be ok that bars, clubs, pubs, and a plethora of other venues such as restaurants and theatres be allowed to refuse you the right of entry on the grounds that you might have an infectious disease such as an STI, influenza, a cold, etc? And if you are au fait with that then why have you not clamoured for this since the AIDS scare of the 1980's?

    And your "You're free to look for another job" quip is, quite frankly, revolting.

    "No neegras allowed work on this land. You're perfectly free to go find another source of income. Now GIT!, ya hear!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I sneer because you conspiracy theorists can't seem to answer simple and direct questions.

    I've answered yours in a direct concise manner.

    Answer mine please.

    • Why do the people behind the conspiracy want to have this measure be permanent?

    If you can't, just admit that you can't. No need to dance around it.

    I also like that you are now trying to frame me as a racist land owner. Hilarious coming from you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    First off.......a PCS test is inconlusive and the scam has been exposed.

    Secondly.... are you suggesting that someone stumps up £150 just so they can buy a £6 beer or £2 bottle of water?

    Thirdly... My whereabouts is none of your business but as an Irishman I always refer to my country as the "Republic Of Ireland".

    Fourthly....Explain to me why one has to have your tests in the Republic Of Ireland yet these are not necessary to have a drink or a pizza anywhere else in Europe? Surely this virus can't determine what country it is in, or can it?

    Fifth...If I am required to show proof of medical intervention, i.e. a vaccine, in order to buy a glass of beer then legally am I also entitled to demand such proof from the staff serving and if it is not forthcoming can I have the place evacuated and shut down because it's a health risk?

    I mean, am I being a real upstart here? I saw two police officers almost shoulder to shoulder get out of a car and admonish a couple who were sitting on a bench holding hands because they weren't 1.5 or 2 metres apart. I met up with an old flame who is all "follow the rules, don't rock the boat". We greeted and she did that cretinous elbow thing. Had a few drinks and then went for dinner. She sat beside me and then waiting for her taxi she snogged me for old time's sake. So much for social distancing.

    And nobody questions this crap. I had to laugh when 30 people were allowed at a wedding but only 10 at a funeral. Who dances close INDOORS at a funeral?

    Formula 1 are allowing people to tent up and stay to watch the races over the course of a week....tens of thousands, but a 24 hour oudoor concert is not allowed for "safety concerns"

    You can go to Mass or whatever your choice of worship is but YOGA studios are not allowed to open.

    Two blokes walking 100 metres apart hitting a ball down a fairway is forbidden yet Dunnes Stores and SuperValu is more rammed than Woodstock?

    But then I suppose I should just wrap my head on tinfoil because questioning things means one thinks the Pope is a crocodile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    More ranting with zero substance all while ignoring a very simple question.

    Again you demonstrate why no one takes you and your conspiracy theories seriously.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    Flat Earthers and Lizard believers and the variety of others are, as you say, generally harmless. But they are useful tools to besmirch those who harbour legitimate skepticism about decisions made by authority. You've done this yourself and quite openly. If someone raises a question that contravenes your take on the situation then you have likened them to nutcases who also wrap their heads in tinfoil lest their brains be fried by the Borg.


    Bodily integrity is now a thing of the past. It is becoming mandatory now to surrender the last line of your freedom


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,960 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Large website Reddit finally starting to take action against Covid disinformation and anti-vaxxers, here is the related post:

    Anyone I know or talk to about this is sick to the teeth with the anti-vaxxers and Covid conspiracy theorists spreading their nonsense, definitely seems there's a growing demand to curb and moderate the disinfo as it's actually dangerous

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭Killinator

    I saw two police officers almost shoulder to shoulder get out of a car and admonish a couple who were sitting on a bench holding hands because they weren't 1.5 or 2 metres apart

    An addition to the list of things that never happened 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    Should a person be required to divulge their medical condition before they are afforded the right to employment, service or travel?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    What conspiracy theories am I putting forward?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    My conspiracy theory is that OP is fake and used to generate clicks.

    But ok Ill bite.

    In the first post theres a call to meet up, which no doubt went ahead with some attendence.

    During this meet up numerous bacteria and viruses were spread by touch, in the air, and in the droplets of spit propelled from the mouth during various cries of freedom.

    I doubt theres anyone, even here, who will deny that happened. Or that when youre in close proximity and in a crowd youre transmitting and receiving various microbes.

    And from there we can see all we really need to know on the entire matter.

    Self trolling trolls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    So you were there and witnessed it all? It never happened because of what? Your presence? I witnessed a guy falling out of the pub and pissing in a corner. That never happened either, right? I saw two assholes kick a car on their way home. That never happened either, right? I saw a kid fall off a bicycle. I saw a dog take a crap on the side of the road. I also saw a couple sitting together on a park bench and be told to move apart by two persons in a car, the distance between them being impossible unless the car was 2 metres wide. I haven't seen one of those on patrol in my entire life. Have you?

    Have you ever seen a cop car that affords the occupants 1.5 m distance from one another?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭dePeatrick

    Well there is one positive about them, I know one person who has turned out to be an anti vaxxer and has swallowed the whole Great reset etc etc bs whole. I can never look at this person the same again, I’ve lost all respect for them and now wonder about a whole lot of things they have said over the years as well.

    This was prompted by a friend who told me they had experienced exactly the same thing with someone they knew quite well…or so they thought. They have distanced themselves from that person as have I, and this is not a temporary arrangement. I’m sure we are not alone in this reaction and I understand that this further isolates anti-vaxxers unfortunately and they gravitate towards each other then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    An excellent question. Please tell us.

    You keep demonstrating that you don't seem to be able to explain what you believe in any detail.

    I asked you a very simple question. You've made it clear that you aren't willing or able to answer it. Why do you keep dodging it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭Killinator

    It didn't happen not because I didn't see it but because you made it up.

    I know there's no room in the squad car for 'police officers' or as we call ourselves 'Gardaí'.

    I also know that plenty of Gardaí travel in the patrol cars or vans without masks, although whenever I'm in the car I do my best to remember my mask as do my colleagues.

    However I don't believe that Gardaí or Police Officers told a couple sitting on a bench holding hands to separate and keep their distance. Sorry you just over egged it with that.

    You should have said it was a group of youths sitting at a park bench/picnic table have a few chats and stuff, would have been much more believable but you decided against a more believable story.

    As I said, I'm not saying it didn't happen because I didn't witness it, I've seen all the other stuff you mentioned and more myself but that particular incident didn't happenainly because you made up a story, or to put it bluntly, you lied!

    I can say I met Santa while responding to a burglary on Christmas Eve, you weren't there so you can't know it didn't happen, right?! See how that works.

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte


    a PCS test is inconlusive and the scam has been exposed.

    and this:

    The measures that are being effected will not go away

    and this:

    Bodily integrity is now a thing of the past.

    and this:

    a mandatory needle in the arm

    Please - not Kary Mullis again...

  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭buzzerxx

    The magic potion wasn't created for the scary sickness.

    The scary sickness was created for the magic potion.

    The corruption will be permanent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭Killinator

    I suppose asking for a bit more specifics would be a stretch?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,960 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    They've been asked many times. When posting nonsense the key is to avoid specifics, and questions

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,484 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    Anyone know a gibberish translator? Google translate went kaput when I paste that nonsense post into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    OK. So the claim has shifted again.

    We're back to the idea that the virus is manufactured. This is a lie, but ok.

    Who made it? Why?

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    We're back to the idea that the virus is manufactured.

    Of course it was. But not, like the poster claimed, for the 'magic potion' - I guess he means the vaccines. EVERYBODY KNOWS that the actual, proven truth is that Covid was created by Fauci, for election fraud by mail in voting due to lockdowns!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    [..thinking about setting 'THE CORRUPTION WILL BE PERMANENT' spoken by a robotic voice as ringtone on the mobile..]


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    Why should I tell you something that I haven't done, yet for which you are accusing me?

    Are you playing a game here?

    You accuse me of putting forth a theory. I ask what I was supposed to have tabled and your response is "you tell us".


  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    OK. So then you don't believe there's a conspiracy to make any measures permanent.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,807 ✭✭✭ShatterAlan

    You just stated that I put forward a conspiracy theory.

    Are you going to stand up and vociferously defend what you have posted, and back up your claims?

    OR are you just going to slam each post with a bunch of questions?

    You accused me of putting forward a theory and then demanded that I answer questions regarding things I never said.

    A shabby little tactic, but one I hasten to say, that you enjoy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    You have vaguely hinted at there being a real reason for why restrictions are being put in place and that they are planned to be permanent.

    You do so here:

    Specifically, you have vaguely hinted that the real reason for vaccine requirements is to remove the idea of bodily integrity for some nefarious purpose. Something about sharks.

    if this isn't the case, simply so.

    If you agree that there is no conspiracy to make any covid measures permanent, then I will withdraw my accusation.

    So do you agree that there is no conspiracy here? Yes or no?

    (Now watch as you yet again weasel away from a direct question. Shabby tactics indeed.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,484 ✭✭✭Fighting Tao

    All the conspiracy theorists have really gone into hiding with further news of restrictions being removed. Not much left now to clutch into now lads, eh?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,544 ✭✭✭✭Timberrrrrrrr

    I'm sure they will have some excuse (lifting is only temporary, this was just the trial run etc) the next conspiracy will be along shortly for them to pounce on.

This discussion has been closed.