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Off Topic Chat. (MOD NOTE post# 3949 and post#5279)



  • Registered Users Posts: 39,287 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    That says 3 to 1. Which is the traditional ratio quoted and the one I am familiar with. You claimed 9 to 2, which is significantly higher, 50% higher.

    But even at 3 to 1, you are misapplying it. The 3 to 1 comes from the idea that a dug-in, fortified defender can hold off 3 attackers. It should be obvious that there is an advantage in defense;

    Two trenches with 12 men in each, 100metres apart in a field. One side is tasked with climbing out, crossing no man's land, and taking the opposite trench. The other staying put and defending from cover. All things being equal, would I would expect the defenders to win that engagement. I know what side I'd want to be on. Even if the defenders only had 5 or 6 men, should be straight forward. But 2 or 3 men, and they're odds slip. That's the 3 to 1 ratio.

    But it applies on a engagement level. Not a total level. The Taliban were out numbered 3 to 1, so in a all out tete-a-tete, the Afghans should have blown them away. But this wasn't an all out battle. A larger army spread out to defend a broader area, could be defeated at individual waypoints and a force that is totally smaller in size. Numbers are one part of the picture.

    As an example, you are the data in the first post you linked to:


    When the attackers outnumber the defenders 3/1. They won 74% of the time.

    When the defenders outnumbered the attackers, from 3/2 to 3+/1, the defenders only won 50% of the time. Hardly uncommon for the smaller force to win, in that sample of nearly 600 engagements.

    So no. the smaller not NEED a numerical advantage of 9 to 2, or 3 to 1. A 3x numerical advantage simple makes it probably that they will win. It is still very possible for the smaller side to win.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,773 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    Yeah, the deal is one thing. I can understand they'd both want out of Afghanistan.

    The clusterfcuk of a withdrawal is where I have the real problem. It was carried out 100% under Biden's watch. Trump can't be blamed in any way for how that part of it was organised.

    I think if the Trump/Biden roles were reversed, the Media and Joe Public wouldn't be acting the way they are now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,287 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    I'll preface this by saying I'm not in anyway across the logistics of withdrawing a force of that size. I don't know what is optimum. But from this vantage point, I don't see any possible way that a withdrawal could have happened that wasn't a clusterfcuk. Pull out quickly and suddenly, and the standing army are left largely scrambling holding their flutes. A slow, staged withdrawal, sees the power balance shift slowly and predictably - until the last fraction of US forces left are is a really compromised spot verses a the Taliban (who are not bothered about sticking to the terms of the deal).

    Maybe there is a really obvious optimal way to do it. But it that is the case, why didn't the military experts making this decision do that. And we should be really clear on that. The president is the commander in chief, ultimately signing the order. But people don't actually believe that they have any real input in military strategizing. Actually on that note, the high ranking military chiefs and advisors who oversaw the deal, are the same officials in office that oversaw the withdrawal. Theres really no logical reason to believe what happened this month is any different to what was planned last year.

    So what exactly are you criticizing, specifically what actions, or in-actions of the Biden administration? I think it's a bit of a stretch to say Trump had no part it in. The wheels have been in motion for 18-24 months. This is a new plan that Biden made up recently. In fact, two months ago Trump was claiming it was all his plan that couldn't be stopped.

    Would Trump get more of a rinsing in the left wing media than Biden is currently getting. Possibly.

    By the same token, the right wing media, pro republican and/or pro military observers didn't say a word when Trump negotiated with the Taliban. Do you honestly think that if Biden did the same they same pass would be given to Joe?. Not a fcuking hope. Negotiating with terrorists, specifically the terrorists that caused 9/11, there would be all sorts of soap boxing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,773 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    I'll start with an easy point.

    The Taliban didn't cause 9/11. That was Al Qaeda. They allowed Bin Laden and a pile of Saudi Arabians shelter in their country but they didn't cause the 9/11 attacks.

    You ask what I'm criticising:

    I'm criticising a situation where the airport, the main evacuation point wasn't secured.

    I'm criticising a situation that caused/allowed people to cling onto an aeroplane and fall to their death from it when it was in the air.

    I'm criticising a situation where translators who were promised safety were left high and dry with the knowledge that the Taliban will probably kill them and their families.

    I could go on and on and on. It was never going to be a pain free withdrawal, but it certainly could have been handled better.

    My main point though is how easy of a ride Biden is getting compared to Trump. I'm not a Trump supporter by the way, just pointing out media and general public hypocrisy. When anybody, anywhere, wearing a Make America Great Again hat did anything remotely bad, it was the orange man's fault. Biden or his minions (the military) don't seem to be held to that same standard of account.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,160 ✭✭✭Richard308

    I was using an over simplified version. Which was broken down a nine man section can expect to overcome a two man trench, armed with similar ordnance, similar motivation and training. With time to prepare defences.

    there have been documented cases where two mean have defeated a full platoon of 31 men. Armed only with rifles against an attacking force armed with anti tank, heavy machine guns and 60 mm mortars.

    its all relative, and each context is different

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  • Registered Users Posts: 39,287 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Al Qaeda and the Taliban are not the same thing. But they are not mutually exclusive.

    Al Queda was a terrorist organisation heading by Bin Laden, who funded and order the attack. True.

    The Taliban were political power running Afghanistan. There’s really obvious reason to separate a political wing and a terrorist wing. That doesn’t clear them if responsibility.

    Bin Laden was convicted of terrorist bombings and murder years prior. Multiple times his extradition was requested. The Taliban repeatedly refused. They protected him, and facilitated the attacks. They could have stopped it, they choose not to.They also refused to hand him over after the attacks. When they finally conceded, he was gone. Conveniently :rolleyes:

    Not sure what your angle is here. The Taliban are good guys really? It’s not them, it’s the others? Regardless, what they did or didn’t do, the point was that had the Dems negotiated with them, they would have got the same pass. If Biden freed terrorists, I don’t think he get a pass from the right that Trimp got.

    Yes, Trump and Biden get treated differently, by both sides. It’s hypocritical to complain about one side treat one differently, when they both treat both differently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,287 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    Who was supposed to secure the airport? Many of the locals trying to flee where the police and military who were supposed to be the security.

    Those climbing on to the plane. Who do you think is fleeing Kabul?

    The Afghan military are multiples the size of forces pulling out. They are the ones supposed to be providing security. Fleeing wasn’t anyone’s plan.

    Similarly with the translators, if the Trump administration promised them safety. Which agreed method of safety did the Biden administration fail to provide?

    Biden’s “minions” that fcuked this up, we’re Trumps minions planning it 12 months ago. Same people. Same plan. Same result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,287 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    The quote ratio is 3 to 1, not 9 to 2 though.

    And sure, there are cases where defenders have out lasted much bigger forces. But similarly, the opposite is true. 6 attacks with only personal arms, capturing a city with a force of thousands.

    The point is it can go either way. Saying the Taliban needed 9 to 2 to overcome a defending force is not true.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,160 ✭✭✭Richard308

    Ok, the ratio to defend according to the us military is 1:3 and the ratio to attack is 3:1. So who wins in those ratios?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,113 ✭✭✭Zxthinger

    How are ye finding the new platform?

    The old one was a lot better in my opinion..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭Mississippi.

    Not as user friendly

    Much less traffic on it

    Keeps logging me out and then not recognising my password , I have to click forgot password every time

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭Feisar

    As a whole I'm not liking it however will hang on here as a place to chew the fat with other shooters in Ireland. Accurate Shooter/Snipers Hide are grand however it's nice to chat to lads in the same boat as myself.

    First they came for the socialists...

  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭Mississippi.

    I'll continue to use it allright,

    It's kind of depressing looking at some of them foreign based forums when you see what they have available to them

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Mellor - So what exactly are you criticizing, specifically what actions, or in-actions of the Biden administration?

    Just reading back through some posts and from watching the TV over the last week or more I have to ask what part of this withdrawal was done right?

    I see the current administration constantly cite Trump as the cause. First of I find it funny that biden in his first three week sin office undone over 60 EOs of Trump to "erase" his presence, but this is the thing he could not alter/amend/change. This is true from the point he [Trump] negotiated the date, which biden extended however Trump is now not the President so anyting that happens after January 22nd is on Biden. Of course the blame game solves nothing so look at what happened.

    • Troops withdrawn first.
    • Civilians left and told to go to airport
    • Civilians attacked on the way to airport.
    • Bien adminstration says Taliban have given a promise people will not be stopped or harmed.
    • Reporters on the ground show live images of people being beaten, pistol whipped, and having their passports taken/destroyed on the way to airport.
    • Biden admin tells people NOT to go to the airport, that they'll contact them to make arrangements
    • During all this an estimated $85 BILLION Dollars worth of weaponary, helicoptors, drones, APCs, Humvees, and other military equipement is seized by the taliban.

    Then onto the last week alone:

    • People begging to be rescued, and the biden admin saying they are doing everything they can, yet reporters on site (in Afghan) are saying they have not been contacted at all.
    • People that had no passes or "VISAs" let go, but those on the list to be withdrawn left behind.
    • Biden admin then moves the narrative from we're doing all we can to its their (the people left behind) own fault. IOW victim blaming.
    • White house press secretary says they don't negotiate with terrorists................. while negotiating with terrorists. Not to mention arming them.
    • Biden the refusing to answer questions on Afghanistan. When he does its only pre-approved questions from re-approved reporters.
    • Biden stumbles and mutters his way through press conferences looking confused and lost. Says the people falling from planes was four days ago as though four days is somehow the statute of limitations for being outraged. Seriously this is verging on elder abuse.
    • Intel (British and American) warns of terrorist attack being imminent.
    • Attacks occurs and 13 service men are killed along with some 40 civilians and reportedly 20 or so taliban.
    • Biden promises swift vengence, while running the in other direction.
    • More attacks promised via official channels.
    • At Dover airforce base Biden cannot keep it together long enough to honour the men arriving home, and LOOKS AT HIS WATCH as though its an incoveinience to him to be there.
    • Kamala harris is nowhere to be seen. Off on an Asian tour while the administration is burning around her, until she is told to come home.
    • Hundreds if not thousands now left behind.
    • Service dogs, both military and contractors, left in crates at airforce base to die.

    There has not been one point in this whole debalce where Biden acted Presidential, with common sense, with determination or a sense to protect those he should be protecting. Yes I understand that there is a huge machine of a system working in the background, but he is the so called commander in chief and responsible for the failures as well as any victories.

    In the last week he has said, at the podium, that he was instructed to do this, instructed not to do that, that he would get in trouble for this and that. Who is the "they" he keeps referring to and who is actually controlling who he talks to, what he says to the point that he cannot coherently form a response to a question that falls outside of what is on his cheat cards?

    Again this is not an attack based on partisan politics. I'm neither dem nor rep and had Trump been in office overseeing this farce I'd be asking the same questions, but at no point can anyone with even a lick of common sense (military experience is not requisite to basic understanding) can say with straight face or in all honesty that this was anything other than an abject failure of both administration and the President.

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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    In home news has anyone noticed how NPHET are chaging the rules on what can and cannot be done based on the actions, and violations, of the Tánaiste? Seems whenever he breeches coid restrictions/guidelines the rules magically change, and retrospectively so, to make what he done a "boo-boo" rather than a €2,000 fineable offence that us mere motrals must stump up?

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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Reports also in the news of all restrictions ending by October 22nd.

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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Apart from still walking about with your face muzzle for the near future/indefinately.. Whats also the betting NONE of this Covid legislation will be repealed off the statue books either,and like the offences against the state act,will be renewed in perpetuity?

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭Feisar

    I'd love to know what benefit the masks have been.

    First they came for the socialists...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Add to the list of sleepy Joes messes.

    Refusing to allow either civilian or military contractors or personnel to work or service the critical air support of the Afghan army that could have made all the difference to stop the advance. The Afghan army has been modelled on the US army where air cover plays a critical role. Without air cover, they weren't going to do much of a fight.

    The poor SOBs were trying to fix and replace and update avionics electronics with Zoom calls to the State bound technicians. Try working on a 5 million dollar Blackhawk engine assembly like that...So at least the slight good thing out of that will be the avionics and engines and the like will be high tech junk sitting on a runway within 12 months. That's if they don't crash land the rest already. They have apparently belly-flopped 3or4 of the Blackhawks so far.

    According to the New York times of 26th July The Taliban were in contact with the US govt, and offered them control of Kabul until today! As they knew it would descend into a lawless panicked mess that they couldn't police and would have allowed an orderly evacuation. The Biden admin categorically refused this offer. end result there are still over 5thousand US citizens stuck in this utter clusterfuk and having to rely on their own initiatives to get home and out of this situation as the US govt has dumped them.

    The US and the West no longer "own the night" as that state of the art NV and thermal gear will soon be reverse-engineered and mass-produced by China and Russia. Not to mind the ECM countermeasures and surveillance drones. Think of it this way lads.Abdul Abu the goat herder in Khander is now better equipped in night vision and thermal equipment, that we would have to drop at least 7Gs to own here and do a BS load of paperwork to import and own,as well as with a new M4 assault rifle,that we could only dream of owning...And the senile moron in the White House is still braying on about gun control,and that you need nukes and F15s to take down a govt...

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    There is an "end time" of november, iirc, for the end of the current legislation so if its renewed again they'll want to have a good reason.

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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Grizzly 45 - So at least the slight good thing out of that will be the avionics and engines and the like will be high tech junk sitting on a runway within 12 months.

    Assumign its not sold off to other foreign powers seeking to know/understand/exploit the technology within it.

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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,773 ✭✭✭✭BattleCorp

    I'd say they've helped slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Recent studies show they have only 8 to 10%, max, efficacy in slowing the spread.

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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭Feisar

    In fairness I'll take that, might of saved a few lives.

    First they came for the socialists...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,987 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Considering they have now left the C Ram system [Counter Rocket and Mortar] that was protecting Kabul airport from further mortar attacks and "disabled " it...THAT will be the rare prize Going by pics from the Daily Mail it looks like they did a good job on the combat aircraft in disabling them.

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 778 ✭✭✭tonysopprano

    If you can do the job, do it. If you can't do the job, just teach it. If you really suck at it, just become a union executive or politician.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Forum Charter - Useful Information - Photo thread: Hardware - Ranges by County - Hunting Laws/Important threads - Upcoming Events - RFDs by County

    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,536 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    The terrorist knife attack in New Zealand has resulted in knives and scissors being removed from supermarket shelves. So once again the actions of a sinlge, mentally unstable person, has consequences for those that had no part or hand in it. IOW your actions DO NOT dictate how you will be treated.

    The PM said she is once again rushing through legislation to combat the loophole that allowed an islamic extremeist, that already served a prison sentence, to remain in the country, but when pressed said the new legisaltion would do little/nothing to stop a similar attack as what happened.

    So in short we're going to legislate in reaction to this, but it won't actually solve anything.

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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 1,497 Mod ✭✭✭✭otmmyboy2

    So like every kneejerk legislation?


    After the NZ mosque shooting the playbook was to immediately announce gun bans, despite the killer's manifesto specifically stating that was his goal.

    Muppets, but then there seem to be more muppets than not in recent years.

    Never forget, the end goal is zero firearms of any type.

    S.I. No. 187/1972 - Firearms (Temporary Custody) Order - Firearms seized

    S.I. No. 21/2008 - Firearms (Restricted Firearms and Ammunition) Order 2008 - Firearm types restricted

    Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 - Firearms banned & grandfathered

    S.I. No. 420/2019 - Magazine ban, ammo storage & transport restricted

    Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 - 2023 Firearm Ban (retroactive to 8 years prior)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,160 ✭✭✭Richard308

    One supermarket took knives and scissors temporarily off the shelves afaik. I think it’s opportunistic of the chain to get free publicity so your premise is flawed. There is no legislation from what I’ve read.
